Can we create volumes inside docker container - centos

I am trying to create logical volumes (like /dev/sdb or so) inside a running centos docker container. If anyone has tried doing so successfully, please help!
After installing lvm2 and running lvmetad, when I tried creating a VG, I get the below error:
bash-4.2# lvcreate -L 2G stackit
/dev/mapper/control: open failed: Operation not permitted
Failure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver.
Check that device-mapper is available in the kernel.
striped: Required device-mapper target(s) not detected in your
Run `lvcreate --help' for more information.

I'm not sure what exactly what you are trying to do, but docker containers by default run with restricted privileges.
Try adding (old way)
Or (new way)
To give the container full privileges. Then you can narrow down which capabilities you actually need to give the container.


How can I change the config file of the mongo running on ECS

I changed the mongod.conf.orig of the mongo running on ECS, but when I restart, the changes are gone.
Here's the details:
I have a mongodb running on ECS, it always crashes due to out of memory.
I have found the reason, I set the ECS memory to 8G, but because the mongo is running in a container, it detected a higher memory.
when I run db.hostInfo()
I got the memSizeMB higher than 16G.
It caused that when I run db.serverStatus().wiredTiger.cache
I got a "maximum bytes configured" higher than 8G
so I need to reduce the wiredTigerCacheSizeGB in config file.
I used the command line copilot svc exec -c /bin/sh -n mongo to connect to it.
Then I found a file named mongod.conf.orig.
I ran apt-get install vim to install vi and edit this file mongod.conf.orig.
But after I restart the mongo task, all my changes are gone. include the vi I just installed.
Did anyone meet the same problem? Any information will be appreciated.
ECS containers has ephemeral storage. In your case, you could create an EFS and mount it in a container, then share the configuration.
If you use CloudFormation, look at mount points.

docker-compose portmapping gives failed to create endpoint hnsCall failed in Win32: The specified port already exists

I have started a new (.net core 3.0)project in Visual Studio, with Docker support (Windows)
I have added Docker support (right-click on project Add->Docker support) and in the same way added Docker compose support.
If I just Click "play-button" for Docker Compose, the project starts everything works well.
But when I run docker-compose up from the solution folder I get
Cannot start service testproj30: failed to create endpoint
testproj30_testproj30_1 on network nat: hnsCall failed in Win32: The
specified port already exists.
(I have closed my VS solution). If I remove the port mapping in docker-compose.override.yaml I dont get this error message. I have dont the most common tricks with restarting docker servce, hni service and so on. Nothing helps.
I dont want to depend on all VS-voodoo from the project file and God knows what other files that are involved.
I can run docker run -p 8080:80 443:443 without any port problems
I fixed a similar problem by removing some terminated container and then pruning networks.
List terminated container :
docker ps -a
Remove them (Cygwin syntax) :
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
You will have error message for runnnig containers.
Clean your networks :
docker network prune
For myself, the main cause was the Docker killing process skiped the port releasing mechanism of my application.

systemctl from inside docker container fails with D-Bus connection error

I have setup a docker container based on OpenSuse 12, installed some additional files and copied some installer binaries into the container. So far everything fine.
From inside a running image of the container I now need to run the aforementioned setup program but this needs to have uuid.socket up and running - uuid.socket in turn needs systemctl to work correctly and this causes an error like this:
hxehost:/usr/sap/SRCFiles # systemctl
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1
I started the docker container like this:
docker run -h hxehost -i -t f3096b0aa964 /bin/bash
Which, according to some postings should start a machine container as opposed to an application container.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here??? How do I get systemctl to work inside a docker container?
I tried to starte the container with this command, which according to linked hints should do, but to no avail
docker run --privileged --rm -ti -e 'container=docker' -h hxehost --network="bridge" --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /tmp -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro siliconchris/hxe:v0.0.2 /bin/bash
If I do this, systemctl still gives exact same error.
If I start /sbin/init instead of /bin/bash, I can see that quite a lot of services are started (some, like wicked, login and module, fail). In the end, the container presents me with a login. After login, I can now execute systemctl and it shows all services with their respective states.
Now my next question is: IS THIS APPROACH FEASIBLE AT ALL???
Best regards,
You may find the repo to this image at SAP HANA Express Edition inside docker
Most current Linux systems depend on SystemD running, and systemctl will send requests to it. However most applications did install easily when I replaced the systemctl binary with a script that just interprets start/stop/status/enable commands. As another benefit, it would not need anymore those complicated startup-commands for the resulting image to get the systemd mapped into the container. May be that would help you? Please have a look at the docker-systemctl-replacement.

How am I supposed to use a Postgresql docker image/container?

I'm new to docker. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all this.
I'm building a node application (REST api), using Postgresql to store my data.
I've spent a few days learning about docker, but I'm not sure whether I'm doing things the way I'm supposed to.
So here are my questions:
I'm using the official docker postgres 9.5 image as base to build my own (my Dockerfile only adds plpython on top of it, and installs a custom python module for use within plpython stored procedures). I created my container as suggedsted by the postgres image docs:
docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
After I stop the container I cannot run it again using the above command, because the container already exists. So I start it using docker start instead of docker run. Is this the normal way to do things? I will generally use docker run the first time and docker start every other time?
Persistance: I created a database and populated it on the running container. I did this using pgadmin3 to connect. I can stop and start the container and the data is persisted, although I'm not sure why or how is this happening. I can see in the Dockerfile of the official postgres image that a volume is created (VOLUME /var/lib/postgresql/data), but I'm not sure that's the reason persistance is working. Could you please briefly explain (or point to an explanation) about how this all works?
Architecture: from what I read, it seems that the most appropriate architecture for this kind of app would be to run 3 separate containers. One for the database, one for persisting the database data, and one for the node app. Is this a good way to do it? How does using a data container improve things? AFAIK my current setup is working ok without one.
Is there anything else I should pay atention to?
EDIT: adding to my confusion, I just ran a new container from the debian official image (no Dockerfile, just docker run -i -t -d --name debtest debian /bin/bash). With the container running in the background, I attached to it using docker attach debtest and the proceeded to apt-get install postgresql. Once installed I ran (still from within the container) psql and created a table in the default postgres database, and populated it with 1 record. Then I exited the shell and the container stopped automatically since the shell wasn't running anymore. I started the container againg using docker start debtest, then attached to it and finally run psql again. I found everything is persisted since the first run. Postgresql is installed, my table is there, and offcourse the record I inserted is there too. I'm really confused as to why do I need a VOLUME to persist data, since this quick test didn't use one and everything apears to work just fine. Am I missing something here?
Thanks again
docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword
-d postgres
After I stop the container I cannot run it again using the above
command, because the container already exists.
Correct. You named it (--name some-postgres) hence before starting a new one, the old one has to be deleted, e.g. docker rm -f some-postgres
So I start it using
docker start instead of docker run. Is this the normal way to do
things? I will generally use docker run the first time and docker
start every other time?
No, it is by no means normal for docker. Docker process containers are supposed normally to be ephemeral, that is easily thrown away and started anew.
Persistance: ... I can stop and start
the container and the data is persisted, although I'm not sure why or
how is this happening. ...
That's because you are reusing the same container. Remove the container and the data is gone.
Architecture: from what I read, it seems that the most appropriate
architecture for this kind of app would be to run 3 separate
containers. One for the database, one for persisting the database
data, and one for the node app. Is this a good way to do it? How does
using a data container improve things? AFAIK my current setup is
working ok without one.
Yes, this is the good way to go by having separate containers for separate concerns. This comes in handy in many cases, say when for example you need to upgrade the postgres base image without losing your data (that's in particular where the data container starts to play its role).
Is there anything else I should pay atention to?
When acquainted with the docker basics, you may take a look at Docker compose or similar tools that will help you to run multicontainer applications easier.
Short and simple:
What you get from the official postgres image is a ready-to-go postgres installation along with some gimmicks which can be configured through environment variables. With docker run you create a container. The container lifecycle commands are docker start/stop/restart/rm Yes, this is the Docker way of things.
Everything inside a volume is persisted. Every container can have an arbitrary number of volumes. Volumes are directories either defined inside the Dockerfile, the parent Dockerfile or via the command docker run ... -v /yourdirectoryA -v /yourdirectoryB .... Everything outside volumes is lost with docker rm. Everything including volumes is lost with docker rm -v
It's easier to show than to explain. See this readme with Docker commands on Github, read how I use the official PostgreSQL image for Jira and also add NGINX to the mix: Jira with Docker PostgreSQL. Also a data container is a cheap trick to being able to remove, rebuild and renew the container without having to move the persisted data.
Congratulations, you have managed to grasp the basics! Keep it on! Try docker-compose to better manage those nasty docker run ...-commands and being able to manage multi-containers and data-containers.
Note: You need a blocking thread in order to keep a container running! Either this command must be explicitly set inside the Dockerfile, see CMD, or given at the end of the docker run -d ... /usr/bin/myexamplecommand command. If your command is NON blocking, e.g. /bin/bash, then the container will always stop immediately after executing the command.

Reliability of Docker containers

My question aims at verifying and maybe rectifying my idea of the reliability of Docker containers. I read both, the Docker documentation and several articles on VOLUME in the Dockerfile and --v as an argument when running a container as means to persist data outside a Docker container. Be it in a data container or on the host system. As would like to keep the complexity of my setup simple, I would prefer not to copy/save/store data round and about but keep it in the Docker container itself.
There are several cases through which I discovered the behaviour of Docker containers. I'd like to know if I missed a scenario where a container can be 100% lost unpurposely, i.e. NOT doing $ docker rm -f mycontainer
docker commands to pause, stop and kill a container
-> restartable by $ docker restart mycontainer or $ docker run mycontainer
Host system reboot
-> docker container exits with 0 or 255
Host system unexpected power off
-> What happens?
Application exception
-> docker container exits with -1
Updating or restarting docker (as pointed out by Greg)
-> expected behavior: like on system reboot (?)
In all those cases, the docker container is still existent in the end. So is there any other scenario that can cause a docker container to be lost like with $ docker rm -f mycontainer?
The background is, that I read a lot about mounted volumes and external datastorage on the host system for Postgres but I'd like to avoid storing data outside my containers on the host system if possible. On the other hand, I don't want to wake up and have all data lost. (I do perform regular SQL-dumps, but I don't want to do this every 5 minutes). If a docker container itself is not reliable for persistant data, I don't see why I should create a second container to hold the data for a first one and increase the complexity of my system by adding a new container but not gaining anything in terms of reliability.
Edit: There are two points in the Docker userguide on Volumes which do not explicitly explain which behaviour to expect and therefore making me question if these concepts provide extra reliability:
Changes to a data volume will not be included when you update an
-> Does that mean that they get lost or that the content of the volume won't be changed?
Volumes persist until no containers use them
-> What's the definition of 'use'? As long as a container is not stopped, killed, removed? Does that mean that the volume Docker created on the host system will get removed? Or does volume only refer to a virtual bridge between a directory inside Docker and one on the host system?
If you store all your data in the container, what are you going to do when you need to update the image? Updates to images are normally done by changing the Dockerfile and rebuilding the image. If my data is kept separate to my container, I can start a new version of the image, mount the data with --volumes-from or -v and kill the old container. In your case, you have to keep the container running and try to patch in place with something like puppet.
Also, I'm not sure what you think you're saving. If you run the official postgres image, it will have declared volumes in the Dockerfile. Those volumes exist as normal directories on your host system whether you ran the container with -v or not. Even if your Dockerfile has no volumes, clearly the UFS is being stored on your host anyway.
In general, you should consider containers to be temporary and stateless. Whilst you don't have to do this, you will find most of the tooling and support services are designed around this idiom.
Regarding your scenarios, there are a few you're missing:
A bug could make it impossible to restart a stopped container
The updating issue mentioned above
If you want to change storage driver. This will cause a great deal of problems, as you need to migrate your images.
Just for clarity on the commands, docker start will restart stopped or exited containers and docker unpause will unpause paused containers.