Eclipse open all files in project - eclipse

How can I open all source code files in a eclipse project at once? It takes too long to open all files in large projects by expanding out the packages and clicking on all the files.
I would like to know how to do this so I can ctrl+e to classes quickly.

It is not a good way to keep open all source files in a project because a project may have hundreds of source files. There is NO direct way to open all source files in eclipse.
However you can do it in two ways:
Using open resource dialog:
Create a working set which includes your project. Refer this.
Press Ctrl+Shift+R and select the your working set(Click on the downward pointed triangle button)
Type *.java in the text box. Dialog will list all java files in your project. Press Ctrl+A to select all files. Click on open button.
Using search dialog:
Select your project in Package explorer/Navigator/Projects view.
Press Ctrl+H. Go to File search tab. Leave "Containing text:" as blank. In File name patterns text box enter *.java. In scope section choose Selected resource option. Press search button. All source files will be displayed in search view.
Change the view layout of Search view to Show as list(In search view toolbar click on the downward pointed triangle button)
Press Ctrl+A to select all results. Right click and select open option.


Eclipse - Can't View or Open Java files in Package Explorer to Editor

I clicked something or accidentally drug a file that was open in the editor and now it is no longer displayed.
If I double click on the file in Package Explorer it doesn't show in the editor like it used to. I have looked all over and can't figure out how to get this file back in the editor.
I thought clicking File - Open File would do it but that displays an open file dialog.
Another way to simulate this is to put the cursor in the editor for an open file and select File - Close. This closes the file but then if you double click on the file in the Package Explorer it doesn't open it in the editor anymore. How do I get these files to display in the editor again?
I also tried right clicking on the file and selecting "Open". This does not display in editor either.
I also tried right clicking and selecting "Open With Java Editor". This does not work either.
If I clicke "File" and then the name of the file in the MRU list . This does not work either.
Also, double clicking a file in Package Explorer fails to open any file. The file shows in the File MRU list but does not display in editor. Can not figure this out.
Also, if I select "Back to" or "Forward to" arrows on toolbar, it tracks the file in the Package Explorer by highlighting it but the file does not display in an editor like it used to.
Also, I have tried "File Open" browsing to the physical location and selecting it but that does not display in the editor either.
I had to open a new window (Window - New Window) and then Reset Perspective (Window - Reset Perspective) to get the editor back. Not sure why but I lost some of my perspective settings doing this.
In Package Explorer, instead of double-clicking on the file, try to right-click it and you should get several "Open with..." options; choose the one that matches the editor in which you want the file to open.
Your choice will also be saved as the default, so the next times you can just double-click and it will open in that same editor.
If you are customizing the perspective, then saving perspective could be a safer option to avoid such glitches.
PFB the link on how to save a perspective:

How to change the default search mode to "File Search" in Eclipse?

When using Eclipse on a large, collaborative project, I use the Search utility to find occurrences of objects and strings across the files in the Workspace. Whenever clicking on the search button in the toolbar, the dialog defaults to the C/C++ Search tab. However, 99.9% of the time, I need the File Search tab.
This page hints on how to set the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H to open the File Search tab, but I am habitually using the mouse to open that dialog.
Is there a way to configure the Search button to open in the File Search tab?
Use the check box Remember last used page, found under the button Customize...

What is the IntelliJ equivalent from Eclipse, show file in the package explorer view

I am more familiar in Eclipse and need the IntelliJ equivalent. In Eclipse, I could open a java class, right click, show file in package explorer and it would highlight the file on the left. What is the IntelliJ equivalent.
You can highlight a file you have open in the editor in a number of views using the Select that can be opened using ALT-F1 when the editor window has the cursor.
The most usual ones (Project/Packages) are found under the menu opened by ALT-F1 and then right arrow.
You can also double click the circle/cross button ontop of the Project view
it will show you the current active file in the project structure
You can turn on Autoscroll from source in Project Tool Window so that the file/class to the left is scrolled to as soon as you open a file for edit.
If this option is on, IntelliJ IDEA automatically navigates from a file in the editor to the corresponding node (file, class, field, method, etc.) in the Project tool window.
Note that selecting this option makes the Scroll to Source button unavailable.
It is called "select in project view".
You'd better edit your keymap ! (alt+F1 right arrow is not very efficient...)
file > settings > keymap > select in project view : alt+E for example
You can press Alt-Home, it goes to the navigation bar.
Go to or select the package by pressing left arrow.
Press F4 now to see it in the project view.

How do I show an open file in eclipse Package Explorer?

When a file (.java for example) is open in Eclipse, how do I get the Package Explorer to show the file that I am working on?
There is a button in the Package Explorer view that looks like two yellow arrows pointed at left and right. The tooltip is "Link with Editor". Click that.
I've found that constantly syncing package explorer with editor causes package explorer view eventually to grow too long, especially with large projects. I've instead mapped a keyboard shortcut to sync package explorer with the editor. If you are using mylyn this is of course a smaller problem.
Key mappings are available at Window ⟶ Preferences ⟶ General ⟶ Keys ⟶ Show In (Show In Target Id: Package Explorer). Mine is Ctrl+Alt+⟵, be welcome to copy.
In Luna Command name has changed a little. Instead of Show In (Show In Target Id: Package Explorer) command is now Show In (Package Explorer).
From this site:
How to use Show In functionality from the popup menu
Press Alt+Shift+W while you’re in an editor. This pops up a menu with a number of choices. The choices will vary depending on what plugins you have installed. Select the option you want and press Enter.
The fastest way to select an option is to use the first letter of the option, eg. to go to the Package Explorer, press P (you may have to do this 2 or 3 times depending on how many other options start with P). The press Enter. You could also use the arrow keys.
Invoke "Show In" faster with a keyboard shortcut
If you frequently use one of the options (eg. Package Explorer), you can map a single keyboard shortcut to invoke it.
Go to Windows > Preferences > General > Keys.
Search for Show In. Eclipse will list a number of Show In options. In
our case we want Show In (Show In Target Id: Package Explorer).
Select the command you want, enter a key in Binding and you’re done.
Always link active source file with package explorer
If you like this feature, you can open the package editor and click on the double yellow arrows to always show the currently selected source file in the package explorer.
There is a double arrow icon at the top of the Package Explorer that toggles this behaviour. click on It
In your Eclipse .java file editor, right-click anywhere, then "Show In-> Package Explorer".
As shown:
As you can see, you can also open file in Navigator, Outline and so on with this.
Above project explorer window you will see the below image in the red circle , just clicked on this one mean when clicked any file in the project will showing you in project explorer.
If you want to show only one file you can
1 - Click right on the file .
2 - Select show-in .
3 - Select show in project explorer .
4 - Done.
The below image explain more about it .

Zend Studio for Eclispse Expand All feature

is there a way to select a folder and somehow expand all the child folders of the selected folder? It would be very useful.
The issue that I imagine is that because in Zend Studio php files are expandable also so they can show their classes namespaces methods and etc if there is a way to expand a folder and all its subfolders it shouldn't expand php files too.
Thanks in advance :)
In the project view, this feature does not exists.
However, you can right click on your top folder then click "search". This will open a search window. Simply press the "search" button without any search field entered and another window will appear with the results. In this window, you have a small "expand all" button in the top corner.
You can also right click on your top folder in that window and the "expand all" option will be displayed there too.