Portico RTI + Java WEB Application = NoClassDefFoundError - simulation

I'm trying to start a Federate (HLA RTI) from a Java Web application, but I'm receiving the error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hla/rti1516/FederateAmbassador.
The same Federate is starting well from an ordinary java application.
My goal is to start the RTI and a Federation by starting a Federate when the web application is started. So I create a WebListener class to start my Federate:
public class Startup implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
Federate fed = new Federate();
This is the Federate start() code. I'll not put all code because this is not even reached:
public class Federate {
public void start() {
try {
RTIambassador rtiAmb = RtiFactoryFactory.getRtiFactory().getRtiAmbassador();
MyFederateAmbassador fedAmb = new MyFederateAmbassador();
When my webserver is starting, I never see the System.out.println("start") output, just only this error :
Grave: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class cmabreu.scorpio.startup.Startup
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: hla/rti1516/FederateAmbassador
at cmabreu.scorpio.startup.Startup.contextInitialized(Startup.java:29)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(StandardContext.java:4791)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal(StandardContext.java:5285)
at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start(LifecycleBase.java:150)
My portico.jar is configured in Build Path and the Federate imports are pretty fine ( no errors ):
import hla.rti1516.AttributeHandle;
import hla.rti1516.AttributeHandleSet;
import hla.rti1516.AttributeHandleValueMap;
import hla.rti1516.LogicalTime;
import hla.rti1516.ObjectClassHandle;
import hla.rti1516.ObjectInstanceHandle;
import hla.rti1516.RTIambassador;
import hla.rti1516.ResignAction;
import hla.rti1516.jlc.RtiFactoryFactory;
What I'm doing wrong?

After contact Portico creator, Tim Pokorny, I solved the problem changing some code in Portico source. The Portico's Log4j is in conflict with catalina's Log4J and a few other things more.


REST API script taking longer time to execute

I am new to API automation. When trying to execute the basic script in selenium I am getting the below error. Can some one please help me with it.
package GetRequest;
import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import io.restassured.RestAssured;
public class trying {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// base url
What is the port you are connecting at ? Have you specified that somewhere ? Are you using proxy ?
Why not try something like?
public void setProxy()
System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", YOUR_PROXY_HOST_HERE);
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", YOUR_PROXY_PORT_HERE);

JFXPanel throws UnsatisfiedLinkError in java-9 - how to fix?

Just tried to run my old tests in java-9 and see them not running at all due to an exception thrown by the code that guarantees running on the FX-threaad (the ol' trick to instantiate a JFXPanel)
The stand-alone example below (it's the plain tutorial code) throws it as well:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: D:\java\jdk\190_ea\bin\awt.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1935)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1841)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:874)
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1770)
at java.awt.Toolkit$3.run(Toolkit.java:1355)
at java.awt.Toolkit$3.run(Toolkit.java:1353)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.awt.Toolkit.loadLibraries(Toolkit.java:1352)
at java.awt.Toolkit.<clinit>(Toolkit.java:1387)
at java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(EventQueue.java:1268)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(SwingUtilities.java:1381)
at de.swingempire.fx.swing.JFXPanelExample.main(JFXPanelExample.java:59)
Environment is win7, jdk9-ea-107 (without jigsaw), eclipse-neon-ea - questions are simple: a) what's wrong exactly, b) how to fix?
The exact output of java -version is:
java version "9-ea" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9-ea+107-2016-02-24-175644.javare.4520.nc)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 9-ea+107-2016-02-24-175644.javare.4520.nc, mixed mode)
The code:
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.embed.swing.JFXPanel;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
public class JFXPanelExample {
private static void initAndShowGUI() {
// This method is invoked on the EDT thread
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Swing and JavaFX");
final JFXPanel fxPanel = new JFXPanel();
frame.setSize(300, 200);
Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private static void initFX(JFXPanel fxPanel) {
// This method is invoked on the JavaFX thread
Scene scene = createScene();
private static Scene createScene() {
Group root = new Group();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, Color.ALICEBLUE);
Text text = new Text();
text.setFont(new Font(25));
text.setText("Welcome JavaFX!");
return (scene);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
tried both suggestions in the comments (updating to most recent 9-ea-107, running from the command line) - no success, same exception.
Another observation: the example above fails with the same stacktrace even when all fx related code is commented - plain swing won't run. Looks like something severely wrong in my environment.

Reusable Liferay (6.0.6) service

I am trying to implement resuable Custom Services without using ext and servicebuilder.
I referred this article: http://www.devatwork.nl/2010/04/implementing-a-reusable-liferay-service-without-ext-or-service-builder/ , but I am confused in how should I implement this using eclipse? Following are the steps that I followed to do this:
- Created liferay-plugin project within eclipse.
- Created package containing CustomServices (interface) and CustomServicesUtil.
- Created jar file of package in step 2.
- Placed that jar file in tomcat\lib\ext\
- Then created package (with in same liferay-plugin project), that includes CutomServicesImpl and CustomServicesBaseImpl
- Defined portlet-spring.xml, service.properties, and modified web.xml (as per the article), and finally deployed the project.
On deployment, project is deployed successfully, but when I am trying to use customMethods defined in CustomServicesImpl through CustomServicesUtil.getCustomMethod(), I am getting the following error:
"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.demo.custom.services.CustomServicesUtil"
I configure build path to include customservices.jar file but its not working out, still showing the same error. I don’t know whether this is the correct way to implement resuable services or not. I tried this so that i can make use of custom method in one of my project.
Here is the code for custom services:
package com.demo.custom.services;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
public interface CustomServices {
String getCustomName(User user);
package com.demo.custom.services;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
public class CustomServicesUtil {
private static CustomServices services;
public static CustomServices getServices() {
if (services == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Custom Services not set");
return services;
public void setServices(CustomServices pServices) {
services = pServices;
public static String getCustomName(User user){
return getServices().getCustomName(user);
package com.demo.custom.services.impl;
import com.demo.custom.services.CustomServices;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.service.base.PrincipalBean;
import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil;
public abstract class CustomServicesBaseImpl extends PrincipalBean implements CustomServices {
protected CustomServices services;
public CustomServices getServices() {
return services;
public void setServices(CustomServices pServices) {
this.services = pServices;
protected void runSQL(String sql) throws SystemException {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SystemException(e);
package com.demo.custom.services.impl;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
public class CustomServicesImpl extends CustomServicesBaseImpl {
public String getCustomName(User user) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if(user == null){
return null;
return new StringBuffer().append(user.getFirstName()).append(" ").append(user.getLastName()).toString();
Here is the code of controller class of my another portlet, where i am making use of this service.
package com.test;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import com.demo.custom.services.CustomServicesUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.WebKeys;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;
import com.liferay.portal.theme.ThemeDisplay;
import com.liferay.util.bridges.mvc.MVCPortlet;
public class HelloCustomName extends MVCPortlet {
public void doView(RenderRequest renderRequest,
RenderResponse renderResponse) throws IOException, PortletException {
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay)renderRequest.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
User user = themeDisplay.getUser();
String customName = CustomServicesUtil.getCustomName(user); //getting error here
System.out.println("customName:" + customName);
Please point me on how to implement resuable services? Any guidance will be really useful.
My mind, you don't need the complexity of services. Simply make utility classes and put this in to tomcat/lib/ext. Be sure that tomcat/lib/ext is correct configured in tomcat/conf/catalina.properties, something like this:

Problem on aboutBox() in java

I'm developing a javadesktop application in Netbeans 6.9 and everything is perfect but...it gives me an error on this :
public void showAboutBox()
if (aboutBox == null) {
JFrame mainFrame = Mp4App.getApplication().getMainFrame();
aboutBox = new mp4AboutBox(mainFrame);
/** This method is called from within the constructor to
* initialize the form.
* WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
* always regenerated by the Form Editor.
and this is the error :
Compiling 1 source file to Q:\Mp3 App\mp4-beta\mp4\build\classes
Q:\Mp3 App\mp4-beta\mp4\src\mp4\Mp4View.java:223: cannot find symbol
symbol : class mp4AboutBox
location: class mp4.Mp4View
aboutBox = new mp4AboutBox(mainFrame);
1 error
Q:\Mp3 App\mp4-beta\mp4\nbproject\build-impl.xml:603:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
Q:\Mp3 App\mp4-beta\mp4\nbproject\build-impl.xml:284: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 8 seconds)
the real problem is that this is the code generated from netbeans...also if you create a new Project->java->Destop Application and you leave it there without adding nothing,it gives always me the same problem... what to do ????????????
netbeans version: 6.9.1
jdk version: 7
O.S : Windows 7 32 bit
You shouldn't create your GUI using Netbeans because it generates unreadable code. The Swing-Package is pretty straight forward, so you should use it.
To the Error: Do you have a mp4AboutBox-class and what is in it?
You might be missing an import. Provide your imports in that file.
I had a similar question that I got the solution to by re-installing netbeans 6.9.1.
This is the solution I came up with from that:
TestProject class:
import org.jdesktop.application.Application;
import org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication;
public class TestProject extends SingleFrameApplication {
#Override protected void startup() {
show(new AppView(this));
#Override protected void configureWindow(java.awt.Window root) { }
public static TestProject getApplication() {
return Application.getInstance(TestProject.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
launch(TestProject.class, args);
AppView JFrame:
import org.jdesktop.application.FrameView;
import org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication;
public class AppView extends FrameView {
public AppView(SingleFrameApplication app) {
JFrame mainFrame = TestProject.getApplication().getMainFrame();
AboutBox newAboutBox = new AboutBox();

jBoss deployment of message-driven bean spec violation

I have an java EE application which has one message-driven bean and it runs fine on JBoss 4, however when I configure the project for JBoss 6 and deploy on it, I get this error;
WARN [org.jboss.ejb.deployers.EjbDeployer.verifier] EJB spec violation:
The message driven bean must declare one onMessage() method.
org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: Verification of Enterprise Beans failed, see above for error messages.
But my bean HAS the onMessage method! It would not have worked on jboss 4 either then.
Why do I get this error!?
The class in question looks like this
package ...
imports ...
public class MyMDB implements MessageDrivenBean, MessageListener {
AnotherSessionBean a;
OneMoreSessionBean b;
public MyMDB() {}
public void onMessage(Message message) {
if (message instanceof TextMessage) {
try {
//Lookup sessionBeans by jndi, create them
// check message-type, then invokie
// else
} catch (SomeException e) {
//handling it
public void lookupABean() {
try {
// code to lookup session beans and create.
} catch (CreateException e) { // handling it and catching NamingException too }
Edit 2:
And this is the jboss.xml relevant parts
Edit 3:
I just removed all my jars from the project, and only re-added relevant ones (from new versions also) to put out NoClassDefFound errors.
Still the problem remains.
Any directions, what area should I look at? My project, or jboss-configration, or the deployment settings??
looks for
public void onMessage(javax.jms.Message)
via some code like this (this is from JBoss5):
* Check if the given message is the onMessage() method
public boolean isOnMessageMethod(Method m)
if ("onMessage".equals(m.getName()))
Class[] paramTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
if (paramTypes.length == 1)
if (Message.class.equals(paramTypes[0]))
return true;
return false;
It is important that the parameter type is javax.jms.Message and nothing else, for example some subclass or superclass or some implementing class.
Your signature is public void onMessage(Message message) which looks ok on first sight.
A Class is equal only in its ClassLoader. If for some reasons javax.jms.Message is available in different classloaders in the same JVM, strange things can happen, depending on the ClassLoader of the EjbDeployer.verifier. Maybe the EjbDeployer.verifer has a access to javax.jms.Message in another ClassLoader as MyMDB. As result, both javax.jms.Message are not equal to each other, although they are the same byte-code and literally exists. The EjbVerifier will warn about missing onMessage, because javax.jms.Message on ClassLoader A is not equal to javax.jms.Message on ClassLoader B.
This can happen when libraries with javax.jms.Message is copied on wrong places on the JBoss AS. So I guess - from a distance - that there is some jars containing javax.jms.Message in wrong places on the JBoss or the EAR. For example some wrong jbossallclient.jar in the EAR.
Make sure your EAR does not contain its own copies of the javax.ejb classes (or any javax classes at all, for that matter). JBoss 4 and 6 have rather different classloading semantics, and what works on one may not work on the other. For example, if your EAR's lib contained its own copies of Message or MessageListener, then it may no longer work.
I tried it out on "JBossAS [ "Neo"]" and Eclipse Helios
import javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty;
import javax.ejb.MessageDriven;
import javax.ejb.MessageDrivenBean;
import javax.ejb.MessageDrivenContext;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageListener;
activationConfig = { #ActivationConfigProperty(
propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Topic"
) },
mappedName = "topic/A_Topic",
messageListenerInterface = MessageListener.class)
public class MyMDB implements MessageListener, MessageDrivenBean {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4923389997501209506L;
public MyMDB() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public void ejbRemove() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void setMessageDrivenContext(MessageDrivenContext arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onMessage(Message message) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
And this setting works. Do you have the same imports for your bean (perhaps there was an automatic import gone wrong???)