HTML 5 Issues on iPhone with Google IMA SDK - Skippable Event - iphone

I am getting the following error:
AdError 1005: The provided ad type: skippablevideo is not supported.
Is it a known limitation on iPhone devices? Because on iPad everything works properly.

Ok it looks like this is a limitation on google's side please open the following url:!msg/ima-sdk/jYE6j4_YCko/m6HuIkM9uKMJ
Where they say:
"We currently don't support skippable on iPhone because it's impossible for us to render a skip button on top of the video"


iOS 10 Messages App URL Preview

Is there a way to control the URL rendering on Messages App on iOS 10 with special meta tags, such as Open Graph tags or Twitter cards tags?
It seems like it is not based on apps installed, so I'd assume it is a white list made by Apple if we cannot control it.
Apple calls the metadata used for rendering web content throughout iOS "Web Markup" — this is largely based on and Open Graph. For details see the Mark Up Web Content section in Apple's App Search Programming Guide.
You can validate your metadata using the API Validation Tool or using iMessage in iOS 10.

Analytics: what are p502i and wireless transcoders devices?

We are currently running Google Analytics on an iPhone app, and we got two strange devices appearing at several percents: "DoCoMo P502i" and "Google Wireless Transcoder".
What are these strange devices?
I see the same after implementing the v2 SDK on iPhone. There's not a lot of visits, but enough to do some research.
Google Wireless Transcoder is a project that strips down everything from the page from scripts to styles back to it's bare bones. Some mobile browsers might use the service to reduce the page size before downloading it and showing on mobile devices.
It seems that you can instruct Google Wireless Transcoder to not process your page and instead redirect the user to another webpage using:
<link rel="alternate" media="handheld" href=”mobile_page.htm” />
I'm afraid I couldn't find out much about "DoCoMo P502i yet. It also seems to be related to some kind of Google Proxy. Look at the full UserAgent it uses:
DoCoMo/1.0/P502i/c10 (Google CHTML Proxy/1.0)
I'm pretty sure the 2.0 beta versions of the Google Analytics SDK for iOS report an iPod touch as a DoCoMo P502i.
I've just set up a new Analytics profile & tested on two devices, and that's what's I'm seeing.
Yup. A sweet phone, the DoCoMo P502i.

Is there any way to increase the amount of exception description text that Google Analytics gives me for my iPhone app?

It seems like Google Analytics is limiting the text of the errors coming from my iPhone app that I get whenever I check out the details...
Is there any way for it to report longer errors?
Is Flurry any better at this?
Flurry will soon be providing Full Stack Trace crash reports for iOS apps. Currently, this feature is available for Android apps using the new Flurry SDK v3.x.
(Full Disclosure: I work in the Support team at Flurry)

How to access the iPhone's camera from Mobile Safari

Is there a API or way for accessing the the iPhone's camera from Mobile Safari?I want to create a application that can read barcode within the browser.
Thanks in advance.
It's now supported in iOS 6. I believe it uses a regular form file input field.
You can see some explanation here.
Try using input tag <input type="file" name="image" accept="image/*" capture/>.
It works well as compared to getUserMedia method which is fully supported by Opera mobile and chrome higher versions.
Hope it help.
No. There's no way to do that. No web page can access internal devices.
You can do however a small tiny app that its launched via mobile safari link and makes user select the barcode image and then redirect to a web page that will process (the small app will also upload). Like what THIS guys actually implemented (the link provides code).
If you doesn't have experience with Objective C and Cocoa Touch you can create that app via PhoneGap like if you were creating a Web Page.
From iOS 6 and so on you actually can as the official specs says, you can use it via the upload API as seen here.

How to initiate/send SMS from a HTML5 webpage using devices native functions?

I am wondering how can I open the send SMS application by using a web control of a HTML5 page on Android and iPhone. I want to use the device native SMS sending app, with a prepopulated value from the web.
Further to other answers I can confirm that smsto:555:bodytext does not work on an iPhone running iOS5.
What does work (and I've tested it) on Android is the format:
Tap to say hello!
On iPhone the ?body=hello will prevent it working at all, and you should use just sms:555 instead.
Tap to text us!
I have tested the below and it works:
Using HTML Anchor tag:
Using JavaScript:'sms:111?body=SUBSCRIBE', '_self');
With Android 3.0 SDK Google has started exposing API in HTML5 for device access. An example is listed here. It may not be enough for what you seek to do.
I dont know enough about iphone to advise either way.