Error on return a Future[Boolean] from a for in Scala - mongodb

I'm writing a Play 2.3.2 application in Scala.
I use reactivemongo as driver for my MongoDB database.
I've a collection named "recommendation.tagsSimilarity", that contain the value of the similarity between my tags, where a tag is in the form :"category:attribute".
An example of a document is like the following:
"_id" : ObjectId("5440ec6e4165e71ac4b53a71"),
"id" : "10912199495810912197116116114-10912199581091219711611611450",
"tag1" : "10912199495810912197116116114",
"tag1Name" : "myc1:myattr",
"tag2" : "10912199581091219711611611450",
"tag2Name" : "myc:myattr2",
"eq" : 0
A doment represents an element of a matrix of nxn dimensions, where n is the number of tags saved.
Now I've created a collection named "recommendation.correlation" on which i save the correlation between a "category" and a tag.
For do that I'm writing a method that iterate on the elements of the TagSimilarity as a matrix.
def calculateCorrelation: Future[Boolean] = {
def calculate(category: String, tag: String): Future[(Double, Double)] = {//calculate the correlation and return the tuple value
play.Logger.debug("Start Correlation")
Similarity.all.toList flatMap { tagsMatch =>
for(i <- tagsMatch) {
val category = i.tag1Name.split(":")(0) // get the tag category
for(j <- tagsMatch) {
val productName = j.tag2Name //obtain the product tag
calculate(category, productName) flatMap {value =>
val correlation = Correlation(category, productName, value._1, value._2) //create the correlation object
val query = Json.obj("category" -> category, "attribute" -> productName)
Correlations.update(query, correlation, upsert = true) flatMap{status => status match {
case LastError(ok, _, _, _, _, _, _) => Future{true}
case _ => Future{false}
But the compiler gives me the following error:
[error] /Users/alberto/git/bdrim/modules/recommendation-system/app/recommendationsystem/algorithms/Pearson.scala:313: type mismatch;
[error] found : Unit
[error] required: scala.concurrent.Future[Boolean]
[error] for(i <- tagsMatch) {
[error] ^
[error] /Users/alberto/git/bdrim/modules/recommendation-system/app/recommendationsystem/algorithms/Pearson.scala:313: type mismatch;
[error] found : Unit
[error] required: scala.concurrent.Future[Boolean]
[error] for(i <- tagsMatch) {
[error] ^
[error] one error found
What's wrong?? I can't understand why the for statement don't return nothing.
In addition to I want to ask why i can't write the code in a for comprehension in Scala for iterate two times on the list.

You forgot to use yield with for:
for(i <- tagsMatch) { ... } gets translated to a foreach instruction.
Using for(i <- tagsMatch) yield { ... } it will actually translate to map/flatMap and yield a result (remember to use it on both of your fors).


How to map an Option inside a for comprehension with EitherT

Hi I am trying to execute a for comprehension like
(for {
player <- playerRepository.findById(playerId) // findById returns EitherT[Future, String, Player]
teamOpt <- teamRepository.findByPlayer(playerId) // findByPlayer returns EitherT[Future, String, Option[Team]]
playedMatches <- => playedMatchesRepository.findByTeamId( // findByTeamId returns EitherT[Future, String, Seq[PlayedMatches]]
} yield (
error => {
logger.error(s"all error: $error")
tuple => {
logger.debug(s"get success -> $tuple")
Right(playerDetailResponse(tuple._1, tuple._2, tuple._3))
I can not get a corret structure for
playedMatches <- => playedMatchesRepository.findByTeamId(
I am getting the following error when I compile the project
[error] /Users/agusgambina/code/soccer/app/services/impl/PlayerServiceImpl.scala:28:17: type mismatch;
[error] found : Option[(models.Player, Option[models.Team],[scala.concurrent.Future,String,Seq[models.PlayedMatches]])]
[error] required:[scala.concurrent.Future,?,?]
[error] playedMatches <- => playedMatchesRepository.findByTeamId(
[error] ^
[error] one error found
I tried to wrap
playedMatches <- => playedMatchesRepository.findByTeamId( // findByTeamId returns EitherT[Future, String, Seq[PlayedMatches]]
in here, you are getting an Option[EitherT[Future, String, Seq[PlayedMatches]]] which doesn't compose with the EitherT[Future, String, ???] you are using as Monad for the for comprehension.
one option you have is to actually use a fold on teamOpt.
teamOpt.fold(EitherT(Future.successful(Left("Team not Found"): Either[String, Team]))){ team => playedMatchesRepository.findByTeamId( }
This way you unwrap the Option with the error case if is empty or the success case if non-empty. (create a function that takes the teamOPt as parameter and the for-comprehension will look much better)
Hope it helps
In case of the empty case be successful, and be happy returning an empty sequence:
EitherT(Future.successful(Right(Seq()): Either[String, Seq[PlayedMatches]))
){ team =>

Type Mismatch in scala case match

Trying to create multiple dataframes in a single foreach, using spark, as below
I get values delivery and click out of row.getAs("type"), when I try to print them.
val check = eachrec.foreach(recrd => => {
row.getAs("type") match {
case "delivery" => val delivery_data = delivery(row.get(0).toString,row.get(1).toString)
case "click" => val click_data = delivery(row.get(0).toString,row.get(1).toString)
case _ => "not sure if this impacts"
but getting below error:
Error:(41, 14) type mismatch; found : String("delivery") required: Nothing
case "delivery" => val delivery_data = delivery(row.get(0).toString,row.get(1).toString)
My plan is to create dataframe using todf() once I create these individual delivery objects referenced by delivery_data and click_data by:
delivery_data.toDF() and click_data.toDF().
Please provide any clue regarding the error above (in match case).
How can I create two df's using todf() in val check?
val declarations make your first 2 cases return type to be unit, but in the third case you return a String
for instance, here the z type was inferred by the compiler, Unit:
def x = {
val z: Unit = 3 match {
case 2 => val a = 2
case _ => val b = 3
I think you need to cast this match clause to String.

Merge two collections with different type parameters in Scala

I need to implement a class that basically holds a key and a value pair where the value is a sequence of tuples. This tuple contains an object SynthesizedMetricTag, and a type parameter A with a Numeric context bound, so effectively a sequence of k/v where v needs to be a number.
case class Cohort[A : Numeric](index:Any,values:Seq[(SynthesizedMetricTag,A)])
The problem comes when I have to implement a function that merges two instances of this class. More specific, the problem comes when I have to merge a seq of type A with a seq of type B. Both types have a Numeric context bound, so the idea is that in the end I get a Cohort[C] that comforms to the context bound and merges all the K/V pairs of the sequences of type A and B without repeating any key.
case class Cohort[A : Numeric](index:Any,values:Seq[(SynthesizedMetricTag,A)]) {
def merge[B : Numeric, C:Numeric](that:Cohort[B]):Cohort[C] =
if(this.index != that.index) throw new Exception("Unable to merge Cohorts. Criteria is not the same")
else {
val b = new ArrayBuffer[(SynthesizedMetricTag,C)]()
val seen = new mutable.HashSet[SynthesizedMetricTag]()
for (x <- this.values; y <- that.values){
b+= x
seen += x._1
b+= y
seen += y._1
Of course this code throws the following errors:
[error] /Users/ernestrc/dev/everreach/operations-api/src/main/scala/everreach/operations/model/Cohort.scala:14: type mismatch;
[error] found : (everreach.operations.model.SynthesizedMetricTag, A)
[error] required: (everreach.operations.model.SynthesizedMetricTag, C)
[error] b+= x
[error] ^
[error] /Users/ernestrc/dev/everreach/operations-api/src/main/scala/everreach/operations/model/Cohort.scala:18: type mismatch;
[error] found : (everreach.operations.model.SynthesizedMetricTag, B)
[error] required: (everreach.operations.model.SynthesizedMetricTag, C)
[error] b+= y
So I've tried the following:
case class Cohort[A : Numeric](index:Any,values:Seq[(SynthesizedMetricTag,A)]) {
def merge[B : Numeric, C:Numeric](that:Cohort[B]):Cohort[C] =
if(this.index != that.index) throw new Exception("Unable to merge Cohorts. Criteria is not the same")
else {
val b = new ArrayBuffer[(SynthesizedMetricTag,C)]()
val seen = new mutable.HashSet[SynthesizedMetricTag]()
for (x <- this.values; y <- that.values){
b+= x.asInstanceOf[(SynthesizedMetricTag,C)]
seen += x._1
b+= y.asInstanceOf[(SynthesizedMetricTag,C)]
seen += y._1
And it compiles, but I'm sure this is not the idiomatic way of doing this. Do you guys know how to solve this problem ?
Alexey made a good point:
What exactly do you want to happen if e.g. A is Double, B is Long, and
C is Byte?
Well C needs to be passed as a type parameter because otherwise the compiler doesn't know what C is, so I would like A and B to be converted to C. But what I really want to happen is to never lose information. So If for example, A is an Int and B is a Float, I want A to be converted to Float and merge both A and B into a collection C(Float).
Of course this hierarchy does not exist, does it? That's why I need to abstract the result type into C and manually pass it as a type parameter.
I would just define the method with an implicit evidence from types A and B to type C
case class Cohort[A <: Numeric](index:Any,values:Seq[(SynthesizedMetricTag,A)]) {
def merge[B <: Numeric, C](that:Cohort[B])(implicit ev1:A=>C, ev2:B=>C):Cohort[C] =
if(this.index != that.index) throw new Exception("Unable to merge Cohorts. Criteria is not the same")
else {
val b = new ArrayBuffer[(SynthesizedMetricTag,C)]()
val seen = new mutable.HashSet[SynthesizedMetricTag]()
for (x <- this.values; y <- that.values){
b += x._1 -> ev1(x._2)
seen += x._1
b+= y._1 -> ev2(y._2)
seen += y._1

How to properly map a tuple function across a Seq[A]?

I have a function that is attempting to build a JSON object containing a representation of multiple tuples that are stored in a Seq[A], where A is a (Loop, Option[User]). My code looks like so:
def loops = Action {
val page : Int = 1
val orderBy : Int = 1
val filter : String = ""
val jsonifyLoops : (Loop, Option[User]) => Map[String, String] = {
case (loop,user) =>
"name" ->,
"created_at" ->""),
"deleted_at" ->""),
"user_name" ->"")
"loops" -> toJson(
Loop.list( page = page, orderBy = orderBy, filter = ("%"+filter+"%") ) jsonifyLoops )
Loops.list produces a Page[A], from the helper class below:
case class Page[A](items: Seq[A], page: Int, offset: Long, total: Long) {
lazy val prev = Option(page - 1).filter(_ >= 0)
lazy val next = Option(page + 1).filter(_ => (offset + items.size) < total)
Thus, Loops.list(...).items should get me a Seq[(Loop, Option[User])], onto which I should be able to apply a map function. I've defined my jsonifyLoops function to have what I think is the appropriate prototype, but I must be doing something wrong, because the compiler throws me the following error:
[error] [...] Application.scala:42: type mismatch;
[error] found : (models.Loop, Option[models.User]) => Map[String,String]
[error] required: (models.Loop, Option[models.User]) => ?
[error] jsonifyLoops )
[error] ^
What am I doing wrong?
Your function jsonifyLoops takes two arguments: a Loop and an Option[User]. However, the members of items are tuples of the type (Loop, Option[User]), and thus requires as an argument a function of one argument accepting that tuple. So, you need to convert jsonifyLoops from a binary function to a unary function that takes a pair of arguments; Function2#tupled will do this for you:
scala> :t jsonifyLoops
(Loop, Option[User]) => Map[String,String]
scala> :t jsonifyLoops.tupled
((Loop, Option[User])) => Map[String,String]
You'd use it like this:
Loop.list(page = page, orderBy = orderBy, filter = ("%"+filter+"%"))
You need to add a default case to your pattern matching within jasonifyLoops.
In absence of a default case, if your case statement fails you return a Unit.
So something like this should work:
val jsonifyLoops : (Loop, Option[User]) => Map[String, String] = {
case (loop,user) =>
"name" ->,
"created_at" ->""),
"deleted_at" ->""),
"user_name" ->"")
case _ => Map[String, String]()
This just says that if the input does not match, return an empty Map. However, you should replace this with whatever handling you want to do for the default case.

Scala: For Comprehension compile error (newbie question)

I am getting a type mismatch compile error for the following code:
case class MyClass(name: String)
def getMyClass(id : String) = {
//For now ignore the id field
Some(Seq(MyClass("test1"), MyClass("test2"), MyClass("test3"), MyClass("test4"), MyClass("test5")))
def getHeader() = {
"n" -> List(Map("s"->"t"), Map("s"->"t"), Map("s"->"t")),
"o" -> List(Map("s"->"t"), Map("s"->"t"), Map("s"->"t")),
"id" -> "12345"
def castToString(any: Option[Any]): Option[String] = {
any match {
case Some(value: String) => Some(value)
case _ => None
val h = getHeader()
id <- castToString(h.get("id")) //I hate I have to do this but the map is a Map[String,Any]
m <- getMyClass(id) //This strips the Some from the Some(Seq[MyClass])
item <- m //XXXXXXXX Compile errors
oList <- h.get("o")
nList <- h.get("n")
} yield {
(oList, nList, item)
The error is:
C:\temp\s.scala:28: error: type mismatch;
found : Seq[(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, this.MyClass)]
required: Option[?]
item <- m
But m is of type Seq[MyClass]. I am trying to iterate through the list and set item
You can't mix container types in this way, specifically given the signature of Option.flatMap (to which this expression is desugared - see the comment by pst). However, there's a pretty easy solution:
id <- castToString(h.get("id")).toSeq
m <- getMyClass(id).toSeq
oList <- h.get("o")
nList <- h.get("n")
} yield {
(oList, nList, item)
A better explanation of why the code you mentioned doesnt work can be found here:
What is Scala's yield?
You could change your code to the one Kris posted.