Dropbox API Chooser with JS from staging server : Origin does not match any app domain - dropbox-api

Dropbox API Chooser with JS from staging server : Origin does not match any app domain, popup message i got. The url of stazing server is "https". How to configure https://*.com. in the drop box drop-ins.

You need to specify a specific hostname (e.g. www.example.com). Wildcards are not supported.


IBM Weather REST API 401 Keep getting CORS issues when access

I am getting a 401 and some cross domain issues when trying to access IBM Weather REST API from either client (browser) or server.
If I generate a URL and try and access it directly from a browser (eg paste it in it works fine and the JSON weather report is returned).
When I try and run the Javascript HTTP request from either the browser or server it seems like it's only allowed to run from an ibm.com domain.
Failed to load https://twcservice.au-syd.mybluemix.net/api/weather/v1/geocode/-33.00/151.00/forecast/daily/7day.json?units=m&language=en-US: The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values 'https://*.ibm.com, https://*.ibmcloud.com', but only one is allowed. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access.
I am using the free service on Bluemix. Is this restricted to only run via a Bluemix server? or are there some options I can pass when I create the service on Bluemix
Note, when I make the request I am using the credentials supplied via the Bluemix console. Again, this works via the browser URL bar, but not via code.
Update/More info: if I hit past the URL above into the browser (with creds) it works as above, then if hit it via the web app in the same session it works.
Hmmm. So the IBM server is sending the following response header:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://*.ibm.com, https://*.ibmcloud.com
That's an invalid response from IBM. Unfortunately, I think your only option is to complain to IBM, and convince them to
Return a valid Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header (with only one value)
Allow people outside of IBM to access it
Without that, I fear you're out of luck.

Google admin console use with github hosted website

I have purchased a domain through the google admin site (G suite), and I am trying to use it in conjunction with a page hosted on github. In google admin I have added a domain alias that is the url pointing to the github page I have hosted. And through github under the 'Github Pages' section of settings I have changed the custom domain to point to the purchased domain I have. But for some reason the webpage I have in my github repository is not displaying on the domain I have purchased. Instead when I navigate to the domain I have purchased, nothing displays, and when I go to the github url of my hosted page it reroutes me to my purchased url.
Am I doing something wrong?
Here's how I set up http://jsonp.therobinkim.com/ to point to https://therobinkim.github.io/lets-learn-jsonp.
On GitHub, from https://github.com/therobnkim/lets-learn-jsonp settings, I put jsonp.therobinkim.com under my GitHub Pages Custom domain settings.
On Google Domains, from my custom domain's DNS settings, I added a new Custom resource record:
jsonp, my custom subdomain (changed from default #)
CNAME, bc we're pointing to another website by name instead of IP address (changed from default A)
1m (changed from default 1h, but not necessary)
therobinkim.github.io (changed from placeholder IPv4 address)
It started working for me within 5 minutes.
I hope this helps!
You need to create a cname file on your github repository. It is as simple as creating a file called CNAME, then putting your domain on it, i.e. yourdomain.com

Facebook Login not working on Dev Machine

I'm running Win Web Server 2008 R2.
I've got a site setup for development which I access on my test machine like this http://bossingway/
I'm trying to put the facebook login on this using their standard code they provide. I haven't added anything.
I've added http://bossingway/ to the SiteURL and it says the URL contains an invalid domain.
I've also tried adding it to Valid OAuth redirect URIs.
I keep getting the Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration error from Facebook.
How do I get it to work on my testing server.
Looks like you're missing the top level domain, if your top level domain is '.com' for example, then you need to add 'http://bossingway.com'

Which domain to specify on dropbox dropin app with github pages

I'm using the dropbox's dropin javascript api and created a git repository under the gh-pages branch so that i can use github pages. Problem is I'm confused which domain to add as my Drop-ins domain, which specifies "If using Drop-ins on a website, the domain of that site."
I've tried to add my github-pages url "http://username.github.io/repo_name".
But i get an error stating :-
"The domain name you entered is invalid"
and the button's response states :-
{"error": "Origin does not match any app domain"}
any suggestions will be appreciated.
You should enter just the domain: username.github.io

facebook app: cross domain error although it seems well set-up

I have a web app that runs on localhost or example.com. And I am loading the facebook apps sdk to be able to do Single Sign-On, but I have this error in the console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.facebook.com/impression.php. No 'Access-Control-
Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin
'http://example.com' is therefore not allowed access.
whereas I have gone in the settings of the facebook app and enter http://localhost/ or http://example.com/ in the Site URL field.
Here's the screen capture of my local url for instance :
...and the corresponding setting my facebook app account :
I really need some help here please !
Url given in SITE URL field must be match with your WEB URL [where facebook sdk invoked.]
Hence in your case, SITE URL field given : www.example.com
Web App URL must be : www.example.com
I'm running it locally under IIS Express using
where XXXXX is the port number the website is running on and that works for me.