I'm trying to get a list item through its Unique Id through REST API end point for list items.
https://{site-collection}/{personal-site}/_api/Web/Lists(guid'id')/items?$filter=UniqueId eq 'uniqueid'
But it isn't returning the item, instead it returns an empty list;
"d": {
"results": []
When I make a similar query using ItemId or GUID, it works fine but for UniqueId I'm getting an empty list. Is this even possible? If not then why have a UniqueId, can't GUID/ItemId suffice? One possible explanation could be that it is the UniqueId that is referenced in other lists not GUID or ItemID.
So why can't I filter an item with UniqueId?
If anyone else comes stumbling upon this thread, then the answer is
We have following structure in MongoDB documents.
Now using Springframework Query object, I figured out a way to pull the details using below syntax
Two issue with this query model.
First issue is it is irrelevant if countryparam and stateparam are actually meant to match Country key name and State key name respectively. If just the values matches, the query returns the document. Means, if I have Country and City params, this just works if user passes Country and City values, even if they are swapped. So how can I exactly compare City to cityparam and State to Stateparam?
More complexity is if I have to extract the document basing on multiple key value pairs, I should be correspondingly able to match key name with respective value and query the document. How can I do this?
Thanks in advance!
This page describes how to retrieve an item, (immediate) child items and searching in Sitecore9 using the RESTful API (via PostMan).
What it doesn't appear to say is how to combine those queries.
I would like to search the children of an item which is specified by path. So, currently, I have this returning an item:
GET https://{{sitecorehost}}/sitecore/api/ssc/aggregate/content/Items('{{sitecorehome}}/banners-tests')?sc_apikey={{sitecore-master-apikey}}
I also have this returning the child items of that item:
GET https://{{sitecorehost}}/sitecore/api/ssc/aggregate/content/Items('{{sitecorehome}}/banners-tests/Subcontent/Image and Texts')/Children?sc_apikey={{sitecore-master-apikey}}
However, because the children are not immediate children - they are two levels down at /Subcontent/Image and Texts - I cannot request them. Yes, I could search for them, but then any items would come back with the matching criteria and I only want to search items under that particular path.
I would like something which, I imagine, would look something like this:
GET https://{{sitecorehost}}/sitecore/api/ssc/aggregate/content/Items?sc_apikey={{sitecore-master-apikey}}&$filter=Name eq 'banner' and Path eq 'banners-tests'
Or perhaps this:
GET https://{{sitecorehost}}/sitecore/api/ssc/aggregate/content/Items('{{sitecorehome}}/banners-tests')/Children?sc_apikey={{sitecore-master-apikey}}&$filter=Name eq 'banner'
But these do not work.
#Matt We can do filtering based on the item path. For example, considering item path as :
'sitecore/content/home/tenant1/Subcontent/Image and Texts/neededitem' - the one needed
'sitecore/content/home/tenant1/Subcontent/Image and
Texts/item1/neededitem/notneededitem' - the one we need to exclude
since '/' is not a valid character in the Sitecore item name and indicates the children of the needed item.
Hence, it can be used as a filter in javascript.
So we can split by 'Image and Texts' and then find the items.
For example, consider an array of results and let us say object with a collection of items is items and item path of each item is denoted by Path(let's say, this can be some other property as well) property
let items = [{
Path: 'sitecore/content/home/tenant1/Subcontent/Image and Texts/neededitem',
anotherProperty: 'text-val1'
}, {
Path: 'sitecore/content/home/tenant1/Subcontent/Image and Texts/item1/neededitem/notneededitem',
anotherProperty: 'text-val2'
const results = items.filter(item => {
const splittedPath = item.Path.split('Image and Texts');
if (splittedPath[1].split("/").length <= 2) {
return item;
In case your SSC controller (C#) is custom one and having access to Sitecore Context object or Sitecore APIs then the GetChildren() method of Item class will bring children of first level only.
I hope this helps.
I have list of Collection IDs. Is there any way I can query and get all the documents under these collection ids? without iterating to each id in the list.
Thank you for your time
According to your last comment, I understand that you want to get all documents within a single collection and not to query multiple collections, which is not possbile for the moment in Firestore.
If you have a list of ids, then simply iterate over it and create for each id in the list the corresponding DocumentReference and then add all those references to a List<DocumentReference>. After that, iterate over the new list and for each reference create a Task and then add all those Tasks objects to List<Task<DocumentSnapshot>>.
In the end, just pass the list of Tasks to Tasks's whenAllSuccess() method:
Tasks.whenAllSuccess(tasks).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<List<Object>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<Object> list) {
//Do what you need to do with your list
for (Object object : list) {
YourObject yb = ((DocumentSnapshot) object).toObject(YourObject.class);
Log.d("TAG", yb.getPropertyName);
In code it looks like my answer from this post:
Android Firestore convert array of document references to List<Pojo>
I am trying to use the VSTS API to remove all parent links on items, and set those parents as related items.
I do not fully understand how the "Path" needed to remove relations work – I am getting inconsistent results where sometimes it works, sometimes not (so, im clearly doing it wrong)
I am making an assumption that its simply the order returned by the API. So, for example:
Index[0] item
Index[1] item
Index[2] item <- this is the one I want to remove, so I use index 2
public void RemoveParentLink(int pathIndex, int itemToUpdate, string link)
JsonPatchDocument patchDocument = new JsonPatchDocument();
new JsonPatchOperation()
Operation = Operation.Remove,
Path = $"/relations/{pathIndex}"
WorkItem result = witClient.UpdateWorkItemAsync(patchDocument, itemToUpdate).Result;
The documentation states that Path is:
Path to the value you want to add, replace, remove, or test.
For a specific relation, use "relations/Id".
For all relations, use "/relations/-".
Index is NOT the Id of course, but how do I get the relation/Id exactly?
Using GetWorkItemAsync or GetWorkItemsAsync with WorkItemExpand.Relations parameter to get linked work items.
Var workItem=witClient.GetWorkItemAsync(id: [work item id], expand: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi.Models.WorkItemExpand.Relations).Result.
Then the index is the index of relations.
The 'id' in the '/relation/id' path is a index in fact. You retrieve the work item definition, then the 'id' is the index of the link in the 'relations' array. Hence your assumption is right.
Evidence: given a work item with 2 links, if you try to delete/modify id >= 2 it will answer with:
{ "$id": "1", "innerException": null, "message": "Index out of range
for path /relations/2.", "typeName":
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", "typeKey":
"PatchOperationFailedException", "errorCode": 0, "eventId": 3000 }
0 and 1 as id work just fine instead.
I may be wrong, but I could guess that you could get an error when using the 'replace' operation before the 'add' operation. For example you need to add a 'comment' inside the 'attributes' of a link before modifying (i.e. 'replace' operation) its value.
I'm new to Couchbase and am struggling to get a composite index to do what I want it to. The use-case is this:
I have a set of "Enumerations" being stored as documents
Each has a "last_updated" field which -- as you may have guessed -- stores the last time that the field was updated
I want to be able to show only those enumerations which have been updated since some given date but still sort the list by the name of the enumeration
I've created a Couchbase View like this:
function (doc, meta) {
var time_array;
if (doc.doc_type === "enum") {
if (doc.last_updated) {
time_array = doc.last_updated.split(/[- :]/);
} else {
time_array = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
for(var i=0; i<time_array.length; i++) { time_array[i] = parseInt(time_array[i], 10); }
emit(time_array, null);
I have one record that doesn't have the last_updated field set and therefore has it's time fields are all set to zero. I thought as a first test I could filter out that result and I put in the following:
startkey = ["a",2012,0,0,0,0,0]
endkey = ["Z",2014,0,0,0,0,0]
While the list is sorted by the 'id' it isn't filtering anything! Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Is there a better composite view to achieve these results?
In couchbase when you query view by startkey - endkey you're unable to filter results by 2 or more properties. Couchbase has only one index, so it will filter your results only by first param. So your query will be identical to query with:
startkey = ["a"]
endkey = ["Z"]
Here is a link to complete answer by Filipe Manana why it can't be filtered by those dates.
Here is a quote from it:
For composite keys (arrays), elements are compared from left to right and comparison finishes as soon as a element is different from the corresponding element in the other key (same as what happens when comparing strings à la memcmp() or strcmp()).
So if you want to have a view that filters by date, date array should go first in composite key.