CloudKit Dashboard says I have no iCloud containers, but I have already created 2. What might be the issue? - cloudkit

I have already created 2 containers for 2 App IDs with CloudKit enabled. However, when I access the CloudKit Dashboard, it says that I do not have any CloudKit-enabled apps? What is the issue?

if you already have an app with app id and bundle id then do the following steps:
Add iCloud container
go to your member center (
click on "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles"
click “iCloud Containers” from the left menu
choose add or “+” sign
add text in the “Description” textfield
name your container (usually style)
click “Continue”
review the summary screen and click “Register”
click "Done"
Enable iCloud feature to your app
go to your member center (
click on "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles"
click "App IDs" from the left menu
click on the app you want to add iCloud features (center of the screen)
click on the "Edit" button from the lower center screen
scroll down and tick the iCloud option
it will ask if to enable iCloud click "OK"
choose include cloudKit support
from the popup alert "Switch to iCloud (Include CloudKit support)" click "OK"
click on the "Edit" button and select the iCloud container you created in the previous steps and choose continue
review the summary screen and click Assign
you should see a "You have successfully modified your iCloud Containers." message
click "Done"
now you can click on button “CloudKit Dashboard” from Xcode or go to
it should work

Did you click on CloudKit select option? I think the CloudKit Dashboard is only available if that option was ticked.


OSX add application menu (file/edit/view...) to app manually

I'm building a OSX app and I noticed it has no "application menu" (the top left file/edit/view menu), I can't seem to find much about this other than it should be added automatically. How can I add it manually and add or remove items?
I can click it but no menu opens.

iPhone icon has gloss on the document share options

I declared my application to accept file types from other apps (App-RelatedResources)
When doing so, I had to specify which icon to use, and I chose my app icon. I also specified in my info.plist that there should not be gloss on the icon, and indeed there is not on the icon that is on the springboard. However, there IS a gloss on the icon when it appears on the pop up where I select to "open with" my application.
Any ideas which parameters controls this?
For remove a autoglossing, do this steps:
1) Press cmd + 1 in your XCode project
2) Choose your project at left panel -> Choose your Target at middle panel -> Choose Info tab at right panel
3) Click "+" and choose "Icon already includes gloss effects" and set "YES"
Then from your icon must be disabled any autoglossing

How do I profile my app - the menu item is disabled?

How do I profile my app in xcode - the menu item is disabled?
Product > Profile is disabled
This is very unlikely but still, one possible reason:
Make sure correct 'Executable' is selected in 'Profile' option for your Scheme. If the selected executable is 'None', profile option will be disabled.
In case you don't know how to check scheme settings, you can check these setting by selecting 'Edit Scheme' either from Scheme menu (App name and device/simulator drop downs near the Run and Stop button ) or from 'Product' menu of xcode
My profile menu item was also dimmed.
I realized I had disconnected my iPhone from my Mac which broke the product destination link. If you've been testing on your phone, try resetting the product destination.
If the phone doesn't show up in the Product/Destination submenu do the following:
Run a terminal session.
In terminal type the following:
sudo launchctl stop
Unplug and replug your phone to your Mac.
If your phone still doesn't appear in the Product/Destination submenu, restart Xcode and repeat step three.
Set your phone in the Product/Destination submenu.
Your Profile menu item should be undimmed.

Facebook tab renamed itself. Can't change

Had a facebook tab called "Sign Up" as a gateway into an iframe canvas page. Nothing shocking. This last round of updates have moved the "tabs" to the left side of fb pages. For some reason, my tab, named "Sign Up" and still named so in the application settings, renamed itself to "Hello" when they updated the new look. I have no idea where this is coming from, but the client is now freaking out and Googling for this answer has been totally fruitless. Does anyone know why this would be happening? I tried resaving the application settings to no avail.
There's no code to post. There's some static HTML and CSS. Here's a screenshot of the app page:
As you can see it says "Hello" for reasons I cannot figure out. In the application settings I was able to change the icon from the default. As you can see here, the tab name is "Sign Up"
Nowhere in the settings is there the word "Hello". As stated I was able to add an icon.
Well, this is just a FB bug when you switch over to the new page format, but I did figure out how to fix it. If you encounter this problem go to your page and click the "Edit Page" button in the top right. You'll end up here:
Go to the apps tab and click "Edit Settings" under the app name. The popup shown above will appear. Just click "remove" and then click "Edit Settings" again and click "add". Your tab will now respect the name you have given it. Annoying.

How do I change the name of an application tab?

I'm working on a facebook page for a client and with the new profiles pages starting to roll out I've come across an issue with the name of the app I created. The original profiles which most of you will see here - says "Welcome" as the tab name. On the new profile pages the tab says 'drMARTY', I can't find the place where I can modify the name. So i was wondering if there was a way to change this and where. Thanks for the help!
piece of cake:
Go to:
Select your application and click "more"
Select Edit Settings
On left side menu, choose Facebook Integration
The fourth configuration block is respective to Tab settings
Change "Tab Name"
Click on "Save Changes" button
Your Tab was renamed!
And Past