I am trying to convert radians to degrees. I already know:
1 radian = 180/PI This does give me degrees.
You can check out my code here: github
Here is my problem:
I am getting radian data that only goes from 0 to 1.5 and then back to 0 then from 0 to -1.5 and back to 0. So when I do the conversion I get 0 to 90 and back to 0 and then 0 to -90 and back to 0.
What I want is to be able to go from 0 to 360 as I move the pitch of the Iphone. I am pretty sure its an easy map and when I see it i will slam my hand into my forehead.
Thanks for the help!
I think your issue is a typo.
The function in your repo is:
var degrees = (radians * M_PI)
but as you noted at the beginning of your question, it should be
var degrees = radians * (180.0 / M_PI)
I'm working on a spritekit game using swift and I implemented a joystick using this library. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to calculate the degree of the rotation. the library gives you this information when you move the joystick around
joystick.trackingHandler = { jData in
// something...
// jData contains angular && velocity (jData.angular, jData.velocity)
I don't need to rotate the player since the game is a 4 directional jrpg style, so i'll just be triggering movement based on a range of degrees.
does anybody have any useful articles or information on turning the velocity returned into a degree?
I've seen people using atan2 but it seems to only accept Double's and the velody returned is of type CGPoint.
The angular value in jData contains the angle in radians.
To convert, use the following code for values between -180 and +180:
let degrees = jData.angular * 360 / (2 * M_PI)
and this for values between 0 and +360:
var radians = jData.angular
radians = radians > 0 ? radians : (2 * M_PI + radians)
let degrees = radians * 360 / (2 * M_PI)
adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/1311134/968577
In a iOS prototype I use a combination of CMDeviceMotion.deviceMotion.yaw and CLHeading.trueHeading to make stable compass heading that is responsive and accurate. This works well when the iPhone is held flat, where I have a graphical arrow that point to a stable compass heading.
The problem appear when the iPhone is held vertical in portait mode. The UIDeviceOrientation constantly changes from UIDeviceOrientationFaceDown to UIDeviceOrientationFaceUp and back. This makes the yaw value to skip back and forth +/-180 degrees based on small changes of the pitch. Is it possible to lock the device to one orientation that gives a stable yaw value, predict the change without glitches or compute the gyro yaw (or roll in this orientation) in other ways?
This poor guy have the same problem, with no answers. Double points possible people! :)
I was just searching for an answer to this problem. It broke my heart a bit to see that you posted this over a year ago, but I figured maybe you or someone else could benefit from the solution.
The issue is gimbal lock. When pitch is about 90 degrees, yaw and roll match up and the gyro loses a degree of freedom. Quaternions are one way of avoiding gimbal lock, but I honestly didn't feel like wrapping my mind around that. Instead, I noticed that yaw and roll actually match up and can simply be summed to to solve the problem (assuming you only care about yaw).
float yawDegrees = currentAttitude.yaw * (180.0 / M_PI);
float pitchDegrees = currentAttitude.pitch * (180.0 / M_PI);
float rollDegrees = currentAttitude.roll * (180.0 / M_PI);
double rotationDegrees;
if(rollDegrees < 0 && yawDegrees < 0) // This is the condition where simply
// summing yawDegrees with rollDegrees
// wouldn't work.
// Suppose yaw = -177 and pitch = -165.
// rotationDegrees would then be -342,
// making your rotation angle jump all
// the way around the circle.
rotationDegrees = 360 - (-1 * (yawDegrees + rollDegrees));
rotationDegrees = yawDegrees + rollDegrees;
// Use rotationDegrees with range 0 - 360 to do whatever you want.
I hope this helps someone else!
If somebody is interested in the implementation in iOS Swift the code is given below:
let queue = NSOperationQueue()
motionManager.startDeviceMotionUpdatesToQueue(queue) {
[weak self] (data: CMDeviceMotion!, error: NSError!) in
var yawDegrees: Double = self!.motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude.yaw * (180.0 / M_PI)
var pitchDegrees: Double = self!.motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude.pitch * (180.0 / M_PI)
var rollDegrees: Double = self!.motionManager.deviceMotion.attitude.roll * (180.0 / M_PI)
if(rollDegrees < 0 && yawDegrees < 0){
self!.rotationDegrees = 360 - (-1 * (yawDegrees + rollDegrees))
else {
self!.rotationDegrees = yawDegrees + rollDegrees
However I am having some problems and I hope #blkhp19 can help me with this because at certain points the angles go into negative values which then messes up the entire calculation and I can't figure out what the problem is.
The problem is a bit confusing because there are at least two different ways to think about Yaw. One is from the phone's perspective, and one from the world perspective.
I'll use this image from Apple to explain further:
If the phone is flat on a table:
Rotations along the phone's yaw (or Z axis): change the compass heading.
Rotations along the phone's roll (or Y axis): do not change compass heading.
Rotations along the phone's pitch (or X axis): do not change compass heading.
If the phone is flat against a wall:
Rotations along the phone's yaw (or Z axis): change the compass heading.
Rotations along the phone's roll (or Y axis): change the compass heading.
Rotations along the phone's pitch (or X axis): do not change compass heading.
For the remainder of this answer, I'll assume the phone is upright and yaw, pitch, and roll refer to exactly what's in the photo above.
You'll need to use atan2 and inspect gravity as in this example.
let yaw = -Angle(radians: .pi - atan2(motion.gravity.x, motion.gravity.y))
Similar to the above, I primarily just swapped x and z and it seems to be returning the correct values:
let pitch = Angle(radians: .pi - atan2(motion.gravity.z, motion.gravity.y))
Roll (aka Compass Heading)
Use blkhp19's code above which sums up the attitude yaw and roll. If you import SwiftUI, you can leverage the Angle struct to make radian + degrees conversion easier:
func roll(motion: CMDeviceMotion) -> Angle {
let attitudeYaw = Angle(radians: motion.attitude.yaw)
let attitudeRoll = Angle(radians: motion.attitude.roll)
var compassHeading: Angle = attitudeYaw + attitudeRoll
if attitudeRoll.degrees < 0 && attitudeYaw.degrees < 0 {
compassHeading = Angle(degrees: 360 - (-1 * compassHeading.degrees))
return compassHeading
Also note that if you don't need the actual angle, and all you need is the relationship (e.g. isPhoneUpright), you can simply read gravity values for those.
extension CMDeviceMotion {
var yaw: Angle {
-Angle(radians: .pi - atan2(gravity.x, gravity.y))
var pitch: Angle {
Angle(radians: .pi - atan2(gravity.z, gravity.y))
var roll: Angle {
let attitudeYaw = Angle(radians: attitude.yaw)
let attitudeRoll = Angle(radians: attitude.roll)
var compassHeading: Angle = attitudeYaw + attitudeRoll
if attitudeRoll.degrees < 0 && attitudeYaw.degrees < 0 {
compassHeading = Angle(degrees: 360 - (-1 * compassHeading.degrees))
return compassHeading
For example,
sin 33.35 = 0.5523 in degree
sin 33.35 = 0.9347 in radian
As Xcode gives answers by default in radian.
So is there any way to get answer in degree ???
Yes, you multiply radians by a constant, 180/pi, to get degrees. That's because there are 2 * pi radians in a complete circle of 360 degrees (so half a circle is pi radians and 180 degrees).
Just keep in mind that's a conversion you have to apply to the input of the sine function (the angle), not the output (which is a length).
The pi constant can be used by including math.h and using the M_PI symbol.
A full circle in degrees exists of 360 degrees, and a full circle in radians is 2*pi. So, to convert radians to degrees, you divide by pi and multiply by 180.
radians * 180 / M_PI
If you would convert from degrees to radians, for example to provide degrees for a animation, use this:
degrees * M_PI / 180
I am using #DEFINEs for this myself:
#define DEGREES(radians)((radians)*180/M_PI)
#define RADIANS(degree)((degree)*M_PI/180)
Simply use by saying RADIANS(degree) or DEGREES(radians) in any part of your code, where you replace the degree and radians by the degree or radian value you had. This also keeps it more readable in my opinion if you are not used to radians.
Get the value in radians, then do:
CGFloat degrees = (radians * 180) / M_PI;
M_PI is a #define located in math.h.
Fortunately, the Objective-C language is a proper superset of C, which includes multiplication and division operators.
How is it possible to take the x,z values produced by the accelerometer and translate it as values
that will represent a point in 360 degrees of the iphone rotation? (LANDSCAPED)
it can be -2 to 2 (0 for the middle point) and it can be 0 to 360, as long as it represents a value for the whole iphone rotation.
I need it for a Landscape game im making
what is the best solution in that case?
Use the atan2() function. To get a value in degrees:
#include <math.h>
float degrees = atan2(x, y) * 180 / 3.14159;
There are two views:
viewA and viewB. Both are rotated.
The coordinate system for rotation is weird: It goes from 0 to 179,999999 or -179,99999 degrees. So essentially 179,99999 and -179,99999 are very close together!
I want to calculate how much degrees or radians are between these rotations.
For example:
viewA is rotated at 20 degrees
viewB is rotated at 30 degrees
I could just do: rotationB - rotationA = 10.
But the problem with this formula:
viewA is rotated at 179 degrees
viewB is rotated at -179 degrees
that would go wrong: rotationB - rotationA = -179 - 179 = -358
358 is plain wrong, because they are very close together in reality. So one thing I could do maybe is to check if the absolute result value is bigger than 180, and if so, calculate it the other way around to get the short true delta. But I feel this is plain wrong and bad, because of possible floating point errors and unprecision. So if two views are rotated essentially equally at 179,99999999999 degrees I might get a weird 180 or a 0 if I am lucky.
Maybe there's a genius-style math formular with PI, sine or other useful stuff to get around this problem?
EDIT: Original answer (with Mod) was wrong. would have given 180 - right answer in certain circumstances (angles 30 and -20 for example would give answer of 130, not correct answer of 50):
Two correct answers for all scenarios:
If A1 and A2 are two angles (between -179.99999 and 179.99999,
and Abs means take the Absolute Value,
The angular distance between them, is expressed by:
Angle between = 180 - Abs(Abs(A1 - A2) - 180)
Or, using C-style ternary operator:
Angle between = A1 < 180 + A2? A1 - A2: 360 + A1 - A2
Judging from the recent questions you've asked, you might want to read up on the unit circle. This is a fundamental concept in trigonometry, and it is how angles are calculated when doing rotations using CGAffineTransforms or CATransform3Ds.
Basically, the unit circle goes from 0 to 360 degrees, or 0 to 2 * pi (M_PI is the constant used on the iPhone) radians. Any angle greater than 360 degrees is the same as that angle minus a multiple of 360 degrees. For example, 740 degrees is the same as 380 degrees, which is the same as 20 degrees, when it comes to the ending position of something rotated by that much.
Likewise, negative degrees are the same as if you'd added a multiple of 360 degrees to them. -20 degrees is the same as 340 degrees.
There's no magic behind any of these calculations, you just have to pay attention to when something crosses the 0 / 360 degree point on the circle. In the case you describe, you can add 360 to any negative values to express them in positive angles. When subtracting angles, if the ending angle is less than the starting angle, you may also need to add 360 to the result to account for crossing the zero point on the unit circle.
Let's try this again:
There are two angles between A and B. One of them is
θ1 = A - B
The other is
θ2 = 360 - θ1
So just take the minimum of those two.
In addition to Brad Larson's excellent answer I would add that you can do:
CGFloat adjustAngle(angle) { return fmod(angle + 180.0, 360.0); }
CGFloat difference = fmod(adjustAngle(angle1) - adjustAngle(angle2), 360.0);
Take the difference, add 360, and mod by 360.