Flip single axis in 3d coordinate system - ilnumerics

Usually the axis in a 3d plot form a right system, in the mathematical sense.
For some plots I would like to reverse an axis, usually the y-axis, so that the data is actually plotted as if a mirror transformation would have been done on the hyper-plane {y = 0}.
How could that be done most easily? Can it done directly on the axis, by appropriate settings? Or do I really have to mirror the data?
I searched and found this post but it does not what I need, it just rotates the view, but does not orient the axis different. This get's closer but is buggy to as the labels are not properly attached to the axis ticks:
plotcube.Axes.YAxis.Scale(1.0, -1.0, 1.0) |> ignore
plotcube.Axes.YAxis.Translate(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) |> ignore
surface.Scale(1.0, -1.0, 1.0) |> ignore
In Matlab I would just do it that way.
Many thanks for a suggestion or solution.


Unity Rotate Sphere To Point Directly Upwards Based On Child Point

I've got a 3d sphere which I've been able to plot a point on using longitude and latitude thanks to some work of another developer I've found online. I think I understand what its doing.
What I need to do now is rotate my planet so the point is always at the top most point (ie the north pole) but I'm not sure how to do this. I'm probably missing some important fundamentals here so I'm hoping the answer can assist in my future learning.
Here's an image showing what I have - The blue line is a line coming from the longitude and latitude I have plotted and I need to rotate the planet so that line is basically pointing directly upwards.
If anyone is able to advise it'd be very much appreciated.
If I'm not mistaken, Unity uses a coordinate system where the y-axis points up.
If the point on your sphere was in the xy-plane, you'd just have to determine the angle between the radius-vector (starts in the center of the sphere, ends on the point in question) and the y-axis, and than rotate by that amount around the z-axis, so that the radius vector becomes vertical. But your point is at an arbitrary location in 3D space - see the image below. So one way to go about it is to first bring the point to the xy-plane, then continue from there.
Calculate the radius vector, which is just r = x-sphereCenter. Make a copy of it, set y to zero, so that you have (x, 0, z) - which is just the projection of the vector r on the horizontal xz-plane - let's call the copy rXZ.
Determine the signed angle between the x-axis and rXZ (use Vector3.SignedAngle(xAxis, rXZ, yAxis), see docs), and create a rotation matrix M1 that rotates the sphere in the opposite direction around the vertical (negate the angle). This should place your point in the xy-plane.
Now determine the angle between r and the y-axis (Vector3.SignedAngle(r, yAxis, zAxis)), and create a new rotation matrix M2 that rotates by that angle around the zAxis. (I think for this second one, the simpler Vector3.Angle will work as well.)
So, what you want now is to combine the two matrices (by multiplying them) into a single transform (I'm assuming this is a transformation in the local coordinate system of the sphere, where (0, 0, 0) is the sphere's center). If I'm not mistaken, Unity uses column-major matrices, so the multiplication order should be M = M2 * M1 (the rightmost matrix is applied first).
Reorient your globe using M as a local transform, and it should bring your point to the top. You can also create M3 = M1.inverse, and then do M = M3 * M2 * M1, to preserve the original angular offset from the xy-plane.
Check for edge cases, such as r already being vertical (pointing straight up, or straight down).

Flipping a node horizontally

I tried to play with scale values but it was too unreliable. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Is there a way to flip SCNNode horizontally with code?
A scale of x: -1.0, y: 1, z: 1 will mirror the node about the X Axis. This is they way that you should do it. Note that if the X Axis is not int he middle of the node, then this is going to change its position. You can translate it so that the x axis is in the middle then scale it and then translate it back if thats a problem. Its of course easier just to line up the artwork to begin with so the X axis lies on the plane where you want the mirroring to occur.

Change figure view in matlab

Is there some way of using the surf() style data format to create a heat map?
I have a bunch of scattered data of the form z=f(x,y) (so I used TriScatteredInterp to make it work with meshgrid) and I'd like to visualize z with a heat map. surf already does something similar to what I want, except you have to manually rotate the graph so the view is top down looking at the XY plane.
Basically, I'd like something similar to this:
But surf gives you this by default:
Although the answers here already show how to do this with surf, rendering the 3d surface feels a little like overkill...
pcolor creates the required images directly
(with slightly better results -surf has a gap next to the axes)
Adding to Ben's answer, you can use the view command. view allows you to rotate your plot to whatever camera angle you wish.
In general, you call the command like so:
view(AZ, EL);
AZ is the azimuth or horizontal rotation, while EL is the vertical elevation. These are both in degrees.
In your case, once you plot your surf plot, use view(0, 90); before you go to the next subplot. view(0, 90); is the default 2-D view, and this looks directly overhead.
By doing this, you avoid having to rotate your plot manually, then using campos to determine what the camera position is at given your plot. view(0, 90); should give you what you need.
Doing view(2); also gives you the default 2D view, which is equal to view(0, 90); as we talked about. By doing view(3);, this gives you the default 3D view as seen in your plots. FWIW, the default azimuth and elevation for a 3D plot is AZ = -37.5, EL = 30, in degrees of course.
Rotate the view to what you want. Then type campos in the terminal. This shows you the camera position. You can then use campos( your_desired ) to set the camera position for future plots.
For example, the x, y view is usually:
campos([4.0000 2.5000 86.6025])

IOS openGL best way to rotate Sphere with touchesMoved

I drew Globe object using OpenGL and i can rotate it with finger touch , but it doesn't work well in some cases because i am rotating using the difference between x and y
Rotation3D rot = sphere.currentRotation;
rot.x += diffX ;
rot.y += diffY ;
rot.z += 10 ;
sphere.currentRotation = rot;
when you move your finger from Top Right to bottom Left it isn't work good.
Any ideas ?
Peter Gabra
To arbitrarily rotate objects, it's easiest to store their current orientation as a transformation matrix and manipulate the elements. I explain this in detail here.
The only difference is that in that other question, the OP wanted to apply rotations from two controls (horizontal and vertical), whereas you are after drag-based rotation. The technique is basically the same, but instead of rotating around either the X or Y axis, you need to compute an arbitrary axis of rotation from the touch's delta vector as follows:
axis = [0, 0, 1] ⨯ [diffX, diffY, 0]
(⨯ = "cross product")
Then you rotate the U, V and W vectors (as described in my other answer) around the axis by some angle in proportion to the length of the delta vector:
M = rotation(k * length([diffX, diffY, 0]), axis)
U = M * U
V = M * V
W = M * W
If you find the object rotating in the opposite direction to what you expect, there are three possibilities:
If it's only the vertical rotation that goes the wrong way, you need to negate diffY. This is a common mistake I make due to inconsistencies between OpenGL and UIKit coordinate systems.
If it's all rotation, you can either swap the arguments in the cross-product or use [0, 0, -1]. This is usually because of confusion between left- and right-handed coordinate systems.
If it's just the horizontal rotation, make both adjustments. (Don't negate diffX, no one uses left-to-right X-coordinates.)
In case you're using Euler angles: I recommend not using Euler angles to model rotations. Use Quaternions instead. It might seem like it makes your code more complicated, but rotations work well when you use Quaternions. Here's some advantages:
it's very straightforward to apply user interaction to current rotation state
no gimbal lock problems
no need for matrix drift adjustments after repeated rotations
you can interpolate rotations easily
Note that Apple give you a Quaternion type to use: GLKQuaternion. No need to write your own Quaternion class.
See also:
Euler angles vs. Quaternions - problems caused by the tension between internal storage and presentation to the user?

Given a CGPath, how to make it curve?

In the following screen shot:
when you drag the tail of the word balloon (the thing that connects from the balloon to the persons mouth), the shape curves (as illustrated by the difference between the two balloon tails in the picture). I'm wondering, how is this done? I'm assuming you need to start with a CGPath and do something to it, does anyone happen to know what this is?
Update: So if I wanted to curve the following shape:
Would I use the following code:
CGPathAddCurveToPoint(mutablePath, NULL, x1, y1, x2, y2 + constant, x5, y5);
CGPathAddCurveToPoint(mutablePath, NULL, x3, y3, x4, y4 + constant, x5, y5);
Where the constant readjusts the y position of point 2 and point 4 to make the curve?
You need to exploit the fact that, mathematically, a straight-line segment is just a kind of curve segment.
(It's easier than it sounds, trust me.)
Bézier path segments have something called “order” that essentially determines how many points there are in the segment, not counting the point you're coming from.
A straight-line segment is a first-order curve, meaning that it only has the destination point. These “curves” are always straight lines because there are no control points to curve toward.
Quadratic curves are second-order curves (one control point plus the destination).
Cubic curves are third-order curves (two control points).
(The math doesn't put any limit on this, but Quartz stops here. No fourth-order curves for you without rolling your own rasterizer.)
This matters because any lower-order curve—including a straight line—can be expressed as a higher-order curve.
So, the secret?
For even a straight tail, use a curve.
(Namely, a cubic curve, since you want the curve going in two different directions: One, more or less into the tail, and the other, more or less along the edge of the balloon.)
From each of the two points at the base of the tail, you want one of the control points to be about halfway to the destination. This much is unconditional.
The direction of each of the control points gives you three options:
The straight-out tail
Notice the two control points along the blue line at the vertical center of the image.
Notice the direction of these two control points, relative to the base point it's connected to. They are angled inward, toward the tip—indeed, exactly on the straight line to the tip.
The oblique tail
Here, the tip point is no longer horizontally between the two base points. The control points have moved, but only to follow: each one is still halfway along the straight line between the corresponding base point and the tip.
The curved tail
For a curved tail, you move the tip, but you keep the control points at the same position as for a straight tail. Thus, the tail starts out straight out (following the control points), but as it gets farther from the base points, their influence wanes, and the tail begins curving toward the tip.
This is a lot easier to describe visually than to put into code, so you may want to consider using something like PaintCode or Opacity to draw each kind of tail using a pen tool and then see what the code they generate for it looks like.
You can use the CGContextAddCurveToPoint() functions:
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, x, y);
CGContextAddCurveToPoint(ctx, outTangentX, outTangentY, inTangentX, inTangentY, newX, newY);
... // more points or whatever you need here
CGContextFillPath(ctx); // Fill with white
CGContextStrokePath(ctx); // stroke the edges with black
The in/out tangents can be hardcoded to be something that looks good based on the point on the mouth of the picture and the point where it meets the balloon bubble. You might try something like making their angles half-way between perpendicular and the slope of the straight line between the 2 points or something like that as a starting place.