Using Alamofire within a Playground - swift

I'm new to iOS development and using Xcode and I'm having trouble getting Alamofire to work within a Playground. There's some functionality I'd like to test out for proof of concept but the library is not linked to the Playground and I've tried getting it to play nicely. I have Alamofire set up to work within an iOS (not in a Playground) project before the installation instructions in the Github Alamofire repo were recently updated.
Any suggestions on how to get Alamofire to import properly in the Playground?

Apple provides excellent step-by-step instruction to do so here: Importing Custom Frameworks Into a Playground

Here is what I consider to be the simplest straight line path:
Download and build Alamofire:
brew install carthage
echo "github \"Alamofire/Alamofire\"" > Cartfile
carthage update
Configure the workspace with a playground file and Alamofire.
From the Carthage/Build/{iOS / OSX} directory, drag the Alamofire.framework file into your link library list: {Project Name} -> {Target Name} -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
Command-N (create file) -> {Platform} -> Source -> Playground
If not already in a Workspace file, File -> Save as Workspace. To be paranoid, I close the project / workspace and (re)open the workspace.
Click on the playground file created in #2, and add the import import Alamofire

You can try moving library to
Then you can import and use it right in your playground

You can create a playground within the project also like in this tutorial
If the project is not in a workspace, save as workspace
Create new Playground, by adding to workspace level in the project pane
Ensure your project has a framework target. If it doesn't Edit the scheme to add a new Cocoa Touch Framework target (it doesn't need to have unit tests)
Add the files that you want to use in the playground, to the new framework target
Build the Framework by selecting the target in the build box at the top
In the playground, import the Framework. If the classes you want to use are not public, you need to import like so: #testable import ModuleFramework


Xcode import local Swift Package and build from the app

The goal is to import a local Swift Package "Shared" into a Xcode project and have them both in a workspace.
I have created a workspace, dragged and dropped both the package and the project in, and then added the package to the app by adding it to Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.
This works when building from the workspace! But I have to make it also possible to build from the app project, currently it throws: "Missing package product 'Shared'".
I know it is possible to do what I want because I have an example project where it works, in there Shared is listed as a local Swift Package in the app project, in mine it is not. In the project Shared is listed under Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content but can't be added again after removing the reference.
It would be great if someone could help me with this!
The solution is to create a local Swift Package in the app project and to import the Shared Package there. Then it will be available in the whole project.

What's the difference between just open Package.swift & use `swift package generate-xcodeproj` then open the generated xcodeproj file?

I followed the Vapor Website Docs, created hello project.
under hello project path, inputed swift build in terminal. But when open Package.swift, Xcode start to fetch vapor again.
Why? all dependencies repository is in .build path isn't? Why Xcode begains fetch Vapor over again?
swift package generate-xcodeproj can help generate xcode project, it seems like all dependencies is not package anymore. just groups.
What's the difference between just open Package.swift & use swift package generate-xcodeproj then open the generated xcodeproj file?
open Pacakge.swift with Xcode, fetch Vapor very slow. is there any better way?
like tell the Xcode everything is just in ./build path.
When you work with a project in terminal you use commands like
swift package update
swift build
swift run
swift package generate-xcodeproj
these commands works with hidden .build folder and Xcode project generated by swift package generate-xcodeproj works with that .build folder too. The only disadvantage of xcodeproj that if you change Package.swift or manually(outside of Xcode) add/delete some files from Sources folder then you have to run either just swift package generate-xcodeproj or swift package update && swift package generate-xcodeproj.
When you open project by double clicking on Package.swift it not uses classic xcodeproj anymore, now it is fully dynamic and you could edit Package.swift and files on-the-fly, doesn't matter in Xcode or in Finder, it will track all the changes. Though it sounds cool it works not perfectly and I still prefer classic xcodeproj cause it is not really hard to execute swift package generate-xcodeproj when needed. As far as I know there is no way to say Xcode to use .build folder in dynamic mode, it uses DerivedData folder to store dependencies.

Add a local Swift Package target to an existing Xcode project

I have an existing Xcode project that contains targets for a "traditional" iOS app ("Foo") and an iOS framework ("FooLib"). When the Xcode 12 beta dropped a few days ago, I added a multiplatform (iOS/macOS) SwiftUI app target ("Foo SwiftUI") to the same project. Now I want to make my framework cross-platform, too, so I added a multiplatform Swift Package ("Foo Package") to the project and moved the iOS framework classes to the new Swift package. I then added this package to all app targets' Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content sections. It appeared to work for all app targets until I cleaned the project and tried again. Now the app targets complain that the Foo Package can't be resolved:
Missing package project 'FooLib'.
I tried removing & re-adding the FooLib package to the app targets, but it no longer shows up in the pop-up list of frameworks and libraries to add. Are local Swift packages explicitly unsupported in Xcode projects? Do I need to put the package in its own Git repo and set it up like any other third-party package dependency?
What I'm most confused about it that it looks like it worked right after I created the Swift package, but not after I cleaned the project and tried re-running the app targets.
OK, sorry for my previous answer. — It is obvious how to share a package with yourself by way of a remote URL, such as GitHub, that serves it. Basically you are playing the role of both developer and end-user, and it's clear how to do that. So I think what's needed here is a step-by-step tutorial to sharing a package with yourself locally without actually serving it.
In Xcode, choose File > New > Swift Package and save as MyLibrary to the Desktop.
Now choose File > New > Project, choose the iOS App template, and save as App1 to the Desktop.
You now have two windows open. Drag MyLibrary from the project navigator in the MyLibrary window into the empty area at the bottom of the project navigator in the App1 window.
Quit Xcode.
Launch Xcode again and open App1. Look, the MyLibrary icon now has hierarchical contents. Edit the app target and add MyLibrary library as a dependency.
You can now edit MyLibrary; you can also import MyLibrary in your code and you will be able to use any public members of public types.
Close App1 and create another project, App2. Repeat steps 3, 4, 5, and 6.
From now on, either App1 and App2 can "see" MyLibrary. From either one, you can edit MyLibrary, you can import it and use its code. But you cannot have both App1 and App2 open at the same time. If you do, one of them will complain that the package is missing. So you'll be fine as long as you only have one at a time open.
Now, if you want to escape that limitation, then go back to the first way of dealing with all this: upload the package to GitHub and acquire it in your projects as a package dependency.
For me, it works using Xcode Workspaces “around” local Projects and Swift Packages.
Create App project
Create Swift Package
Create Workspace for app project
Add the App project to the Workspace
Add the Swift Package to the Workspace, too
In the app target “General” settings, “embed&sign” the Swift Package from the current workspace
You might have to restart Xcode afterwards for it to pick up on the changes ...

UI Test target does not recognize Swift package from custom framework in xcworkspace

I am developing several projects in a single workspace (monorepo). The workspace contains a shared framework that contains code shared between the projects. Some of the code depends on external packages that I import using the Swift Package Manager. Everything is working except that the packages aren't recognized when I use the UI testing target. When I run the UI tests for one of the projects it complains that the packages cannot be found (in the framework). Another solution that suits my needs is also welcome. Anyway, I'm using Xcode 11.3. To reproduce:
Create a new workspace.
Add a new project A and a new framework B into the workspace.
Add any dependency (for example SDWebImage) to the framework.
Add a Swift-file to the framework that just does import SDWebImage.
Now add framework B as a dependency to project A.
If you build project A or unit test project A, there is no problem. However, when you run UI tests on project A it complains that it cannot find the module SDWebImage in the Swift-file you added in point 4 above. Any idea how to solve this?
Edit: When I use Cocoapods instead it gives me the same error. When I use use_frameworks! it doesn't give me the error, but it crashes with "SDWebImage: image not found".
You have to manually add your B framework as a linked library in on your UI Tests target under Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries

How to import xcode project into xcode?

I downloaded SwiffCore ( for iOS and the Demo project contains a the main SwiffCore xcode project inside with all the necessary libraries.
Now I want to use SwiffCore in my project.
How do I import the xcode project inside my project?
I tried by dragging inside but it does not copy all files.
I have seen it a lot in other xcode samples.
From what I see on the github repository, you just need to drag the Source folder into your project and then use the classes as indicated by the documentation.