Mirth is reading too slow from disk - mirth

I am using Mirth 3.0.1 version. I am reading a file (using File Reader) having 34,000 records. Every record is having 45 columns and are pipe(|) separated. Mirth is taking too much time while reading the file from the disk. Mirth is installed on the same server where file is located.Earlier, I was facing the java head space issue which I resolved after setting the -Xms1024m -Xmx4096m in files mcserver.vmoptions & mcservice.vmoptions. Now I have to solve reading performance issue. Please find in attachment the channel for the same.

The answer to this problem is highly dependent on the solution itself. As an example, if you are doing transformations when you benchmark, it might be that the problem is not with reading the files, but rather with doing massive amounts of filtering and transformations in Mirth. Since Mirth converts everything you configure into basically one gigantic Javascript that executes on the server, it might just as well be that this is causing the performance problem. Pre-processor scripts might also create a problem if you do something that causes Mirth to read the whole file.
It migh also be that your 34.000 lines in the file contains huge quantities of information, simply making the file very big and extensive to process. If every record in the file is supposed to create new messages within Mirth, you might also want to check your batch settings for the reader.
And in addition to this, the performance of the read operations from disk is of course affected a lot by the infrastructure and hardware of the platform itself. You did mention that you are reading the files locally and that you had to increase the memory for Mirth. All of this could of course be a problem in itself. To make a benchmark you would want to compare this to something else. Maybe write a small Java program to just read the file to compare performance outside of Mirth.

Thanks for the suggestions.
I have used router.routeMessage('channelName','PartOfMsg') to route the 5000 records(from one channel to second channel) from the file having 34000 of records. This has helped to read faster from the file and processing the records at the same time.
For Mirth Community, below is the code to route the msg from one channel to other channel, this solution is also for the requirement if you have bulk of records to process in batches
In Source Transformer,
debug = "ON";
XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
logger.debug('Inside source transformer "SplitFileIntoFiles" of channel: SplitFile');
subSegmentCounter = 0,
xmlMessageProcessCounter = 0,
singleFileLimit = 5000,
isError = false,
xmlMessageProcess = new XML(<delimited><row><column1></column1><column2></column2></row></delimited>),
newSubSegment = <row><column1></column1><column2></column2></row>,
totalPatientRecords = msg.children().length();
logger.debug('Total number of records found in the patient input file are: ');
for each (seg in msg.children())
xmlMessageProcess['row'][xmlMessageProcessCounter] = msg['row'][subSegmentCounter];
if (xmlMessageProcessCounter == singleFileLimit -1)
logger.debug('Now sending the 5000 records to the next channel from channel DOR Batch File Process IHI');
router.routeMessage('DOR SendPatientsToMedicare',xmlMessageProcess);
logger.debug('After sending the 5000 records to the next channel from channel DOR Batch File Process IHI');
xmlMessageProcessCounter = 0;
delete xmlMessageProcess['row'];
}// End of FOR loop
}// End of try block
catch (exception)
logger.error('The exception has been raised in source transformer "SplitFileIntoFiles" of channel: SplitFile');
return true;
if (xmlMessageProcessCounter > 1)
logger.debug('Now sending the remaining records to the next channel from channel DOR Batch File Process IHI');
router.routeMessage('DOR SendPatientsToMedicare',xmlMessageProcess);
logger.debug('After sending the remaining records to the next channel from channel DOR Batch File Process IHI');
delete xmlMessageProcess['row'];
catch (exception)
logger.error('The exception has been raised in source transformer "SplitFileIntoFiles" of channel: SplitFile');
return true;
return true;
// End of JavaScript
Hope, this will help.


How to debug further this dropped record in apache beam?

I am seeing intermittent dropped records(only for error messages though not for success ones). We have a test case that intermittenly fails/passes because of a lost record. We are using "org.apache.beam.sdk.testing.TestPipeline.java" in the test case. This is the relevant setup code where I have tracked the dropped record too ....
PCollectionTuple processed = records
.apply("Process RosterRecord", ParDo.of(new ProcessRosterRecordFn(factory))
.withOutputTags(TupleTags.OUTPUT_INTEGER, TupleTagList.of(TupleTags.FAILURE))
errors = errors.and(processed.get(TupleTags.FAILURE));
PCollection<OrderlyBeamDto<Integer>> validCounts = processed.get(TupleTags.OUTPUT_INTEGER);
PCollection<OrderlyBeamDto<Integer>> errorCounts = errors
.apply("Flatten Roster File Error Count", Flatten.pCollections())
.apply("Publish Errors", ParDo.of(new ErrorPublisherFn(factory)));
The relevant code in ProcessRosterRecordFn.java is this
if(dto.hasValidationErrors()) {
RosterIngestError error = new RosterIngestError(record.getRowNumber(), record.toTitleValue());
log.info("Tagging record row number="+record.getRowNumber());
c.output(TupleTags.FAILURE, new OrderlyBeamDto<>(error));
I see this log for the lost record of Tagging record row for 2 rows that fail. After that however, inside the first line of ErrorPublisherFn.java, we log immediately after receiving each message. We only receive 1 of the 2 rows SOMETIMES. When we receive both, the test passes. The test is very flaky in this regard.
Apache Beam is really annoying in it's naming of threads(they are all the same name), so I added a logback thread hashcode to get more insight and I don't see any and the ErrorPublisherFn could publish #4 on any thread anyways.
Ok, so now the big question: How to insert more things to figure out why this is being dropped INTERMITTENTLY?
Do I have to debug apache beam itself? Can I insert other functions or make changes to figure out why this error is 'sometimes' lost on some test runs and not others?
EDIT: Thankfully, this set of tests are not testing errors upstream and this line "errors = errors.and(processed.get(TupleTags.FAILURE));" can be removed which forces me to remove ".apply("Flatten Roster File Error Count", Flatten.pCollections())" and in removing those 2 lines, the issue goes away for 10 test runs in a row(ie. can't completely say it is gone with this flaky stuff going on). Are we doing something wrong in the join and flattening? I checked the Error structure and rowNumber is a part of equals and hashCode so there should be no duplicates and I am not sure why it would be intermittently failure if there are duplicate objects either.
What more can be done to debug here and figure out why this join is not working in the TestPipeline?
How to get insight into the flatten and join so I can debug why we are losing an event and why it is only 'sometimes' we lose the event?
Is this a windowing issue? even though our job started with a file to read in and we want to process that file. We wanted a constant dataflow stream available as google kept running into limits but perhaps this was the wrong decision?

Spark Local File Streaming - Fault tolerance

I am working on an application where every 30sec(can be 5 sec also) some files will be dropped in a file system. I have to read it parse it and push some records to REDIS.
In each file all records are independent and I am not doing any calculation that will require updateStateByKey.
My question is if due to some issue (eg: REDIS connection issue, Data issue in a file etc) some file is not processed completely I want to reprocess (say n times) the files again and also keep a track of the files already processed.
For testing purpose I am reading from a local folder. Also I am not sure how to conclude that one file is fully processed and mark it as completed (ie write in a text file or db that this file processed)
val lines = ssc.textFileStream("E:\\SampleData\\GG")
val words = lines.map(x=>x.split("_"))
x=> {
x => {
var jedis = jPool.getResource();
jedis.set("x"+i+"__"+x(0)+"__"+x(1), x(2))
Spark has a fault tolerance guide. Read more :

Invalid field in source data: 0 TCP_Message

I'm using ProtoBuf-Net for serialize and deserialize TCP_Messages.
I've tried all the suggestions I've found here, so I really don't know where the mistake is.
The serialize is made server side, and the deserialize is made on an application client-side.
Serialize code:
public void MssGetCardPersonalInfo(out RCPersonalInfoRecord ssPersonalInfoObject, out bool ssResult) {
ssPersonalInfoObject = new RCPersonalInfoRecord(null);
TCP_Message msg = new TCP_Message(MessageTypes.GetCardPersonalInfo);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
ProtoBuf.Serializer.Serialize(ms, msg);
And the deserialize:
private void tpcServer_OnDataReceived(Object sender, byte[] data, TCPServer.StateObject clientState)
TCP_Message message = new TCP_Message();
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data);
//ms.Position = 0;
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
message = Serializer.Deserialize<TCP_Message>(ms);
} catch (Exception ex)
EventLog.WriteEntry(_logSource, "Error deserializing: " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error, 103);
As you can see, I've tried a bunch of different approache, now comented.
I have also tried to deserialize using the DeserializeWithLengthPrefix but it didn't work either.
I'm a bit noob on this, so if you could help me I would really appreciate it.
The first thing to look at here is: is the data you receive the data you send. Until you can answer "yes" to that, all other questions are moot. It is very easy to confuse network code and end up reading partial frames, etc. As a crude debugger test:
Debug.WriteLine(Convert.ToBase64String(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)ms.Length));
should work. If the two base-64 strings are not identical, then you aren't working with the same data. This can be because of a range of reasons, including packet splitting and combining. You need to keep in mind that in a stream, what you send is not what you get - at least, not down to the fragment level. You might "send" data in the way of:
one bundle of 20 bytes
one bundle of 10 bytes
but at the receiving end, it would be entirely legitimate to read:
1 byte
22 bytes
7 bytes
All that TCP guarantees is the order and accuracy of the bytes. It says nothing about their breakdown in terms of chunks. When writing network code, there are basically 2 approaches:
have one thread that synchronously reads from a stream and local buffer (doesn't scale well)
async code (very scalable), but accept that you're going to have to do a lot of "do I have a complete frame? if not, append to an input buffer; if so, process any available frame data (could be multiple), then shuffle any incomplete data to the start of the buffer"

Node.js: how to flush socket?

I'm trying to flush a socket before sending the next chunk of the data:
var net = require('net');
net.createServer(function(socket) {
socket.on('data', function(data) {
}).listen(54358, '');
var socket = net.createConnection(54358, '');
This, however, doesn't work despite the setNoDelay option, e.g. prints "mentoscola" instead of "mentos\ncola". How do I fix this?
Looking over the WriteableStream api, and the associated example it seems that you should set your breaks or delimiters yourself.
exports.puts = function (d) {
process.stdout.write(d + '\n');
Because your socket is a stream, data will be written/read without your direct control, and #write won't change your data or assume you're meaning to break between writes, since you could be streaming a large piece of information over the socket and might want to set other delimiters.
I'm definitely no expert in this area, but that seems like the logical answer to me.
Edit: This is a duplicate of Nodejs streaming, and the conclusion there was the same as the answer I specified: working with streams isn't line-by-line, set your own delimiters.
Maybe all data written in the same tick is sent as a batch.
Maybe at the receiving side, the node will combine the separate data segments before emitting the data event.

SWFUpload + jQuery.SWFUpload - Remove File From Queue

I'm facing a big issue IMO.
First, here's my code:
.bind('uploadSuccess', function(event, file, serverData){
if(serverData === 'nofile') {
var swfu = $.swfupload.getInstance('#form');
swfu.cancelUpload(file.id); // This part is not working :(
} else {
alert('File uploaded');
In this part I'm checking server response (I'm have strict validation restrictions). Now my question. Is it possible to remove uploaded file from queue? Basically, if server returns error I display error message, but... this file still exsit in the queue (I've implemented checking filename and filesize to avoid duplicated uploads) and user is not possible to replace this file (due to upload and queue limit).
I was trying to search for a solution, but without success. Any ideas?
From the link
"The cancelUpload(file_id) function
allows you to cancel any file you have
You just have to keep the file's ID
value so you can pass it to
cancelUpload when you call it."
Probably you have to keep the file ID before sending anything to the server