How to do multi-table aggregates using Spring Data repositories? - spring-data

What's the best approach for doing multi-table aggregates, or non aggregate multi table results in my Spring Data repositories. I don't care about mapping back to entities, I just need a list of objects returned I can massage into a JSON response.

If you don't care about entities, repositories are not the tool for the job. Repositories are defined to simulate collections of aggregates (which are special kinds of entities usually).
So to answer the question from your headline (which surprisingly seems to be the opposite of what you're asking in the description): just do it. Define your entity types including the relations that form the aggregate, create a repository for them and query it, define query methods etc.
If you don't care about types (which is perfectly fine, too), have a look at jOOQ which is centered around SQL to efficiently query relational databases, but wrapped into a nice API.


Entity framework optimize include, provide hints to Include

Is it possible to provide hints to the Include linq queries so that the joining of the child tables can be optimized ?
I have a very generic data model and so, there are multiple referential constraints between tables. I am working with a legacy system, so changing that around would be very difficult.
I have a query like the following, which generates very complicated SQL queries.
var links = A.B.CreateSourceQuery()
Is there a way to provide hints to the above query, on how to join the respective child entities, so that the SQL generated is more optimized and efficient and the data can be eager loaded.
See my post at particularly the point around breaking up complex queries. In the case where you're fetching two sets of grandchildren, your performance may well suffer. You may want to consider a custom projection instead of multiple includes.

MongoDB object model design with list property

I just started to use MongoDB and I'm confused to build object models with list property.
I have a User model related to Followers and Following object which are list of User IDs.
So I can think of some object model structures to represent the relation.
Embedded Document. Followers and Following are embedded to User model. In this way, a "current_user" object is generated in many web frameworks in every request, and it's an extra overhead to serialize/deserialize the Follower and Following list property since we seldom use these properties in most requests. We can exclude these properties when "current_user" is generated. However, we need to fetch full "current_user" object again before we do any updates to it.
Use Reference Property in User model. We can have Followers and Following object models themselves, not embedded, but save references to the User object.
Use Reference Property in Followers and Following models. We can save User ID in Follower and Following property for later queries.
There might be some other ways to do it, easier to use or better performance. And my question is:
What's the suggested way to design a model with some related list properties?
For folks coming from the SQL world (such as myself) one of the hardest things to learn about MongoDB is the new style of schema design. In the SQL world, everything goes into third normal form. Folks come to think that there is a single right way to design their schema, because there typically is one.
In the MongoDB world, there is no one best schema design. More accurately, in MongoDB schema design depends on how the application is going to access the data.
Here are the key questions that you need to have answered in order to design a good schema for MongoDB:
How much data do you have?
What are your most common operations? Will you be mostly inserting new data, updating existing data, or doing queries?
What are your most common queries?
What are your most common updates?
How many I/O operations do you expect per second?
Here's how these questions might play out if you are considering one-to-many object relationships.
In SQL you simply create a pair of master/detail tables with a primary key/foreign key relationship. In MongoDB, you have a number of choices: you can embed the data, you can create a linked relationship, you can duplicate and denormalize the data, or you can use a hybrid approach.
The correct approach would depend on a lot of details about the use case of your application.
Here are some good general references on MongoDB schema design.
MongoDB presentations:
Here are a couple of books about MongoDB schema design that I think you would find useful: (MongoDB in Action) (Document Design for MongoDB)
Here are some sample schema designs:

How to model "reference data" in a Document Database model?

I’m creating a document model of my entities to store in a Document Database (RavenDB). The domain I’m modeling revolves around Incidents. An incident has a source, a priority, a category, a level of impact and many other classification attributes. In a RDBMS, I’d have an Incident table with Foreign Keys to the Priorities table, the Categories tables, the Impacts tables etc but I don't know how to handle that in a document database (that is my first Doc BD).
I have two types of reference data:
Simple lookup values: Countries, States, Sources, Languages. Attributes: They only have a Name but this is a multilingual system so there is name for each language. Supported operations: create, delete, rename, deactivate and merge.
Complex reference data: Same as the Simple Lookups plus: Several of those have many fields and have business rules and validation rules of their own. For instance two Priorities cannot have the same Rank value. Some have a more complex structure, for instance Categories are composed of Subcategories.
How should I model those as (or as part of) documents?
PS: Links to Document Database Modeling Guidelines would be appreciated as well
Handling relationships is very different for a document database to a SQL database. RavenDB documentation discusses this here. For things that rarely, if ever, change, you should use denormalized refences.
Further, there is a good discussion about modelling reference data by the main RavenDB author, here. You can expand this example to include a dictionary of abbreviations/names per locale pretty easily. An example of this, here.
To answer your specific questions:
You can store a key for each Country/State/etc and then retrieve the locale-specific version using this key, by loading the whole reference data document and performing an in-memory lookup.
Denormalized references would be a good suit for categories. You can include the Name and/or parent category if it has to be displayed. It sounds like the entity itself is small so you may as well store the whole thing (and don't need to denormalize it). It's ok to replicate it - it's cheaper to process this way and it won't change, or at least not often (and if it does you can use patching to update it). The same applies for your other entities. As far as I can see, business rules have nothing to do with the database, other than you must be able to run the appropriate queries to enforce them.
Update: Here's a post that describes how to deal with a tree structure in Raven.

Equivalent of ERD for MongoDB?

What would be the equivalent of ERD for a NoSQL database such as MongoDB?
It looks like you asked a similar question on Quora.
As mentioned there, the ERD is simply a mapping of the data you intend to store and the relations amongst that data.
You can still make an ERD with MongoDB as you still want to track the data and the relations. The big difference is that MongoDB has no joins, so when you translate the ERD into an actual schema you'll have to make some specific decisions about implement the relationships.
In particular, you'll need to make the "embed vs. reference" decision when deciding how this data will actually be stored. Relations are still allowed, just not enforced. Many of the wrappers for MongoDB actually provide lookups across collections to abstract some of this complexity.
Even though MongoDB does not enforce a schema, it's not recommended to proceed completely at random. Modeling the data you expect to have in the system is still a really good idea and that's what the ERD provides you.
So I guess the equivalent to the ERD is the ERD?
You could just use a UML class diagram instead too.
Moon Modeler supports schema design for MongoDB. It allows users to define diagrams with nested structures.
I know of no standard means of diagramming document-oriented "schema".
I'm sure you could use an ERD to map out your schemata but since document databases do not truly support--or more importantly enforce--relationships between data, it would only be as useful as your code was disciplined to internally enforce such relationships.
I have been thinking about the same issue for quite some time.
And I came to the following conclusion:
If NoSQL databases are generally schemaless, you don't actually have a 'schema' to illustrate in a diagram.
Thus, I think you should take a "by example" approach.
You could draw some mindmaps exemplifying how your data would look like when stored in a NoSQL DB such as MongoDB.
And since these databases are very dynamic you could also create some derived mindmaps to show how the data from today could evolve in time.
Take a look at this topic too.
Confusion about NoSQL Design
MongoDB does support 'joins', just not in the SQL sense of INNER JOIN (the default SQL join). While the concept of 'join' is typically associated with SQL, MongoDB does have the aggregation framework with its data processing pipeline stages. The $lookup pipeline stage is used to create the equivalent of a LEFT JOIN in SQL. That is, all documents on the left of a relationship will be pass through the pipeline, as well as any relating documents on the right side of the relationship. The documents are modified to include the relationship as part of the new documents.
Consequently, I postulate that Entity Relationship Diagrams do have a role in MongoDB. Documents are certainly related to each other in the db, and we should have a visualization of these relationships, including the cardinality relationship, e.g. full participation, partial participation, weak/strong entities, etc.
Of course, MongoDB also introduces the concept of embedded documents and referenced documents, and so I argue it adds additional flavor to the model of the ERD. And I certainly would want to see embedded and referenced relationships mapped out in a visual diagram.
The remaining question is so what is out there? What is out there for Mongoose for NodeJS? Mongoid for Ruby? etc. If you check the respective repositories for their corresponding ORMs (Object Relational Mappers), then you will see there are ERDs for them. But in terms of their completeness, perhaps there is a lot to be desired and the open source community is welcome to make contributions.

Is MongoDB object-oriented?

In the website of MongoDB they wrote that MonogDB is Document-oriented Database, so if the MongoDB is not an Object Oriented database, so what is it? and what are the differences between Document and Object oriented databases?
This may be a bit late in reply, but just thought it is worth pointing out, there are big differences between ODB and MongoDB.
In general, the focus of ODB is tranparent references (relations) between objects in an arbitarily complex domain model without having to use and manage code for something like a DBRef. Even if you have a couple thousand classes, you don't need to worry about managing any keys, they come for free and when you create instances of those 1000's of classes at runtime, they will automatically create the schema in the database .. even for things like a self-referencing object with collections of collections.
Also, your transactions can span these references, so you do not have to use a completely embedded model.
The concepts are those leveraged in ORM solutions like JPA, the managed persistent object life-cycle, is taken from the ODB space, but the HUGE difference is that there is no mapping AT ALL in the ODB and relations are stored as part of the database so there is no runtime JOIN to resolve relations, all relations are resolved with the same speed as a b-tree look-up. For those of you who have used Hibernate, imagine Hibernate without ANY mapping file and orders of magnitude faster becase there is no runtime JOIN behind the scenes.
Also, ODB allows queries across any relationship in your model, so you are not restricted to queries in a particular collection as you are in MongoDB. Of course, hash/b-tree/aggregate indexes are supported to so queries are very fast when they are used.
You can evolve instances of any class in an ODB at the class level and at runtime the correct class version is resolved. Quite different than the way it works in MongoDB maintaining code to decide how to deal with varied forms of blob ( or value object ) that result from evolving a schema-less database ... or writing the code to visit and change every value object because you wanted to change the schema.
As far as partioning goes, I think it is a lot easier to decide on a partitioning model for a domain model which can talk across arbitary objects, then it is to figure out the be-all, end-all embedding strategy for your collection contained documents in MongoDB. As a rediculous example, you have a Contact and an Address and a ShoppingCart and these are related in a JSON document and you decide to partition on Contact by Contact_id. There is absolutely nothing to keep you from treating those 3 classes as just objects instead of JSON documents and storing those with a partition on Contact_id just as you would with MongoDB. However, if you had another object Account and you wanted to manage those in a non-embedded way because of some aggregate billing operations done on accounts, you can have that for free ( no need to create code for a DBRef type ) in the ODB ... and you can choose to partition right along with the Contact or choose to store the Accounts in a completely separate physical node, yet it will all be connected at runtime in the application space ... just like magic.
If you want to see a really cool video on how to create an application with an ODB which shows distribution, object movement, fault tolerance, performance optimization .. see this ( if you want to skip to the cool part, jump about 21 minutes in and you will avoid the building of the application and just see the how easy it is to add distribution and fault tolerance to any existing application ):
I think doc-oriented and object-oriented databases are quite different. Fairly detailed post on this here:
Documents (objects) map nicely to
programming language data types
Embedded documents and arrays reduce
need for joins
Dynamically-typed (schemaless) for
easy schema evolution
No joins and no (multi-object)
transactions for high performance and
easy scalability
(MongoDB Introduction)
In my understanding MongoDB treats every single record like a Document no matter it is 1 field or n fields. You can even have embedded Documents inside a Document. You don't have to define a schema which is very strictly controlled in other Relational DB Systems (MySQL, PorgeSQL etc.). I've used MongoDB for a while and I really like its philosophy.
Object Oriented is a database model in which information is represented in the form of objects as used in object-oriented programming (Wikipedia).
A document oriented database is a different concept to object and relational databases.
A document database may or may not contain field, whereas a relational or object database would expect missing fields to be filled with a null entry.
Imagine storing an XML or JSON string in a single field on a database table. That is similar to how a document database works. It simply allows semi-structured data to be stored in a database without having lots of null fields.