TYPO3 Extbase: How to sort child objects - typo3

I have an Extbase Model Article and a 1:n Relation Product. In Article TCA i have an inline field configuered. In my Article Template I want to display all related Products. These are oredered by uid. How can i change the ordering of the child objects to the field sorting to be able to manually sort them. ( In the backend form the sorting is possible, only diplaying them sorted by field sorting is not possible )

The easiest way to sort child elements in a object storage is to manipulate the TCA.
$TCA['tx_myext_domain_model_ordering'] = array(
'columns' => array(
'services' => array(
'exclude' => 0,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:myext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xml:tx_myext_domain_model_ordering.services',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_myext_domain_model_service',
'foreign_field' => 'ordering',
'foreign_sortby' => 'sorting',
'maxitems' => 9999,
'appearance' => array(
'collapseAll' => 0,
'levelLinksPosition' => 'top',
'showSynchronizationLink' => 1,
'showPossibleLocalizationRecords' => 1,
'showAllLocalizationLink' => 1
With the filed 'foreign_sortby' => 'sorting', you can easily say on which field the childs should be ordered.

Using the dot notation you can sort by properties of subobjects:
'sorting' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING
'subobject.sorting' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING
edit: Caught me off guard, I think I read your question wrong. Yes, this sorts by child objet, but it applies that to the parent object, of course. If you want to sort the child objects themselves, you have to set that sorting in the repository of the child object, as #Urs explained.

Here's how I do it, in the repository class:
class ItemRepository extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository {
* http://www.typo3.net/forum/thematik/zeige/thema/114160/?show=1
* Returns items of this repository, sorted by sorting
* #return array An array of objects, empty if no objects found
* #api
public function findAll() {
$orderings = array(
'sorting' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING
$query = $this->createQuery();
$result = $query->execute();
return $result;

I dont't really like the idea of doing basic sorting inside the view (mvc).
The Downside of most Database abstraction Layers ist, that you are quite often restricted to either mixup mvc or have a (sometimes slightly) lower performance.
I am at the same point right now. I am thinking about retrieving the parents (with their children attached). Then go into every single parent and get children for this parent in a sorted way.
public function findAllSorted() {
$query = $this->createQuery();
/* sort parents */
$query->setOrderings(array('name' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING));
$parents = $query->execute();
foreach($parents as $parent){
/* get children for every parent */
$children = $this->getChildrenSorted($parent);
// add children to parent TBD
/* Debug output */
public function getChildrenSorted(\mynamespace\ $parent) {
/* Generate an object manager and use dependency injection to retrieve children repository */
$objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager');
$childrenRepository= $objectManager->get('MYNAME\Extname\Domain\Repository\Repository');
$children = $versionRepository->findSortedByName($parent);
return $children;
The function findSortedByName inside the children repos is using
$query->matching($query->equals('parent', $parent));
to retrieve only children of this parent and
$query->setOrderings(array('name' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING));
to be able to give them back in an ordered way.
Warning: Depending on the size and quantity of all retrieved objects, this way might arise a huge performance issue.


Query with orderings causing empty result - Extbase 6.2

I made an extbase extension and want to list my appointments ordered first by startDate and for those appointments that are on the same day I want to order them by the last name of the customer.
In my repository I made following working query:
public function findAppointmentsForList($future) {
$curtime = time();
$query = $this->createQuery();
$constraints = array();
if ($future !== NULL) {
$constraints[] = ($future) ?
$query->greaterThanOrEqual('startDate', $curtime) :
$query->lessThan('startDate', $curtime);
if ($constraints) {
} else {}
$orderings = array(
'startDate' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING,
// 'customer.lastName' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING
return $query->execute();
It returns me some appointments so I assume it's working.
If I then uncomment the line 'customer.lastName... it returns 0 appointments.
What's going on? It's just the ordering, it can't possibly make the query smaller...
I don't even get any errors - I tried it with an invalid property for example and it gave me an error, so the property name is correct too.
And I debugged the working query and the last names in those customer objects where there.
This is my appointment model entry:
* customer
* #var \vendor\extension\Domain\Model\Customer
protected $customer = NULL;
And this is the TCA corresponding to it:
'customer' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:extension/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_extension_domain_model_appointment.customer',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'fe_users',
'minitems' => 0,
'maxitems' => 1,
EDIT: It's working now...but unfortunately I don't know why, changed too much in the meantime which I thought had nothing to do with this. One thing that might've affected this: startDate is of type Date and I noticed the query didn't filter it right so after I changed the curtime to new \DateTime('midnight') it was filtering correctly.
When you use related models in a query as part of the matching or orderBy then the query will be build with joins to the related tables. That means, that the result is actually smaller and will not include appointments without customers.
The strange thing is that you see the last names when you debug it, otherwise i would assume that you have some configuration errors in the TCA. Can you provide the TCA code from the apointment table and may be its model?

How to realize inheritance in Typo3 6.2 Extension?

My goal is being able to:
Create Expertise Entries in the backend (already accomplished)
Create SubExpertise Entries in the backend
(same props as Expertise but
they belong to one or many Expertise)
Create AdditionalInfoTitles Entries in the backend
(they can belong to one or many Expertise OR SubExpertise)
I want to be able to choose Objects from all Expertise AND SubExpertise when creating a new entry
Right now I can only choose between all Expertise-Entries:
That's why I thought about inheritance since then SubExpertise would be of the same type as Expertise and therefore automatically displayed in the Expertise list in a AdditionalInfoTitles entry. But that's just my theory and I'm kinda stuck in reality with typo3 TCA and other knowledge that I'm lacking...
In my extension builder I made following (don't mind the subExpertises property)
Then I added expertise to the Overrides folder, because I'm trying to extend it with subexpertise:
if (!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) {
die ('Access denied.');
$temporaryColumns = array (
'expertise' => array(
'exclude' => 1,
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:appoints/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_appoints_domain_model_subexpertise.expertise',
'config' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_appoints_domain_model_subexpertise',
'MM' => 'tx_appoints_subexpertise_expertise_mm',
'size' => 10,
'autoSizeMax' => 30,
'maxitems' => 9999,
'multiple' => 0,
'wizards' => array(
'_PADDING' => 1,
'_VERTICAL' => 1,
'edit' => array(
'module' => array(
'name' => 'wizard_edit',
'type' => 'popup',
'title' => 'Edit',
'icon' => 'edit2.gif',
'popup_onlyOpenIfSelected' => 1,
'JSopenParams' => 'height=350,width=580,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1',
'add' => Array(
'module' => array(
'name' => 'wizard_add',
'type' => 'script',
'title' => 'Create new',
'icon' => 'add.gif',
'params' => array(
'table' => 'tx_appoints_domain_model_expertise',
'pid' => '###CURRENT_PID###',
'setValue' => 'prepend'
But I don't think I'm going into the right direction with this -
Because I think this way I'm not gonna be able to add a SubExpertise in the backend separately from an Expertise - I already have the same problem with my Objects that extend fe_user because when creating them I usually have to go through a new User and then set the extension type - but this way I don't have separate listings of the different entities that extend fe_user.
I would get rid of the separation between Expertise and SubExpertise for the most part. According to your description a SubExpertise cannot have another SubExpertise as its parent, so you can adapt the select field that it only lists Expertises which have an empty parent field.
By removing the difference the problem of selecting (Sub)Expertise's in AdditionalInfoTitles is removed; it's just one and the same type of objects.
If you need to differentiate in the presentation in the BE forms there are plenty of options to adjust the labels of the listed items, use a function of your own to build the list or even a custom form element.
In Extbase you can simply write a few functions in your repository to fetch Expertise's, SubExpertise's or both.
If the entity SubExpertise does not have a meaning in your domain model, Jigal's answer is perfect for your scenario. If it does have a meaning, you can achieve that using single table inheritance in Extbase.
class Expertise extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity
// all common properties
class SubExpertise extends Expertise
* #var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage<\[YourVendorName]\Appoints\Domain\Model\Expertise>
protected $expertises;
public function __construct()
$this->expertises = new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage();
public function getExpertises() {}
public function setExpertises($expertises) {}
Via TypoScript then you have to define mapping rules, since both Expertise and SubExpertise would be stored in the same table tx_appoints_domain_model_subexpertise.
You'll find more details on single table inheritance in the Extbase book.

Sonata Admin MongoDB DataGrid filter

We are running Symfony 2.8 and the latest version of Sonata Admin along with Mongo as a data store. Please consider the following object which has been simplified for the sake of this question; it does work.
class Entry
/* #ID */
protected $id;
/* #String */
protected $type;
/* #String */
protected $content;
With the above, there will be lots of entries and from the Admin itself, we would like to filter by type.
Here's an example of the dataset
We can't create a set of selectable filters in the dataGrid function which are UNIQUE for type.
Note that where needed, the EntryRepository is included as a namespace at the start of the file
With the below, we get the type duplicated many times
->add('type', null, array(), 'document', array(
'expanded' => true,
'class' => 'Application:Entry',
'query_builder' => function(EntryRepository $dr) {
return $dr->createQueryBuilder();
With the below, we get a 500 error with only the message "string". I think this is because when using distinct, Mongo prepares a set of arrays instead of unexecuted QueryBuilder object?
->add('type', null, array(), 'document', array(
'expanded' => true,
'class' => 'Application:Entry',
'query_builder' => function(Entryepository $dr) {
return $dr->createQueryBuilder()
The attempt below is to use Map reduce to perform the equivalent of an SQL "GROUP BY" however, the same STRING error as above is provided.
->add('type', '', array(), 'document', array(
'expanded' => true,
'class' => 'Application:Entry',
'query_builder' => function(EntryRepository $dr) {
return $dr->createQueryBuilder()
->group(array(), array('type'))
->reduce('function (obj, prev) { prev.type; }');
CRUDE WORKAROUND...discouraged
The below is a demonstration using the filter (as listed in the Sonata documentation) and it DOES work...for one type at a time.
->add('type', 'doctrine_mongo_callback', array(
'callback' => function($queryBuilder, $alias, $field, $value) {
if (!$value || $value['value'] == false) {
return true;
return true;
'field_type' => 'checkbox'
Taken this approach, I think I'd have to go ahead and query the whole dataset getting the distinct values for type and then loop around each constructing the filter. This would work but be horribly messy.
What is the "best practise" way of performing this without turning the code in to a ruddy mess? Putting the query in a repository will still go and create a similar effect?
Thanks for reading
I'm posting the answer for anyone else who may be facing the same issue. I realised I was approaching the situation from the wrong angle and instead of any of the above, did the following
/* Prepare the options to be used in the filter */
$tagRepo = $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('repository.tag');
$types = $tagRepo->findTypes();
$choices = array();
/* Create a simple choice compatible array */
foreach ($types as $type) { $choices[$type] = $type; }
/* In the actial filter itself */
->add('type', 'doctrine_mongo_choice', array(), 'choice',
array('choices' => $choices))

Creating collection of read-only entities in Symfony2

My question is about creating collection of entities. I know about "How To Embed Collection Forms" and successfully used it. But in this case I have:
Simple class
class Thing
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="DicStyle", mappedBy="things")
* ....
protected $styles;
public function __construct()
$this->styles = new ArrayCollection();
Dictionary of styles
class DicStyle
I don't need to create form for DicStyle objects, because this is read only objects = dictionary (unchangeable). So, I want to create a form with something like this:
$builder->add('styles', 'collection', array(
'type' => 'entity', 'options' => array(
'class' => 'MyEntityBundle:DicStyle'
Of course it's pseudo-code. I can not imagine how to implement it.
The result
Suppose, I have:
Table "Thing" with one row (id = 1).
Table "DicStyle" with 6 rows (id = from 1 to 6).
Table "mtm_thing_dicstyle" (many-to-many table)
In the form, I choose two DicStyle (id=3, id=5) for the Thing. So, the mtm_thing_dicstyle contains:
thing_id dicstyle_id
-------- ------------
1 3
1 5
Try this form:
$builder->add('styles', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'MyEntityBundle:DicStyle'
'property'=>'name' //what property do you want to see when you select,
'multiple" => true //you'll be able to select many DicStyle
'expanded' => false //it'll shown on a multiple choice select tag
To select one or more objects in a form to relate them to your result you can use the form field type "entity". (See form-types)
$builder->add('styles', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'MyEntityBundle:DicStyle',
'property' => 'name', // property you want to be displayed
'expanded' => true,
'multiple' => true
This would render checkboxes and therefore the possibility to select multiple entities to be referenced.
Keep in mind, if you use multiple => true there are two options:
expanded => false: renders a multiselect field
expanded => true: renders checkboxes
See form-entity-type-options

Example of Zend Form with Collection Element using Forms not Fieldsets in Zend Framework2

I need a straight forward working example how I can include a collection element in Zend Form, I have seen some examples from Zend Framework 2 site and from previous posts in StackOverflow where most of them pointed to this link. But right now I am not using Fieldsets and staying with Forms, so in case if someone can direct me in the right way, how I can include a simple collection element when the user gets a page where the user can choose multiple choices from the shown collection form. Much better would be populating the collection form from database.
I have searched in the internet for quite a sometime now and thought I would post here, so that Zend profis can give their suggestions.
Just For Information:
Normally one can include a static dropdownbox in Zend Form in this fashion
'name' => "countr",
'type' => 'Zend\Form\Element\Select',
'options' => array(
'label' => "Countries",
'options' => array(
'country1' => 'Brazil',
'country2' => 'USA',
'country3' => 'Mexico',
'country4' => 'France',
So I am expecting a simple example which could give me a basic idea how this can be done.
To be honest, I don't see your problem here. Since form collections extend Fieldset which extends Element, you can just add it to the form as a regular element. The view helpers will take care of the rendering recursively.
Step 1: Create a form collection (create an instance of Zend\Form\Element\Collection). If the elements have to be added dynamically in some way, I'd create a factory class for this purpose.
Step 2: Add it to the form. (For example using $form->add($myCollectionInstance).)
Step 3: Render it. Zend\Form\View\Helper\Collection is a pretty good view helper to render the whole form without any pain.
You can also create a new class extending Zend\Form\Element\Collection and use the constructor to add the fields you need. Thus, you can add it to the form using the array you've pasted in your question. Also, you could directly use it in annotations.
Hope this helps.
If you just want to fill in a select list with option values you can add the array to the select list in a controller:
$form = new MyForm();
'country1' => 'Brazil',
'country2' => 'USA',
'country3' => 'Mexico',
'country4' => 'France',
the array can be fetched from db.
this is a different example for using form collections in the simplest way.
In this example it creates input text elements in a collection and fills them in. The number of elements depends on the array:
class MyForm extends \Zend\Form\Form
'type' => '\Zend\Form\Element\Collection',
'name' => 'myCollection',
'options' => array(
'label' => 'My collection',
'allow_add' => true,
class IndexController extends AbstractActionController
public function indexAction
$form = new MyForm();
$this->addElementsFromArray($form, array(
'country1' => 'Brazil',
'country2' => 'USA',
'country3' => 'Mexico',
'country4' => 'France',
//the above line can be replaced if fetching the array from a db table:
//$arrayFromDb = getArrayFromDb();
//$this->addElementsFromArray($form, $arrayFromDb);
return array(
'form' => $form
private function addElementsFromArray($form, $array)
foreach ($array as $key=>$value)
//'type' => '\Zend\Form\Element\SomeElement',
'name' => $key,
'options' => array(
'label' => $key,
'attributes' => array(
'value' => $value,
$form->setAttribute('action', $this->url('home'))
echo $this->form()->openTag($form);
echo $this->formCollection($form->get('myCollection'));
echo $this->form()->closeTag();