Including a subreport into a GROUPING section - crystal-reports

Crystal Reports: including a subreport into a grouping section?
asked the same question, but I am hoping a comment on the accepted answer is wrong: that it can't be done because the subreport must be in the details section. Also, what the selected answer says to do isn't working (perhaps because of the other detail, no pun intended).
So this looks like a duplicate question, yet the original question does not appear to be answered, and certainly the accepted "answer" is not usable by me.
(see also How to handle a duplicate question when the original has an accepted answer that is not really acceptable?)
My subreport can list one to many items, each of which can join to one or more items in the main report details. The common field they join on is the grouping item. So, for example, the subreport might have three items and the details five, but if I put it all in the details, I would have fifteen rows, with the first part repeated five times and the second part three times.
The common item appears as a "command field", a "report field". and the Group item. But no matter which of those I link as a subreport parameter, the subreport gets nothing and asks me to enter a value when I try to view the report.

In a more recent version of Crystal Reports you have two options: You can either connect the subreport to a value on the main report via the subreport parameter dialog. or you can pass a Shared Variable between the reports. If you are using the subreport parameter dialog, then the value passed in will be whatever that value is at the time the group is displayed. If the value comes from a detail in that group or from a variable on the main report it shoud pass fine. If the value is something that would be displayed after the group is displayed on the report (going top to bottom) then the value won't be written yet and will be passed to the report as null or blank.
Shared Variables are shared between a report and all of its subreports. If you need to get data from a subreport or pass a single value to multiple subreports, it might be the better option. If the shared variable is changed in the report or a subreport, it'll use the new value in everything after that.
SAP has a good guide on both techniques here:
Bear in mind that Crystal Variables are always populated based on their position in the report and the order they are printed in. If something needs to happen after another group or subreport prints, you'll need to use the WhilePrintingRecords keyword.


my table jasper report repeat the data many time [duplicate]

I am new to JasperReports, basically I want to put a subreport in a mainreport
The problem is that I put the sub report in the Detail band, so when I query a database that has multiple data the subreport will always repeat itself multiple times when I output the report to a pdf. I want a report that does not repeat itself regardless of how many data I have in the database that i connect with
I have searched the Internet and the solutions is to add
new Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==1)
in the print when expression attribute of the subreport, that does solve a part of my problem due to the fact that now my subreport only prints once but it still leaves some blank pages after my subreport is displayed
So I assume it is still repeating itself but just doesn't print the data because of the expression that I added , people say that the nature of the detail band is supposed to work that way and that I shouldn't put the subreport in the detail band, but if I put it in some other band I get this error:
Error filling print... Subreport overflowed on a band that does not support overflow.
The error above will happen if I have a lot of data to the extent that it may take up more than a page.
How do remove those blank pages? If I am ask to not put it in a detail band then what should I do? or what solution are there?
The Detail band will be generated as many times as the number of records you have in your main dataSet(populated by the top-level query).
If you want to keep the subreport in the Detail band, which is normal by the way, you can do one of these things:
either have a dummy query that returns only one record, so that the Detail band generates only once. Then, pass the report connection to your subreport. You may have done that already. This way you can run your query independently of the main report.
or leave the report as-is and add your printWhen expression ($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==1) directly on the Detail band, not on the subreport. Please note that this is just an ugly hack that may affect the report performance. Your main query still returns a lot of data that you don't use so you should consider the other options.
If you can move the subreport out of the Detail band, place it in a band that allows overflow like Title or Summary band. Then:
have your main dataSet's query empty so that no Detail band gets generated
set whenNoDataType="AllSectionsNoDetail" at the report level(in the <jasperReport> tag) so that all the other sections except the Detail get generated
exactly as in the first option above, pass the report connection to your subreport and work from there

The subreport repeats itself in Detail band

I am new to JasperReports, basically I want to put a subreport in a mainreport
The problem is that I put the sub report in the Detail band, so when I query a database that has multiple data the subreport will always repeat itself multiple times when I output the report to a pdf. I want a report that does not repeat itself regardless of how many data I have in the database that i connect with
I have searched the Internet and the solutions is to add
new Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==1)
in the print when expression attribute of the subreport, that does solve a part of my problem due to the fact that now my subreport only prints once but it still leaves some blank pages after my subreport is displayed
So I assume it is still repeating itself but just doesn't print the data because of the expression that I added , people say that the nature of the detail band is supposed to work that way and that I shouldn't put the subreport in the detail band, but if I put it in some other band I get this error:
Error filling print... Subreport overflowed on a band that does not support overflow.
The error above will happen if I have a lot of data to the extent that it may take up more than a page.
How do remove those blank pages? If I am ask to not put it in a detail band then what should I do? or what solution are there?
The Detail band will be generated as many times as the number of records you have in your main dataSet(populated by the top-level query).
If you want to keep the subreport in the Detail band, which is normal by the way, you can do one of these things:
either have a dummy query that returns only one record, so that the Detail band generates only once. Then, pass the report connection to your subreport. You may have done that already. This way you can run your query independently of the main report.
or leave the report as-is and add your printWhen expression ($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()==1) directly on the Detail band, not on the subreport. Please note that this is just an ugly hack that may affect the report performance. Your main query still returns a lot of data that you don't use so you should consider the other options.
If you can move the subreport out of the Detail band, place it in a band that allows overflow like Title or Summary band. Then:
have your main dataSet's query empty so that no Detail band gets generated
set whenNoDataType="AllSectionsNoDetail" at the report level(in the <jasperReport> tag) so that all the other sections except the Detail get generated
exactly as in the first option above, pass the report connection to your subreport and work from there

Subreport Inner-join showing different results than same Main report inner-join

Crystal Reports is used to create templates for another application in my case. A value is passed from the other application to a specific table, which I can then, in crystal, use with inner joins to other tables to specify the values on the rest of the report.
This has worked well in situations where I have not being using subreports. In my main report, I have 4 tables inner joined, and they are correctly being passed a certain value from this program.
My problem lies with attempting to create a coverpage for this particular report. I needed a detail section on the coverpage, so I looked to creating a subreport on the report header of the main report. I used the same tables in the subreport itself with the same inner joins. It receives extra values. This is the exact inner join design with the same tables from the main report, yet it is showing different results.
Does anyone have a solution to this? I am particularly new to crystal reports, and have just avoided subreports to avoid deeper complication. I believe I may just be able to pass the criteria value from the main report through a shared variable or parameter as an alternative to my current attempt, but I am not sure how.
It sounds like you are taking the right approach by using a subreport. You did add the parameter to the subreport and linked it through from the main report?
I suggest you view the SQL query for both the main report and subreport to identify the discrepancy.

How can I get a field to print at the top of every page in JasperReports?

I am using iReport 3.7.6 to create this report.
I have a report based off of an XML file. There is a 2-column master report and it has a detail band with a subreport.
I have a field called "Name" in the subreport. I want it to print at the top of every page. Or even at the top of every column. I have tried virtually everything I know how to do.
"Print When Detail Overflows" doesn't work, because this setting is in the detail.
I sure hope I don't need to create a subreport for every report break I want. I'll have like 4 or 5 subreports.
Is there some way to determine when the page has changed, and then use that event in a "Print When" expression?
Here is one solution, presuming the value does not change between pages:
Write a query for a subreport that obtains only the Name value.
Change the dimensions of the subreport to be as small as necessary.
Place the subreport in the page header band of the master report.
To answer your question accurately, more details (such as pictures of what you have versus what you want) would be helpful.
you can use pageCount variable which is implicitly available in jasper reports to know whether the page has changed or not.

crystal report problem

what is the equivalant command like in vb for EOF(), MoveNext, Moveprevious commands in crystal reports
There are no equivalent answers in Crystal Reports, at least not in the versions I have used. Crystal Reports more or less simply dumps the data out into the report.
That said, if you are in a detail row, and you want to find out what the next value of a field will be, you can use:
You can also find out the previous column value by using this:
Keep in mind that Next() won't work on the last record, and Previous() won't work on the first record.
I'll have to double-check, but I believe there is an OnLastRecord function that returns TRUE if you are on the last record.
First, welcome to SO!
Second, you sound new to Crystal Report's purpose is to display data, not perform the kind of calculations you're talking about. CR usually goes record-by-record through the data, displaying (or suppressing) each record, and adding group headers & footers.
To answer your question, LittleBobbyTables does give a few good pointers. To see the entire list of functions available to you, there is a list in the Formula Editor (see pic below). Press F1 for detailed descriptions of each command.
You can also:
Create a "Running Total Formula" that will evaluate each record and give a calculation in the group footer.
Do the calculations outside of Crystal Reports and only feed the end result in (perhaps with an unlinked join to your primary table).
The most complex option is to make a subreport that does the calculation and feeds the result back to the main report
Can you give us some more details about what you're trying to do?