How to Disable delete button from a subform Zoho Creator - subform

From default Zoho Creator does not have this issue. To disable this red cross from a subform. Does anyone know if there is any 'hack' deluge script which cancels the on click event of this button?

Its possible, if you embed your form into html page and apply css like this:
#Attendors1-1 a[elname="zc-hideFormFieldEl"]{
pointer-events: none;
Use Chrome developer tool to find right tags

It is possible to not allow users to delete subform records.
Here is how you do it:
Create a workflow for the form that contains the subform
Click Add New Action
Select Field Actions
Select Show/Hide subform actions
Select Hide subform delete entry
And then select the subform field on which this action should be effected


How to create a form allowing multiple checkbox selection in Wix?

Does anyone know if there's a possibility to create a form where users can select multiple checkbox options instead of just one? I need users to be able to check multiple boxes. Any help for a newbie would be greatly appreciated.
I know I'm late, but if you're using Wix Forms, you can click on the form, click the plus sign, then click "Selection" in the left column, then click "Multi Checkbox Field" to get checkboxes where users can select more than one. Right now you're probably using Radio Buttons, which are often used as the default in most form templates but only allow for one box to be selected.

How should I add checkbox in UI5 sap.m.Dialog

Currently the sap.m.Dialog only have the addButton method which can only add Button control, I just want to add the checkbox in the dialog footer like "Don not show this dialog again"
Update: as of commit cc55b10 (available in UI5 1.110), sap.m.Dialog comes with the new footer aggregation which awaits an instance of sap.m.Toolbar. There, you can add anything you want such as the sap.m.CheckBox.
For UI5 version lower than 1.110 (previous answer):
Adding a checkbox to the dialog footer is currently not supported as the corresponding aggregations <buttons>, <endButton>, and <beginButton> all await only sap.m.Button (or controls derived form it). I filed an enhancement request on GitHub in case you're interested.
The closest solution I could think of right now is to add ...:
sap.m.ToggleButton with the toggle text Don't Show This Again, or
sap.m.Button with the text Close And Don't Show This Again
... next to a normal close button.

Need to redirect "schedule meeting" under Activities subpanel of Leads detail view page to "Full Form" of schedule meeting

I have to redirect "schedule meeting" under Activities subpanel of Leads list view page to "Full Form" of schedule meeting
I have looked at modules/Leads/metadata/subpaneldefs.php and removed top_buttons array key, but it is removing the buttons. How to make the schedule meeting button redirect to full form of meeting instead of quick meeting?
Also, I have to make id(parent_name) field of "related to" label required.
You have to override the SugarWidgetSubPanelTopScheduleMeetingButton widget class file located at include/generic/SugarWidgets/ because for Activites subpanel Schedule Meeting button calls SubPanelTopScheduleCallButton widget class.
And for making parent_name required.
Go to Admin Panel
then Studio
Select Your Module
Select Fields
Edit parent_name field
Enable Required checkbox
Click on Save button

Requery SubForm after button is clicked on Popup box

I have a navigational Form e.g. MainNavigationForm. It has multiple navigational tabs and one of the tabs have a form e.g. "MainForm". This MainForm have a comboBox where user selects a value. MainForm also has a subform e.g. "SubForm" which is hidden initially. Once user selects something from the comboBox..a Popup form pops up e.g. "PopupForm". User fills in the details on the PopupForm and once the user hits Create button on PopupForm, he should be redirected to MainForm. But this time, the SubForm should be made visible and shown the updated data using requery. So, my question is How can I requery the SubForm from the OnClick event of the Create button which is on the PopupForm??
I hope I am clear in explanation..if not..please ask more..thanks in advance
Got it working..Thanks to SmileyCoder
IF your opening your form from code you can simply do:
docmd.OpenForm "frm_Popup",acNormal,,,acFormPropertySettings,acDialog

Display Additional Form on Update - RadGrid

I'm using a RadGrid for changing record status's. Users have the ability to select a status from a dropdown and update that record with that status. Depending on the status chosen, when the user clicks update I want to popup an additional form so the user can fill out more data required for the update. I'm not sure the best way to go about implementing this. Any suggestions are appreciated.
One way is to use the RadWindow like a modal and pop it up to the user via client-side JavaScript. We use RadWindows in our applications and it works. Or, the RadWindow supports a Nested Grid or View that you can have as a record's child; so you can have the master record, click on the arrow on the left and expand the record to view a nested grid of data, or a custom view (via the NestedViewTemplate property). You can also have the form in a DIV, hide it, then show it via JavaScript too.
Those are two ways.