Just getting started with iOS development, so please forgive my ignorance here. I've also searched for a while without success on this topic, but I'm sure I'm just not searching the right terms.
If I comment out the only line in this first for loop, the next for loop seems to function exactly how I expect. If I leave them both in then, I only see the CG stuff happening and the other objects sit still.
What does the transformation on the object currentGear have to do with the frame being changed on another object within the same view? Why would performing the transformation invalidate the frame change after it?
for (UIImageView *currentGear in self.imageGearCollection)
currentGear.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(currentGear.transform, (90*M_PI)/180);
for (UIButton *currentCrate in self.buttonCrateCollection)
CGRect rectFrame = currentCrate.frame;
rectFrame.origin.x += 10;
currentCrate.frame = rectFrame;
Your question doesn't really have anything to do with Core Graphics.
The UIView Class Reference says this about frame:
Warning: If the transform property is not the identity transform, the value of this property is undefined and therefore should be ignored.
So what you're doing is not really allowed.
Since you're just trying to move the view, not change its size, you can do that by modifying its center property instead:
CGPoint center = currentCrate.center;
center.x += 10;
currentCrate.center = center;
I would like to animate the appearance of a NSSplitViewItem using .setPosition() using Swift, Cocoa and storyboards. My app allows a student to enter a natural deduction proof. When it is not correct, an 'advice view' appears on the right. When it is correct, this advice view will disappear.
The code I'm using is the below, where the first function makes the 'advice' appear, and the second makes it disappear:
func showAdviceView() {
// Our window
let windowSize = view.window?.frame.size.width
// A CGFloat proportion currently held as a constant
let adviceViewProportion = BKPrefConstants.adviceWindowSize
// Position is window size minus the proportion, since
// origin is top left
let newPosition = windowSize! - (windowSize! * adviceViewProportion)
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup { context in
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
context.duration = 0.75
splitView.animator().setPosition(newPosition, ofDividerAt: 1)
func hideAdviceView() {
let windowSize = view.window?.frame.size.width
let newPosition = windowSize!
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup{ context in
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
context.duration = 0.75
splitView.animator().setPosition(newPosition, ofDividerAt: 1)
My problem is that the animation action itself is causing the text in the views to stretch, as you can see in this example: Current behaviour
What I really want is the text itself to maintain all proportions and slide gracefully in the same manner that we see when the user themselves moves the separator: Ideal behaviour (but to be achieved programmatically, not manually)
Thus far in my troubleshooting process, I've tried to animate this outside of NSAnimationContext; played with concurrent drawing and autoresizing of subviews in XCode; and looked generally into Cocoa's animation system (though much of what I've read doesn't seem to have direct application here, but I might well be misunderstanding it). I suspect what's going on is that the .animator() proxy object allows only alpha changes and stretches---redrawing so that text alignment is honoured during the animation might be too non-standard. My feeling is that I need to 'trick' the app into treating the animation as though it's being performed by the user, but I'm not sure how to go about that.
Any tips greatly appreciated...
When I click a button in my game it draws shapes using the graphics in as3. simple shapes such as circles and rectangles.
I want to remove the graphics that have been drawn when something happens in one of my classes.
Basically when there is a hitTestObject (which works fine) I want all graphics on stage to be cleared.
if (gb2.hitTestObject(h1s2))
trace ("holed")
var mcSplash:MovieClip =parent.getChildByName("mcSplash") as MovieClip;
My attempt using parent.drawings.graphics.clear(); was unsuccessful, it gives me this error:
Line 481 1119: Access of possibly undefined property drawings through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.
Anyone have any suggestions
this is how, on the min time line, the drawings occur.
var drawings:Shape = new Shape;
for (i=0; i<numRecs; i++)
recStartX = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].startpoint.#ptx);
recStartY = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].startpoint.#pty);
recWidth = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].dimensions.#w);
recHeight = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].dimensions.#h);
lineThick = Number(xmlContent.rec[i].look.strokethick);
lineColor = int(xmlContent.rec[i].look.strokehex);
drawings.graphics.lineStyle(lineThick, lineColor);
Create an array and push in each shape/rect.
Then iterate through this and remove..
for(var iteration:int = 0; iteration < rectArray.length; iteration++)
or if you are calling this from a class, use
Hopefully this is helpful :)
What's drawings?! If you draw in mcSplash, you should use mcSplash.graphics.clear(). If you draw in a child called drawings, you should first get it as a child (after mcSplash get): var drawings = mcSplash.getChildByName('drawings); drawings.graphics.clear();. You could write checks to see what's going on: if (mcSlpash) { if (drawings) {, etc..
I downloaded JDFlipNumberView from here.
It works but there is a problem with the frame. To change the frame the developer has said to use:
flipNumberView.frame = CGRectMake(10,100,300,100);
but when I do this it doesn't change.
PS: when I put NSLog(#"%#",flipNumberView.frame); it returns null.
How can I change the frame?
"fram' is not a string, it is structure's object.so if you want see frame. you can use it.
NSLog(#"Width = %f",btn.frame.size.width);
NSLog(#"height = %f",btn.frame.size.height);
NSLog(#"x = %f",btn.frame.origin.x);
NSLog(#"y = %f",btn.frame.origin.y);
may be it help for you.
If you use the example project, you need to deactivate the layoutSubviews: method first. It resets the frame on every relayout.
Otherwise just set a new frame.
I have a Cocos2D game with Box2D physics. In my GameScene.mm, I'm working on a method to zoom to a given scale:
-(void) zoomToScale:(float)zoom withDuration:(ccTime)duration
id action = [CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:duration scale:zoom];
[scrollNode runAction:action];
currentZoomLevel = zoom;
The problem that I'm having is that currentZoomLevel (which is used in the Scene's update() method) is set to the zoom immediately, and isn't gradually adjusted as per the animation. So while the animation is in progress, the currentZoomLevel variable is totally wrong.
I'm trying to figure out a way to have the currentZoomLevel variable match the progress of the animation as it's happening. According to the CCAction API Reference, the CCAction's update method takes a ccTime that's between 0 and 1 based on the progress of the animation (0 is just started, 1 is just finished).
How can I access this ccTime from outside of the action? I want to have something in my Scene's update method like this:
float progress = [action getProgress]; // How do I do this?
// Do math to update currentZoomLevel based on progress
Am I missing something obvious here, or am I going to have to subclass CCScaleTo?
You should be able to access the scale directly as it animates.
instead of
float progress = [action getProgress];
float current_scale = some_node.scale ;
where "some_node" is the thing you're animating/scaling.
Actually, your best bet is to use the new Cocos2D extension "CCLayerPanZoom", which handles all of this marvellously for you! It should be part of any new cocos2D install (v.1.0+).
I was wondering if anyone could help me with my program,
I have randomised my sprites into a specific set of co-ordinates.
I want one of the sprites that is at that specific co-ordinate, to be able to make them do something when they are at this random co-ordinate. The problem i am having is that i have to make a long list of if statements saying if this sprite is here do this if another sprite is here do the exact same thing.
if (red1.position.y>=0 && red1.position.y<=63) {
id r1animation = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.2 position:ccp(red1.position.x,33)];
[red1 runAction:r1animation];
if (red2.position.y>=0 && red2.position.y<=63) {
id r2animation = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.2 position:ccp(red2.position.x,33)];
[red2 runAction:r2animation];
i want to be able to say if any of the sprites are at that exact co-ordinate then move them to a point, in a short amount of code as possible. so basically grouping the sprites or something i'm not sure.
i want to be able to say if any of the sprites are at that exact co-ordinate then move them to a point
Firstly, specify the 'hotspot' programatically:
CGPoint hotspot = ccp(32,32); // convenience macro,
//creates a CGPoint with x = 32, y = 32
You should store a reference to all your sprites in an array when you create them (you can use cocos2d's 'tagging' also, but I usually like to use an array for simplicity)
-(void)init {
//.. misc
// creating sprite returns a reference so keep it in an array
CCSprite* curSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile: //...etc]
[self.spriteArray addObject: curSprite];
// add all sprite references to your array
Now you can iterate over this array to see if any of the sprite's frames overlap the hotspot:
-(BOOL) checkAllSpritesForCollision
for (CCSprite *sp in self.spriteArray)
CGRect spriteRect = sp.frame;
if (CGRectContainsPoint(spriteRect,hotspot))
// run your action on sp...
// you might like to return YES if a collision happened?
This is a brute force method of checking whether every sprites frame contains a given point. There are many ways to skin this cat of course, but hopefully this will set you on a better path.
What you can do is to calculate the distance:
float pointX = thePoint.position.x;
float pointY = thePoint.position.y;
float pointDeltax = sprite.position.x-pointX;
float pointDeltay = sprite.position.y-pointY;
float pointDist = sqrt(pointDeltax*pointDeltax+pointDeltay*pointDeltay);
But maybe davbryns solution suits your purpose better.