Recurring Function with Matrix Input - matlab

I believe most functions in MATLAB should be able to receive matrix input and return the output in the form of matrix.
For example sqrt([1 4 9]) would return [1 2 3].
However, when I tried this recurring factorial function:
function k = fact(z)
if z ~= 0
k = z * fact(z-1);
k = 1;
It works perfectly when a number is input into fact. However, when a matrix is input into fact, it returns the matrix itself, without performing the factorial function.
fact(3) returns 6
fact([1 2 3]) returns [1 2 3] instead of [1 2 6].
Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much!

Since MATLAB is not known to be good with recursive functions, how about a vectorized approach? Try this for a vector input -
mat1 = repmat([1:max(z)],[numel(z) 1])
output1 = prod(mat1,2)
Sample run -
z =
1 2 7
output1 =
For the sake of answering your original question, here's the annoying loopy code for a vector or 2D matrix as input -
function k1 = fact1(z1)
k1 = zeros(size(z1));
for ii = 1:size(z1,1)
for jj = 1:size(z1,2)
z = z1(ii,jj);
if z ~= 0
k1(ii,jj) = z .* fact1(z-1);
k1(ii,jj) = 1;
Sample run -
>> fact1([1 2 7;3 2 1])
ans =
1 2 5040
6 2 1

You can use the gamma function to compute the factorial without recursion:
function k = fact(z)
k = gamma(z+1);
>> fact([1 2 3 4])
ans =
1 2 6 24

Not sure if all of you know, but there is an actual factorial function defined in MATLAB that can take in arrays / matrices of any size, and computes the factorial element-wise. For example:
k = factorial([1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8])
k =
1 2 6 24
120 720 5040 40320
Even though this post is looking for a recursive implementation, and Divakar has provided a solution, I'd still like to put my two cents in and suggest an alternative. Also, let's say that we don't have access to factorial, and we want to compute this from first principles. What I would personally do is create a cell array that's the same size as the input matrix, but each element in this cell array would be a linear index array from 1 up to the number defined for each location in the original matrix. You would then apply prod to each cell element to compute the factorial. A precondition is that no number is less than 1, and that all elements are integers. As such:
z1 = ... ; %// Define input matrix here
z1_matr = arrayfun(#(x) 1:x, z1, 'uni', 0);
out = cellfun(#prod, z1_matr);
If z1 = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8];, from my previous example, we get the same output with the above code:
out =
1 2 6 24
120 720 5040 40320
This will obviously be slower as there is an arrayfun then cellfun call immediately after, but I figured I'd add another method for the sake of just adding in another method :) Not sure how constructive this is, but I figured I'd add my own method and join Divakar and Luis Mendo :)


How to create an Octave function that evaluate the sum of pairs of numbers in the vector?

It's like a reverse version of Pascal's triangle.
I want to create a vector-input function named
y = lastnum(vect) on Octave, that evaluate the sum of each pair of numbers in any vectors to output the single number from the evaluation loops like this
0 1 2 3 4
1 3 5 7
4 8 12
12 20
And the input and output would be like this,
lastnum([0 1 2 3 4])
ans = 32
I mean... is there any progresses that I can do??? You may not understand but, the reverse triangle above can guide you about my question.
I also tagged MATLAB since it has similar language. MATLAB pros may help my problem.
Notice that the number of times each element gets added to produce the final result comes from Pascals triangle itself, so, e.g., for the vector [a b c d] the result will be a+3b+3c+d. So create a vector of entries in Pascals triangle and multiply and add with the original vector v.
I only have access to Matlab, Octave may not have all these functions.
This is a one-liner diag(fliplr(pascal(numel(v)))).'*v(:).
Or a looping version
s = 0;
for i = 0:numel(v)-1
s = s+nchoosek(numel(v)-1,i)*v(i+1);
Simplest thing I can think of is:
while length(x) > 0
x = x(1:end-1) + x(2:end);
or did I misunderstand the question?
Here is the version for both MATLAB and Octave:
function y = lastnum(v)
while 1
if length(v) == 2
y = sum(v)
# disp(v); # if you want to print the progress
vt = [];
for k = 1:(length(v)-1)
vt(end+1) = sum(v(k:(k+1)));
v = vt;

How to create a symmetric matrix where each row/column is a subset of a known vector [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How do I generate the following matrix and vector from the given input data in MATLAB?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a 7*1 vector a = (1:7).'. I want to form a matrix A of size 4*4 from vector a such that the elements of a form the anti-diagonals of matrix A as follows:
A = [1 2 3 4;
2 3 4 5;
3 4 5 6;
4 5 6 7]
I would like this to work for a general a, not just when the elements are consecutive integers.
I appreciate any help.
Setting up the indexing
Adding the two outputs of meshgrid can give the indices:
[x, y] = meshgrid(1:4, 0:3);
x + y;
% ans = [1 2 3 4
% 2 3 4 5
% 3 4 5 6
% 4 5 6 7];
If a was just as in your example you could stop there. Alternatively, use this to index a general vector a. For comparison, I'll use the same example input as rahnema1 did for their method:
a = [4 6 2 7 3 5 1];
[x, y] = meshgrid(1:4, 0:3);
A = a(x + y);
% A = [4 6 2 7
% 6 2 7 3
% 2 7 3 5
% 7 3 5 1]
There are many ways you could create the indices instead of using meshgrid, see the benchmarking functions below for some exampels!
Benchmarking and seven different methods.
Here are some timings for running different methods, including methods using cumsum, repmat, hankel and a simple for loop. This benchmark was done in Matlab 2015b, so takes advantage of Matlab optimisations etc. which the Octave benchmarks in rahnema1's answer might not do. I also use the timeit function which is more robust than tic/toc because it does multiple trials etc.
function benchie()
n = 10000; % (large) square matrix size
a = 1:2*n-1; % array of correct size, could be anything this long
f1 = #() m1(a,n); disp(['bsxfun: ', num2str(timeit(f1))]);
f2 = #() m2(a,n); disp(['cumsum: ', num2str(timeit(f2))]);
f3 = #() m3(a,n); disp(['meshgrid: ', num2str(timeit(f3))]);
f4 = #() m4(a,n); disp(['repmat: ', num2str(timeit(f4))]);
f5 = #() m5(a,n); disp(['for loop: ', num2str(timeit(f5))]);
f6 = #() m6(a,n); disp(['hankel1: ', num2str(timeit(f6))]);
f7 = #() m7(a,n); disp(['hankel2: ', num2str(timeit(f7))]);
% Use bsxfun to do broadcasting of addition
function m1(a,n); A = a(bsxfun(#plus, (1:n), (0:n-1).')); end
% Use cumsum to do cumulative vertical addition to create indices
function m2(a,n); A = a(cumsum([(1:n); ones(n-1,n)])); end
% Add the two meshgrid outputs to get indices
function m3(a,n); [x, y] = meshgrid(1:n, 0:n-1); A = a(x + y); end
% Use repmat twice to replicate the meshgrid results, for equivalent one liner
function m4(a,n); A = a(repmat((1:n)',1,n) + repmat(0:n-1,n,1)); end
% Use a simple for loop. Initialise A and assign values to each row in turn
function m5(a,n); A = zeros(n); for ii = 1:n; A(:,ii) = a(ii:ii+n-1); end; end
% Create a Hankel matrix (constant along anti-diagonals) for indexing
function m6(a,n); A = a(hankel(1:n,n:2*n-1)); end
% Create a Hankel matrix directly from elements
function m7(a,n); A = hankel(a(1:n),a(n:2*n-1)); end
bsxfun: 1.4397 sec
cumsum: 2.0563 sec
meshgrid: 2.0169 sec
repmat: 1.8598 sec
for loop: 0.4953 sec % MUCH quicker!
hankel1: 2.6154 sec
hankel2: 1.4235 sec
So you are best off using rahnema1's suggestion of bsxfun or direct generation of a hankel matrix if you want a one liner, here is a brilliant StackOverflow answer which explains some of bsxfun's advantages: In Matlab, when is it optimal to use bsxfun?
However, the for loop is more than twice as quick! Conclusion: Matlab has lots of neat ways to achieve things like this, sometimes a simple for loop with some appropriate pre-allocation and Matlab's internal optimisations can be the quickest.
You can use hankel:
n= 4;
A= hankel(a(1:n),a(n:2*n-1))
Other solution(expansion/bsxfun):
In MATLAB r2016b /Octave It can be created as:
A = a((1:4)+(0:3).')
In pre r2016b you can use bsxfun:
A = a(bsxfun(#plus,1:4, (0:3).'))
Example input/output
a = [4 6 2 7 3 5 1]
A =
4 6 2 7
6 2 7 3
2 7 3 5
7 3 5 1
Using the benchmark provided by #Wolfie tested in Octave:
|Method |memory peak(MB)|timing(Sec)|
|bsxfun |2030 |1.50 |
|meshgrid |3556 |2.43 |
|repmat |2411 |2.64 |
|hankel |886 |0.43 |
|for loop |886 |0.82 |

MATLAB separating array [duplicate]

I'm trying to elegantly split a vector. For example,
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
According to another vector of 0's and 1's of the same length where the 1's indicate where the vector should be split - or rather cut:
cut = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0]
Giving us a cell output similar to the following:
[1 2 3] [5 6 7 8] [10]
Solution code
You can use cumsum & accumarray for an efficient solution -
%// Create ID/labels for use with accumarray later on
id = cumsum(cut)+1
%// Mask to get valid values from cut and vec corresponding to ones in cut
mask = cut==0
%// Finally get the output with accumarray using masked IDs and vec values
out = accumarray(id(mask).',vec(mask).',[],#(x) {x})
Here are some performance numbers when using a large input on the three most popular approaches listed to solve this problem -
N = 100000; %// Input Datasize
vec = randi(100,1,N); %// Random inputs
cut = randi(2,1,N)-1;
disp('-------------------- With CUMSUM + ACCUMARRAY')
id = cumsum(cut)+1;
mask = cut==0;
out = accumarray(id(mask).',vec(mask).',[],#(x) {x});
disp('-------------------- With FIND + ARRAYFUN')
N = numel(vec);
ind = find(cut);
ind_before = [ind-1 N]; ind_before(ind_before < 1) = 1;
ind_after = [1 ind+1]; ind_after(ind_after > N) = N;
out = arrayfun(#(x,y) vec(x:y), ind_after, ind_before, 'uni', 0);
disp('-------------------- With CUMSUM + ARRAYFUN')
cutsum = cumsum(cut);
cutsum(cut == 1) = NaN; %Don't include the cut indices themselves
sumvals = unique(cutsum); % Find the values to use in indexing vec for the output
sumvals(isnan(sumvals)) = []; %Remove NaN values from sumvals
output = arrayfun(#(val) vec(cutsum == val), sumvals, 'UniformOutput', 0);
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ACCUMARRAY
Elapsed time is 0.068102 seconds.
-------------------- With FIND + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 0.117953 seconds.
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 12.560973 seconds.
Special case scenario: In cases where you might have runs of 1's, you need to modify few things as listed next -
%// Mask to get valid values from cut and vec corresponding to ones in cut
mask = cut==0
%// Setup IDs differently this time. The idea is to have successive IDs.
id = cumsum(cut)+1
[~,~,id] = unique(id(mask))
%// Finally get the output with accumarray using masked IDs and vec values
out = accumarray(id(:),vec(mask).',[],#(x) {x})
Sample run with such a case -
>> vec
vec =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>> cut
cut =
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0
>> celldisp(out)
out{1} =
out{2} =
out{3} =
For this problem, a handy function is cumsum, which can create a cumulative sum of the cut array. The code that produces an output cell array is as follows:
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
cut = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0];
cutsum = cumsum(cut);
cutsum(cut == 1) = NaN; %Don't include the cut indices themselves
sumvals = unique(cutsum); % Find the values to use in indexing vec for the output
sumvals(isnan(sumvals)) = []; %Remove NaN values from sumvals
output = {};
for i=1:numel(sumvals)
output{i} = vec(cutsum == sumvals(i)); %#ok<SAGROW>
As another answer shows, you can use arrayfun to create a cell array with the results. To apply that here, you'd replace the for loop (and the initialization of output) with the following line:
output = arrayfun(#(val) vec(cutsum == val), sumvals, 'UniformOutput', 0);
That's nice because it doesn't end up growing the output cell array.
The key feature of this routine is the variable cutsum, which ends up looking like this:
cutsum =
0 0 0 NaN 1 1 1 1 NaN 2
Then all we need to do is use it to create indices to pull the data out of the original vec array. We loop from zero to max and pull matching values. Notice that this routine handles some situations that may arise. For instance, it handles 1 values at the very beginning and very end of the cut array, and it gracefully handles repeated ones in the cut array without creating empty arrays in the output. This is because of the use of unique to create the set of values to search for in cutsum, and the fact that we throw out the NaN values in the sumvals array.
You could use -1 instead of NaN as the signal flag for the cut locations to not use, but I like NaN for readability. The -1 value would probably be more efficient, as all you'd have to do is truncate the first element from the sumvals array. It's just my preference to use NaN as a signal flag.
The output of this is a cell array with the results:
output{1} =
1 2 3
output{2} =
5 6 7 8
output{3} =
There are some odd conditions we need to handle. Consider the situation:
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14];
cut = [1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1];
There are repeated 1's in there, as well as a 1 at the beginning and end. This routine properly handles all this without any empty sets:
output{1} =
2 3
output{2} =
6 7 8 9
output{3} =
11 12 13
You can do this with a combination of find and arrayfun:
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
N = numel(vec);
cut = [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0];
ind = find(cut);
ind_before = [ind-1 N]; ind_before(ind_before < 1) = 1;
ind_after = [1 ind+1]; ind_after(ind_after > N) = N;
out = arrayfun(#(x,y) vec(x:y), ind_after, ind_before, 'uni', 0);
We thus get:
>> celldisp(out)
out{1} =
1 2 3
out{2} =
5 6 7 8
out{3} =
So how does this work? Well, the first line defines your input vector, the second line finds how many elements are in this vector and the third line denotes your cut vector which defines where we need to cut in our vector. Next, we use find to determine the locations that are non-zero in cut which correspond to the split points in the vector. If you notice, the split points determine where we need to stop collecting elements and begin collecting elements.
However, we need to account for the beginning of the vector as well as the end. ind_after tells us the locations of where we need to start collecting values and ind_before tells us the locations of where we need to stop collecting values. To calculate these starting and ending positions, you simply take the result of find and add and subtract 1 respectively.
Each corresponding position in ind_after and ind_before tell us where we need to start and stop collecting values together. In order to accommodate for the beginning of the vector, ind_after needs to have the index of 1 inserted at the beginning because index 1 is where we should start collecting values at the beginning. Similarly, N needs to be inserted at the end of ind_before because this is where we need to stop collecting values at the end of the array.
Now for ind_after and ind_before, there is a degenerate case where the cut point may be at the end or beginning of the vector. If this is the case, then subtracting or adding by 1 will generate a start and stopping position that's out of bounds. We check for this in the 4th and 5th line of code and simply set these to 1 or N depending on whether we're at the beginning or end of the array.
The last line of code uses arrayfun and iterates through each pair of ind_after and ind_before to slice into our vector. Each result is placed into a cell array, and our output follows.
We can check for the degenerate case by placing a 1 at the beginning and end of cut and some values in between:
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10];
cut = [1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1];
Using this example and the above code, we get:
>> celldisp(out)
out{1} =
out{2} =
2 3
out{3} =
5 6 7
out{4} =
out{5} =
Yet another way, but this time without any loops or accumulating at all...
lengths = diff(find([1 cut 1])) - 1; % assuming a row vector
lengths = lengths(lengths > 0);
data = vec(~cut);
result = mat2cell(data, 1, lengths); % also assuming a row vector
The diff(find(...)) construct gives us the distance from each marker to the next - we append boundary markers with [1 cut 1] to catch any runs of zeros which touch the ends. Each length is inclusive of its marker, though, so we subtract 1 to account for that, and remove any which just cover consecutive markers, so that we won't get any undesired empty cells in the output.
For the data, we mask out any elements corresponding to markers, so we just have the valid parts we want to partition up. Finally, with the data ready to split and the lengths into which to split it, that's precisely what mat2cell is for.
Also, using #Divakar's benchmark code;
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ACCUMARRAY
Elapsed time is 0.272810 seconds.
-------------------- With FIND + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 0.436276 seconds.
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 17.112259 seconds.
-------------------- With mat2cell
Elapsed time is 0.084207 seconds.
...just sayin' ;)
Here's what you need:
function spl = Splitting(vec,cut)
for i=1:1:length(b)
if cut(i)==0
Despite how simple my method is, it's in 2nd place for performance:
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ACCUMARRAY
Elapsed time is 0.264428 seconds.
-------------------- With FIND + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 0.407963 seconds.
-------------------- With CUMSUM + ARRAYFUN
Elapsed time is 18.337940 seconds.
-------------------- SIMPLE
Elapsed time is 0.271942 seconds.
Unfortunately there is no 'inverse concatenate' in MATLAB. If you wish to solve a question like this you can try the below code. It will give you what you looking for in the case where you have two split point to produce three vectors at the end. If you want more splits you will need to modify the code after the loop.
The results are in n vector form. To make them into cells, use num2cell on the results.
pos_of_one = 0;
% The loop finds the split points and puts their positions into a vector.
for kk = 1 : length(cut)
if cut(1,kk) == 1
pos_of_one = pos_of_one + 1;
A(1,one_pos) = kk;
F = vec(1 : A(1,1) - 1);
G = vec(A(1,1) + 1 : A(1,2) - 1);
H = vec(A(1,2) + 1 : end);

visualizing 2D-graphs of n-dim. array via surf() in matlab

I want to show 2dim. Surface plots for different combinations of 2 parameters of a 3- or higher-dimensional array in matlab. The data for the non-shown dimensions are integrated (i.e. summed in the remaining dimensions). I am using surf(), and for parameter combinations other than (1,2) (eg. (1,3), (2,3) ...) I have to rearrange the data matrices in order to make it work.
I am looking for an alternative command (or shorter code) which does this work.
Here's the code:
a(:,:,1) = [1 2 3 ;4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]; % // data matrix
a(:,:,2) = -[1 2 3 ;4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]*2; % // data matrix
ai=[[1 2 3 4]' [5 6 7 0]' [8 9 0 0]']; % // parameter vector
mat12 = sum(a,3);
aux13 = sum(a,2);
for i = 1:2; mat13(:,i) = aux13(:,:,i);
aux23 = sum(a,1);
for i = 1:2; mat23(i,:) = aux23(:,:,i);
In other words, I am looking for a way to use surf for matrices mat13 and mat23 without the aux13, aux23 variables and the for loop.
First your example doesn't run because you declare a=zeros(3,3,2); as a matrix [3x3x2] but you immediately try to populate it as a [4x3x2] matrix, so I had to adjust your first line to: a=zeros(4,3,2);
If I run your code with that adjustment, your auxiliary variable and for loops are to reform/reshape a matrix stripped of it's singleton dimension. Matlab provide a handy function for that : squeeze.
For example, your variable aux13 is of dimension [4x1x2], then mat13=squeeze(aux13); achieve the same thing than your for loop. Your matrix mat13 is now of dimension [4x2].
Since no for loop is needed, you can completely bypass your auxiliary variable by calling squeeze directly on the result of your summation: mat13=squeeze( sum(a,2) );
Full example, the code below does exactly the same than your code sample:
mat12 = sum(a,3);
mat13 = squeeze( sum(a,2) ) ;
mat23 = squeeze( sum(a,1) ) ;
mat23 = mat23.' ; %'// <= note the "transpose" operation here
Note that I had to transpose mat23 to make it match the one in your example.
sum(a,1) is [1x3x2] => squeeze that and you obtain a [3x2] matrix but your code arrange the same values in a [2x3] matrix, so the use of the transpose. The transpose operator has a shorthand notation .'.
I used it in the example in a separate line just to highlight it. Once understood you can simply write the full operation in one line:
mat23 = squeeze(sum(a,1)).' ;
The way you write your loops isn't exactly MATLAB syntax. Below is the correct loop syntax shown.
On line 2 and 3, you are trying to load (4x3)-matrices into (3x3)-matrices. That is why you get a subscript error. You could resolve it by making the zeros-matrix bigger. Here's some Syntax fixed:
a(:,:,1) = [1 2 3 ;4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]; % // data matrix
a(:,:,2) = -[1 2 3 ;4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12]*2; % // data matrix
ai=[[1 2 3 4]' [5 6 7 0]' [8 9 0 0]']; % // parameter vector
mat12 = sum(a,3);
aux13 = sum(a,2);
for i = 1:2 mat13(:,i) = aux13(:,:,i);
aux23 = sum(a,1);
for i = 1:2 mat23(i,:) = aux23(:,:,i);
Now, what are you exactly trying to do inside those loops?

"Desort" a vector (undo a sorting)

In Matlab, sort returns both the sorted vector and an index vector showing which vector element has been moved where:
[v, ix] = sort(u);
Here, v is a vector containing all the elements of u, but sorted. ix is a vector showing the original position of each element of v in u. Using Matlab's syntax, u(ix) == v.
My question: How do I obtain u from v and ix?
Of course, I could simply use:
w = zero(size(v));
for i = 1:length(v)
w(ix(i)) = v(i)
if nnz(w == u) == length(u)
But I am having this tip-of-the-tongue feeling that there is a more elegant, single-statement, vectorized way of doing this.
If you are wondering why one would need to do this instead of just using u: I was trying to implement the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure which adjusts each element of the vector based on its position after sorting, but recovering the original order after adjusting was important for me.
The solution is:
w(ix) = v;
This is a valid Matlab operation provided that w is either at least as big as v, or not yet declared.
>> u = [4 8 10 6 2];
>> [v, ix] = sort(u)
v = 2 4 6 8 10
ix = 5 1 4 2 3
>> u(ix)
ans = 2 4 6 8 10
>> w(ix) = v
w = 4 8 10 6 2
(Apologies for the trivial question-answer, but I realized the solution as I was typing the question, and thought it might be useful to someone.)