Run command line when a document is saved in Visual Studio 2013? - command-line

I'm currently evaluating using VS2013 for a HTML5 project.
In this project I would like to be able to run a command line tool every time a file is saved (and have the file path passed as argument to the command line tool), and then have the output displayed in the console in VS. It's also important that this setup can be part of the project file, so that when a developer opens the project it's already setup correctly and ready to go without any additional configuring in VS.
In both Sublime Text and Webstorm projects all this is easy to achieve, but I haven't been able to find anything similar in Visual Studio. Any tips would be much appreciated!

You can set a DocumentSaved handler with Visual Commander and run a tool. See the "2. Run Cppcheck on the saved file and show results in the Output window" extension sample.


Visual Studio Code Love2D support extension detecting as a directory

I have just started with löve because of an internet course I'm on, and I'm using Visual studio code as my editor. The course recommends that I use the "Love2D Support" extension with Visual Studio. It allows me to run the code directly from VS by pressing Command + L.
Although when I do it, VS outputs me this error:
The setting specified in pixelbyte.love2d.path must be an executable file, not a directory. Check your settings.
The path I have input in the settings is /Users/My_Username/Desktop/
I am 100% sure that it is the correct directory. What is the problem?
Thanks for answering!
The actual executable file in Mac is /Applications/ so put this in your pixelbyte.love2d.path command in vscode and you are good to go.

PowerShell script in one long line - auto-format?

I was given a PowerShell script, that when opened in a text editor, is one very long line of code. Is there any kind of auto-format tool for PowerShell syntax? I use Notepad++ and read a thread here ( here (PowerShell Code Tidy or Reformat?) about certain plugins that can help with indentation and other code cleanup, but nothing that I've seen that can take one long line and tidy it.
I'd suggest using Visual Studio Code with the PowerShell extension. From there, you can utilize the Format Document tool (default keybind: SHIFT+ALT+F). This will look at your settings file and uses PSScriptAnalyzer to perform the formatting rules.
With the newest update (June2018), Visual Studio Code supports fully portable downloads by downloading the .zip option and creating the /data/tmp/ directory in the root where code.exe lives.
Visual Studio Code
PowerShell extension releases
Microsoft recommendations

Is it possible to have Visual Studio Code custom configured from a .ps1 file?

I'm attempting to put together a standard VS Code build for my company. I have a ps1 file that copies/installs extensions for VS Code after it's been installed but I can't seem to find how or even if it is possible to then configure VS Code settings to utilize those extensions.
For example, one of the extensions is "vscode-icons". I can install the extension just fine but then the user needs to setup his preferences manually to actually use the extension by going to the File->Preferences->File Icon Theme->VS Code Icons.
Is it possible to have my ps1 install file actually make configuration changes so any user who opens VS Code has the custom configuration settings?
The config settings for VS Code are JSON files - just needs to locate and edit them.
First check what manual change is doing then create part in the script to edit the settings.

Run powershell script at startup in visual studio

I have a powershell file (script.ps1) that is in some of my visual studio solutions. The script contains utility functions for the project.
At the moment, I just open the nugget package manager and copy and paste the content of the script and it runs fine. I can run the functions correctly from the nugget package manager. But this has to be done, each time I open the solution.
Is there a way to get this handle automatically each time I open the solutions?
Rather than copy pasting the entire thing, you can dot source the file
. ".\script.ps1"

Libreoffice Impress Export as Images extension does not work

Libreoffice Impress Export as Images extension does not work. "Export as Images" Menu is not being added to File Menu.
I am using Libreoffice 3.4. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Quick workaround: start the Export as Images macro manually. It's located under My Macros -> ExportImages -> ExportImages. Look for a macro named ExportAsImages and run it. Once found and started, it works fine :) (i don't know why it doesn't show up in the File menu).
Editing the macro is possible using the built-in IDE: once it's installed, you can access its LibreOffice Basic source using Tools-> Macros -> Organize Macros... -> LibreOffice Basic.
It's also possible to run it from the command line, but in its current form, it requires user interaction to specify the output file name and graphics format. So i assume it isn't possible to run it completely in "headless" mode without modifying the source. To run it from the command line on Linux, converting the file /tmp/mypresentation.odp, use:
$ simpress /tmp/mypresentation.odp ""