what is a jaxb provider, jaxb handler, and contextResolvers? - rest

1) What is a JaxB provider, and is it the same as a ContextResolver?
2) What is a jaxb handler?
I'm very lost in these terminologies. Please reply in simple to understand words.
Here it is from the book:
JAXB JAX-RS Handlers
The JAX-RS specification requires implementations to automatically support the marshalling and unmarshalling of classes that are annotated with #XmlRootElement or #XmlType as well as objects wrapped inside javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement instances. Here’s an example that interacts using the Customer class defined earlier:
public class CustomerResource {
public Customer getCustomer(#PathParam("id") int id) {
Customer cust = findCustomer(id);
return cust;
public void createCustomer(Customer cust) {
As you can see, once you’ve applied JAXB annotations to your Java classes, it is very easy to exchange XML documents between your client and web services. The built-in JAXB handlers will handle any JAXB-annotated class for the application/xml, text/xml, or application/*+xml media types. By default, they will also manage the creation and initialization of JAXBContext instances. Because the creation of JAXBContext instances can be expensive, JAX-RS implementations usually cache them after they are first initialized.
Managing your own JAXBContexts with ContextResolvers
If you are already familiar with JAXB, you’ll know that many times you need to configure your JAXBContext instances a certain way to get the output you desire. The JAX-RS built-in JAXB provider allows you to plug in your own JAXBContext instances. The way it works is that you have to implement a factory-like interface called javax.ws.rs.ext.ContextResolver to override the default JAXBContext creation:
public interface ContextResolver<T> {
T getContext(Class<?> type);
ContextResolvers are pluggable factories that create objects of a specific type, for a certain Java type, and for a specific media type. To plug in your own JAXBContext, you will have to implement this interface. Here’s an example of creating a specific JAXBContext for our Customer class:
public class CustomerResolver
implements ContextResolver<JAXBContext> {
private JAXBContext ctx;
public CustomerResolver() {
this.ctx = ...; // initialize it the way you want
public JAXBContext getContext(Class<?> type) {
if (type.equals(Customer.class)) {
return ctx;
} else {
return null;

JAXB Provider
A JAXB provider is an implementation of the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JSR-222) specification. This specification was created through the Java Community Process. It was originally lead by Sun Microsystems, but is now lead by Oracle. The expert group had members from several object-to-XML technologies (XMLBeans, EMF, TopLink OX, etc) as well as several individuals. A JAXB implementation is required to pass the Test Compatibility Kit (TCK). Below are links to a couple of JAXB providers:
JAXB is the default object-to-XML provider in JAX-RS. By default it will create a JAXBContext based on the parameter/return type of the JAX-RS annotated method (i.e. annotated with #GET). Then it will pull in all referenced classes to produce metadata as well. Sometimes this doesn't produce all the required metadata and you need to provide the JAXBContext yourself. This can be done with a ContextResolver.
JAXB Handler
I'm not familiar with this term.

JAXB is the acronym for "Java Architecture for XML Binding", a specification defining ways to convert between XML documents and Java object trees, originally created by Sun Microsystems. The valid spec, version 2.0, was completed in 2006.
An implementation according to the JAXB specification is a JAXB provider.
The specification contains some hints, what a plausible implementation might contain. For instance: "The JAXBContext class is the entry point for a Java application into the
JAXB framework." It maintains information about the classes to expect during (un)marshalling. It is created either from one or more packages or from a list of classes. (The process of context resolution may follow hints in the annotation.)
The term "JAXB handler" (as it is used in the quoted text) refers to the code associated with a JAXBContext class that investigates a Java class, introspecting fields and methods and annotations, thus creating a database of all information contained within the Java code.


How would you setup an JSF entity, service and backing bean [duplicate]

I'm trying to get used to how JSF works with regards to accessing data (coming from a spring background)
I'm creating a simple example that maintains a list of users, I have something like
<h:dataTable value="#{userListController.userList}" var="u">
Then the "controller" has something like
#Named(value = "userListController")
public class UserListController {
private UserListService userListService;
private List<User> userList;
public List<User> getUserList() {
userList = userListService.getUsers();
return userList;
And the "service" (although it seems more like a DAO) has
public class UserListService {
private EntityManager em;
public List<User> getUsers() {
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT u from User as u");
return query.getResultList();
Is this the correct way of doing things? Is my terminology right? The "service" feels more like a DAO? And the controller feels like it's doing some of the job of the service.
Is this the correct way of doing things?
Apart from performing business logic the inefficient way in a managed bean getter method, and using a too broad managed bean scope, it looks okay. If you move the service call from the getter method to a #PostConstruct method and use either #RequestScoped or #ViewScoped instead of #SessionScoped, it will look better.
See also:
Why JSF calls getters multiple times
How to choose the right bean scope?
Is my terminology right?
It's okay. As long as you're consistent with it and the code is readable in a sensible way. Only your way of naming classes and variables is somewhat awkward (illogical and/or duplication). For instance, I personally would use users instead of userList, and use var="user" instead of var="u", and use id and name instead of userId and userName. Also, a "UserListService" sounds like it can only deal with lists of users instead of users in general. I'd rather use "UserService" so you can also use it for creating, updating and deleting users.
See also:
JSF managed bean naming conventions
The "service" feels more like a DAO?
It isn't exactly a DAO. Basically, JPA is the real DAO here. Previously, when JPA didn't exist, everyone homegrew DAO interfaces so that the service methods can keep using them even when the underlying implementation ("plain old" JDBC, or "good old" Hibernate, etc) changes. The real task of a service method is transparently managing transactions. This isn't the responsibility of the DAO.
See also:
I found JPA, or alike, don't encourage DAO pattern
DAO and JDBC relation?
When is it necessary or convenient to use Spring or EJB3 or all of them together?
And the controller feels like it's doing some of the job of the service.
I can imagine that it does that in this relatively simple setup. However, the controller is in fact part of the frontend not the backend. The service is part of the backend which should be designed in such way that it's reusable across all different frontends, such as JSF, JAX-RS, "plain" JSP+Servlet, even Swing, etc. Moreover, the frontend-specific controller (also called "backing bean" or "presenter") allows you to deal in a frontend-specific way with success and/or exceptional outcomes, such as in JSF's case displaying a faces message in case of an exception thrown from a service.
See also:
JSF Service Layer
What components are MVC in JSF MVC framework?
All in all, the correct approach would be like below:
<h:dataTable value="#{userBacking.users}" var="user">
#RequestScoped // Use #ViewScoped once you bring in ajax (e.g. CRUD)
public class UserBacking {
private List<User> users;
private UserService userService;
public void init() {
users = userService.listAll();
public List<User> getUsers() {
return users;
public class UserService {
private EntityManager em;
public List<User> listAll() {
return em.createQuery("SELECT u FROM User u", User.class).getResultList();
You can find here a real world kickoff project here utilizing the canonical Java EE / JSF / CDI / EJB / JPA practices: Java EE kickoff app.
See also:
Creating master-detail pages for entities, how to link them and which bean scope to choose
Passing a JSF2 managed pojo bean into EJB or putting what is required into a transfer object
Filter do not initialize EntityManager
javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException in small facelet application
It is a DAO, well actually a repository but don't worry about that difference too much, as it is accessing the database using the persistence context.
You should create a Service class, that wraps that method and is where the transactions are invoked.
Sometimes the service classes feel unnecessary, but when you have a service method that calls many DAO methods, their use is more warranted.
I normally end up just creating the service, even if it does feel unnecessary, to ensure the patterns stay the same and the DAO is never injected directly.
This adds an extra layer of abstraction making future refactoring more flexible.

Issues with CDI when injecting generic type : Wildfly 8.2.0.Final

We are facing weird injection issues in Widfly due to CDI changes. We have interface
public interface Command<I, O> {
and many classes implement this interface like this
public class ApproveUserRequests implements Command<ApproveUserRequestsRequest, List<String>> {
Application listener classes likes to get list of all classes available and uses injection like this
private Instance<Command<I, O>> mActions;
However instance returned by mActions were always null. After debugging source found that the only way to get list of all instances is to use
private Instance<Command<?, ?>> mActions;
Also we faced injection issues while using generic types , however using wildcard type helped us.
- See more at: https://developer.jboss.org/thread/256783#sthash.1s6tuXsR.dpuf
The rules for parameterized types have been clarified in CDI 1.2. Have look at Section 5.2.4 Assignability of raw and parameterized types of the spec.

Implementing Hypermedia in RESTful JAX-RS Apache CXF

I am working in a RESTful application developed in Apache CXF and I would like to introduce hypermedia functionality to it.
Most of our jaxrs:serviceBeans follow this template:
public ExampleJSON get(#PathParam("exampleId") Integer exampleId) {
ExampleJSON example;
// Load data from repository here...
// Add link to self.
String href = javax.ws.rs.core.Link.fromResource(ExampleService.class).build().getUri().toString();
// HypermediaLink is a custom object to hold a "href" and "rel" strings
HypermediaLink linkToSelf = new HypermediaLink();
linkToSelf.setHref(href + example.getId());
// Inherited method, just adds a HypermediaLink to a collection in the parent class
// Return JSON compatible object, JACKSON will serialize it nicely.
return example;
This is the basic concept. Keep in mind that I simplified this code for explanation purposes; so, it can be easily understood.
This code works fine; but I am wondering if there is a better way to do this with Apache CXF. I have some ideas for how to enhancing it; however, it will require some custom annotations.
I see some examples using Jersey, but I would like to stick with Apache CXF.
Any help would be appreciated.
I would leverage some features of JAX-RS and / or Jackson to implement the link adding under the hood at the serialization level. So you wouldn't need to have a specific field for the link within the bean itself.
You could implement a custom MessageBodyWriter to generate a different JSON payload (for example) for your POJOs than the default. So you could dynamically add the link.
See this answer for more details: How to write an XML MessageBodyWriter provider with jersey.
If you use Jackson for the serialization, you could implement a custom serializer. Note that this is generic and will work for all supported format of Jackson.
Below is a sample code:
public class LinkBeanSerializer extends JsonSerializer<SomeBean> {
public void serialize(SomeBean bean, JsonGenerator jgen,
SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,
JsonProcessingException {
// Fields
jgen.writeNumberField("id", bean.getId());
// Things could be generic using reflection
// Link
String href = javax.ws.rs.core.Link.fromResource(SomeBean.class).build().getUri().toString();
HypermediaLink linkToSelf = new HypermediaLink();
linkToSelf.setHref(href + bean.getId());
jgen.writeObjectField("hypermediaLink", linkToSelf);
Note that we could make this serializer more generic I think (something like extends JsonSerializer<Object>)
See this answer for more details: Processing JSON response using JAX-RS (how to register the custom serializer within JAX-RS, ...).
Perhaps implementing a WriterInterceptor could solve your problem but there is impact on the beans since you need to have field hypermediaLink. The interceptor could be responsible of filling the field.
See this answer for more details: Jersey Update Entity Property MessageBodyWriter.
IMO the more convenient solution is the second one. It's transparent and support all the formats supported by Jackson.
Hope it helps you,

Injecting Guice into JAX-WS POJO

I am using JBoss 7.1 and Java 1.6.
I would like to integrate a Guice service with by JAX-WS endpoint. Using the interceptor pattern described by Gunnar.Morling I am able to properly instantiate the Guice modules when using a stateless bean as a webservice. However i am not able to do the same with a simple POJO annotated webservice. Is this possible has anyone found a workaround. Below is a summary of my efforts so far.
#UsesGuice #Interceptor
public class GuiceInterceptor {
private GuiceInjectorHolderBean injectorHolder;
public Object aroundAdvice(final InvocationContext ctx) throws Exception {
if (ctx.getTarget().getClass().isAnnotationPresent(UsesGuice.class)) {
final Injector injector = injectorHolder.getInjector();
return ctx.proceed();
The GuiceInjectorHolderBean is the a sinlgeton bean responsible for triggering the guice wiring. The annotation class required follows
public #interface UsesGuice {}
the JAX-WS POJO class
#WebService(serviceName = "EchoServiceService", portName = "EchoServicePort", ame = "EchoServiceImpl", targetNamespace = "lala")
public class EchoServiceImpl implements EchoService
MyGuiceInjection injection;
public String sayHello(final String msg)
return "Hello " + injection.call(msg);
Thanks in advance
Your Current Approach
In your code, javax.interceptor annotations #Interceptor, #InterceptorBinding and #AroundInvoke are supported by CDI and EJB standards and not by Guice. Guice uses proprietary AOP interception via org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor interface and calling the method AbstractModule.bindInterceptor.
So you're trying to bootstrap Guice injection on your endpoint by:
using a non-Guice interceptor on the endpoint's method
within the #AroundInvoke method, programmatically invoking the Guice Injector, with injection target being the intercepted endpoint
That begs the Q, what to use for 1?
'Bootrap' Interception Mechanism for Your Current Approach
Obviously, an EJB interceptor works, as you've stated.
Other than an EJB or Guice AOP interceptor... an obvious alternative would be the standard, a CDI interceptor.
But that would make it all rather circular and heavy-weight... Why use CDI just to boostrap, so that you can configure and execute to your desired DI competitor: Guice?
Suggested Alternative Solution - JAX-WS Support for Manual Endpoint Instance Initialisation
If you want POJO web services, maybe consider back-tracking a bit, instead of interceptor-driven Guice initialisation, maybe this could be what you need:
javax.xml.ws.Endpoint.publish(String address, Object implementor)
Endpoint.publish javadoc
Initialise Guice in the standard way, use injector.getInstance() to construct your endpoint instance, and then use Endpoint.publish to set the endpoint instance against the port. The following gives a good example:
Using Guice 3 with JAX-WS in Java 6 outside web container

GWT RequestFactory: implementing InstanceRequest methods in separate services

I am using a class separate from my DAO to handle access requests, but I don't know how to implement InstanceRequest methods:
public class Service
public static DAO findDAO(Long id);
public interface DAORequestContext extends RequestContext
Request<ProxyForDAO> findDAO(Long id);
InstanceRequest<ProxyForDAO, Long> persist();
I define public Long persist() in my DAO implementation, because the gwt docs say, "On the server, instance methods must be implemented as non-static methods in the entity type," but request factory can't seem to find it:
SEVERE: Could not find any methods named persist in com.activegrade.server.data.Service
Feb 23, 2011 10:03:02 PM com.google.gwt.requestfactory.server.ServiceLayerDecorator die
How do I implement an instance method in Service? I don't know how to transform the InstanceRequest. Do I need to connect the DAO class to the Service some way, so that the code generator knows to look in Service for most methods but to skip over to the DAO for InstanceRequest calls?
ASAIK it's not possible because the InstanceRequest methods are bound to the class specified in the #Service annotation. With Request methods it is possible to have a method for multiple data classes one service class, using locators. But from what I understand of request factory this is not possible with the InstanceRequest methods. See also this project, which uses Locators, with methods in one place: http://code.google.com/p/listwidget/
Edit: I've rewritten the answer based after the update/and comment below.