How to make the points of a scatterplot semi-transparent with SPSS? - opacity

I've made this graph with the SPSS base default scatterplot : I used the "Bin-element" and "Marker Size" options to regroup superposed points and make them easier to read. Here it is :
But I would like to get a graph that looks like this one :
The points of this graph are utilizing semi-transparency. I tried to find some stuff about opacity or semi-transparency, and I found only this ressource :
Unfortunately, I don't understand how to do it... Could you please help me ?
By the way, do you know whether this graph has been made with SPSS or rather R ? Which tool would be the best for this kind of graphs ?
Thank you !

Here is a brief example. So first I will make some fake data.
LOOP ID = 1 TO 10000.
Now, you cannot generate opacity within the GUI as far as I'm aware - you need to specify it in syntax. So go ahead and go through the Graph Builder GUI dialogue, specify the scatterplot you are interested in, and then paste the syntax. Here is what the default produces for me plus the graph (with my particular chart template).
SOURCE: s=userSource(id("graphdataset"))
DATA: X=col(source(s), name("X"))
DATA: Y=col(source(s), name("Y"))
GUIDE: axis(dim(1), label("X"))
GUIDE: axis(dim(2), label("Y"))
ELEMENT: point(position(X*Y))
Now you will need to edit the options on the second to last line, the ELEMENT statement. I am going to do two things; 1) make the points smaller and 2) make the exterior line of the points semi-transparent. Here is the code and the resulting graph follows.
SOURCE: s=userSource(id("graphdataset"))
DATA: X=col(source(s), name("X"))
DATA: Y=col(source(s), name("Y"))
GUIDE: axis(dim(1), label("X"))
GUIDE: axis(dim(2), label("Y"))
ELEMENT: point(position(X*Y), size(size."2"),


How to calculate Gradient in matlab?

I am working on pedestrian step detection (acceleration). I want to calculate statistical features from my filtered signal. I have already calculated some and now I want to calculate gradient.
My data is of 1x37205 double. I calculated features using for loop with moving window size=2samples and 50% overlap of previous window. Below I am attaching the code I tried to calculate the gradient.
I am not sure if it is the right way to calculate or not? In addition, I am also unable to understand that what is the purpose to use gradient, how it can be useful for step detection and how to work with gradient? Could some one guide me or provide any code help in matlab?
%%Here M is mean and V is variance i already calculated from filtered data
G = zeros(length(window:length(M)), 2);
for i = window:length(M)
temp = gradient(M(i+1-window:i),V(i+1-window:i));
G(i, 1) = temp(2, 1); % "c1"
G(i, 2) = temp(2, 1); % "c2"
One of the best features of Matlab is its documentation. If you are unfamiliar on how to get specific function documentation, enter the following in the command line:
doc functionName
Alternatively, for 'brief' documentation that displays in the command line, you can enter:
help functionName
Also see the documentation link here.
Your question is worded poorly, so I will summarize what I understand and answer accordingly:
You have a step detection data (1*37205) double, let us call it stepSignal
stepSignal is position data
You want your window to be 2 steps with 50% overlap. This is the default behavior for the gradient function.
You do not need a "for" loop to achieve your goal. According to the documentation, "gradient" can take one input.
See the code below, and if need be add clarifications to the original question.
%% Assume that stepSignal is already imported into the workspace
velocity = gradient(stepSignal);
One last note, when you give "gradient" two inputs, it automatically assumes the second input is a uniform spacing value.

Create Matlab figures in LaTeX using matlabfrag or alternatives

I want to include Matlab figures into latex preferably with vectorised formats but with LaTeX MATLAB fonts for all text. I have been using the MATLAB function matlab2tikz which worked perfect for simple figures, but now my figures have too many data points which cause an error. So matlab2tikz is not suitable.
I've been looking at matlabfrag which I think will accomplish what I want, but when I run the script in LaTeX as detailed by the user guide it has an error File not found.
This is my code:
Where FileName is the name of the .eps and .tex that matlabfrag creates. Has anyone come across this problem? Or recommend any other functions/methods to use?
I'm using Texmaker on Windows 7.
My advice would be to rethink your workflow.
Instead of reusing your Matlab code to plot figures and be dissappointed by ever changing outputs with matlab2tikz, start reusing your latex code to plot figures and don't bother about plotting in Matlab anymore (at least not for beautiful plots).
matlab2tikz is just generating latex code based on the latex-package pgfplots. To understand the working of this package is pretty easy, as it is intended to be similar to Matlab.
So why bother and always let matlab2tikz do the work for you? Because again and again you won't be entirely happy with the results. Just try to write the pgfplots-code from scratch and just load the data from Matlab.
Here is a convenient function I wrote to create latex-ready text files:
function output = saveData( filename, header, varargin )
in = varargin;
numCols = numel(in);
if all(cellfun(#isvector, in))
maxLength = max(cellfun(#numel, in));
output = cell2mat(cellfun(#(x) [x(:); NaN(maxLength - numel(x) + 1,1)],in,'uni',0));
fid = fopen(filename, 'w');
fprintf(fid, [repmat('%s\t',1,numCols),'\r\n'], header{:});
dlmwrite(filename,output,'-append','delimiter','\t','precision','%.6f','newline', 'pc');
disp('saveData: only vector inputs allowed')
Which could for example look like the following, in case of a bode diagram:
w G0_mag G0_phase GF_mag GF_phase
10.000000 40.865743 -169.818991 0.077716 -0.092491
10.309866 40.345290 -169.511901 0.082456 -0.101188
10.629333 39.825421 -169.196073 0.087474 -0.110690
10.958700 39.306171 -168.871307 0.092787 -0.121071
11.298273 38.787575 -168.537404 0.098411 -0.132411
In your tikzpicture you can then just load that file by
\pgfplotstableread[skip first n=1]{mydata.txt}\mydata
and store the table into the variable \mydata.
Now check pfgplots how to plot your data. You will find the basic plot command \addplot
\addplot table [x expr= \thisrowno{0}, y expr= \thisrowno{3} ] from \mydata;
where you directly access the columns of your text file by \thisrowno{0} (confusing, I know).
Regarding your problem with to many data points: pgfplots offers the key each nth point={ ... } to speed things up. But I'd rather filter/decimate the data already in Matlab.
The other way around is also possible, if you have to few data points the key smooth smoothes things up.

Save Figure generated from HeatMap() from Bioinformatics Library - Matlab

I would like to save the image I generate the HeatMap() function from the bioinformatics library.
I cannot figure out to have the image without manually exporting the data.
I'd prefer to use HeatMap over Imagesc because it automatically scales the data to the mean.
I do not have the Bioinformatics Library for matlab, However you should be able to get the current figure with the function gcf. It is not the most stable way, but in most cases this will work excellent. Then you can save the figure as a figure or image with saveas.
hFig = gcf;
saveas(hFig,'myName','png'); % You can use other image types as well and also `'fig'`
There is a second way as well. The HeatMap class also contains a plot method. This method may return the figure handle to the HeatMap plot then save the image with saveas.:
hHM = HeatMap(...);
hFig = plot(hHM);
I share a part of a Matlab code that I used when I analyzed some data from TCGA
#I was considering two gene expression level taken from cancer disead tissue and
# healthy tissues comparing them with this Heatmap
data1=[dataN(indg,:) dataC(indg,:); dataN(indg2,:) dataC(indg2,:);];
#I have allocated the plot in a variable
# Then I saved the plot
But if you have to run one single object I advise against waisting your time in writing code (even if it is always a good thing to explore and strengthen your knowledge), I used because each time I was running a pipeline. Otherwise you can go on
1)File ----> Export Setup
2) Export
3)Save in the format you do want!

MATLAB: Permanently set "Text Update Function" for Data Cursor in figures

Problem: I use MATLAB for science, and I often need more than 4 significant digits. Every time I use Data Cursor in a figure's GUI, I need to manually right-click on the point, Select Text Update Function... or Edit Text Update Function..., and navigate to the folder where I saved the function whose callback prints more than 4 (e.g. 8) significant figures. This is annoying and there should be a way to automatically change this.
Ideal answer: I want this done permanently for all figures, e.g. in a function that changes default settings in my startup.m file.
Good enough answer: I want a wrapped function to which I give the figure handle and it fixes this for me.
I humbly await SO's infinite wisdom.
The permanent solution
would be, to edit the default_getDatatipText.m function.
You can find it in:
There you will find the line:
DEFAULT_DIGITS = 4; % Display 4 digits of x,y position
Edit it as desired, you can't do much harm, but make a backup before if you want.
Alternative solution:
There is also the possibility of custom data tips: Tutorial at Matlab Central
It could finally look like this:
(additional text outside data-tips was post-processed)
And as you're talking about precision. The data-tip always snaps to the closest data-point. It doesn't show interpolated data at the clicked position.
The permanent answer given by thewaywewalk doesn't work anymore in R2015a, and probably later ones. So here I share my solution for both the temporary and permanent solution
Temporary solution (for a single figure):
The following function contains the update function as a nested function. Call datacursorextra to apply it to the current figure, or datacursorextra(fig) to apply it to some figure fig.
function datacursorextra(fig)
% Use current figure as default
if nargin<1
fig = gcf;
% Get the figure's datacursormode, and set the update function
h = datacursormode(fig);
% The actual update function
function txt = myupdatefcn(~,event)
% Short-hand to write X, Y and if available Z, with 10 digit precision:
lbl = 'XYZ';
txt = arrayfun(#(s,g)sprintf('%s: %.10g',s,g), lbl(1:length(event.Position)), event.Position,'uniformoutput',false);
% If a DataIndex is available, show that also:
info = getCursorInfo(h);
if isfield(info,'DataIndex')
txt{end+1} = sprintf('Index: %d', info.DataIndex);
Permanent solution (apply to all figures by default):
I have not found a way to set a default UpdateFcn for the data cursor, but it is possible to add some code which will be called every time a new figure is created. Add the following line to your startup.m:
and make sure the datacursorextra function given above is available in your Matlab path.
#caspar's solution works very well.
You can also update the txt{} part of the solution with
if isfield(info,'DataIndex')
DataIndex = [info.DataIndex];
txt{end+1} = sprintf('Index: %d\n', DataIndex(1));
This will enable you to update the Index field when you have multiple pointers in the same figure.

3-D Vector Fields for Modeling

I hope this isn't too general of a question, but I'm having an issue with some syntax in this 3D vector field example provided on Mathworks' website in addition to actually just understanding how to make the 3d vector fields.
I'm trying to create a very robust 3D vector field to model wind patterns based on current NOAA information for a geographic region to predict (or simulate) a path in which a balloon system / parachute system would / should drift on ascent and descent.
In saying that, I'm just starting with the 3D vector fields and the same could be said for 2D vector fields, but I can't seem to find a great resource for the 3D ones.
field := plot::VectorField3d([1, sin(x) + cos(y), sin(z)],
x = 0..6, y = 0..2.5, z = 0..5,
Mesh = [7, 7, 7]):
This is one of the examples, but I'm not familiar with the usage of ".." in succession or the stacking that they seem to have done with the lines. I've tried copying this into a new ".m" file that I created and running it, but I get: "Unexpected MATLAB expression". I've tried guessing at the notation by switching ".." to ":" and the ending ":" to a ";" , but I didn't get anywhere.
If you need me to clarify, let me know, and thanks for reading / helping in advance!
0..6 stands for a range - see
To run your example, type mupad in the command window and paste the example in the mupad editor.