Is is possible to bind a key plus a variable in Emacs? - emacs

I have buffers named *terminal<1>*, *terminal<2>*, *terminal<3>*, etc. Is there a way to bind a key combination that will take an argument for the number? That is, I want to bind C-c 1 to switch to *terminal<1>* and C-c 2 to switch to *terminal<2>*, and so on. If I can't do this directly, is it possible to do metaprogramming in Elisp that will define all the functions for me?

In this suggestion, the interactive switch-to-terminal will take either a prefix argument C-u 2 for example, or prompt the user.
The macro then makes setting up the key bindings a little easier.
Finally I bind C-c 1 to C-c 4 to switch to *terminal<1>* to *terminal<4>*.
(defun switch-to-terminal (buf-num)
(interactive "NNumber of buffer to visist: ")
(let* ((buf-name (format "*terminal<%d>*" buf-num))
(buf (get-buffer buf-name)))
(unless buf
(error "No buffer %s" buf-name))
(switch-to-buffer buf)))
(defmacro bind-switch-to-terminal (num)
,(kbd (format "C-c %d" num))
(lambda ()
(switch-to-terminal ,num))))
(bind-switch-to-terminal 1)
(bind-switch-to-terminal 2)
(bind-switch-to-terminal 3)
(bind-switch-to-terminal 4)
This change uses the same switch-to-terminal function, but replaces bind-switch-to-terminal with a function. The lexical-let* allows for the creation of a closure to create unique terminal switching functions, the dotimes loop then binds for C-c 1 to C-c 9.
(defun bind-switch-to-terminal (num)
(lexical-let* ((buf-num num)
(lambda ()
(switch-to-terminal buf-num))))
(kbd (format "C-c %d" buf-num))
(dotimes (num 9)
(bind-switch-to-terminal (1+ num)))

You can bind keys as usual:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c 1") (lambda ()
(switch-to-buffer "*terminal<1>*")))
To create all the shortcuts from 1 to 9 we would use macros.
edit: This buggy version may put you on tracks. I give up :(
(defmacro gototerminal (count)
`(global-set-key (kbd ,(concat "C-c " (number-to-string count)))
;; with the comma I want to evaluate what is inside concat
(lambda () (interactive)
(switch-to-buffer (concat "*terminal<" ,count ">*"))))
(progn (setq count 1)
(while (< count 10)
(gototerminal count)
(setq count (1+ count))
ps: an elisp debugger is edebug. Set it with C-u C-M-x

I would write a function that calls interactive with an n argument which indicates that the function reads a number from the mini buffer:
(defun test (x)
(interactive "nNumber of buffer to visit: ")
(message (concat "received number: " (number-to-string x))))
Binding this to a key will let you enter a number in the mini buffer.
Another way is to use a numerical argument:
(defun test (x)
(interactive "P")
(message (concat "received number: " (number-to-string x))))
Say you bind this function to C-c c, you can then pass it the number 2 as an argument by pressing C-u 2 C-c c.

If you avoid the usage of an existing prefix key like C-c you can trigger a command with one keypress e.g. F9.
This command can have a single key as input.
(defun test (k)
(interactive "K")
(message "Pressed key: %d" (- (aref k 0) ?0)))
(local-set-key [f9] 'test)


Emacs: swapping replace queries

Using query-replace, the minibuffer says this (having saved the previous arguments):
Query replace (default FROM -> TO)
is there a command to swap the args? To get this:
Query replace (default TO -> FROM)
AFAIK, nothing out of the box does that for you. But IMHO you don't need that.
All you need to do is use M-p. Use it once to get the last TO you used. Then repeat M-p a couple times to get the last FROM you used. Very quick.
After that, you can use C-x ESC ESC (or C-x M-: or C-x M-ESC), possibly followed by M-p, to repeat either combination (TO -> FROM or FROM -> TO).
(defun swap-query-replace-defaults ()
"Swap the initial expressions offered by `query-replace'. "
(let* ((erg query-replace-defaults)
(first (car erg))
(second (cdr erg)))
(setq query-replace-defaults (cons second first))
(when (interactive-p) (message "%s" query-replace-defaults))
Made a feature-request:
There's a shortcut to swap the args: M-p RET M-p M-p RET
I use this:
;; Redefine `query-replace-read-from' to add a custom keymap when
;; replacing strings. Now, C-u ENTER does the reverse suggested
;; replacement.
(defvar query-replace-keymap
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(set-keymap-parent map minibuffer-local-map)
(define-key map [remap exit-minibuffer]
(lambda ()
(if (and current-prefix-arg query-replace-defaults)
(setq query-replace-defaults
(cdr query-replace-defaults)
(car query-replace-defaults))))
(defun query-replace-read-from (prompt regexp-flag)
"Query and return the `from' argument of a query-replace operation.
The return value can also be a pair (FROM . TO) indicating that the user
wants to replace FROM with TO."
(if query-replace-interactive
(car (if regexp-flag regexp-search-ring search-ring))
(let* ((history-add-new-input nil)
(query-replace-defaults query-replace-defaults)
(if query-replace-defaults
(format "%s (default %s -> %s): " prompt
(query-replace-descr (car query-replace-defaults))
(query-replace-descr (cdr query-replace-defaults)))
(format "%s: " prompt)))
;; The save-excursion here is in case the user marks and copies
;; a region in order to specify the minibuffer input.
;; That should not clobber the region for the query-replace itself.
(if regexp-flag
(read-regexp prompt nil query-replace-from-history-variable)
prompt nil query-replace-keymap nil query-replace-from-history-variable
(car (if regexp-flag regexp-search-ring search-ring)) t)))))
(if (and (zerop (length from)) query-replace-defaults)
(cons (car query-replace-defaults)
(cdr query-replace-defaults) regexp-flag))
(add-to-history query-replace-from-history-variable from nil t)
;; Warn if user types \n or \t, but don't reject the input.
(and regexp-flag
(string-match "\\(\\`\\|[^\\]\\)\\(\\\\\\\\\\)*\\(\\\\[nt]\\)" from)
(let ((match (match-string 3 from)))
((string= match "\\n")
(message "Note: `\\n' here doesn't match a newline; to do that, type C-q C-j instead"))
((string= match "\\t")
(message "Note: `\\t' here doesn't match a tab; to do that, just type TAB")))
(sit-for 2)))

Swap parentheses and square brackets in Emacs Paredit

How can I define a command in paredit mode that swaps parentheses and square brackets?
So the task is to turn this, for example:
(a (b)
into this:
[a (b)
With paredit mode, move to start of the expression (a ..) and then:
C-M-SPC [ <right> M-s
Without paredit, but still wanting to maintain balanced parens during transitions, move to a and then press C-M-SPC multiple times until error and then (assuming that CUA mode is on):
C-x <timeout> <right> <backspace> <backspace> [ ] <left> C-v
Well that is complex, so let's stick with paredit mode version, and try to make a command out of it. Keyboard Macro Editor tells you the names of commands being used, so you would be able to come up with at least the following code:
(defun my-switch-to-square ()
"Change (..) to [..]."
(mark-sexp --)
(paredit-open-square --)
(right-char --)
(paredit-splice-sexp --))
-- indicates part of code we have not yet decided. After you read documentation of each function in the code, you learn what arguments to pass, and that there is no need to call mark-sexp. After rewriting docstring and adding a call to left-char, the code you end up with would be:
(defun my-switch-to-square ()
"Change |(..) to |[..]. | is point position."
(paredit-open-square 1)
(right-char 1)
(left-char 1))
The following code does what you request. You can bind swap-parens to whatever key binding you want.
(defvar swap-paren-pairs '("()" "[]"))
(defun swap-parens-at-points (b e)
(let ((open-char (buffer-substring b (+ b 1)))
(paren-pair-list (append swap-paren-pairs swap-paren-pairs)))
(while paren-pair-list
(if (eq (aref open-char 0) (aref (car paren-pair-list) 0))
(setq to-replace (cadr paren-pair-list))
(goto-char b)
(delete-char 1)
(insert (aref to-replace 0))
(goto-char (- e 1))
(delete-char 1)
(insert (aref to-replace 1))
(setq paren-pair-list nil))
(setq paren-pair-list (cdr paren-pair-list))))))
(defun swap-parens ()
(cond ((looking-at "\\s(")
(swap-parens-at-points (point) (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (point))))
((and (> (point) 1) (save-excursion (forward-char -1) (looking-at "\\s)")))
(swap-parens-at-points (save-excursion (forward-sexp -1) (point)) (point)))
((message "Not at a paren"))))
I'm not sure what you mean by "define command"? You can do it like this:
|(foo bar)
"|" is point.
;; Keyboard Macro Editor. Press C-c C-c to finish; press C-x k RET to cancel.
;; Original keys: C-u [ C-f <M-up> C-b
Command: last-kbd-macro
Key: none
C-u [ ;; paredit-open-square
C-f ;; forward-char
<M-up> ;; paredit-splice-sexp-killing-backward
C-b ;; backward-char
Although to be honest, this type of usage scenario is more common for VIM trickery. I've never actually used this IRL.
bzr branch lp:s-x-emacs-werkstatt
will deliver a library inspired by paredit, but delivering more detailed commands
M-x ar-bracket-parentized-atpt RET
puts brackets around parenteses at point
look inside thing-at-point-utils.el and the other files what else is provided

Defun with optional args inside the lambda?

I want to call defun with optional args inside the lambda:
(global-set-key (kbd "M-S-v")
(lambda ()
(interactive) (bk-cleans-text nil 2)))
The function works as standalone:
(bk-cleans-text nil 2)
But when called inside the lambda it complains on cond:
(defun bk-cleans-text (&optional killIt ParsSepBy)
((= 1 ParsSepBy)
(setq Find "\n+")
(setq Replace "\n"))
((= 2 ParsSepBy)
(setq Find "\n\n+")
(setq Replace "\n\n"))
(setq Find "\n+")
(setq Replace "")))
(message "F: %s, R: %s" Find Replace))
The problem is in the key combination that you have chosen. I used another one and it worked.

How to bind keys to indent/unindent region in emacs?

I want to define two key-bindings to indent/unindent region by 4 spaces.
Visually select world and foo.
Type >
I also want to bind < to unindent region.
I'm not familiar with emacs, please help.
There are already keyboard shortcuts for that:
Indent: C-u 4 C-x TAB
Unindent C-u - 4 C-x TAB
If you find that too long to type, you could put the following in your .emacs file:
(defun my-indent-region (N)
(interactive "p")
(if (use-region-p)
(progn (indent-rigidly (region-beginning) (region-end) (* N 4))
(setq deactivate-mark nil))
(self-insert-command N)))
(defun my-unindent-region (N)
(interactive "p")
(if (use-region-p)
(progn (indent-rigidly (region-beginning) (region-end) (* N -4))
(setq deactivate-mark nil))
(self-insert-command N)))
(global-set-key ">" 'my-indent-region)
(global-set-key "<" 'my-unindent-region)
With this code the greater than (>) and less than (<) keys will indent/unindent a marked region by 4 spaces each.
(defun keyboard-indent (&optional arg)
(let ((deactivate-mark nil)
(beg (or (and mark-active (region-beginning))
(end (or (and mark-active (region-end)) (line-end-position))))
(indent-rigidly beg end (* (or arg 1) tab-width))))
(defun keyboard-unindent (&optional arg)
(keyboard-indent (* -1 (or arg 1))))
In addition to what #Thomas already wrote, you might not want to use the keys < and > for indenting or unindenting. Just image you need to write some HTML and can't enter those characters anymore. This is why I inserted the following in my init file, as key settings:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-<") 'my-indent-region)
(global-set-key (kbd "C->") 'my-unindent-region)
Note: It doesn't work without the (kbd ...). You will get an error:
global-set-key: Key sequence C - > starts with non-prefix key C
You can use replace 4 with tab-width as
(defun indent-region-shift-right-n (N)
(interactive "p")
(if (use-region-p)
(progn (indent-rigidly (region-beginning) (region-end) (* N tab-width))
(setq deactivate-mark nil))
(self-insert-command N)))
(defun unindent-region-shift-left-n (N)
(interactive "p")
(if (use-region-p)
(progn (indent-rigidly (region-beginning) (region-end) (* N (- tab-width)))
(setq deactivate-mark nil))
(self-insert-command N)))
(global-set-key ">" 'indent-region-shift-right-n)
(global-set-key "<" 'unindent-region-shift-left-n)

Using One Key for Both flymake And flyspell

I am using flymake with pyflakes to check my python code and flyspell to check my strings and comments. I want to have one function which will go to the next error, or will display information about the error if currently at an error. How would I write this function?
This code provides functionality which jumps you to the next error, and if it's a flymake error, displays information for it, if it's a flyspell error, it corrects it for you. If you don't want the auto-correction, un-comment the line that calls 'my-flyspell-message and remove the line before that which calls 'flyspell-auto-correct-word - and you'll just get a message about the word being misspelled.
The first line binds this to the keybinding C-c n. For more information on binding keys, see the info page Key Bindings.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c n") 'my-display-error-or-next-error)
(defun my-display-error-or-next-error ()
"display information for current error, or go to next one"
(when (or (not (my-at-flymake-error))
(not (my-at-flyspell-error)))
;; jump to error if not at one
(cond ((my-at-flymake-error)
;; if at flymake error, display menu
;; if at flyspell error, fix it
(call-interactively 'flyspell-auto-correct-word)
;; or, uncomment the next line to just get a message
;; (my-flyspell-message)
(defun my-at-flyspell-error ()
"return non-nill if at flyspell error"
(some 'flyspell-overlay-p (overlays-at (point))))
(defun my-at-flymake-error ()
"return non-nil if at flymake error"
(let* ((line-no (flymake-current-line-no))
(line-err-info-list (nth 0 (flymake-find-err-info flymake-err-info line-no))))
(defun my-goto-next-error ()
"jump to next flyspell or flymake error"
(let* ((p (point))
(spell-next-error-function '(lambda ()
(forward-word) (forward-char)
(spell-pos (save-excursion
(funcall spell-next-error-function)
(make-pos (save-excursion
(cond ((or (and (< p make-pos) (< p spell-pos))
(and (> p make-pos) (> p spell-pos)))
(funcall (if (< make-pos spell-pos)
((< p make-pos)
((< p spell-pos)
(funcall spell-next-error-function)))))
(defun my-flyspell-message ()
(let ((word (thing-at-point 'word)))
(set-text-properties 0 (length word) nil word)
(message "Missspelled word: %s" word)))