Saving and comparing rounded numbers for MATLAB - matlab

So i'm creating a function that is trying to compare decimal numbers with scientific notation. I am trying to round them off and saving them into new variables.
What I did is this...
>> digits(3);
>> Y = vpa(0.000036856864)
Y =
>> Z = vpa(0.000036857009)
Z =
>> eq(Y,Z)
ans =
Technically the new rounded decimal is saved unto Y and Z, so when I compare the two variables, it gives me 0, but it should be 1. How can I fix this to make sure that the answer equals to 1?
Any help is appreciated!

The values returned by vpa aren't actual numbers - they're symbolic objects that still contain the original value of the number (before rounding). To compare the two, you should convert them back to double:
Y = double(vpa(0.000036856864))
Z = double(vpa(0.000036857009))
which should return 1


Mod function returns 0 for Matlab

I have a problem with the mod function output in Matlab. I am trying to perform some calculations for ECC double and add algorithm. I am reading data from a file and storing it in a variable and then performing some operations. All works smoothly except that I get 0 in temp1 when I use mod(X2,P). However if I put in values stored in X2(3.0323e+153) and P(1.1579e+77) on command window (mod( 3.0323e+153, 1.1579e+77)), I get the correct values. Can anyone please help me? Below is the part of script which is problematic.
line = fread(fileID,[1,67],'*char');
while ~feof(fileID)
PX = line(4:67);
X = hex2dec(PX);
X2 = X^2;
temp1= mod(X2 , P)
line = fread(fileID,[1,69],'*char');
I think the problem lies with how you're initializing P. From the documentation for hex2dec (emphasis mine):
d = hex2dec('hex_value') converts hex_value to its floating-point integer representation. The argument hex_value is a hexadecimal integer stored as text. If the value of hex_value is greater than the hexadecimal equivalent of the value returned by flintmax, then hex2dec might not return an exact conversion.
And the value of flintmax is:
>> flintmax
ans =
Quite a bit smaller than your value for P. In fact, if we use num2hex to look at the two ways you initialize P, you can see a clear difference:
>> num2hex(P)
ans =
>> num2hex(1.1579e+77)
ans =
As it turns out, the inexact conversion done by hex2dec results in a number that evenly divides into 3.0323e+153, thus giving you a remainder of 0:
>> mod(3.0323e+153, P)
ans =
>> mod(3.0323e+153, 1.1579e+77)
ans =

Convert a decimal number that is not integer to base 4 in Matlab?

Is there a way to convert a decimal number between $0$ and $1$ that is not integer to base 4 in Matlab? E.g. if I put 2/5 I want to get 0.12121212... (with some approximation I guess)
The function dec2base only works for integers.
Listed in this post is a vectorized approach that works through all possible combinations of digits to select the best one for the final output as a string. Please note that because of its very nature of creating all possible combinations, it would be memory intensive and slower than a recursive approach, but I guess it could be used just for fun or educational purposes!
Here's the function implementation -
function s = dec2base_float(d,b,nde)
%DEC2BASE_FLOAT Convert floating point numbers to base B string.
% DEC2BASE_FLOAT(D,B) returns the representation of D as a string in
% base B. D must be a floating point array between 0 and 1.
% DEC2BASE_FLOAT(D,B,N) produces a representation with at least N decimal digits.
% Examples
% dec2base_float(2/5,4,4) returns '0.1212'
% dec2base_float(2/5,3,6) returns '0.101211'
%// Get "base power-ed scaled" digits
scale = b.^(-1:-1:-nde);
%// Calculate all possible combinations
P = dec2base(0:b^nde-1,b,nde)-'0';
%// Get the best possible combination ID. Index into P with it and thus get
%// based converted number with it
[~,idx] = min(abs(P*scale(:) - d));
s = ['0.',num2str(P(idx,:),'%0.f')];
Sample runs -
>> dec2base_float(2/5,4,4)
ans =
>> dec2base_float(2/5,4,6)
ans =
>> dec2base_float(2/5,3,6)
ans =

Add 1 to the least significant digit of a number in MATLAB

Example: 6.321: I need it to be 6.322.
5.14875: I need it to be 5.14876.
How can I do this?
If you represent numbers as floating point or double precision floating point, this problem is a disaster.
If you can read in a number as a string (you mentioned get the number with the input command), you could do:
x = input('ENTER A NUMBER: ','s');
decimal_place = find(fliplr(x)=='.',1) - 1;
x_val = str2double(x);
y = x_val + 10 ^ -decimal_place;
else % if there is no decimal place, find first non-zero digit to get sigfig
warning('ambiguous number of significant digits');
first_nonzero_digit = find(fliplr(x)~='0',1);
y = x_val + 10 ^ (first_nonzero_digit - 1);
y = x_val + 1;
disp('your new number is');
Example test runs:
your new number is
your new number is
ENTER A NUMBER: 323.4374
your number is
your number is
#AndrasDeak - I think you're right the first time. The hard part is not the rounding - it's defining the "last" decimal.
Since floating point numbers aren't exact, I can't think of a reliable way to find that "last" decimal place - in any language.
There is a very hacky way that comes to mind, though. You could "print" the number to a string, with 31 numbers after the decimal point, then working right from the dot, find the first place with 15 0s. (Since double precision numbers can only stably represent the first 14 decimal places and you get a 15th that varies, 31 decimal place will ALWAYS give you at least 15 0s after the last sig digit.)
>> a = 1.34568700030041234556
a =
>> str = sprintf('%1.31', a)
str =
Empty string: 1-by-0
>> str = sprintf('%1.31f', a)
str =
>> idx = strfind(str, '000000000000000')
idx =
>> b = a*10^(idx(1)-3)
b =
>> sprintf('%10.20f', b)
ans =
>> c = b+1
c =
>> sprintf('%10.20f', c)
ans =
>> final = floor(c)/10^(idx(1)-3)
final =
>> sprintf('%10.31f', final)
ans =
I think that's a relatively reliable implementation.
assuming your just trying to do regular rounding:
i'd use the round function built into matlab.
let's do your example above..
5.14875 has 5 decimal places and you want it to be converterd to 5.14876.
Lets assume you that the 6th decimal place was 9 (so your number is 5.148759)
%Step 1:changethe format so that your going to be able to see all of the
%decimal places
format long
%step2:now enter the original number
%step 3 take the original number and round it to your new number
this solution will not work if the 6th number (that you did not show) was a <5 because the computer will not know to round up
assuming your just trying to cut the numbers off...
You cannot do this in regular default matlab floating point numbers. To keep my explination simple I'll just state that without an explination. I'd do some review on the different ways matlab stores # (int vs floating point) on the matlab website. They have excellent documentation.

Create an increasing integer alternating sequence in MATLAB / Octave

I'm trying to find a way to create a number pattern like the one below
Please note: it needs to go to 200000, but I will be splitting them up into groups of 2000.
I found a formula that looks like it would work on, but when I create the formula in MATLAB / Octave, the numbers don't match up:
f_num= #(x) x / (1 + x)^2;
numval = f_num(1)
numval = 0.25000
Is there another way I should be doing this?
Method #1 - Using (-1)^x
Just use a linear increment operator to go from 0 to 200000 and multiply the sequence by (-1)^(x+1) to allow the sign of the sequence to alternate:
x = 0:200000;
y = ((-1).^(x+1)) .* x;
The addition of the +1 is important so that the even positions get a positive sign while the odd positions get a negative sign.
Method #2 - Using indexing
Alternatively, you can declare the same array from 0 to 200000, index into every even position and negate the sign:
x = 0:200000;
x(2:2:end) = -x(2:2:end);
Method #3 - Using trigonometry and integers
One more to throw into the mix. You know that for cos(x*pi), the output is -1 when x is odd and the output is 1 when x is even. We need to flip this for your case and ultimately use this alternating sequence to multiply with the same array going from 0 to 200000, and therefore:
x = 0:200000;
y = (-cos(x*pi)).*x;
Interestingly enough, (-1)^x is also equal to exp(i*pi*x) for all values of x that are integer. We can verify this by using Euler's formula where: exp(i*pi*x) = cos(pi*x) + i*sin(pi*x). Since i*sin(pi*x) = 0 for all x belonging to an integer, we really get exp(i*pi*x) = cos(pi*x). Substituting even numbers of x will give us 1 while odd numbers of x will give us -1, and hence exp(i*pi*x) = cos(pi*x) = (-1)^x for all x belonging to integers.
Also, (-1)^(x+1) = -(-1)^x = -cos(x*pi) for all x belonging to integers and so the first method is really equal to the third method anyway!
f_num= #(x) x * (-1)^(x+1);

Integer value doesn't compare equal to a float in Matlab

I'm trying to compare two values
y = 1
ye = 1.0000
If I compare in Matlab for example y == ye I get 0?!
The data in y is read from a text file...could that have something to do with this?
Try printing in full precision on both vectors:
Instead, when you compare floating points, use something like:
abs(x1-x2) < e
Where e is some appropriate small value