Type alias vs lambda type - scala

Can anybody explain the pros/cons of
type VNel[+A] = ValidationNel[String, A]
x.sequence[VNel, ....
x.sequence[({ type l[a] = ValidationNel[String, a] })#l, ....
From what I understand, using structural types incurs a runtime performance hit of having to use reflection.

Type lambda is a way to express complex types inline.
Type alias is way create an identifier for a type. It can be a complex type or be as simple as type UserId = Int. It is useful when you start needing a complex type more than once or you want to simplify a complex signature by breaking it in parts.
Neither type lambdas and type alias are structural typing. but rather a way to express types.
For more details on type lambdas:

They are mostly equivalent - use whichever you find clearer. IMO the type alias is usually more readable. In the context of a trait (or class) written to be extended, the type lambda can be clearer as it prevents overriding the type, but this is very much an edge case.
Accessing values defined in a structural type in ordinary code would indeed incur the cost of using reflection. But in a type lambda the structural type is only used as a generic type parameter, which will be erased at runtime. So there will be no runtime performance impact.
If you're making extensive use of type lambdas, you might like to consider the kind-projector plugin, which provides a more convenient syntax (and avoids the misleading visual resemblance to a structural type).


Objects with type members: what is Scala's object vs module system ? (Trying to understand a 2014 Odersky paper on path dependent types)

I am reading Foundations of path dependent types. On the first page, on the right column it is written:
Our motivation is twofold. First, we believe objects with type members
are not fully understood. It is not clear what causes the complexity,
which pieces of complexity are essential to the concept or accidental
to a language implementation or calculus that tries to achieve
something else. Second, we believe objects with type members are
really useful. They can encode a variety of other, usually separate
type system features. Most importantly, they unify concepts from
object and module systems, by adding a notion of nominality to otherwise structural systems.
Could someone clarify/explain what does "object vs module" system mean?
Or in general, what does
"they (objects with type members) unify concepts from
object and module systems, by adding a notion of nominality to otherwise structural systems."
mean ?
What concepts? From where ?
Nominality in the object names / values ?
Structure in the types ? Or the other way around?
Where do type members here belong to ? To module system ? Object system ? How? Why?
How does this unification relate to path dependent types ? It seems to me that they allow this unification to happen (objects with type members). Is that so ?
If yes, how ?
Could you give a simple example what that means ? (I.e. path dependent types allowing the unification of module and object systems vs. why would the unification not be possible happen if we would not have path dependent types?)
From the paper:
To make any use of type members, programmers need a way to refer to
them. This means that types must be able to refer to objects, i.e.
contain terms that serve as static approximation of a set of dynamic
objects. In other words, some level of dependent types is required;
the usual notion is that of path-dependent types.
So my understanding so far (with the help of Jesper's answer) :
This paragraph above partially answers some of the questions above. The main seems to be to have objects with type members and to have that path dependent types are needed because objects are dynamic/runtime dependent but types are static (defined at compile time) so just by having objects that lead to type members would not work because then those type members would not be defined clearly at compile time.
Path dependent types help here by pinning down the path leading to a type member at compile time (by requiring that the objects are already known/defined at compile time), so even if the path goes via objects (that can change during compile time) but if those objects are fixed already at compile time then their type members can have a clear meaning at compile time too.
I'm not sure I fully understand what your question is, but I'll take a stab at it. :) I think the authors mainly are referring to ML style modules where a signature corresponds to a Scala trait and a structure corresponds to a Scala object. Scala unifies the concepts of record values, objects and modules which in most other languages (like ML, Rust etc.) are separate concepts. The main benefit is that in Scala modules/objects can be passed around as normal function arguments (while in ML you have to use special functors for this).
In ML a module is checked for compatibility with a signature (trait in Scala) based on its structure (similar to structural typing in Scala), but in Scala the module must implement the trait by name (nominal typing). So even if two modules/objects have the same structure in Scala they might not be compatible with each other depending on their super type hierarchy.
A really powerful feature regarding type members in Scala is that you can use a trait even if you don't know the exact type of its type members as long as you do it in a type safe way (I think this is also possible in ML modules), for example:
trait A {
type X
def getX: X
def setX(x: X): Unit
def foo(a: A) = a.setX(a.getX)
In foo the Scala compiler doesn't know the exact type of a.X but a value of the type can still be used in a way the compiler knows is safe. This is not possible in Rust for example.
The next version of the Scala compiler, Dotty, will be based on the theory described in the paper you reference. This unification of modules and objects combined with subtyping, traits and type members is one reason that Scala is unique and very powerful.
EDIT: To expand a bit why path dependent types increases the flexibility of Scala's module/object system, let's expand the example above with:
def bar(a: A, b: A) = a.setX(b.getX)
This will result in a compilation error:
error: type mismatch;
found : b.T
required: a.T
def foo(a: A, b: A) = a.setX(b.getX)
and correctly so because a.T and b.T could resolve to different types. You can fix it by using a path dependent type:
def bar(a: A)(b: A { type X = a.X }) = a.setX(b.getX)
Or add a type parameter:
def bar[T](a: A { type X = T }, b: A { type X = T }) = a.setX(b.getX)
So, path dependent types eliminates some need of type parameters, and also allows us to express existential types efficiently (corresponding to A[_] or A[T] forSome { type T } if A had a type parameter instead of a type member).

In Scala, why does a type annotation must follow for the function parameters ? Why does the compiler not infer the function parameter types?

I have a simple question, why is the Scala compiler not able to infer the function parameter types by itself ?
Some functional programming languages, like Haskell, can infer almost
all types, because they can perform global type inference. Scala can’t
do this, in part because Scala has to support subtype polymorphism
(inheritance), which makes type inference much harder. Here is a
summary of the rules for when explicit type annotations are required
in Scala.
When Explicit Type Annotations Are Required
In practical terms, you have to provide explicit type annotations for the following situations:
A mutable var or immutable val declaration where you don’t assign a value, (e.g., abstract declarations in a class like val book: String, var count: Int
All method parameters (e.g., def deposit(amount: Money) = {…}).
Method return types in the following cases:
1)When you explicitly call return in a method (even at the end).
2)When a method is recursive.
3)When two or more methods are overloaded (have the same name) and one of them calls another; the calling method needs a return type annotation.
4)When the inferred return type would be more general than you intended, e.g., Any.
Source Programming Scala, 2nd Edition - O'Reilly Media
I have a simple question, why is the Scala compiler not able to infer the function parameter types by itself ?
Scala has local type inference. If you look at the method, and look at what information is there locally, it should be easy to see, that there simply is no information about what the types could possibly be.
Say, you have the following method:
def foo(a) = a + a
How is Scala going to figure out what type a is? It can only figure that out from looking at how the method is called, but that is non-local information!
And even worse: since Scala supports dynamic code loading, it is possible that the calling code doesn't even exist yet at compile time.

Scala syntax inquiry, return type inference

Code seems trivial but I'm not understanding one thing in the return value:
trait JdbcTemplate {
def query(psc: PreparedStatementCreator,
rowMapper: RowMapper): List[_]
What exactly does List[_] mean here? Wouldn't using List[Any] imply the same thing? Where can I read on the differences?
Any is a specific, known (though utterly all-inclusive) type. The use of the underscore as type parameter is a shorthand for a more cumbersome and more general syntax for what is called an "existential type." Existential types are non-specific: They say there's at least one type that could go here. They are the dual of universal quantification that is the interpretation of the more commonly used unbounded type parameters. E.g., def method[T](t: T) .... In this construct, T may be bound to any type whatsoever though at each place where that type is instantiated (every occurrence of a call to that method), it is bound to a specific type.
Given that _ means you don't care about the type and Any is supertype of everything, both are the same.

Advantages of Scala's type system

I am exploring the Scala language. One claim I often hear is that Scala has a stronger type system than Java. By this I think what people mean is that:
scalac rejects certain buggy programs which javac will compile happily, only to cause a runtime error.
Certain invariants can be encoded in a Scala program such that the compiler won't let the programmer write code that violates the condition.
Am I right in thinking so?
The main advantage of the Scala Type system is not so much being stronger but rather being far richer (see "The Scala Type System").
(Java can define some of them, and implement others, but Scala has them built-in).
See also The Myth Makers 1: Scala's "Type Types", commenting Steve Yegge's blog post, where he "disses" Scala as "Frankenstein's Monster" because "there are type types, and type type types".
Value type classes (useful for reasonably small data structures that have value semantics) used instead of primitives types (Int, Doubles, ...), with implicit conversion to "Rich" classes for additional methods.
Nonnullable type
Monad types
Trait types (and the mixin composition that comes with it)
Singleton object types (just define an 'object' and you have one),
Compound types (intersections of object types, to express that the type of an object is a subtype of several other types),
Functional types ((type1, …)=>returnType syntax),
Case classes (regular classes which export their constructor parameters and which provide a recursive decomposition mechanism via pattern matching),
Path-dependent types (Languages that let you nest types provide ways to refer to those type paths),
Anonymous types (for defining anonymous functions),
Self types (can be used for instance in Trait),
Type aliases, along with:
package object (introduced in 2.8)
Generic types (like Java), with a type parameter annotation mechanism to control the subtyping behavior of generic types,
Covariant generic types: The annotation +T declares type T to be used only in covariant positions. Stack[T] is a subtype of Stack[S] if T is a subtype of S.
Contravariant generic types: -T would declare T to be used only in contravariant positions.
Bounded generic types (even though Java supports some part of it),
Higher kinded types, which allow one to express more advanced type relationships than is possible with Java Generics,
Abstract types (the alternative to generic type),
Existential types (used in Scala like the Java wildcard type),
Implicit types (see "The awesomeness of Scala is implicit",
View bounded types, and
Structural types, for specifing a type by specifying characteristics of the desired type (duck typing).
The main safety problem with Java relates to variance. Basically, a programmer can use incorrect variance declarations that may result in exceptions being thrown at run-time in Java, while Scala will not allow it.
In fact, the very fact that Java's Array is co-variant is already a problem, since it allows incorrect code to be generated. For instance, as exemplified by sepp2k:
String[] strings = {"foo"};
Object[] objects = strings;
objects[0] = new Object();
Then, of course, there are raw types in Java, which allows all sort of things.
Also, though Scala has it as well, there's casting. Java API is rich in type casts, and there's no idiom like Scala's case x: X => // x is now safely cast. Sure, one case use instanceof to accomplish that, but there's no incentive to do it. In fact, Scala's asInstanceOf is intentionally verbose.
These are the things that make Scala's type system stronger. It is also much richer, as VonC shows.

What are the differences and similarities of Scala and Haskell type systems?

How to explain Scala's type system to a Haskell expert?
What examples show Scala's advantages?
How to explain Haskell's type system to an advanced Scala practitioner?
What can be done in Haskell that can't be done in Scala?
Scala To a Haskell programmer:
Scala is a strict and impure language with first-class modules. Data types are declared as "classes" or "traits" with subtle differences, and modules or "objects" are values of those types. Scala supports type constructors taking universally quantified type parameters. Objects/classes/traits have members which consist of values, mutable variables, and functions (called "methods", to which the module is implicitly passed as a variable called this). Modules may have type members which can also take parameters. Type members are existentially quantified and type parameters can be higher-kinded. Because types can be members of first-class values, Scala provides a flavour of dependent typing called path-dependent types.
First-class functions are also modules. A function is a module with a method named apply. A method is not first-class, but a syntax is provided to wrap a method in a first-class function. Unfortunately, a module requires all of its type parameters up front, hence a partially applied first-class function is not allowed to be universally quantified. More generally, Scala completely lacks a direct mechanism for types of rank higher than 1, but modules parameterized on higher-kinded types can be exploited to simulate rank-n types.
Instead of type classes with global scope, Scala lets you declare an implicit value of any given type. This includes function types, which provides implicit conversion, and therefore type extension. In addition to implicit conversions, type extension is provided by the "extends" mechanism which lets you declare a subtype/supertype relation among modules. This mechanism can be used to simulate algebraic datatypes where the supertype can be seen as the type on the left-hand side of a data declaration, and its subtypes as the value constructors on the right-hand side. Scala has extensive pattern-matching capabilities using a virtualized pattern matcher with first-class patterns.
Scala supports subtyping, and this limits type inference considerably. But type inference has improved over time. Inference of higher kinded types is supported. However, Scala lacks any meaningful kind system, and therefore has no kind inference and no kind unification. If a type variable is introduced, it is of kind * unless annotated otherwise. Certain types like Any (the supertype of all types) and Nothing (a subtype of every type) are technically of every kind although they cannot be applied to type arguments.
Haskell to a Scala programmer:
Haskell is a purely functional language. This means that functions are not allowed to have any side-effects at all. For example, a Haskell program doesn't print to the screen as such, but is a function that returns a value of the IO[_] datatype which describes a sequence of actions for the IO subsystem to perform.
Whereas Scala is strict by default and provides "by-name" annotation for nonstrict function arguments, Haskell is lazy by default using "by-need" semantics, and provides annotation for strict arguments.
Type inference in Haskell is more complete than in Scala, having full inference. This means that type annotation is almost never necessary.
Recent extensions to the GHC compiler allow advanced type system features that have no equivalent in Scala, such as rank-n types, type families, and kinds polymorphism.
In Haskell, a module is a collection of types and functions, but modules are not first-class entities. Implicits are provided by type classes, but these are globally scoped once declared, and they cannot be passed explicitly as in Scala. Multiple instances of a type class for a given type are resolved by wrapping with a newtype to disambiguate, whereas in Scala this would be solved simply by scoping or by passing instances explicitly.
Since Haskell isn't "object-oriented", there's no method/function dichotomy. Every function is first class and every function is curried by default (no Function1, Function2, etc).
Haskell has no subtype mechanism, but type classes can have a subclass relationship.
I don't believe anyone has systematically compared Haskell (as exemplified by GHC's type system) with Scalas. The main points of difference are the degree of type inference, and support for higher-rank types. But a full treatment of the differences would be a publishable result.