MatLab 2014a Fuzzy Toolbox Error - matlab

I am trying to devise a Sugeno fuzzy system using the fuzzy GUI - for some reason when I add more than one output variable I get errors:
Error using length
Too many input arguments.
Error in addvar (line 76)
for ct=1:length(
Error in fuzzy (line 746)
fis=addvar(fis,varType,'',[0 1],'init');
Error while evaluating uimenu Callback
I'm using 2014a on a Mac running Mavericks. To note, I also have 2013a installed on a MacBook and tried adding the same input and output variables and I get them same error messages.
If you add more than one output variable, then try and add input variable the above messages are then displayed within the command prompt.


using xlswrite inside a loop and an error when using mac

I am trying to use the xlswrite inside a loop to put the results in each iteration
my function is like this
I get the following errors,
Error using xlswrite (line 187)
An error occurred on data export in CSV format.
Error in myalgorithm (line 178)
Caused by:
Error using dlmwrite (line 112)
The input cell array cannot be converted to a matrix.
I am using Matlab 2015b and also I am using mac
I also tried to use csvwrite instead xlswrite but no success. is there any one who can help me with it?

Error in Skeletonization and Skeleton Pruning

I was trying to run the skeletonization and skeleton pruning software from
skeletonization and skeleton pruning
and getting the following errors. I used matlab 2015a .Authors claimed that it runs on matlab 7.0. Please help me to correct it.i just want to see the output. Anyone can suggest a pseudocode for Skeletonization and Skeleton Pruning in simple way?
Error in SkeletonGrow1 (line 42)
skltn(i,j) = CheckSkeleton1(bw,dist,lab,i,j,ro,mark);
Error in div_skeleton_new (line 51)
Error in Test (line 6)
first two errors are due to same function (CheckSkeleton1). The number of arguments are different in both calls. Tweek it, do check readme file or contact author.

MATLAB error(abcdchk(a,b,c,d)); What does this mean?

What does the code
in MATLAB do? I'm trying to run a MATLAB script with this code snippet in Octave and getting
error: 'abcdchk' undefined near line 57 column 7
error: evaluating argument list element number 1
How can I fix this?
There appear to be multiple versions of the abcdchk() function out there (kind of depends on where you got the code from), for example this one from caltech and this one from Georgia Tech, but they all seem to check that the dimensions of the given matrices are consistent.

Error in profiler for Matlab 2014a

I use osx mavericks with 2014a. To get a crisp screen I have updated the JRE and done the fix to the help-menu as described in the answer from 17 May here
This includes following the instructions from Mathworks
Maybe that is the reason for the error below but it is not certain as I had never tried the profiler on 2014a before I did the fix.
The Error:
When I try to click any function to get a detailed profiler report I get the following error:
Error using flip
Too many input arguments.
Error in flipud (line 14)
x = flip(x,1);
Error in profview>makefilepage (line 723)
sortedDataList = flipud(sortedDataList);
Error in profview (line 70)
s = makefilepage(profileInfo,idx, busyLineSortKeyStr2Num(busyLineSortKey));
Do you have your own function called flip on your MATLAB path? There is a new function shipping with MATLAB called flip which the profiler is trying to use.
Try which -all flip - if you have a version on there, try removing it to see if that fixes things.

adftest function error in lagmatrix

Using the adftest function in MATLAB's econometrics toolbox, I'm receiving the following error:
>> [h1,pVal1] = adftest(y1,'model','ARD')
Error using lagmatrix (line 25)
lagmatrix: wrong # of input arguments
Error in adftest>runReg (line 705)
yLags = lagmatrix(y,0:(testLags+1));
Error in adftest (line 417)
testReg = runReg(i,y,testT,testLags,testModel,needRegOut);
y1 is a <41x1> vector of doubles.
Has anyone received this error or have any thoughts on what the issue is? I am using this code right out of the box so I'm not sure what is going on. I'd post to MATLAB's site, but it is down for maintenance.
This is either a bug in Matlab, in which case you should submit it on the Matlab support site. Before you do that, you should check that you don't have a function lagmatrix on your path that shadows the built-in function. Type
which lagmatrix
on the command line. If the path does not point to your Matlab installation, you should move lagmatrix off the Matlab search path.
Also note that y1 should not contain all NaN, or be otherwise degenerate, so you may want to check the function using the sample data as suggested in the help to be sure it's a bug and not just your data.
I had the same problem with this function. In my case, the problem was the function lagmatrix (older version) in my MATLAB path and the adftest function was the newest version. The soluction was delete the older version of lagmatrix.