How to configure an Ionic App with a MEAN stack - ionic-framework

I'm trying to configure an ionic app with an express server and mongodb database for a personal project. I'm a beginner with this - I've set up and have been working with a MEAN stack outside of the Ionic framework, but have not been able to figure out how to structure the ionic app so that it can run on express and mongodb -- and will be able to emulate properly.
I've searched online, but there doesnt seem to be much out there on this topic. This is the closest I've come to an answer: But it still doesnt help me entirely. Any help is much appreciated.


Is there a testing Framework for web-deployed Flutter applications?

I am wanting to automate and write tests for my Flutter deployed application.
I am able to test the client side of Flutter apps on mobile using Appium & Codecept.js with no issues. (Built a testing project in VScode and used the built APK)
I have tried Playwright, Puppeteer, WebDriver, and Selenium with no luck on the deployed code for web. Piercing through <flt-glass-pane/> is possible but super messy and doesnt seem like a stable way to go about it. I am hoping to achieve this in my separate codebase that is responsible for UI testing.
I am wondering if anyone had some solid suggestions on automating a Flutter web app from the client side (UI, and clicks etc).
From the research I have done, I have not found a clear solution. I am very interested in what you have used before that works or if you know the right direction I should head toward.

is it possible to embed an ionic application within a flutter application?

To be more precise, I already have a huge app writen in Ionic and now we're considering to migrate it to flutter, but we can't rewrite it from scratch, both ionic and flutter should coexist.
So my question is: can I have a flutter app as a "host" and import / run the ionic app inside it? Something like a micro frontend.
Until now I was able to build the target ionic app and import it on the flutter app, under android folder, but it does not feels like a productive way to approach the problem.
I also googled a little bit about this integration, but did not find anything that solves this problem.
I appreciate any help on this topic.
Yes, it is possible, but very cumbersome.
I did it for a project and embedded 3 ionic apps inside flutter.
I'll not list every problem that i faced but just go through some points to give you an idea.
You will need to take care of some cordova plugins that use native code, for Android copy and paste some folders like CordovaLib,cordova and use it as a library. For iOS you must add the plugin files like *.h to the compiles list inside Xcode and create an Pod to get the cordova resources (that's the way i did)
To "launch" the app for android you need to start the cordova activity and for iOS you need to play with UINavigationController and FlutterViewController, and of course create a method channel to be possible to call it from Flutter.
For multiple apps, you have to mess inside de cordova code to get the app from the right www folder and be sure to equalize every plugin version between apps.
Some packages from flutter may clash with ionic/cordova libs
Every change you do to your ionic application it must be tested outside flutter and within it to see if there's any mismatch behavior that you didn't expect, specially when adding new plugins.
Maybe some permission issues will arrive between applications like camera or localization.
I know thats not the answer, but when searching on how to do it, i stumbled upon this question a few months ago and it still without any answer on this problem.
But my final take is that the effort of joining together all pieces using multiple languages and frameworks together with the job of maintaining this spaghetti behemoth is not worth it and you'll save yourself of a tremendous headache.

How to receive a push notification when you are near a specific place using a map?

I'm new to Ionic, and I'd like to know if you can give me some guidance. I am using Ionic 1. I have seen tutorials, and they use Google or one signal. But they are always basic tutorials and I have many doubts. I hope to do this for both iOS and Android.
My application has some coordinates in the database, I get them with a web service. I would like that when I'm near a place I get a push notification. I am currently using the Google Maps plugin cordova-plugin-googlemaps and the geolocation plugin cordova-plugin-geolocation.
I would like you to give me advice or if you have had the experience of doing something like this.
I also want to know if doing this has any cost.
I am using Ionic 1 and the database is built in MySQL using PHP. I think the push notification is generated from the back-end?
When I tap on the notification, can it contain an iconor redirect to a specific place in my app?
In conclusion:
What is the best alternative? I was thinking of some plugin that detects in the background when my location changes and when this happens (does the cordova-plugin-geolocation do it?) verify if I'm close to a certain place and send a local notification. For example, and when I tap on this notification I can get the id of that place and redirect to a place in my app.
I think you should try geofence
repo link
example links: built with Ionic framework built with Ionic 2 framework

Connecting an Ionic app to an existing database

I have an existing database that I want to connect to an Ionic app I've made. Ive seen people recommend Silex to make a RESTful api but I have no idea how to do so, and the tutorials I've seen use new apps, not existing ones. I just want to be pointed in the right direction since its all a little overwhelming. Thanks in advance!

Ionic - What about the real time and the database?

I want to code a web app which can runs on IOS, Android, Mobile browser, Desktop browser.
I tried for 6 hours Meteor but I had a lot of problems ... so I just switched to Ionic.
In 2 hours I created a simple app with a Geolocation system + Google maps and I runned it with my Iphone with Ionic View, that was a good start.
Now I need to persist my datas with a real database (please don't reply firebase) and add a real time system.
What are they the right tools and the right structure to reach that goal ?
If you want firebase-like capabilities, I would recomend rethinkdb:
Otherwise, you can try mongodb:
The structure is up to you to define according to your data.