Powershell split - powershell

I have a problem with LastWriteTime.
I need to split this value:
09/26/2014 10:14:34 09/26/2014 08:09:59
I tried this:
foreach ($line in $data){write-host $line}.
But I need to write it to $date1 and $date2.
This is the code I use:
$Folder = Get-ChildItem "\\SERVER-14\data$\backup" -Exclude $ExcludeFolders -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select Name, LastWriteTime -first 2
$LastFolderName = $Folder.Name
$LastFolderTime = $Folder.LastWriteTime

If you know you're always getting 2 objects as specified by -first 2 in your Select-Object, you can directly reference them:
$date1 = $folder[0].lastWriteTime
$date2 = $folder[1].lastWriteTime

If all you want to do is assign the first and second last write time to variables then append this to your script:
$date1 = $Folder[0].LastWriteTime
$date2 = $Folder[1].LastWriteTime
But you won't always know if the folder contains two items. By right you should be doing all the work for each item inside the foreach loop
foreach ($file in $Folder)
#Do something

For splitting strings, you can use the Powershell -Split operator which uses a regex argument to control the split, or for simple cases like this you can use the dotnet [string] split method, which splits on an array of characters:
PS C:\> $line -split ' '
PS C:\> $line.split(' ')
Either way, you're going to get an array of the split elements. Then you can selectively assign those to variables using array slicing:
PS C:\> $date1,$date2 = ($line -split ' ')[0,2]
PS C:\> $date1
PS C:\> $date2
PS C:\> $date1,$date2 = $line.split(' ')[0,2]
PS C:\> $date1
PS C:\> $date2
string methods

$value = "09/26/2014 10:14:34 09/26/2014 08:09:59"
$data = $value.Split(' ')
# $data contains 4 values --> date, time, date, time
#i set up some variables
$date = $true;
$savedDate = "";
# Here we process the $data
$data |
# For each in powershell = %
#every odd line ( if $date is true), we save the date value
# every even line (if $date is false), we stick together the date and time
else{$date=$true;$savedDate+ " " + $_;}
Very "straight forward" solution...(maybe not so simple, sorry)
Split on whitespace
Iterate over all the strings,
each time you have a date and a time string following each other.
Thus save the first one as the date,
every second value contains the time, put it together and continue with the next date...


Powershell to present 'Net View' data

happy Easter!
I am trying to write a script in Powershell that takes a list of hosts from a txt (or csv) and then for each does a "net view /all" on it, returning the presented shares in a csv.
I got something working but I need a column to show the host its looking at for each row otherwise I cant map them back.
Attempt 1 returns the data and the host but looks VERY messy and is proving difficult to dissect in Excel:
$InputFile = 'M:\Sources\Temp\net_view_list.txt'
$addresses = get-content $InputFile
foreach($address in $addresses) {
$sharedFolders = (NET.EXE VIEW $address /all)
foreach ($item in $sharedfolders)
$str_list = $address + "|" + $item
$obj_list = $str_list | select-object #{Name='Name';Expression={$_}}
$obj_list | export-csv -append M:\sources\temp\netview.csv -notype
Attempt 2 works better but cant get the hostname listed, plus the comments seem to appear in the "Used as" section (only using for one host to test the theory (didnt work!)):
$command = net view hostname #/all
$netview = $command -split '\n'
$comp = $netview[0].trim().split()[-1]
$result = $netview -match '\w' | foreach {
convertfrom-string $_.trim() -delim '\s{2,}' -propertynames 'Share','Type', 'Used as', 'Comment'
$result[0] = $null
$result | format-table 'Share', 'Type', 'Used as', 'Comment' -hidetableheaders
Also neither of these accounts for issues where the host either isn't accessible or has 0 shares.
I have literally spent all day on these - grateful for any guidance!
I will provide the way to get what you want in the your 1st example. The main reason it is not appearing like you are expecting it to is because you are not dealing with a PowerShell object. You are getting the raw output from an external command. What you need to do is take the data and create a PS Custom object then you can use it as you will. Below is the code that you should add after you have the $SharedFolder populated heavily commented to explain what each part is for.
# Create Array to hold PSCustom Object and variable to tell when the DO loop is done
$share_list = #()
$completed = $false
# Loop through each line in the output
for($x=0;$x -lt $sharedFolders.count;$x++){
$next_line = $x + 1
# If the line is a bunch of - then we know the next line contains the 1st share name.
if($sharedFolders[$x] -like "*-------*"){
# Here we will loop until we find the end of the list of shares
do {
# Take the line and split it in to an array. Note when you
# use -split vs variable.split allows you to use regular
# expressions. the '\s+' will consider x number of spaces as one
# the single quotes are important when using regex. Double
# quotes use variable expansion. Single quotes don't
$content = $sharedFolders[$next_line] -split '\s+'
$share_name = $content[0].Trim()
# Create a PS Custom Object. This is a bit over kill for one item
# but shows you how to create a custom Object. Note the Object last
# just one loop thus you create a new one each go round then add it to
# an Array before the loop starts over.
$custom_object = new-object PSObject
$custom_object | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -name 'Share Name' -Value $share_name
# Add the Custom Object to the Array
$share_list += $custom_object
# This exits the Do loop by setting $completed to true
if($sharedFolders[$next_line] -like "*command completed*"){
$completed = $true
# Set to the next line
} until ($completed)

Parse out date from filename and sort by date

I have a series of files named as such in a folder:
- myFile201801010703.file
I'm trying to parse out the yyyymmdd portion of each filename in the folder and sort them based on the date into an array.
So if I had the following files:
myFile201801200000.file (01/20/2018)
myFile201800100000.file (01/01/2018)
myFile201801100000.file (01/10/2018)
It would sort them into an array as such:
myFile201800100000.file (01/01/2018)
myFile201801100000.file (01/10/2018)
myFile201801200000.file (01/20/2018)
I have a process that works for file with timestamps included in the name, though have been unable to tweak it for work with only a date:
# RegEx pattern to parse the timestamps
$Pattern = '(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})*\' + ".fileExtension"
$FilesList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$Temp = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Get-ChildItem $SourceFolder | ForEach {
if ($_.Name -match $Pattern) {
Write-Verbose "Add $($_.Name)" -Verbose
$Date = $Matches[2],$Matches[3],$Matches[1] -join '/'
$Time = $Matches[4..6] -join ':'
(New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Date = [datetime]"$($Date) $($Time)" #If I comment out $($Time)it doesn't work.
File = $_
} catch {
Write-Host "`n*** $Error ***`n"
# Sort the files by the parsed timestamp and add to $FilesList
$FilesList.AddRange(#($Temp | Sort Date | Select -Expand File))
# Clear out the temp collection
The two lines in particular that I think might be culprit are:
$Time = $Matches[4..6] -join ':' Since I'm not parsing any time
Date = [datetime]"$($Date) $($Time)" Again, no time is parsed. Can't change the type to date either it seems?
With this format:
the individual parts of the date and time is already arranged from largest (the year) to smallest (the minute) - this makes the string sortable!
Only thing we need to do is grab the last 12 digits of the file name before the extension:
$SortedArray = Get-ChildItem *.file |Sort-Object {$_.BaseName -replace '^.*(\d{12})$','$1'}
The regex pattern used:
Can be broken down as follows:
^ # start of string
.* # any character, 0 or more times
( # capture group
\d{12} # any digit, 12 times
) # end of capture group
$ # end of string
The regex engine will expand $1 in the substitution string to "capture group #1", ie. the 12 digits we picked up at the end.

Retrieving second part of a line when first part matches exactly

I used the below steps to retrieve a string from file
$variable = 'abc#yahoo.com'
$test = $variable.split('#')[0];
$file = Get-Content C:\Temp\file1.txt | Where-Object { $_.Contains($test) }
$postPipePortion = $file | Foreach-Object {$_.Substring($_.IndexOf("|") + 1)}
This results in all lines that contain $test as a substring. I just want the result to contain only the lines that exactly matches $test.
For example, If a file contains
I just want the text ohgvtre
If I understand the question correctly you probably want to use Import-Csv instead of Get-Content:
Import-Csv 'C:\Temp\file1.txt' -Delimiter '|' -Header 'foo', 'bar' |
Where-Object { $_.foo -eq $test } |
Select-Object -Expand bar
To address the exact matching, you should be testing for equality (-eq) rather than substring (.Contains()). Also, there is no need to parse the data multiple times. Here is your code, rewritten to to operate in one pass over the data using the -split operator.
$variable = 'abc#yahoo.com'
$test = $variable.split('#')[0];
$postPipePortion = (
# Iterate once over the lines in file1.txt
Get-Content C:\Temp\file1.txt | foreach {
# Split the string, keeping both parts in separate variables.
# Note the backslash - the argument to the -split operator is a regex
$first, $second = ($_ -split '\|')
# When the first half matches, output the second half.
if ($first -eq $test) {

Piping error with extra line and does not give a header

0001;Third Week;Every Monday 12am-2am
002;Third Week;Every Tuesday 8pm-10pm
003;Third Week;Every Monday 12am-2am
#Get the number of lines in a CSV file
$Lines = (Import-Csv "C:\MM1.csv").count
#Import the CSV file
$a = #(Import-CSV "C:\MM1.csv")
$month = Get-Date -Format MMMM
#loop around the end of the file
for ($i=0; $i -le $lines; $i++) {
$Servername = $a[$i].ServerName
$week = $a[$i].Week
$dayweekString = [String]$a[$i].DayTime
# This will help in getting the Day of the WeekDay String
$dayweekString = ($dayweekString -split "\s+",(3))[(1)]
#This will find the time Ex 2am or 8pm, it can be any time
$DayNew = if ($Day -match "\d{1,2}Travelm") {$Matches[0]}
#Format for Maintenance mode which can be fed into the SCOM MM Script.
$MaintenanceTime = get-date "$DayNew $month.$($_.$dayweekString).$year"
write-host $Servername, $MaintenanceTime
#Store all my data while in a for each loop
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
ServerNameNew = $Servername
TimeStamp = $MaintenanceTime
} | Select-Object ServerNameNew,TimeStamp
} | Export-Csv -Path "C:\MM3.csv" -Append
# Error as extra Pipe
I am not able to pipe the output while in a loop with a header. Says Extra pipe and writes a extra line of TimeStamp Variable to the line.
You are trying to pipe the result of the for statement to another command. That's not supported. If you want to do that, you need to use a subexpression around the statement:
$( for(){} ) | ...
(The reason is that pipelines need an expression as their first element. And for is not an expression, it's a statement.)
However, in your case I'd replace the for with a simple pipeline iterating over the array, like this:
Import-CSV "C:\MM1.csv" | ForEach-Object {
$Servername = $_.ServerName
$week = $_.Week
$dayweekString = [String]$_.DayTime
Generally there is very rarely a reason to use explicit looping constructs in PowerShell. It leads to code that's awkward at best (because it resembles converted C# or VBScript code) and horrible at worst. Just don't do it.

What is an equivalent of *Nix 'cut' command in Powershell?

I have following content in a configuration file (sample.cfg),
I'm trying to store an each values after the : by using split in PowerShell. but i'm not able to produce require output.
Can someone tell me how to use PowerShell split for the above problem ?
You can read the contents of the file using Get-Content, then pipe each line through ForEach-Object, then use the split command on each line, taking the second item in the array as follows:
$filename = "sample.cfg"
Get-Content $filename | ForEach-Object {
I prefer the approach by #AnsgarWiechers, but if you really need specifically named values you could create a hashtable and replace the name with the value:
$configValues = #{
hour = "Time_Zone_Variance(Mins)"
min = "Alert_Interval(Mins)"
server = "Server"
port = "Port"
Get-Content $filename | ForEach-Object {
# Courtesy of Ansgar Wiechers
$key, $value = $_ -split ':', 2
foreach($configValuesKey in $($configValues.keys)) {
if ($configValues[$configValuesKey] -eq $key)
$configValues[$configValuesKey] = $value
write-host "`nAll Values:"
write-host "`nIndividual value:"
All Values:
Name Value
---- -----
port 1840
min 2
hour 300
Individual value:
How's this?
function cut {
[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [string]$inputobject,
process {
if ($field -eq $null) { $inputobject -split $delimiter } else {
($inputobject -split $delimiter)[$field] }
PS C:\> 'hi:there' | cut -f 0 -d :
PS C:\> 'hi:there' | cut -f 1 -d :
PS C:\> 'hi:there' | cut -f 0,1 -d :
PS C:\> 'hi:::there' | cut -f 0 -d :+
PS C:\> 'hi there' | cut
For a more succint syntax, this will also do the trick:
((Get-Content "your-file.txt") -Split ":")[1]
So the trick to use the -Split method is to have a String object returned by Get-Content (alias cat can also be used, actually), and from the resulting String[] object you can use the brackets to extract the nth item.
Note: Using -Split without parenthesis around Get-Content won't work since -Split is not a parameter name for that command... 🤷‍♂️
I suppose you don't want to just split the lines, but actually create key/value pairs. That could be achieved like this:
$config = #{}
Get-Content 'C:\path\to\sample.cfg' | % {
$key, $value = $_ -split ':', 2
$config[$key] = $value
You could also use the ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet:
Get-Content 'C:\path\to\sample.cfg' | % {
ConvertFrom-StringData ($_ -replace ':','=')
The -replace operation is necessary, because ConvertFrom-StringData expects key and value to be separated by =. If you could change the delimiter in the config file from : to =, you could use ConvertFrom-StringData $_ without replacement.