Why doesn't karma-cli accept files as command line argument? - karma-runner

I'm using the config from my project but would like to run karma just for one specific test script one time. I don't want to have to create a whole new config file just for this case and would prefer just passing in the script I want run (so basically telling karma to use files: ['myTest.js'].
But there don't seem to be any options for that AFAICT in the docs. Why would this be missing? It seems like a fundamental feature IMO.

in karma.conf something like that:
function mergeFilesWithArgv(staticFiles) {
var source = staticFiles, argv = process.argv;
argv.forEach(function (arg) {
var index = arg.indexOf('--check=');
if (index !== -1) {
return source;
files: mergeFilesWithArgv([
use: karma start --check='./path/to/file.js'
or for multiple files: karma start --check='./path/to/file.js' --check='/another/path/to/another/file.js'


babel is not using .babelrc. Why?

I am trying to learn babel. I got the babel-core module working, but I am trying to use .babelrc and it's not doing anything.
Here's my .babelrc file.
And here's my code:
var babel = require("babel-core");
var js = `var x = { catch: 4, bar: 7 };`;
var notUsingBabelRc = babel.transform(js,{
plugins: ["transform-es3-property-literals"]
var usingBabelRc = babel.transform(js).code
console.log(notUsingBabelRc == usingBabelRc);
//false, but should be true. Adding plugins as an option transforms the code.
console.log(usingBabelRc == js);
//true, but should be false. The code is not changed from its original form.
I have the .babelrc file in the root directory of the project. I also have my script file called using_babelrc.js a the root directory of the project.
Then I call node using_babelrc and I get false true even though I expect true false.
What simple thing am I missing?
The transform function also needs the filename option supplied to start looking for .babelrc files relative to that filename. In your case:
babel.transform(js, {filename: "using_babelrc.js"}).code;
will read the config file in the same folder as using_babelrc.js.

Protractor - Create a txt file as report with the "Expect..." result

I'm trying to create a report for my scenario, I want to execute some validations and add the retults in a string, then, write this string in a TXT file (for each validation I would like to add the result and execute again till the last item), something like this:
it ("Perform the loop to search for different strings", function()
//strings[] contains 57 strings inside the json file
for (var i = 0; i == jsonfile.strings.length ; ++i)
var valuetoInput = json.Strings[i];
var writeInFile;
httpGet("http://website.es/search/offers/list/"+valuetoInput+"?page=1&pages=3&limit=20").then(function(result) {
writeInFile = writeInFile + "Validation for String: "+ json.Strings[i] + " Results is: " + expect(result.statusCode).toBe(200) + "\n";
if (i == jsonfile.strings.length)
console.log("Executions finished");
var fs = require('fs');
var outputFilename = "Output.txt";
fs.writeFile(outputFilename, "Validation of Get requests with each string:\n " + writeInFile, function(err) {
else {
console.log("File saved to " + outputFilename);
But when I check my file I only get the first row writen in the way I want and nothing else, could you please let me know what am I doing wrong?
*The validation works properly in the screen for each of string in my file used as data base
**I'm a newbie with protractor
Thank you a lot!!
writeFile documentation
Asynchronously writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already
You are overwriting the file every time, which is why it only has 1 line.
The easiest way would probably (my opinion) be appendFile. It writes to a file without overwriting existing data and will also create the file if it doesnt exist in the first place.
You could also re-read that log file, store that data in a variable, and re-write to that file with the old AND new data included in it. You could also create a writeStream etc.
There are quite a few ways to go about it and plenty of other answers
on SO specifically on those functions that can provide more info.
Node.js Write a line into a .txt file
Node.js read and write file lines
Final note, if you are using Jasmine you can also create a custom jasmine reporter. They have methods that contain exactly what you want (status Pass/Fail, actual vs expected values etc) and it's fairly easy to set up with Protractor

Gulp: Passing multiple command line parameters to the same task

Build /src/assets/(theme)/*.scss by passing the parameter in the command line using flag --theme. I solved step one using gulp-utils
function sass() {
// return gulp.src('/src/assets/scss/**/*.scss')
return gulp.src(['src/assets/scss/' + (util.env.theme ? util.env.theme : 'app') + '.scss'])
includePaths: PATHS.sass
.on('error', $.sass.logError))
// Comment in the pipe below to run UnCSS in production
//.pipe($.if(PRODUCTION, $.uncss(UNCSS_OPTIONS)))
.pipe($.if(PRODUCTION, $.cleanCss({ compatibility: 'ie9' })))
.pipe($.if(!PRODUCTION, $.sourcemaps.write()))
.pipe(gulp.dest(PATHS.dist + '/assets/css'))
.pipe(browser.reload({ stream: true }));
gulp build --production --theme folderName1, folderName2, folderName*
Passing multiple theme values --theme folderName1 folderName2 to the same sass() function/task.
This would send folderName to function sass()
function sass() {
// return gulp.src('/src/assets/scss/**/*.scss')
return gulp.src([
Would creating an argsList like this SitePoint article discusses work?
Please review your idea. This package looks like solve similar topic
You need only group your themes in sub-folder.
From other side gulp.src accepts string and array so you can pass this information from command line.
One of my colleagues was able to help resolve this issue. Instead of using gulp.utils he was able to use yargs.argv.theme with slipt(,). This allows for a user to pass the --theme param and pass as many comma-separated items as desired.
function sass() {
if (yargs.argv.theme) {
let collection = yargs.argv.theme.split(','),
results = collection.map(item => `./src/assets/scss/${item}/*.scss`);
return gulp.src(results)
includePaths: PATHS.sass
.on('error', $.sass.logError))
// Comment in the pipe below to run UnCSS in production
//.pipe($.if(PRODUCTION, $.uncss(UNCSS_OPTIONS)))
.pipe($.if(PRODUCTION, $.cleanCss({ compatibility: 'ie9' })))
.pipe($.if(!PRODUCTION, $.sourcemaps.write()))
.pipe(gulp.dest(PATHS.dist + '/assets/css'))
.pipe(browser.reload({ stream: true }));

How to read gulp task names from command params?

I have the following code, which reads what task name I passed to gulp: release or test and decides what task group to load from the files based on that.
var argv = require('yargs').argv;
var group = argv._[0];
var groups = {
"release": ["tasks/release/*.js", , "tasks/release/deps.json"],
"test": ["tasks/test/*.js", "tasks/test/deps.json"]
require("gulp-task-file-loader").apply(null, groups[group]);
Isn't there a better way to get the commanded tasks from gulp itself instead of using yargs?
I found a great tutorial about tools for CLI. According to it I should use commander, so I do so. It is much better than yargs. Another possible solution to use process.argv[2] in this case, but it is much better to use a parser in long term.
var program = require("commander");
var group = program.args[0];
var groups = {
"release": ["tasks/release/*.js", , "tasks/release/deps.json"],
"test": ["tasks/test/*.js", "tasks/test/deps.json"]
require("gulp-task-file-loader").apply(null, groups[group]);

gulp: translations (gettext) only takes last .po file

I'm using gulp and gettext, all works well except when I have multiple .po files.
gulp.task('translations', function () {
return gulp.src('app/po/*.po')
I have three .po files: lang1.po, lang2.po and lang3.po, and I only get lang3.po in translations.js. I guess this task is overwriting things. Any suggestions how I can cat everything together into translations.js ?
What you are doing here is:
step 1: compile lang1.po, compile lang2.po, compile lang3.po
step 2: rename lang1.po to translations.js, rename lang2.po to translations.js, rename lang3.po to translations.js
Get the idea?
You probably want to concat instead (using gulp-concat).
gulp.task('translations', function () {
return gulp.src('app/po/*.po')
Hope that helps.