How to remove 'Program Name' from Images? - metadata

I've tried the solutions from here: removing 'Program Name' in metadata for images but, nothing worked. Is there a way to remove all the 'Photoshop' information from the image and retain the other metadata in it, created by photoshop (eg: name, contact info, copyright info etc.)
EDIT: The 'Program Name' from the properties menu when someone right clicks on an image in windows.

I tried all these exiftool software that never worked for me. Assuming you are on Windows (or Windows 10), the solution to the problem was very simple. You can select which property you want to remove. If this worked for you, kindly mark it as the right answer.

It would be helpful if you could post an image, or link, so that we could see what you mean. Maybe you can run:
jhead -v -v yourimage.jpg
and edit your question and post the output.
In the meantime, you will probably find that one of the following options does what you want:
jhead -du -di -dx yourimage.jpg
You can test with the first command I gave above.
jhead is available from here.


SuiteCRM, sugarCRM : Modifying the name of subpanels

Modifying the name of subpanels using studio works perfectly,
but when i do quick repair and rebuild or when i clear simply the cache, i lose the modifications.
Thank you for your help !
Best regards.
Yes it happens Many time , Just try to do using through code,
you can change the subpanel name in Custom/Extension/Modules/YOUrmodule/language
Just find your label and change it.
OR please check you gave proper permissions to your folder.

libRestKit.a can't find when install RestKit

I followed the
I tried every thing.
The libRestKit.a is still red. And "#import " still shows: 'RestKit/RestKit.h' file not found.
How should I do? Please help me.
Ok, I finally solve it.
I made a mistake on the Header Search Paths setting.
The correct one is: "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../../Headers".
I made a mistake on the format of '"'.

How do you implement help (using mallard) for a gtk3 app?

I am trying to create my own gtk3 application. I like to use mallard to display some help about how to use my application. However I do not know how to code such that when the help menu item is clicked the help (mallard) is shown. I have the .page files already ready.
Please note, I am not asking how to create help files using mallard. But rather how to integrate mallard into my gtk3 help.
Good question. In cases like this, I always look on to see how Gedit does it. That's an excellent 'example' application.
First, look here at how they organize their help files:
| \--*.page
\--...other languages...
In help/, they use #YELP_HELP_RULES# to install the files (which is set up by YELP_HELP_INIT in
Then, when the user clicks Help/Contents, they open the URI help:gedit or help:gedit/link_id with gtk_show_uri() (see here, in the functions gedit_app_show_help_impl() and gedit_app_help_link_id_impl()) The files are then, presumably, automatically fetched by the desktop help system, translated into the proper language, and displayed in Yelp.

still got nothing after can display documentation in Documentation, appledoc

I have been spending a while working on how to generate a documentation via appledoc with the help from here.
Now I can see my new library displayed on the left hand side from Xcode/Help/Documentation. However, it is empty after all. I am still figuring out but it seems no moving forward after all.
What I am doing is example.m is an example file that I wanna display
/** Query the service for the name of the place near the
*position (WGS84)
*#param latitude The latitude for the position.
*#param longitude The longitude for the position. */
(void)findNearbyPlaceNameForLatitude:(double)latitude longitude:(double)longitude;
Now I am doing
appledoc --project-name Example --project-company "MY_COMPANY"
--company-id -o "/Users/Desktop/AppleDoc_Example/" -h -d -n ~/Users/Desktop/AppleDoc_Example/example.m
After launching xcode, here it is
Does any one know what the problem is... Please advice me... Any comments are welcomed here.
I've been using appledoc for a couple of years and I think you are missing the --install-docset argument which tells appledoc to install the docset into Xcode. I suspect appledoc is working fine, just not updating Xcode with the latest build.
You can see the script I use at which may help.

How can I download Yahoo Groups?

I want to download some Yahoo Groups (files, photos, messages, memberlist) and I've found these scripts:
I've downloaded ActivePerl and the needed modules from CPAN (nothing fancy; they're very easy to find). I've managed to install them, but when I run the script I get an error after it tells me that I've successfully logged in:
"Use of uninitialized value $cells in pattern match (m//) at line 244, line 2."
I'm guessing that Yahoo changed the layout of the page or something, but I'm not able to update the script myself. I'm a newbie when it comes to Perl and understanding the way Yahoo generates the pages, I only know some basic C++. I want to mention that I'm not lazy, I'll try do fix it myself but I need your help: hints, advice, anything.
PS: I've contacted the author, but he isn't willing to update the scripts.
You would need knowledge in the following fields:
use of an html parser
http knowledge ( get/post/head )
web scraping
I suggest you focus on WWW::Mechanize since it's capable of all these things ( and more )
EDIT: another solution ( that doesn't need programming ) , is this: login with your browser on yahoo groups, store the cookie, and then run wget , passing the stored cookie as a parameter. This way you'll get the task accomplished very fast.
Find your browser's cookies.txt file on your harddrive, and then call wget like this ( if I remember the commands correctly ) :
wget --load-cookies path_to_cookie_file -r -w 60 website
The full man page can be found here
EDIT2: Another option is to use WebDriver to automate firefox. You can use this article as a guide on how to accomplish this.
By the filename I'm assuming you're using Yahoo Group archiver found here:
I ran the files script against the SubEthaEdit group and it works great. All of the files downloaded without incident.
Looking at the code it seems to barf while processing an html table in a while loop if $cells is empty.
Considering the code did work when I tested it it's possible there's something going on with the listing of that group's files. You'll want to try outputting $content and figure out where and why the regular expression on 243 isn't able to process that html.
EDIT: If you don't mind posting the group this is happening with I'm sure myself or someone else here can try it out and troubleshoot on their own. It's tough to pinpoint what's up when the issue can't be duplicated. Also, try the same group I did and see if it works out for you. Certainly something up with the group you're trying if that works.
Dunno if it will help you, but here's what I did to get the message-download working:
(I only used message-download, I didn't look at file-download)
Was tinkering on this a while ago to backup my girlfriend's group messages and files from uni. Upon debugging on the latest scripts I've found out that there seems to be a bug on group_domain declaration (theres also a group declaration bug that i've found on of the same project, see $request)
($group_domain) = $url =~ /\/\/(.*?\//;
in this case, i've overwritten the $request var under the function sub download_folder() with
from <br>
$request = GET "http://$group_domain/group/$group/files$sub_folder/";
<br> to <br>
$request = GET "http://**$user_group**/files$sub_folder/";
grabyahoogroup works well in the latest edition, which can be found at the svn repo:
I've been looking for a tool that collects messages/conversations from Yahoo Groups!. I finally found this tool that converts your Yahoo! Groups messages into MBOX format after struggling to try to make my own and searching everywhere on the internet.
Download tools
Both of the following are Google Chrome extensions.
Chrome Extension to Download Members posted by Sam Hobbs (2015).
Chrome Application To Download Messages posted by Mark Fletcher (Jan 2016).
Plain string to Base64 binary data
At some time past September 16, 2010 (at least for me), the messages retrieved are no longer plain text and instead Base 64 binary data (ASCII). Using this swiss converter tool can allow you to read the data as it is.
Sample content from the MBOX format
Sample result after conversion
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
for cause, as of 2019/09