QGIS polyline to polygon error - qgis

I have a set of polylines in qgis saved as .shp but when the geometry lines to polygons tool is used it fills in the areas on the outside of the lines, forming some strange polygon. Any thoughts?

A screenshot of your result might help here. That being said, you could try the Topology Checker plugin and check for dangles. If you find a bunch, your lines may not be closing properly, so the tool can't form polygons as intended.
Also, there is a GIS-themed Stack Exchange, which may answer your future questions better.


Using leaflet to determine if a line intersects through a polygon

I am trying to work out the best way to determine if a line goes through a polygon, where it is possible that that points on that line do no fall within the polygon as shown in image below.
My data is multiple polygons and I wish to see if a line (lat,long to lat,long) goes through 1 or more of the polygons.
leaflet has a leaflet-pip that does a point in a polygon but I need to test a line... turf.js has lineIntersect but would this work with a line and a polygon (JSON)? Is there something else I can use but haven't found yet?
Just after some advice on the best way or library to achieve this
Thank you.
turf booleanIntersects works nicely.
Example here: https://codesandbox.io/s/ripkk?file=/src/index.js:9634-9641

Using leaflet to determine if a line intersects through a polygon [duplicate]

I am trying to work out the best way to determine if a line goes through a polygon, where it is possible that that points on that line do no fall within the polygon as shown in image below.
My data is multiple polygons and I wish to see if a line (lat,long to lat,long) goes through 1 or more of the polygons.
leaflet has a leaflet-pip that does a point in a polygon but I need to test a line... turf.js has lineIntersect but would this work with a line and a polygon (JSON)? Is there something else I can use but haven't found yet?
Just after some advice on the best way or library to achieve this
Thank you.
turf booleanIntersects works nicely.
Example here: https://codesandbox.io/s/ripkk?file=/src/index.js:9634-9641

Rendering overlapping polygons without holes in multipolygon in Leaflet

Is there a way to render overlapping polygons without holes in multipolygon in Leaflet?
I found Leaflet has an open issue.
I am asking because I have a bound polygon that contains inner polygons.
I would need to drag them all together, but it doesn't work in canvas mode. It could work if I can render this as a multipolygon. This is a follow-up question on my previous question.
I'll just copy-paste my response to Leaflet bug #6173 :
I'm reading the OGC's Simple Feature Access specification (again), to remind myself about the formal definitions of Polygons and MultiPolygons. Let me quote page 31:
6.1.14 MultiPolygon
A MultiPolygon is a MultiSurface whose elements are Polygons.
The assertions for MultiPolygons are as follows.
a) The interiors of 2 Polygons that are elements of a MultiPolygon may not intersect.
Heck, it even comes with pretty pictures:
So, MultiPolygons which have overlapping members are not valid MultiPolygons. As such, I think Leaflet has no obligation to handle that invalid case.
See also #3763 (comment) (re: fillRule option for SVG renderer).

Leaflet.js and complex polygons

For a small project I am allowing users to add areas to the database. Their query is sent to http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org and I store the latitude and longitude. If available, I also store the geoJSON polygon outline data.
Example output: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=wyoming&format=xml&polygon_geojson=1&addressdetails=1
This outlined area is then displayed on a map using leaflet.js. For a lot of polygons this works out just fine, but it seems that there is a limit to the amount of data the library can process. Some rather complex areas (that require a longtext to store in mysql) simply do not get displayed at all, without an error being thrown.
I guess my question has two parts:
1 - Am I right to assume that the large datasets are the root of the problem or should leaflet.js be able to handle those?
2 - What would be the best way of simplifying such datasets? Leaflet has such an algorithm for displaying areas, but that seems to be the failing point already.
And while we are on the topic: Right now I'm converting Nominatim's lnglat polygons to leaflet's latlng by splitting up the data and patching it back together in javascript. Is there an easier/safer way to do that? Should I rather move that task to the server and use some php library/function?
I appreciate your help!
Edit: Forgot to mention: on the occasion that the polygon fails to render, my console gives me this error: TypeError: t is null
are the large datasets the root of the problem or should leaflet.js be able to handle those?
Leaflet.js will handle whatever you throw at it. There is, however, a limit on what your web browser can handle without slowing down.
Remember that every modern web browser has performance analysis tools that you can use to see what parts of the Leaflet code (or of the browser's internals) is taking up most of your time.
What would be the best way of simplifying such datasets?
You probably want to look at the Douglas-Peucker algorithm for a starting point in these algorithms.
Keep in mind that Leaflet uses this algorithm internally to simplify polygons on each zoom level, up to a pixel.
For some big complex polygons, slicing them up with something like Leaflet.VectorGrid might improve the performance.
There is no silver bullet for simplifying datasets, however. The best way will depend on the specific data you are using.
on the occasion that the polygon fails to render, my console gives me this error: TypeError: t is null
This is a different matter, and might be a symptom of malformed data.
In order to display prettier error messages, use the leaflet-src.js file instead of the leaflet.js file. Starting with Leaflet 1.0.0-beta2, leaflet-src.js has a sourcemap, which can point to the individual original files, allowing for better debugging.

Polyline changes the order of points

I would like leaflet to connect points in polyline in the same order as they were passed into constructor (L.polyline(route, routeOptions).addTo(map) where route is an array of points), but it seems to me that polyline does not care about order at all. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
What makes you think that Leaflet polyline does not care at all about the order in the array of points (coordinates)?
L.polyline(arrayOfLatLngs) should draw a segmented line passing by all the specified coordinates in arrayOfLatLngs, in the order they are set in the array.
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ve2huzxw/91/
If it does not behave that way for you, please provide your code and if possible reproduce your issue online (e.g. on jsfiddle) so that people can investigate.