When I use SC.stream to stream a track, does the track streamed data get automatically deleted once it is finished and I play another track? The thing is that when I called SC.stream before it was finished I got 2 tracks playing at the same time. This means that they do not override atleast. Does anyone have further knowledge of this? Do I have to make a onFinish function to the sound that deletes itself using the soundobjects function?
To summarize: Do I need to dispose of the sound manually when using SC.stream and can I call on multiple SC.stream?
As response to a request for code
SC.callMethod('stream',["/tracks/" + content.split(":")[0], new JsObject.jsify({"autoLoad": true, "autoPlay": true, "stream": true, "position": int.parse(content.split(":")[1])})]);
and that makes probably 0 sense to anyone as that is dart and is server dependent. I will instead explain it. I call SC.stream feeding a track as the first parameter. The second parameter is the options with the settings
autoLoad: true, autoPlay: true, stream: true
and a position. The thing is I am currently calling SC.stream every time I am changing track, using my own timer. I do also not feed a function(sound) to save the sound reference.
I want to have a variable length pause between tracks in a playlist created with a just_audio AudioPlayer instance (there is a background track which I want playing during this interval). Something to the effect of:
_voiceAudioPlayer.currentIndexStream.listen((event) {
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 4), () => _voiceAudioPlayer.play());
This throws an error:
"Unhandled Exception: Bad state: Cannot fire new event. Controller is already firing an event"
Is there a clean way to do this? I'm considering adding silent mp3s at every other track in the playlist, but feel there there ought to be a better way.
This error happens because currentIndexStream is a "sync" broadcast stream, so you can't trigger another state change event while the current event is being processed (i.e. in the same cycle of the event loop). But you can get around that by scheduling a microtask to happen after the current cycle:
_voiceAudioPlayer.currentIndexStream.listen((index) {
scheduleMicrotask(() async {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 4));
Still, I wouldn't depend on this callback being executed soon enough due to the gapless nature of just_audio's playlists. That is, the next audio track will begin playing immediately, so you're bound to hear at least a fraction of the next item's audio before the pause happens.
There is an open feature request for a SilenceAudioSource which could be inserted into a playlist (you can vote for that issue by clicking the thumbs up button if you'd like it to be implemented.) A silent audio file which you proposed is actually the simplest alternative to SilenceAudioSource.
Otherwise, another approach would be to not use the gapless playlists feature at all (since you don't need the gapless feature anyway), and just implement your own logic to advance the queue:
final queue = [source1, source2, source3, ...];
for (var source in queue) {
await _voiceAudioPlayer.setAudioSource(source);
await _voiceAudioPlayer.play();
await Future.delayed(seconds: 4);
The above example does not handle pause/resume logic, but it is just to show that it is possible for you to take the playlist logic into your own hands if you don't require the gapless feature.
and thank you for trying to help me! I am making a discord bot using discord.js. I made a mute command which works perfect and i am very happy that it works perfect, but now discord give's me another problem. If i want to mute somebody i gave him a mute role. Now that's my problem i managed to overwrite the permissions for the channel where i type the mute command, but i need to manually overwrite the other channels in the server!
I want to overwrite all channels on the server!
So my code is:
message.channel.updateOverwrite(muterole, {
TALK: false})
Thank you in advance!
You could use the each() function to iterate (loop) through each channel in the current guild and perform the action(s), as utilised below:
// iterate a function through every channel in a server
message.guild.channels.cache.each((channel) => {
channel.updateOverwrite(muterole, {
TALK: false});
getUserMedia(constrains).then(stream => {
var recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream)
// get new stream getUserMedia(constrains_new)
// how to update recorder stream here?
Is it possible? I've try to create MediaStream and use addTrack and removeTrack methods to change stream tracks but no success (recorder stops when I try to resume it with updated stream)
Any ideas?
The short answer is no, it's not possible. The MediaStream recording spec explicitly describes this behavior: https://w3c.github.io/mediacapture-record/#dom-mediarecorder-start. It's bullet point 15.3 of that algorithm which says "If at any point, a track is added to or removed from stream’s track set, the UA MUST immediately stop gathering data ...".
But in case you only want to record audio you can probably use an AudioContext to proxy your streams. Create a MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode and use the stream that it provides for recording. Then you can feed your streams with MediaStreamAudioSourceNodes and/or MediaStreamTrackAudioSourceNodes into the audio graph and mix them in any way you desire.
Last but not least there are currently plans to add the functionality you are looking for to the spec. Maybe you just have to wait a bit. Or maybe a bit longer depending on the browser you are using. :-)
I am trying to seek user feedback at the end of a google action session using actions sdk.
As per the Actions documentation (https://developers.google.com/actions/assistant/conversation-exits), I have set the cancel intent
"conversations" : {
"inDialogIntents": [
"name": "actions.intent.CANCEL"
and in my functions code I am calling a SimpleResponse as below:
app.intent('actions.intent.CANCEL', (conv, input) => {
conv.close(new SimpleResponse({
speech: 'Kindly rate between 1 and 5,
text: 'Rate between 1 and 5'
When the user says goodbye, the above code gets called. The speech is heard and text displayed but the conversation immediately exits with an earcon.
The documentation mentions that the system will wait for 2 seconds before exiting but it seems to do so immediately. Is there a way to get this working? Thanks
It's not quite clear to me what you'd like to achieve. First of all, as long as you're using conv.close() method, you are ending the conversation. If you want to keep the mic open, you need to use conv.ask() method. But I'm not sure id you can use conv.ask() with actions.intent.CANCEL, because that event is there to get the user out, not to keep the conversation going. But I'm not %100 sure, you need to try it.
If what you're trying to achieve is something like this:
User: cancel
System: How would you rate our interaction?
User: Good.
Then, in my humble opinion, you probably shouldn't (and as I said you probably can't) do it. The docs clearly state that the purpose for custom exit behavior is:
to cleanup your fulfillment logic and respond to the user one last time.
Also, the docs doesn't say the system will wait for the user response for 2 second. It says the execution of the request (the time out for your fulfillment) is 2 seconds. Plus; if a user is canceling mid-conversation, chances are that the interaction was unsuccessful anyway. I'd rather create feedback dialog turns that are connected to the fallback intents and happy path(s).
Still, try to use conv.ask() instead and let me know if that works. (And please let me know by commenting.) Either case, though, I'd consider getting the feedback some other way.
So I'm trying to develop a music player for my office with a restful API. In a nutshell, the API will be able to download music from youtube and load it into the current playlist of a running MPD instance. I also want to be able to control playback / volume with the API
Here's kind of what I was thinking so far:
Endpoint: /queue
GET: Gets the current MPD playlist
POST: Accepts JSON with these arguments:
source-type: specify the type of the source of the music (usually youtube, but i might want to expand later to support pulling from soundcloud, etc)
source-desc: Used in conjunction with source-type, ie, if source-type were youtube, this would be a youtube search query
It would use these arguments to go out and find the song you want and put it in the queue
DELETE: Would clear the queue
Endpoint: /playbackcontrol
GET: Returns volume, whether playing, paused, or stopped, etc
POST: Accepts JSON with these arguments:
operation: describe the operation you want (ie, next, previous, volume adjust)
optional_value: value for operations that need a value (like volume)
So that's basically what I'm thinking right now. I know this is really high level, I just wanted to get some input to see if I'm on the right track. Does this look like an acceptable way to implement such an API?
DELETE to clear the queue is not cool. PUT an empty queue representation instead. This will also come in handy later when you want to be able to rearrange items in the queue, remove them one by one etc.—you can GET the current queue, apply changes and PUT it back.
Volume is clearly better modeled as a separate /status/volume resource with GET and PUT. Maybe PATCH if you absolutely need distinct “volume up” and “volume down” operations (that is, if your client will not be keeping track of current volume).
Ditto for the playing/paused/stopped status: GET/PUT /status/playback.
To seed the client with the current status, make GET /status respond with a summary of what’s going on: current track, volume, playing/paused.
I would use the following 2 main modules:
adding a track: POST playlist {source: ...}
removing a track: DELETE playlist/{id}
ordering tracks: PUT playlist/{id}/index 123
get track list: GET playlist
loading a track: PUT player/track {id: 123}
rewind a track: PUT player/time 0
stop the player: PUT player/playing false
start the player: PUT player/playing true
adjust volume: PUT player/volume .95
get current status: GET player
Ofc you should use the proper RDF vocab for link relations and for describing your data. You can find it probably here.