How to make a Dist::Zilla based Perl module (or app) install files into /etc/? - perl

I maintain multiple Perl written (unix-ish) applications whose current installation process consists of a manually written Makefile and installs configuration files into /etc/.
I'd really like to switch their development to use Dist::Zilla, but so far I haven't found any Dist::Zilla plugin or feature which allows me to put given files into /etc/ when the make install (or ./Build install in case of using Module::Build instead of ExtUtils::MakeMaker) is run by the local administrator who's installing my application.
With pure ExtUtils::MakeMaker, I could define additional make targets in MY::postamble and the let the install target depend on one of them via the depend { install => … } attribute. Doing something similar, but via dzil build, would probably suffice, but I'd appreciate a more obvious way.
One orthogonal approach would be to make the application not to require the files under /etc/ to exist, but for just switching to Dist::Zilla that seems to much change in the actual code despite I only want to change the build system for now.
For the curious: the two applications I currently have in mind for switching to Dist::Zilla are xen-tools and unburden-home-dir.

The best thing to do is to avoid installing files into /etc from any Perl distribution. You cannot ensure that the cpan client (or the installing user) has permissions to install there, and there can be multiple Perls installed on a system, so each one of them would clobber the /etc files of another install. You can't really prevent the file from being overwritten by a subsequent install, so you shouldn't put config data there that you don't want to lose.
You could put the config file in /etc/, if the application knows to look for it there, but you should allow for that path to be customized (say on a test system, look for the file in the local directory, or in a user's home directory).
For installing read-only module-specific data, the best practice in Perl is to install into a Perl-install-specific location, and the module to do that is File::ShareDir::Install. You can use it from Dist::Zilla using the [ShareDir] plugin, Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ShareDir. It is even included in the [#Basic] plugin bundle, so if you use [#Basic] in your dist.ini, you don't need to do anything at all, other than drop your data files into the share/ directory in your distribution repository.
To access the contents of the sharedir from code, use File::ShareDir.

For porting a complex module installer to Dist::Zilla, I recommend my plugins MakeMaker::Custom or ModuleBuild::Custom, depending on which installer you prefer. These allow you to keep your existing Makefile.PL or Build.PL and just have Dist::Zilla plug in necessary bits like the dependencies.


Installing an perl based web-app in extremely restricted environment

Because i have a long series of comments with #ikegami, I cleaning up the question, in a hope it will be more understandable. Unfortunately, english isn't my "main" language. :(
Let say, having an environment where:
no development tools are installed (no make, nor gcc or like)
perl is installed with its core packages, nothing more
no outgoing network access is allowed - e.g. the user couldn't use curl nor cpan to download/install perl dependencies
the user even doesn't have admin (root) rights
but want install and evaluate some perl based web-app, let call it as MyApp
The MyApp
doesn't uses any XS-based module. (at least, I hope - in the development me using plenv and cpanm, so never checked the installed dependencies in depth)
it is an pure PSGI app, the simple plackup app.psgi works OK
the app uses some data-files which should be included in the "deployment".
The main question is: how to prepare the MyApp, and the all used CPAN-modules, to be easily installed in such restricted environment?
The goal is:
i don't need save my efforts and my time
but i want save the user's time and want minimize the needed actions on his side, so the installation (deployment) should be simple-as-possible.
E.g. how to get an running web-app to the user's machine with minimum possible (his) steps.
- the simplest thing is could be something as:
- copy one file (zip, or tarbal)
- unpack it
- from the terminal execute some in the unpacked directory.
To get the above simple installation, my idea was the following:
1.) Create an tarball, and after the unpacking will contain 3 folders and 1 perl-script, let say:
myapp_repo/distlib #will contain all MyApp's perl modules also ALL used CPAN modules and their dependecies
myapp_repo/datafiles #will contain app-specific data files and such
myall_repo/lib #will contain modules directly used by the ``
2.) I will develop an script, and it will be used as the installer-tool, like
perl new /path/to/app_root
and it will (should):
create the all needed directories under the /path/to/app_root (especially the lib where the will install the perl modules)
will call "local" cpanm internally (from the myapp_repo/lib) to install the app's perl modules and their CPAN dependencies using only distribution files from the distlib.
will generate and install the needed runtime script and the app.psgi into the /path/to/app_root/bin
will install the needed data-files for the app.
3.) So, after this the user should be able to simply run:
/path/to/app_root/bin/plackup /path/to/app_root/bin/app.psgi
In short, the user should use:
the system-wide perl and the system-wide perl-core modules
and any other
runtime perl-scripts (like plackup)
and the required CPAN-modules
should be installed to an self-contained directory tree using only files (no net-access).
E.g. the should somewhat call internally the cpanm to achieve (as equivalent) for the following cpanm command
cpanm --mirror file://path/to/myapp_repo/distlib --mirror-only My::App
which, should install My::App and all dependencies without network access using only the files from the myapp_repo/distlib
Some questions:
Is possible to use cpanm (called as an locally installed module) without the make?
For creating the myapp_repo/distlib, me thinking about using Pinto. Is it the right tool for achieve the above?
forgot me something? or with other words:
Is the above an viable (read: working) way?
are are any other tools, which i could/should to use for simplifying the creation of such distribution tarball?
#ikegami suggesting some method:
- "install everything" in one fresh-directory on my machine
- transfer this self-contained directory to the target machine
It sound very good, because this directory could contain all the needed app-specific data-files too, unfortunately, I don't understand the details how his solution should be done.
The FatPacked solution looks interesting too - need learn about it.
Don't write your own make or installer. Just copy it make from a different machine (which is basically what apt/yum/etc do anyway, and which you'd have to do even if you wrote your own). You'd be able to use cpan in 5 minutes!
Also, that should allow you to install gcc if you need it (e.g. to install an XS module), although it doesn't sound like you do. If you do install gcc, I'd install my own perl to avoid having to deal with PERL5LIB.
Tools such as minicpan will allow you to install any module from CPAN without internet access. Of course, you can keep using the command you are already using it if mirrors the packages you need.
The above explains how to simply and quickly setup a machine so it can use cpan and thus install any module easily.
If you just want to install a specific module and its dependencies, you can completely avoid using cpan on the target machine. First, you need a fresh install of Perl (preferable of the same version as the one on the target system). Then, simply install the module to a fresh dir on your machine, and transfer that dir to the target machine. That's it; nothing else needs to be done. This even works for XS modules if the two machine are similar enough.
This is what ppm (ActiveState's Perl package manager) does.
Unfortunately, while this solution is almost as simple as the one above, it's not nearly as flexible, it doesn't run the test suite of the modules being installed, etc. It does have the advantage of not requiring the transfer of any binary (if you're not installing any XS modules).

What is a good way to deploy a Perl application?

I posted this question looking for something similar to Buildout for Perl. I think Shipwright is what I'm looking for but I'm not really sure. I've played around with it and I created a project, imported all of my source and dependencies and I've exported everything to a vessel then the documentation sort of just stopped. What do I do with a shipyard vessel? Do I do my actual development work in the vessel, or do I do my development in the Shipyard? I'm assuming that the vessel is only for deployment, but how do I actually deploy a vessel to a web server (say I'm using linux, apache and just running straight cgi).
Is Shipwright the right thing for what I'm trying to accomplish or is there something else that would be more appropriate? Ideally I could use Shipwright similar to how I use Buildout. I use Buildout to create a nice isolated environment for my development, and also I use Buildout when deploying to live servers to manage all of my application's dependencies.
EDIT: Here are the highlights of what I can do with Buildout that I would like to be able to do in Perl.
With Buildout, I have a file in my codebase that lists dependencies (which for Perl would either be CPAN modules or other source repositories). I can run a bootstrap script that will fetch all of those dependencies and drop them into a directory within my project and NOT install them at a system level. Buildout also creates utility scripts which can do anything you want (run tests, other command line tools, anything really) and those scripts explicitly add the dependencies to the path so that as my scripts are running all of my dependencies are available to be imported.
What this really does very well is that it allows me to manage my dependencies without having to ever install anything at a system level. Which makes changing from one version to another very easy. Also, it allows me to have multiple Buildout projects running on the same system using different versions of the same module. Finally, one huge benefit is that with Buildout's directory structure, I can just commit the dependencies to source control and to deploy to a new machine I just need to do a checkout and all of my dependencies are already satisfied without having to touch anything installed at a system level.
I don't think you'll find anything exactly like Buildout in Perl, but you could put together a couple of things that would do the trick.
You could use a standard Build.PL script for Module::Build for managing your dependencies and having commands to run tests, etc.
Then you could use cpanminus to do the installation of those dependencies into a local (non-system) directory.
Then you might be able to use Shipwright to do the bundling and deployment of the project with these now-local dependencies.

How do I start a new Perl module distribution?

I'm trying to set up a large-ish project, written in Perl. The IBM MakeMaker tutorial has been very helpful so far, but I don't understand how to link all the modules into the main program. In my project root, I have MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README, a bin directory, and a lib directory. In my bin directory, I have my main script ( In the lib directory, I have each of my modules, divided up into their own respective directories (i.e. Utils::Util1 and Utils::Utils2 in the utils directory, etc). In each module directory, there is also a t directory, containing tests
My MANIFEST file has the following:
Makefile.PL is the following:
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
"XML::Simple"=> 2.18}, #The libraries that we need and their
#minimum version numbers
'EXE_FILES' =>[("bin/")]
After I make and run, the program crashes, complaining that it cannot find Utils::Util1, and when I run 'make test, it says no tests defined. Can anyone make any suggestions? I have never done a large scale project like this in perl, and I will need to add many more modules
If you are just starting to create Perl modules (which is also Perl's equivalent of a project), don't use Makemaker. Module::Build is the way to go, and it's now part of the standard library. Makemaker is for us old salts who haven't converted to Module::Build yet. :) I'll strike that now that Module::Build is unmaintained and out of favor; I still use MakeMaker.
You should never start off a Perl project by trying to create the structure yourself. It's too much work and you'll always forget something.
There's h2xs, a program that comes with perl and was supposed to be a tool to convert .h files into Perl's glue language XS. It works fine, but its advantage is that it comes with perl:
% h2xs -AXn Module::Name
Something like Module::Starter is a bit more sophisticated, although you have to get it from CPAN. It's the tool we use in Intermediate Perl because it's simple. It fills in some templates with your information:
% module-starter --author=... --email=... --module=...
If you are doing to do this quite a bit, you might then convert that to Distribution::Cooker so you can customize your files and contents. It's a dinky utility I wrote for myself so I could use my own templates.
% dist_cooker Module::Name
If you're really hard core, you might want Dist::Zilla, but that's more for people who already know what they are doing.
Might I also suggest module-starter? It'll automatically create a skeleton project which "Just Works". I learned what little I know about Perl modules organization by reading the generated skeleton files. It's all well-documented, and quite easy to use as a base for growing a larger project in. You can check out the getting-started docs to see what it gives you.
Running module-starter will give you a Perl distribution, consisting of a number of modules (use the command line option --module, such as:
module-starter --distro=Project --module=Project::Module::A,Project::Module::B [...]
to create multiple modules in a single distribution). It's then up to you whether you'd prefer to organize your project as a single distribution consisting of a number of modules working together, or as a number of distributions which can be released separately but which depend on each other (as configured in your Build or Makefile.PL file) to provide a complete system.
Try this structure:
As ysth said, make does not install your modules, it just builds them in a blib directory. (In your case it just copies them there, but if you had XS code, it would be compiled with a C compiler.) Use make install to install your modules for regular scripts to use.
If you want to run your script between make and make install, you can do:
perl -Mblib bin/
The -Mblib instructs perl to temporarily add the appropriate directories to the search path, so you can try out an uninstalled module. (make test does that automatically.)
By default, tests are looked for in a top-level t directory (or a file, but that has some limitations, so should be avoided).
You say "After I make and run"...make puts things into a blib directory structure ready to be installed, but doesn't do anything special to make running a script access them. (make test is special; it does add appropriate paths from blib to perl's #INC to be able to run the tests.) You will need to do a "make install" to install the modules where your script will find them (or use a tool like PAR to package them together with your script).

How do I install Perl modules on machines without an Internet connection?

I need to install my Perl-based software on networked machines which aren't connected to the internet. Therefore, I would like to download specific versions and/or latest versions of the Perl modules and I would also like to know if there is an install procedure required for these modules.
The machines aren't connected to the internet for security reasons and its deemed unnecessary also.
I would place the downloaded modules on a machine that I call the 'install server' and it contains my Perl based software and would also contain the local copies of the Perl modules.
I call a machine that I want to install my Perl-based software on, the 'target machine', also not connected to the internet. There can be several target machines, each can run this software that I want to install. I log onto the target machine and run an install script which would connect to the install machine via the local network to obtain the Perl-based software and dependent Perl modules and installs them.
So I need to know:
How/Where to get specific versions of Perl modules, e.g. etc
How to install these Perl modules. Is it a case of just placing them in a directory somewhere, e.g. a library path and making sure that this directory path is in the #INC library path environmental variable, if it is not already?
I would prefer not to have to do anything like make install etc. as part of installing the modules. I would like to modules to be pre-compiled or prepared as necessary so it is as simple as possible to install them. I want to avoid additional dependencies like make and its configuration, and having to parse its output to check whether it was successful.
Please help me by asking the above specific questions as I am not able to change the concept of 'install machine' and 'target machine' which aren't connected to the internet - I have to provide a solution that works within this arrangement.
The usual way to solve "I want to install stuff from CPAN but without network" problems is to use a minicpan as David Dorward wrote in his answer. But since you're going one step further, saying that you'd rather not do any real installation on the client (target) machines at all, and that you want to use precompiled modules if possible, I urge you to check out PAR and specifically PAR::Repository (server) and PAR::Repository::Client.
Since this approach needs some research before you're up to speed, I wouldn't suggest it for "I just need" like problems. Once you're talking about a handful of dependencies and at least a handful of clients, then it becomes a more appropriate solution.
For an outline of how it works, check out the slides of my talk at YAPC::EU 2008. It also hints at solutions to the bootstrapping problem of making the PAR::Repository::Client module available on the clients (hint: PAR can generate self-contained executables).
You can create a MiniCPAN that has just the latest versions of everything from CPAN. You can insert additional, non-public modules into it with CPAN::Mini::Inject. If you need to greater control over versions (i.e. not choosing the latest versions), you might want to create a DPAN.
With any of these solutions, you can configure your CPAN client to pull from your local source. That could be a directory you know ahead of time or something that you figure out dynamically, like a CD or a thumb-drive. It's just a matter of setting up the configuration correctly.
You might be able to get away with creating operating-system packages for most of your work, but that still means you have to compile them at least the first time.
1) How/Where to get specific versions of Perl modules, e.g. etc
If you don't want the latest version, you can get an earlier version by following the link in the breadcrumbs.
2) How to install these Perl modules. Is it a case of just placing them
in a directory somewhere, e.g. a library path and making sure that this
directory path is in the #INC library path environmental variable, if
it is not already?
That sometimes work, but you really should go through the perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install process.
Doing this would require that you manually chase all the dependencies though. You would probably be better off with something like minicpan.

How do I install Perl script dependencies?

I have several scripts that I supply to users as tools for their engineering projects. These scripts contain a lot of duplicated code. I want to extract this code and maintain it in a set of modules. However, in order for this to work, the users would have to install these modules. I don't want to have to tell my users to "make install", etc., as I'm sure none of them would have the patience for that.
I understand that one option is to package everything together with PAR, but ideally the user would be able to open up && edit these scripts if they need to, just like they can now. They also need to be able to move them to whatever directory they want, and I don't want them to have to move a bunch of library files as well.
Is it possible to make a double-click file that installs some bundled Perl modules?
I distribute my script as modules, and then use the normal CPAN toolchain to install them. See my articles Scripts as Modules and Automating Script Distributions with scriptdist. Once you have them in a conventional module distribution, you can install them from their current directory with cpan:
% cpan . # install from distribution in the current directory
Depending on how complex your situation is, you might want to create a DPAN, which is a private version of CPAN that your CPAN tools can draw from. You put all of your private modules there, point your CPAN tools at it, and everything happens as it does with a real CPAN mirror. You never have to share your work though.
yeah package with either PAR or Shipwright (not sure about binaries). Also use along the way.
If the users are using systems with a packaging system (dpkg, cygwin, etc.), consider using that.
If you don't mind spending some green, one of the better bet is Perl Dev Kit from Activestate.
From their own description of the product,
Develop and deploy your Perl programs
to anyone on any platform with
PerlApp's new cross-platform
Deliver code as
executables or as Windows Services,
ActiveX components, .NET assemblies
or in the System Tray.
Easily create
MSI files using Perl code.
You may also consider using sparrow - scripts distribution system. Sparrow plays nice with Perl as it writen on it. It supports CPAN modules dependencies via carton tool.
PS Disclaimer - I am the tool author