Order Email Notification stopped working in Wordpress - plugins

The email notification that I used to receive after every successful transaction suddenly stopped working (coincedentally) after uninstalling Smart Manager plugin. I use the WooCommerce theme (). Can anyone help me resolve this issue? Thanks.

Go to Woocommerce Seetings-> Notifications. Enable notification for successful checkouts there.


Woocommerce Follow Up Emails Plugin - email issue

OK so im just gonna ask this question, as I am at the end of the rope, with hopes someone out there will have some advice.
I have installed the Woocommerce Follow Up Emails plugin on my site, and for the life of me I cannot get it send the email.
The settings I have are:
Trigger: 3 days after the order total is above $1.00
Setting: Customer recieves the email once
There is nothing in the "scheduled emails" of the plugin showing up, however and this is the part that throws me off, in the Tools>Scheduled Actions of the wordpress dashboard i get multiple entries of the below:
which tells me that it the emails are being scheduled but are not being sent out (even though it says, action complete). I have checked the WPMail log nothing, i have checked Cpanel Email Tracking and theres nothing. I have a WP Cron plugin installed that tells me it is functioning correctly.
Does anybody have any ideas/suggestions that i could do or check that I havent done already? Is there something I'm missing?
Any help will greatly be appreciated.
P.S, I purchased the plugin from a third party site and cant ask Woocommerce for support without paying for subscription (which i will do as my absolute last resort)
The plugin works fine on my side, although it is very basic in its functionalities and you reach super quickly its limitations.
I'd suggest you buy the plugin from WC. They tend to have special offers of 30-50% off few times a year. Their support is typically very good and has a live chat so you get answers often directly.
Hope you got it figured out by now.

PayPal Sandbox not working, transactions error in dashboard

I am getting the following error in the transactions section of the dashboard (since days, I am not able to test anything):
We’re sorry, something went wrong while fetching sandbox transactions. Please try again.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I talked to the PayPal support and it seems to be a global issue at the moment which should be fixed until tomorrow. There is another solution to create a sandbox account right now (see Unable to use sandbox accounts), but then I am not able to verify those accounts because the notification email with the confirmation link is completely broken. So unfortunately it seems we all just have to wait for it to work again.
I am seeing the same issue this morning. I am getting UNKNOWN_ERROR when trying to process via the Sandbox from .NET using SDK as well. Even the .NET Sample SDK is returning a UNKNOWN_ERROR. I sure hope they get this fixed soon.
I have the same issue on the transactions dashboard. Additionally Mass Payout's are not processed, but regular Payment's are working.
Sandbox mode, using Node.js REST API

Error in PayPal live transaction in android

i am using android sdk for paypal transactions. it works well for Sanbox test account and it give a proper response from paypal, but when i change the configuration from sandbox to Live and change the client_id for live account, and when i login to pay in android application, it login succesful but after that given this error. i dont know what the error is this, what should i do for live transaction,
Looks its resolved now with sdk - 2.12.5
test it with
from this link
I have updated the okhttp version to latest stable release in v2.12.5.
Can you please update to latest version and confirm if you are now not
getting this exception.
I was hardly able to reproduce this issue on any device, and so, would
need your help fixing this issue. I will keep an eye on this issue
promptly, and get it sorted out soon :+1:
Thanks for helping all !

IPNs getting sent a URL that is no longer available

I run a subscription based website, which was going great until the developer of the subscription component I used ceased development.
Due to my lack of knowledge of programing a solution to set up something to catch the exisiting IPNs and convert them into something my new subscription component could manage, I simply manually added new subscriptions into the new subscription component, and kept a manual log of when subscriptions had been cancelled from Paypal's end, then altered the entries accordingly.
This was fine as the defunt subscription component still recieved the IPNs and sent back the correct notification to Paypal, and I kept an eye on things.
Now we have upgraded our security and moved to a new server, and the old subscription component has been marked as being vunerable, so moving it over also to keep this system I have going is no longer viable, and I am getting warnings from Paypal about IPNs not being recieved properly.
What should I do about this?
I can't turn of IPNs because my new subscription component uses them (perfectly).
Is this something a developer could look at and fix for me? I simply want the subscription IPNs from the old system to be recieved somehow (I am totally happy keeping things running manually on my side for older subscriptions).
Is there a way to turn off IPN notifications for just the subscriptions that are trying to send to a paricular URL?
Is there an easier sollution?
Any help would be muchly appreciated, I am worried that my IPNs will get turned off all together which would end up being a lot more work for me!
Kind Thanks,
You cannot modify the IPN notification URL that are sent to your old subscriptions.
If you want to stop receiving notifications on your old subscriptions you need to cancel the old subscriptions and create a new/similar one.

PayPal IPN testing

I'm trying to get this PayPal IPN tutorial to work:
I setup everthing and now I'm in the PayPal sandbox and sending with the "Instant Payment Notification (IPN) simulator" a message to my "ipn.php" and nothing happends.
The databse is still empty and I don't get a notification email.
I'm totally stuck with this. What can I do to find the error?
Make sure your listener is on port 80. It is undocumented, but the paypal IPN simulator will fail to send to any other port.
The tutorial URL does not open for me, I get a "No input file specified.".
My first suggestion would be to open the PHP script that processes the PayPal IPN and write the following in the beginning:
file_put_contents('dump.txt', print_r($_POST, true));
Ensure you have write permissions in the directory that holds the script because "dump.txt" file will be created there. This way you can see what PayPal sends to you and give you a starting debugging point.
Also check your web server error log for PHP errors that might be happening to you. The tutorials are often written long time ago, on different systems, different PHP version, etc.
Edit: Also you probably already know this but the IPN processing script should be publicly accessible, not some localhost stuff.