Development of a blackberry - blackberry-10

Do you think whether to continue to pursue the development of a Blackberry and using the native sdk? What are the pluses of this way? With the release of blackberry 10.3 will complete podderzhaka android application, so I do not know what to do. I never developed under android. Maybe someone knows what are the main advantages of developing using native sdk port compared with android applications?
I'm a big sorrow. I developed a blaskberry for 4 years and now I do not know what to do.


iphone web develop mode (inspect element) on windows safari

I found two ways how i can easier develop web app for iPhone.
But I can't do it on Windows, because for windows is only Safari 5. Have you any ideas how I can solve this problem?
Congrats on doing iOS development! As pointed out in the comments, your best bet is to be running Mac OS when developing on iOS, whether you're developing a native or web application. Just as if you were to develop a Windows application where you'd need to be running Microsoft Windows, you'll need Mac OS to do iOS development.
Good luck!
That's no big deal if you want to develop a web app because all you got to know is some XHTML and I would recommend that you get Dreamweaver for a better experience :)

One mobile app runs in all platforms. Is that Possible? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What work has been done on cross-platform mobile development?
Is there any mobile application development framework available by which I can develop a app that will run in all all platforms like iphone,Android,Blacberry.
Have a look to PhoneGap or Appcelerator Titanuim
As Feanor said, web application is the only way to go if you are targetting all applications with one build. You can use many javascript libraries optimized for the mobile. Such as Sencha Touch, JQTouch and Wink Toolkit. You can use PhoneGap to wrap these web apps so you can sell on them on the respective device appstore.
Titanium does try to provide cross platform developement to some extent but if you application is a bit more than a simple app it wont be easy as even they has different api's for different platforms. The only difference is you can use javascript to develop for all the platforms in Titanium.
The main difficulty in doing a cross platform app is that, the api's and ui philisophy are different for each platform. The langauge in which development is done is not the only difference.
You can't make a Cross-Compilable application. The closest you are getting are something like Phonegap, which uses HTML5 and CC3 as a webapp.
The problem with those applications is the lack of native opportunities and you are loosing performance.
You can build HTML5 web apps for iphone,android and blackberry(
In addition to notme's suggestion consider marmalade the clever part of marmalade is that it produces a single binary that will run on all platforms.
Be aware that there are always compromises when you use such frameworks. Many are explicit but some are hidden - like you might have trouble attracting developers to work on them.

Eclipse: one PhoneGap project for iPhone and Android?

I'm trying out PhoneGap, so I followed the instructions to create an Android Project in Eclipse.
But now I'm wondering how I can use this same code for building an iPhone app.
Is there something like a hybrid project in Eclipse!?
I realize now that it's not possible to use PhoneGap on Windows to develop iPhone apps? That's too bad... is there any way to use PhoneGap on Windows to compile for iOS ??
In theory PhoneGap build should allow iPhone development on Windows.
However Nitobi was bought out by Adobe (PhoneGap:Build service may have changed), and you may still need iOS to upload your app (might be able to get around with a jailbroken iOS?!).
A dodgy solution could be to install OSX in a vbox virtual machine :)
No, there is no way to develop iPhone app on Windows using PhoneGap or Titanium.
Because they need iPhone SDK and Android SDK on back-end, which is not possible on windows environment. However you can make both apps on iOS simulations.

Is there any common language to develop a same application for iphone, blackberry, windows mobile and android? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Technology to write iPhone, BlackBerry and Android phone at the same time?
Is there any common language to develop a same application for iphone, blackberry, windows mobile and android?
Writing HTML 5 applications is your best bet. X-plat only works well for game development. All these platforms have different UI constructs that do not map directly to other platforms.
You are better off writing web services to do the heavy lifting and writing thin UIs using the native SDKs so they match the platform.
You could try PhoneGap (
PhoneGap is an open source development framework for building cross-platform mobile apps. Build apps in HTML and JavaScript and still take advantage of core features in iPhone/iTouch, iPad, Google Android, Palm, Symbian and Blackberry SDKs.
The language in question is javascript :)
No. For those 3 environments you have a mix of Java, Objective C and .NET framework languages (VB,C#,C++), all which have very different requirements to run as well as to write. As suggested, PhoneGap can be of some use in this area, but you will only be able to write web based applications to work in various mobile environments.

Titanium Developer for iPhone

Am looking into developing an iPhone native app using Titanium Developer
Since this is still in beta, I am wondering if there are any better options and/or if its a good idea using such software to develop native apps (which are not games; not graphic intensive)
If you don't want to wait, you can do what a lot of us did: develop apps in Cocoa Touch. It works perfectly well for games as well as non-graphic intensive apps.
The similar and more mature PhoneGap framework has been used in a number of iPhone apps and Apple only seems to object if the application autoupdates.
That being said, I wouldn't recommend using web frameworks unless your application is really simple--you will get a much better experience from a native application (on both Android and iPhone)
My company uses Titanium and it's working fine so far. It's also a pleasure to develop iPhone app using javascript and co. I'd recomend you give it a try, it's really simple to set up and start coding.
Some reading up: