paypal subscription with immediate first payment - rest

I'm trying to set up recurring payment with immediate first payment.
For example you buy some monthly subscription on my website for $10. I take first $10 immediately and then I continue charge $10 monthly.
My problem is that I can't set up first immediate payment.
Here is my JSON
name = Caption,
description = "Some Description"
type = "INFINITE",
payment_definitions =
name = "Some Name"
type ="REGULAR",
frequency = "DAY",
frequency_interval = 1,
amount = new
value = 10,
currency = "USD"
cycles = "0"
setup_fee = new
value = 10,
currency = "USD"
cancel_url = CancelUrl,
return_url = ReturnUrl,
max_fail_attempts = "5"
What should I add to my json, to make paypal take first payment immediately.
I could find out some strange behavior:
My timezone is (UTC+04:00) Tbilisi. If I set up a transaction before 14:00 it processes immediately, but if I do it after, I have to wait until next day.

If the $10 is a one time payment then you should have it as the setup fee. The setup fee should be immediately processed.

Is only in sandbox is didn't work?
I've try a +1day (made the 24, and in the client, the first payment is for the 25) and nothing is transfered...


Deposit from paypal to coinbase

I want to transfer/deposit money from attached paypal account to coinbase.
But all api methods dont work.
Get payment ID - client.get_payment_methods()
"label": "Daily PayPal limit"
Make buy/deposit methods.
Deposit return - Can't deposit with this account, but in first step
"allow_buy": true,
"allow_deposit": true,
"allow_sell": false,
"allow_withdraw": true,
Buy method - return operation ID, but
txs = client.get_buys(BUY_ID)
"status": "canceled",
How can i do it?!

Paypal Smart Button Integration - Is there a way i can add a discount coupon/SKU to the order.create function?

I have a Paypal Smart Button integration with my eCommerce site. The entire setup is: User clicks on the Paypal button -> makes a payment -> IPN call to my backend -> saves data to database. This flow is working fine for me.
I now want to be able to pass a discount SKU to Paypal so i can capture it in my database with the IPN call. Right now, only the discount amount ie being sent to Paypal depending on the coupon code used.
Here's my current code:
purchase_units: [{
description: "Zing Energy Patches",
amount: {
currency_code: currencyCode,
value: (basePrice + shippingPrice + tax - creditPrice).toFixed(2),
breakdown: {
item_total: {
currency_code: currencyCode,
value: basePrice
shipping: {
currency_code: currencyCode,
value: shippingPrice
tax_total: {
currency_code: currencyCode,
value: tax
currency_code: currencyCode,
value: creditPrice
items: productsArray
I tried adding the discount as an item with negative value, but Paypal rejected the request stating that negative values are not allowed.

Paypal error message "Capture amount exceeds allowable limit"

We wrote the below function in sandbox environment
function captureTransactions(access_token, d) {
try {
var req = http.request("POST", + "/v1/payments/authorization/" + d.authorization_id + "/capture", JSON.stringify({
"amount": {
"currency": "USD",
"is_final_capture": true
}), {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + access_token
var r = JSON.parse(req.readAll().toString());
} catch (e) {
console.warn("[captureTransactions]", r);
return r;
and receive the below error
"message": "Capture amount exceeds allowable limit.",
"information_link": "",
"debug_id": "2fc79fc7df623"
Can anyone tell me what is the reason for receiving this msg and how to fix it? Note that we only test $5 payments so it shouldn't be due to transaction size. We did do multiple authorizations on the same card before, but not sure if that could be the reason for this error?
Appreciate your help!
I have had this problem on the live site with PayFlow today. It appears that you cannot use a "Credit Card" that is "Attached" to that "Gateway" account with "PayPal".
I supposed that is a method to stop "Customers" (PayPal payment service users) from "Paying" themselves as a Paypal employee explained to me on another separate issue. That is where we were testing a Billing Software with the gateway and refunding the money back to our account after the transaction. We were told that we could put our own money into our account(s) that way. At the time "I ask how we were to pay the $60.00 monthly fee if the business (PayPal account) hasn't collected/processed any money yet if we can't put money in there? This was resolved by the 1st part of this Answer.

Paypal REST API Bug - Fee Charged By PayPal NOT SET in Response

UPDATE: Issue applies to both TEST and LIVE API Requests
At first I thought this was a Test Environment bug but I've confirms it applies to production as well. It's critical to know Fees Charged By PayPal.
Is there a way to get the Paypal Test environment ( to respond with fees charged by PayPal? Neither a Sale or a Sale Lookup seem to return the Paypal Fee seen in live transactions. Are we forced to test with live transactions (not a best practice)? Without the same fee values you see in the live environment, its hard to unit test our accounting system in development.
Request - Credit Card Charge ($43) with Stored Card
$cardToken = new CreditCardToken();
$cardToken->setCredit_card_id( $cc->getRefid() );
$fi = new FundingInstrument();
$fi->setCredit_card_token( $cardToken );
$payer = new Payer();
$amount = new Amount();
$transaction = new Transaction();
$payment = new Payment();
$response = $payment->create();
Response - Approved (full response)
PayPal\Api\Transaction Object
[_propMap:PPModel:private] => Array
[amount] => PayPal\Api\Amount Object
[_propMap:PPModel:private] => Array
[total] => 43.00
[currency] => USD
[details] => PayPal\Api\AmountDetails Object
[_propMap:PPModel:private] => Array
[subtotal] => 43.00
Documentation - Fee Charged By PayPal
(Below Image) - details object from the documentation showing a (string) fee charged by PayPal - Which doesn't seem to expose itself in the test environment.
Use the NVP API (GetTransactionDetails request) to return more accurate details in place of or along side the standard REST Responses. If you're interested I can post a PHP Example.
The REST API allows you to do things like manage a Credit Card vault.. so you can store a card and charge a card with the REST .. but when I charge it, I return the NVP API GetTransactionDetails response which includes Fees Charged By Paypal and everything else you need to know about the transaction that was charged via REST. It maybe be a hack and involve an extra API call but it works really well.
This is now available on the REST api. Specifically, via the transaction_fee on the sale object.
You can also access transaction_fee from a payment object by drilling down. Here's a (slightly redacted) example response:
"id": "PAY-5YK922393D847794YKER7MUI",
"state": "approved",
"intent": "sale",
"payer": {...},
"transactions": [
"related_resources": [
"sale": {
"id": "36C38912MN9658832",
"state": "completed",
"amount": {
"total": "7.47",
"currency": "USD"
"transaction_fee": {
"value": "1.75",
"currency": "USD"
For those following along at home, you can get the value of the transaction fee on this payment with the following simple and intuitive line of code:
See? Easy. Oh, but just remember - the sale object will not exist until after the payment has been executed.
Here's a massive ticket on the Ruby SDK about how this feature was added, if you want some light reading.
Looks like it's known bug that will be fixed. Don't have the date yet.

Pay with Paypal through Paypal REST API does not show up payment description on Paypal Sandbox or live sites

I am implementing Paypal's new REST API Pay with Paypal method that can be referenced here:
The payment executes fine, exactly the way it should be. The user chooses to pay with Paypal and is then redirected to the Paypal site where he is expected to log in and approve the payment. The JSON data that I am sending Paypal is pretty much what is specified in the above link and mine looks like this:
"return_url":"http://<return URL here>",
"cancel_url":"http://<cancel URL here>"
"description":"This is the payment description."
As it redirects the user to the paypal website, the description and total amount column is shown blank
I am not sure if this is a mistake on Paypal's REST API but I believe I am providing the necessary description + amount payment to be reflected on this page. If this information is not shown, it is typically a deterrent to the user since they would definitely like to see the amount they are paying on the Paypal site even though this amount is listed on my website.
This is what it looks like:
For those who would like to indicate that the user has not logged in, well, even after logging in, the description and the current purchase column remain blank.
Am I missing any parameters that need to be sent to Paypal in order to indicate this description data?
Note: This issue persists for both the live and sandbox servers.
The left hand pan in above page displays:
1. Item details from order. You can include item list as part of the transaction details in payment resource. The same will be displayed here.
2. Components of the transaction amount e.g. shipping amount, tax, etc. if you include them in request.
Try this request to see example:
"intent": "sale",
"payer": {
"payment_method": "paypal"
"redirect_urls": {
"return_url": "http://<return url>",
"cancel_url": "http://<cancle url>"
"transactions": [
"amount": {
"total": "8.00",
"currency": "USD",
"details": {
"subtotal": "6.00",
"tax": "1.00",
"shipping": "1.00"
"description": "This is payment description.",
"item_list": {
Thank you. Madhu remember to use the rest-api library!
Details amountDetails = new Details();
Amount amount = new Amount();
// amount.setTotal("7.47"); // Los decimales deben ser con punto
Item item = new Item();
List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();
ItemList itemList = new ItemList();
Transaction transaction = new Transaction();
List<Transaction> transactions = new ArrayList<Transaction>();
Payer payer = new Payer();
// payer.setPaymentMethod("credit_card");
Payment payment = new Payment();
RedirectUrls redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
redirectUrls.setCancelUrl(this.configParameters.getAutoregistroURL() + "/pay_paypal?cancel=true");
redirectUrls.setReturnUrl(this.configParameters.getAutoregistroURL() + "/pay_paypal?success=true");
Payment createdPayment = payment.create(apiContext);