In Lotus Notes Designer Trigger an Agent, every time an email message is opened - triggers

New to Lotus Notes Admin, Brand new to designer.
Looking to trigger an agent whenever an email is opened.
I've created the agent already, just don't know how to hook it to the action of opening up an email.
Feel stupid opening up a PMR just for that, but have been googling and experimenting for hours.
thanks for any help

You need to modify the mail template (which is not recommended unless you know what you are doing).
The code could go in either the QueryOpen or PostOpen event of the memo form and reply form.
My suggestion is to isolate the functionality in a script library and call that function from the events on the different forms. This will make it easier both to update/maintain the code as well as move it to the new mail template when Notes get updated.
For something like this, I would recommend that you contact an experienced Notes developer for some help. You could easily mess up the mail template.


Need Script Code for Automating Emails Based on Cell Input in Google Sheets

I am trying to create a script that will auto-email a person. Basically, this sheet is going to have a list of items and track those items, and I need to assign each item when it comes it. When I assign it to a person's name, I want the script to then email that person. There are only about 15 people, but I assume I would need a script for each person aka if I put "Sally" in the sheet, there is a script to now email "Sally" to say she has been added to this task.
Ideally, I would like a way to also generate an email again to "Sally" if I update her task, add a comment to it, or do another input to do some sort of follow-up.
Any help would be appreciated immensely!
It wont be good to directly post the complete solution but I will mention the required functionalities which I get in my mind , please use them to solve your task:
onEdit(e) - use this to trigger a particular set of functions whenever a particular range or cell value is changed(it may be automated or manual both can trigger this function) look into the official documentation for how to detect the changes occurred in which cell(
once the new task is assigned to a person(for first time) send an email to that person using GmailApp(install the library in app script) , get the ThreadById of this email and store it into the sheet along the same row, if any changes are made afterwords like adding comments or something,use this threadId to reply to the same email using "thread.reply"(How do you reply to email thread with google Mailapp?)
I think you have also asked how to make the system dynamic, I mean you are right now coding as if each member needs a code for his/her entry. Please study a bit deeper you will easily find an approach to make it dynamic using the onEdit and some for loops as the way you are thinking is not recommended in automation scenarios.

How to Edit the Template for the Odoo Helpdesk Ticket Assigned Message

I'm currently using Odoo 12.0+e-20181025. I'm trying to edit the message the user get whenever a ticket is assigned to them. I've tried searching the email template, but I can't find it. I've also tried searching in the main folder, but I still can't find it. As of now, I only managed to make a similar template, but I also found some trouble in that task as I can't really emulate the button that can link right to the ticket editing form, only to the preview ticket window.
Here is the code for the link to the ticket:
${} .​
While knowing how to make a proper link will help a lot, I would still prefer to know where I can edit the message template so I can make it more user friendly and informative.
Thanks for reading and for the help.

How to cancel an auto-send email - can't find the script or source to cancel?

Used Google Scripts and when we search my history, the script is gone
I followed this link to set the email up, and now I cannot cancel it, any help would be much appreciated
Based on the link of the tutorial you provided, it looks like you created the script from inside a spreadsheet. They can be found using menu Tools => Script Editor. From there you can delete/edit the function that is sending the email. You might also want to check the document about Development Environment, this will discus about creating and deleting projects, linking of libraries and more. Hope this helps.

How to edit TFS work item email template

I'm new to TFS 2013 and I'm trying to edit the email template that pops up when you click the email symbol within a work type item in TFS, but I have not been able to thus far.
Specifically I want to include a custom field that has been added to the form. The research I have done points me in the the direction of the following path way: Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 12.0\Application Tier\TFSJobAgent\Transforms\1033.
However the files here (and please forgive my ignorance if I have got this wrong) appear to control event changes across the TFS, which I don’t want to change.
My scenario is that a user wants to email a work type to another user and include a custom field in the email template. Thanks (I would have included a screen shot but stackoverflow would not let me).

How can I customize an email-notification within a sharepoint 2010 workflow?

I've got a random workflow in my sharepoint application that allows employees to make a request for some holiday period! So some emails have to be send around.
I'd like tu customize this email-notifications in the following way:
language (default is 'en', and I'd
like to cange if possible)
thanks a lot!
I still got no idea how you can customize an email-notification...perhaps you could look for it's tamplate and "customize" it there, but this would change it for all that's not a real solution!
anyway, I've found a quite good way to change the language. Well, email notifications always take the "default language" (which you can find in Site Actions/Site Settings/Site Administration/Language Settings) from the actual Site/SiteCollection/...regarding to this problem you should check my answer to this question link
So, now you can change a Site's default language to a new one(of course only if you got the right [Language ID]and the language pack(s) installed) some stuff like sending notification mails in favored language(s) (for example within a workflow like the one I've described above).
When your work(act. the workflow's work) is done you can set back the Site's language to the original one and you're done!