Large text is shown as ..... in SAPUI5 - sapui5

I have a large text to be displayed in each tab of IconTabBar.
Everything works fine.
But, the text is not shown completely.
Problem: "My large Text to be shown" is displayed as "My large Text ....."
I couldn't find any solution on developer site. Is there any way I can display complete text instead of ..... ?

There are three ways to define a IconTabFilter to display text.
No Icon: Display long text
With Icon and Horiontal Design: Providing more space for texts,still show ... if text is very long.
With Icon and Vertical Design: Using minimum horizontal space.
Please check and run the code snippets to see different display effects.
sap.ui.controller("test.controller", {
var oView = sap.ui.xmlview({
viewContent: jQuery("#view1").html()
<script src="" id="sap-ui-bootstrap" data-sap-ui-theme="sap_bluecrystal" data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m"></script>
<script id="view1" type="sapui5/xmlview">
<mvc:View xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" controllerName="test.controller" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.form">
<IconTabFilter text="Large text Large text">
<Text text="Large text Large text " />
<IconTabFilter text="Very Large text Very Large text Very Large text">
<Text text="Very Large text Very Large text " />
<IconTabFilter icon="sap-icon://hint" text="Large text Large text">
<Text text="Large text Large text " />
<IconTabFilter icon="sap-icon://attachment" design="Horizontal" text="Large text Large text">
<Text text="Large text Large text " />
<IconTabFilter icon="sap-icon://attachment" design="Horizontal" text="Very Large text Very Large text">
<Text text="Very Large text Very Large text " />
<boy class="sapUiBody" id="content" />

The text of the IconTabFilter is showing ellipsis if you use it in combination with an icon.
It is possible to use only text, without icons, then there is no truncation at all.
If you use text and icon, the vertical design allows only very short text, the horizontal design allows longer text, but still after several characters the text will be truncated.
As the IconTabBar is a sap.m Control it is designed to run on mobile devices as well, therefore there is the truncation.
If you want to use Icons + Text you can also set the tooltip for the texts which are still too long.
And if you really want to have Icons + long text you can overwrite the css styles which are set to get this behaviour.
This would be the following rule:
.sapMITBFilter .sapMITBText {
width: 5rem;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
But be aware that if you change the css there can be other issues and that the css can change in the future.


UI5 - VBox is not valid for aggregation footer of ObjectPageLayout

I have an application with a footer which is same for all pages. Until now, I used separate view for this which I attached to the bottoms of the pages. However, now I created two fragments for item details page (Display/Add modes), using the ObjectPageLayout and want to add my footer into both of those. As I understand, I should use fragment instead of View so I rewrote my footer view into fragment so it looks like this:
<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns="sap.m"
<Text text=""/>
<Text text=""/>
<f:Card class="sapUiTinyMargin" height="100px" width="1144px">
<VBox width="100%" alignItems="Center">
<Text text=""/>
<Label text="{i18n>needHelp}" />
<ToolbarSpacer width="20px" />
<Link text="{i18n>contactUs}" href=""/>
And then I put this fragment into the footer of the ObjectPageLayout, like this
<core:Fragment fragmentName="xxx.portal.view.Footer" type="XML"/>
However, when I try to load the page, I get the error "Assertion failed: "Element sap.m.VBox#__vbox1" is not valid for aggregation "footer" of Element sap.uxap.ObjectPageLayout#nav---connection--ObjectPageLayout"
Any idea why is it showing up and what I am doing wrong? I would also like to note that if I use some simpler elements in the footer (such as Toolbar), there is no error and it gets displayed correctly.
Thank you

sap.m.ObjectListItem: Need to keep whitespace (tabs) in title

title="{i18n>uBOMItem}: {Item} Component: {ComponentDesc}"
I am using sap.m.ObjectListItem. While binding, I need tab space between {Item} & {ComponentDesc}.
E.g. like \t
Currently, sap.m.ObjectListItem does not support rendering whitespace for title.
And I agree with alexP's answer that it's not clean to combine multiple labels ("{i18n>uBOMItem}:" and "Component:") into one.
That being said; if it's really necessary to do so, however, you'll need to extend ObjectListItem.
Internally, ObjectListItem renders its title from sap.m.Text. The Text control has a public property called renderWhiteSpaceapi which we can use to allow tabs to be rendered.
ObjectListItem is only for one value. In your case it's better to use CustomListItem.
<HBox width="100%">
<Label emphasized="true" text="{i18n>uBOMItem}: {Item}" />
<VBox class="sapUiSmallMarginBegin">
<Label emphasized="true" text="Component: {ComponentDesc}" />
<VBox width="50%" justifyContent="End">
<ObjectNumber number="{ComponentNo}" />
It's not clean to output two data bindings from your model in one label, text or similar. You should split the output. In case of an i18n label and a data binding in one control i would make a exception.

SAPUI5: ObjectAttribute Wrap Text

I am attempting to display a wrapped long text in an ObjectAttribute in an SAP UI5 application:
<List id="__listObjectAttributes" noDataText="Drop list items here" headerText="Shipping Information" items="{Shipments}">
<ObjectListItem id="__listItemShipments" title="{ShipmentTxt}">
<ObjectAttribute id="__attributeShipmentId" title="Shipment #" text="{Id}"/>
<ObjectAttribute id="__attributeShipmentCode" title="Shipment Code" text="{ShipCd}"/>
<ObjectAttribute id="__attributeShipmentLongText" title="Long Text" text="{LongText}" binding="{ShipmentLongText}"/>
The problem is, when the list is displayed the text is truncated instead of wrapped. I've been looking for ways to wrap the text in an ObjectAttribute, but to no avail.
I have found articles that say both "you can do it" and "you can't do it".
Not possible:
If it is not possible to add this information to an ObjectAttribute, does anyone know a way to display the same information in a list that will accept wrapped text?
#Ran Hassid's answer was correct! Using a CustomListItem in combination with a SimpleForm was the best solution. Here is the code I ended up going with:
<List id="__listObjectAttributes" noDataText="Drop list items here" headerText="Shipping Information" items="{Shipments}">
<CustomListItem id="__listItemShipments">
<form:SimpleForm id="__formShipmentList" editable="true" layout="GridLayout" labelMinWidth="100">
<Label id="__labelShipmentId" text="Id"/>
<Text id="__textShipmentId" text="{Id}"/>
<!--Shipment Code-->
<Label id="__labelShipmentCode" text="Shipment Code"/>
<Text id="__textShipmentCode" text="{ShipCd}"/>
<!--Long text-->
<Label id="__labelShipmentLongText" text="LongText"/>
<Text id="__textShipmentLongText" text="{Longtext}" binding="{ShipmentLongText}"/>
Then I added the sap.ui.layout.form to the mvc:View to simplify the code:
<mvc:View xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:semantic="sap.m.semantic" xmlns:form="sap.ui.layout.form" controllerName="shipments.controller.ShipmentDetail">
I think that even if it is possible (I assume via css changes and so on) it is not recommended because it is not part of the ObjectAttribute interface. In order to achieve the same effect you can do one of the following:
Use CustomListItem instead of ObjectListItem and inside the content of it wrap a SimpleForm. The simple form layout should be grid layout because you want to position text next to the title in the same row. In the Text control you can put as longest string as you want and also control on the wrapping of it. So your code should look something like that (I didn't use binding but I assume you will know what to do in your code)
<List noDataText="Drop list items here" id="__list0">
<CustomListItem type="Navigation" id="__item1">
<sap.ui.layout.form:SimpleForm xmlns:sap.ui.layout.form="sap.ui.layout.form" xmlns:sap.ui.core="sap.ui.core" editable="true" layout="GridLayout" id="__form0" labelMinWidth="100">
<sap.ui.core:Title text="Title" id="__title0" />
<Label text="Long Text" id="__label1" />
<Text text="Very long text with\nmultiple lines" />
<Label text="Other text" id="__label2" />
<Text text="Some text goes here" />
The second option is to use CustomListItem but with VBOX + HBOX. so you have a VBOX which wrap HBOX's and inside each HBOX you put title next to the text.
I recommend to go with the first approach because it's much more clear and responsive.
Good luck.
I would recommend using basic CSS to solve this issue.
<ObjectAttribute text="{aVeryLongText}" class="objectAttributeWrapper" />
.objectAttributeWrapper * {
white-space: pre-line !important;
word-wrap: break-word !important;
This will even work if there are changes on the sap.m.ObjectAttribute Interface, since this CSS-Selector grabs all children of the element which we assigned the CSS class to.
Speaking from my experience this was a quick and stable solution. I had to extend a legacy app, where replacing the whole control would result in me needing to rewrite a whole controller.
Works like a charm and didnt break since 1.71.50

How to enable scrolling in sap.m.Table in sapui5?

I have implemented sap.m.Table but all the records are not displayed. Also there seems to be no option for scrolling. I went through the API which suggests using growing, growingThreshold, growingScrollToLoad of sap.m.ListBase.
Here growing would enable the table control to load more items, growingThreshold would determine the number of items to be requested from the model for each grow and getGrowingScrollToLoad would enable the user to scroll through the records instead of a more button being displayed to load more data.
However, even after using these properties my entire data is still not getting rendered and I can see that more button instead of scroll bar. Below the more button I am able to see a number that determines the entire number of records to be rendered as well and the number of records that have been rendered in the initial view.
Shouldn't scrolling be a default option if the data exceeds a page's limit? I'm very confused. Please help.
Also I did go through this post! :)
Update 8-March-2019 :
There is now a new way to enable scrolling in sap.m.Table with sticky option.
Kindly check the API and samples for more example. This new way is recommended and support and development is provided directly via the library.
Old Answer:
Given how the question is beautifully setup, with options:
sap.ui.table.Table : scrollable with fixed Header.
sap.m.Table: growing list, scrollable WITHOUT fixed header.
But many a times we need a sap.m.Table- scrollable but with static header, so the content below the table does not move further below. This below code will help during that time. It has a scrollable body with fixed header.
Setup: I'm using two sap.m.Table instances, one just with header and other just for data. Also, I'm using a scrollable container, which holds the 2nd table (without the header). Because of the fixed width of Scrollable container, we see a scrollbar. Dummy code is provided below:
<Table showNoData='false'>
<Text text='ID' />
<Text text='First Name' />
<Text text='Last Name' />
<Text text='Gender' />
<ScrollContainer height='20rem' vertical='true'> <!-- To have fixed with and enable vertical scrolling of data table -->
<!-- Table to hold data, data ,data -->
<Table class='tableHdr' items='{/}'> <!-- CSS class to hide the column header, otherwise we will have 2 headers. -->
<!-- Dont need columns header, as upper table has already defined them. -->
<Column >
<Column >
<Column >
<Column >
<Text text='{id}' />
<Text text='{first_name}' />
<Text text='{last_name}' />
<Text text='{gender}' />
Now, If you execute the above code without this below style class, you will end up with 2 columns headers from 2 tables. So, to remove the 2nd Column header, I used the below class:
.tableHdr .sapMListTblHeaderCell {
padding: 0rem;
Would like to hear the feedback on this.
By default, if there are more rows in sap.m.Table, scrolling will be there.
You can see the working example here
But if you want to force to fixed rows visibility, you can use sap.ui.table.Table with the properties visibleRowCount and minAutoRowCount.
Also note that if the vertical scrollbar is not visible for sap.m.Table, check if some other css is overriding the style. Else you can paste the code in the question with full ui code.

sap.m.IconTabFilter: How to display full text with icon?

I want to display IconTabBar with full texts and icons. How to fix it? With showAll="true", full text is used but without icon.
showall does not work in this way. It has nothing to do with wrapping of text items.
Form the API documentation for sap.m.IconTabFilter: "Enables special
visualization for disabled filter (show all items).
Default value is false."
Possible Solution: Use CSS to increase the size of the single IconTabFilters or disable the text wrapping using CSS.
If your labels get truncated, consider using shorter labels or text tabs (without icons), as text tabs cannot get truncated.
The text-only variant is one of the most common types. It allows longer labels, and can also display counters above the text to indicate the number of items on the tab page.
Unlike all other tab variants, the labels do not get truncated. The full text is always shown.
<IconTabFilter icon="sap-icon://hint">
<l:SimpleForm minWidth="1024">
<core:Title text="Address"/>
<Label text="Name"/>
<Text text="{BuyerName}"/>
<Label text="Created At"/>
<Text text="{CreatedAt}"/>
<Label text="Created By Bp"/>
<Text text="{CreatedByBp}"/>
<IconTabFilter icon="sap-icon://attachment">
<l:SimpleForm id="SupplierForm" minWidth="1024">
<Label text="status"/>
<Label text="Name" />
<Input value="{BuyerName}">