Cross-referencing functions in Lisp [duplicate] - lisp

I have been programming in common lisp for a little while now, and throughout my experience using lisp, I have yet to see any function/macro that acts anything similar to function prototypes in C or C++.
Currently I have to very careful about the ordering of my functions, otherwise, when I try to call a function from another, Lisp says the function "does not exist" because it is defined later in the file. Is there a way to get around this? Can I declare all my function prototypes at the top of the file, and the full definitions below?

Declaim and Proclaim
You can use declaim to globally declare that a certain thing has a certain function type. For instance, look at what happens first if you define foo1 that calls undefined baz (in SBCL):
CL-USER> (defun foo1 ()
; in: DEFUN FOO1
; (BAZ)
; undefined function: BAZ
; compilation unit finished
; Undefined function:
; caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
Now, let's add a declamation that says that baz is a function of no arguments, and returns something. You could obviously add more type information if you wanted to, but this will at least provide the arity and the knowledge that baz is a function.
CL-USER> (declaim (ftype (function () t) baz))
; No value
Now when you define foo2 that also calls baz, you'll get no warning:
CL-USER> (defun foo2 ()
Declaim is a macro, but if you need to be able to generate some of these things at runtime, you can use proclaim, which is a function. E.g.,
CL-USER> (dolist (f '(square cube))
(proclaim `(ftype (function (number) number) ,f)))
CL-USER> (defun add-square-and-cube (x y)
(+ (square x) (cube y)))
That said, this is not very idiomatic Common Lisp. It's much more common to put the code you need into a file and then to compile that file and load it. If that's not possible for some reason, this will work, but it's worth considering other options of loading your code if they're available.
Muffling warnings
It's also worth noting that while SBCL will take the hint from proclaim or declaim and silence the undefined function warning, the function is still actually undefined. Other implementations (e.g., CLISP) will still issue a warning about the undefined function.
I don't really recommend the following approach, because warnings are around for a reason, but you can choose to muffle warnings when you evaluate code. E.g., in CLISP, we get a warning when we compile with undefined functions:
CL-USER> (compile nil (lambda () (baz)))
WARNING: Function BAZ is not defined
We can bind a handler that will muffle any warnings that occur when the form is evaluated, though:
CL-USER> (handler-bind ((warning
(lambda (x)
(muffle-warning x))))
(compile nil (lambda () (baz))))
This has its ow caveats, too, since the type of warning that you might get for compiling a reference to an undefined function might vary, and what muffling the warning does may vary.

As Rainer pointed out you can ignore this issue if the forward reference is within a single compilation unit. But that won't help if the forward reference crosses compilation units. Usually that's a sign that your code is poorly layered. Low level code makes calls to higher level code? Well, people will say the low level code is providing a hook for the high level code.
That said I certainly have seen and written code that had this problem. Spaghetti code, yum! It can arise when you start breaking huge source files into smaller ones. A compilation unit is usually a single file. But take a look at with-compilation-unit. I don't recall asdf doesn't provide easy access that though.
I don't know if Joshua's solution of using providing a declaration will work across all CL implementations. My memory is that when I had to solve this problem many many years ago we had to implement something more crude, we would give the function a stand in definition, and then hack together a way to suppress the definition warnings.
No doubt cl-launch could be used to see if Joshua's solution works across the spectrum of implementations.

You can define something to be a generic function before you define any of its methods. So, if you write
(defgeneric foo (x y z))
then any function calling FOO will see a defined function (although one without any methods). The body of the function can then be added later as a method
(defmethod foo (x y z)
;; The body of the function


`apply` or `funcall` for macros instead of functions

In Lisp, a function's arguments are evaluated first before entering the function body. Macro arguments stay not evaluated.
But sometimes, one wants to inject code pieces stored in variables into a macro. This means evaluating the argument for the macro first, and then apply the macro-of-choice on this evaluated result.
One has to resort to
(eval `(macro ,arg))
To achieve this - but eval does not behave correctly in different environments.
The best thing would be, if one could do:
(apply macro (list arg))
(funcall macro arg)
But since the macro is not a function this doesn't work.
Is it possible to achieve something like this? - To circumvent that problem oder to make the macro available in the functions namespace?
Or am I missing some other ways to solve such problems?
I came to this question while trying to answer How to produce HTML from a list. but also in Generate TYPECASE with macro in common lisp, Evaluate arguments passed to a macro that generates functions in lisp, and How to convert a list to code/lambda in scheme?. But I always thought while answering them it would be good to have an apply or funcall-like function which can take macros.
It is not clear what you are trying to do, although it is almost certain that you are confused about something. In particular if you are calling eval inside macroexpansions then in almost all cases you are doing something both seriously wrong and seriously dangerous. I can't ever think of a case where I've wanted macros which expand to things including eval and I have written Lisp for a very very long time.
That being said, here is how you call the function associated with a macro, and why it is very seldom what you want to do.
Macros are simply functions whose domain and range is source code: they are compilers from a language to another language. It is perfectly possible to call the function associated with a macro, but what that function will return is source code, and what you will then need to do with that source code is evaluate it. If you want a function which deals with run-time data which is not source code, then you need that function, and you can't turn a macro into that function by some magic trick which seems to be what you want to do: that magic trick does not, and can not, exist.
So for instance if I have a macro
(defmacro with-x (&body forms)
`(let ((x 1))
Then I can call its macro function on a bit of source code:
> (funcall (macro-function 'with-x)
'(with-x (print "foo")) nil)
(let ((x 1)) (print "foo"))
But the result of this is another bit of source code: I need to compile or evaluate it, and nothing I can do will get around this.
Indeed in (almost?) all cases this is just the same as macroexpand-1):
> (macroexpand-1 '(with-x (print "foo")))
(let ((x 1)) (print "foo"))
And you can probably write macroexpand-1 in terms of macro-function:
(defun macroexpand-1/equivalent (form &optional (env nil))
(if (and (consp form)
(symbolp (first form))
(macro-function (first form)))
(values (funcall (macro-function (first form)) form env)
(values form nil)))
So, if the result of calling a macro is source code, what do you do with that source code to get a result which is not source code? Well, you must evaluate it. And then, well, since the evaluator expands macros for you anyway, you might as well just write something like
(defun evaluate-with-x (code)
(funcall (compile nil `(lambda ()
(with-x ,#code)))))
So you didn't need to call the macro's function in any case. And this is not the magic trick which turns macros into functions dealing with data which is not source code: it is a terrible horror which is entirely made of exploding parts.
A concrete example: CL-WHO
It looks like this question might have its origins in this one and the underlying problem there is that that's not what CL-WHO does. In particular it is a confusion to think that something like CL-WHO is a tool for taking some kind of list and turning it into HTML. It's not: it's a tool for taking the source code of a language which is built on CL but includes a way of expressing HTML output mingled with CL code, and compiles it into CL code which will do the same thing. It happens to be the case that CL source code is expressed as lists & symbols, but CL-WHO isn't really about that: it's a compiler from, if you like, 'the CL-WHO language' to CL.
So, let's try the trick we tried above and see why it's a disaster:
(defun form->html/insane (form)
(compile nil `(lambda ()
(with-html-output-to-string (,(make-symbol "O"))
And you might, if you did not look at this too closely, think that this function does in fact do the magic trick:
> (form->html/insane '(:p ((:a :href "foo") "the foo")))
"<p></p><a href='foo'>the foo</a>"
But it doesn't. What happens if we call form->html/insane on this perfectly innocuous list:
(:p (uiop/run-program:run-program "rm -rf $HOME" :output t))
Hint: don't call form->html/insane on this list if you don't have very good backups.
CL-WHO is an implementation of a programming language which is a strict superset of CL: if you try to turn it into a function to turn lists into HTML you end up with something involving the same nuclear weapon you tinker with every time you call eval, except that nuclear weapon is hidden inside a locked cupboard where you can't see it. But it doesn't care about that: if you set it off it will still reduce everything within a few miles to radioactive ash and rubble.
So if you want a tool which will turn lists – lists which aren't source code – into HTML then write that tool. CL-WHO might have the guts of such a tool in its implemenentation, but you can't use it as it is.
And this is the same problem you face whenever you are trying to abuse macros this way: the result of calling a macro's function is Lisp source code, and to evaluate that source code you need eval or an equivalent of eval. And eval is not only not a terrible solution to almost any problem: it's also a nuclear weapon. There are, perhaps problems for which nuclear weapons are good solutions, but they are few and far between.

Why aren't lisp macros eagerly expanded by default?

Say I have macros foo and bar. If I write (foo (bar)) my understanding is that in most (all?) lisps foo is going to be given '(bar), not whatever bar would have expanded to had it been expanded first. Some lisps have something like local-expand where the implementation of foo can explicitly request the expansion of its argument before continuing, but why isn't that the default? It seems more natural to me. Is this an accident of history or is there a strong reason to do it the way most lisps do it?
I've been noticing in Rust that I want the macros to work this way. I'd like to be able to wrap a bunch of declarations inside a macro call so that the macro can then crawl the declarations and generate reflection information. But if I use a macro to generate the definitions that I want crawled, my macro wrapping the declarations sees the macro invocations that would generate the declarations rather than the actual declarations.
If I write (foo (bar)) my understanding is that in most (all?) lisps foo is going to be given '(bar), not whatever bar would have expanded to had it been expanded first.
That would restrict Lisp such that (bar) would need to be something that can be expanded -> probably something which is written in the Lisp language.
Lisp developers would like to see macros where the inner stuff can be a completely new language with different syntax rules. For example something, where FOO does not expand it's subforms, but transpiles/compiles a fully/partially different language to Lisp. Something which does not have the usual prefix expression syntax:
(postfix (a b +) sin)
-> (sin (+ a b))
Here the + in the macro form is not the infix +.
(query-all (person name)
where (person = "foo") in database DB)
Lisp macros don't work on language parse trees, but arbitrary, possibly nested, s-expressions. Those don't need to be valid Lisp code outside of that macro -> don't need to follow the usual syntax / semantics.
Common Lisp has the function MACROEXPAND and MACROEXPAND-1, such that the outer macro can expand inner code if it wants to do it during its own macro expansion:
CL-USER 26 > (defmacro bar (a) `(* ,a ,a))
CL-USER 27 > (bar 10)
CL-USER 28 > (defmacro foo (a &environment e)
(let ((f (macroexpand a e)))
(print (list a '-> f))
`(+ ,(second f) ,(third f))))
CL-USER 29 > (foo (bar 10))
((bar 10) -> (* 10 10))
In above macro, if FOO would see only an expanded form, it could not print both the source and the expansion.
This works also with scoped macros. Here the BAR macro gets locally redefined and the MACROEXPAND generates different code inside FOO for the same form:
CL-USER 30 > (macrolet ((bar (a)
`(expt ,a ,a)))
(foo (bar 10)))
((bar 10) -> (EXPT 10 10))
If foo is a macro then (foo (bar)) must pass the raw syntax (bar) to the foo macro expander. This is absolutely essential.
This is because foo can give any meaning whatsoever to bar.
Consider the defmacro macro itself:
(defmacro foo (bar) body)
Here, the argument (bar) is a parameter list ("macro lambda list") and not a form (Common Lisp jargon for to-be-evaluated expression). It says that the macro shall have a single parameter called bar. Therefore it is nonsensically wrong to try to expand (bar) before handing it to defmacro's expander.
Only if we know that an expression is going to be evaluated is it legitimate to expand it as a macro. But we don't know that about an expression which is the argument to a macro.
Other counterexamples are easy to come up with. (defstruct point (x 0) (y 0)): (x 0) isn't a call to operator x, but a slot x whose default value is 0. (dolist (x list) ...): x is a variable to be stepped over list.
That said, there are implementation choices regarding the timing of macro expansion.
A Lisp implementation can macro-expand an entire top-level form before evaluating or compiling any of it. Or it can expand incrementally, so that for instance when (+ x y) is being processed, x is macro-expanded and evaluated or compiled into some intermediate form already before y is even looked at.
A pure syntax tree interpreter for Lisp which always keeps the code in the original form and always expands (and re-expands) the code as it is evaluating has certain interactivity advantages. Any macro that you rewrite goes instantly "live" in all the existing code that you have input into the REPL, like existing function definitions. It is obviously quite inefficient in terms of execution speed, but any code that you call uses the latest definition of your macros without any hassle of telling the system to reload that code to have it expanded again. That also eliminates the risk that you're testing something that is still based on the old, buggy version of some macro that you fixed. If you're ever writing a Lisp, the range of timing choices for expansion is good to keep in mind, so that you consciously reject the choices you don't go with.
In turn, that said, there are some constraints on the timing of macro expansion. Conceivably, a Lisp interpreter or compiler, when processing an entire file, could go through all the top level forms and expand all of them at once before processing any of them. The implementor will quickly learn that this is bad, because some of the later forms depend on the side effects of the earlier forms. Such as, oh, macros being defined! If the first form defines a macro, which the second one uses, then we cannot expand the second form without evaluating the effect of the first.
It makes sense, in a Lisp, to split up physical top-level forms into logical ones. Suppose that someone writes (or uses a macro to generate) codde like (progn (defmacro foo ...) (foo)). This entire progn cannot be macro expanded up-front before evaluation; it won't work! There has to be a rule such as "whenever a top-level form is based on the progn operator, then the children of the progn operator are considered top-level forms by all the processing which treats top-level forms specially, and this rule is recursively applied." The top-level entry point into the macro-expanding code walker then has to contain special case hacks to do this recognition of logical top-level forms, breaking them up and recursing into a lower level expander which doesn't do those checks any more.
I've been noticing in Rust that I want the macros to work this way.
I'd like to be able to wrap a bunch of declarations inside a macro
call so that the macro can then crawl the declarations and generate
reflection information.
It does sound like local-expand is the right tool for that job.
However, an alternative approach would be something like this:
Suppose that wrapper is our outer macro, and that the intended
syntax is:
(wrapper decl1 decl2 ...)
where decl is a declaration that potenteally uses some standard form declare.
We can let
(wrapper decl1 decl2 ...)
expand to
(let-syntax ([declare our-declare])
decl1 decl2 ...
where our-declare is a helper macro that expands both to the standard declaration as well as some form that stores the reflection information,
also post-process-reflection-information is another macro that
does any needed post processing.
I think you are trying to use macros for something they are not designed to solve. Macros are primarily a text/code substitution mechanism, and in the case of Lisp this looks a lot like a simplified term-rewriting system (see also How does term-rewriting based evaluation work?). There are different strategies possible for how to substitute a pattern of code, and in which order, but in C/C++ preprocessor macros, in LaTeX, and in Lisp, the process is typically done by computing the expansion until the form is no longer expandable, starting from the topmost terms. This order is quite natural and because it is distinct from normal evaluation rules, it can be used to implement things the normal evaluation rules cannot.
In your case, you are interested in getting access to all the declarations of some object/type, something which falls under the introspection/reflection category (as you said yourself). But implementing reflection/introspection with macros doesn't look totally doable, since macros work on abstract syntax trees and this might be a poor way to access the metadata you want.
Typically the compiler is going to parse/analyze the struct definitions and build the definitive, canonical representation of the struct, even if there are different way to express that syntactically; it may even use prior information not available directly as source code to compute more interesting metadata (e.g. if you had inheritance, there could be a set of properties inherited from a type defined in another module (I don't think this applies to Rust)).
I think currently Rust does not offer compile-time or runtime introspection facilities, which explains why are you going with the macro route. In Common Lisp macros are definitely not used for introspection, the actual values obtained after evaluation (at different times) is used to gain information about an object. For example, defclass expands as a set of instructions that register a class in the language, but in order to get all the slots of a class, you ask the language to give it to you, e.g:
(defclass foo () (x)) ;; define class foo with slot X
(defclass bar () (y)) ;; define class bar with slot Y
(defclass zot (foo bar) ()) ;; define class zot with foo and bar as superclasses
USER> (c2mop:class-slots (find-class 'zot))
I don't know what the solution for your problem is, but in addition to the other answers, I think it is not specifically a fault of the macro system. If a macro is defined as done usually as only a term rewriting system, it will always have difficulties to perform some tasks on the semantic level. But Rust is still evolving so there might be better ways to do things in the future.

Is it possible to write a function that would take any macro and turn it into a function so that it can be passed as an argument to another function?

AND and OR are macros and since macros aren't first class in scheme/racket they cannot be passed as arguments to other functions. A partial solution is to use and-map or or-map. Is it possible to write a function that would take arbitrary macro and turn it into a function so that it can be passed as an argument to another function? Are there any languages that have first class macros?
In general, no. Consider that let is (or could be) implemented as a macro on top of lambda:
(let ((x 1))
(foo x))
could be a macro that expands to
((lambda (x) (foo x)) 1)
Now, what would it look like to convert let to a function? Clearly it is nonsense. What would its inputs be? Its return value?
Many macros will be like this. In fact, any macro that could be routinely turned into a function without losing any functionality is a bad macro! Such a macro should have been a function to begin with.
I agree with #amalloy. If something is written as a macro, it probably does something that functions can't do (e.g., introduce bindings, change evaluation order). So automatically converting arbitrary macro into a function is a really bad idea even if it is possible.
Is it possible to write a function that would take arbitrary macro and turn it into a function so that it can be passed as an argument to another function?
No, but it is somewhat doable to write a macro that would take some macro and turn it into a function.
#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/list))
(define-syntax (->proc stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ mac #:arity arity)
(with-syntax ([(args ...) (generate-temporaries (range (syntax-e #'arity)))])
#'(λ (args ...) (mac args ...)))]))
((->proc and #:arity 2) 42 12)
(apply (->proc and #:arity 2) '(#f 12))
((->proc and #:arity 2) #f (error 'not-short-circuit))
You might also be interested in identifier macro, which allows us to use an identifier as a macro in some context and function in another context. This could be used to create a first class and/or which short-circuits when it's used as a macro, but could be passed as a function value in non-transformer position.
On the topic of first class macro, take a look at It's known to be a bad idea.
Not in the way you probably expect
To see why, here is a way of thinking about macros: A macro is a function which takes a bit of source code and turns it into another bit of source code: the expansion of the macro. In other words a macro is a function whose domain and range are source code.
Once the source code is fully expanded, then it's fed to either an evaluator or a compiler. Let's assume it's fed to a compiler because it makes the question easier to answer: a compiler itself is simply a function whose domain is source code and whose range is some sequence of instructions for a machine (which may or may not be a real machine) to execute. Those instructions might include things like 'call this function on these arguments'.
So, what you are asking is: can the 'this function' in 'call this function on these arguments' be some kind of macro? Well, yes, it could be, but whatever source code it is going to transform certainly can not be the source code of the program you are executing, because that is gone: all that's left is the sequence of instructions that was the return value of the compiler.
So you might say: OK, let's say we disallow compilers: can we do it now? Well, leaving aside that 'disallowing compilers' is kind of a serious limitation, this was, in fact, something that very old dialects of Lisp sort-of did, using a construct called a FEXPR, as mentioned in another answer. It's important to realise that FEXPRs existed because people had not yet invented macros. Pretty soon, people did invent macros, and although FEXPRs and macros coexisted for a while – mostly because people had written code which used FEXPRs which they wanted to keep running, and because writing macros was a serious pain before things like backquote existed – FEXPRs died out. And they died out because they were semantically horrible: even by the standards of 1960s Lisps they were semantically horrible.
Here's one small example of why FEXPRs are so horrible: Let's say I write this function in a language with FEXPRs:
(define (foo f g x)
(apply f (g x)))
Now: what happens when I call foo? In particular, what happens if f might be a FEXPR?. Well, the answer is that I can't compile foo at all: I have to wait until run-time and make some on-the-fly decision about what to do.
Of course this isn't what these old Lisps with FEXPRs probably did: they would just silently have assumed that f was a normal function (which they would have called an EXPR) and compiled accordingly (and yes, even very old Lisps had compilers). If you passed something which was a FEXPR you just lost: either the thing detected that, or more likely it fall over horribly or gave you some junk answer.
And this kind of horribleness is why macros were invented: macros provide a semantically sane approach to processing Lisp code which allows (eventually, this took a long time to actually happen) minor details like compilation being possible at all, code having reasonable semantics and compiled code having the same semantics as interpreted code. These are features people like in their languages, it turns out.
Incidentally, in both Racket and Common Lisp, macros are explicitly functions. In Racket they are functions which operate on special 'syntax' objects because that's how you get hygiene, but in Common Lisp, which is much less hygienic, they're just functions which operate on CL source code, where the source code is simply made up of lists, symbols &c.
Here's an example of this in Racket:
> (define foo (syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) x]))
> foo
OK, foo is now just an ordinary function. But it's a function whose domain & range are Racket source code: it expects a syntax object as an argument and returns another one:
> (foo 1)
; ?: bad syntax
; in: 1
; [,bt for context]
This is because 1 is not a syntax object.
> (foo #'(x 1))
#<syntax:readline-input:5:10 1>
> (syntax-e (foo #'(x 1)))
And in CL this is even easier to see: Here's a macro definition:
(defmacro foo (form) form)
And now I can get hold of the macro's function and call it on some CL source code:
> (macro-function 'foo)
#<Function foo 4060000B6C>
> (funcall (macro-function 'foo) '(x 1) nil)
In both Racket and CL, macros are, in fact, first-class (or, in the case of Racket: almost first-class, I think): they are functions which operate on source code, which itself is first-class: you can write Racket and CL programs which construct and manipulate source code in arbitrary ways: that's what macros are in these languages.
In the case of Racket I have said 'almost first-class', because I can't see a way, in Racket, to retrieve the function which sits behind a macro defined with define-syntax &c.
I've created something like this in Scheme, it's macro that return lambda that use eval to execute the macro:
(define-macro (macron m)
(let ((x (gensym)))
`(lambda (,x)
(eval `(,',m ,#,x)))))
Example usage:
;; normal eval
(define x (map (lambda (x)
(eval `(lambda ,#x)))
'(((x) (display x)) ((y) (+ y y)))))
;; using macron macro
(define x (map (macron lambda)
'(((x) (display x)) ((y) (+ y y)))))
and x in both cases is list of two functions.
another example:
(define-macro (+++ . args)
`(+ ,#args))
((macron +++) '(1 2 3))

Are there function prototypes in Common Lisp?

I have been programming in common lisp for a little while now, and throughout my experience using lisp, I have yet to see any function/macro that acts anything similar to function prototypes in C or C++.
Currently I have to very careful about the ordering of my functions, otherwise, when I try to call a function from another, Lisp says the function "does not exist" because it is defined later in the file. Is there a way to get around this? Can I declare all my function prototypes at the top of the file, and the full definitions below?
Declaim and Proclaim
You can use declaim to globally declare that a certain thing has a certain function type. For instance, look at what happens first if you define foo1 that calls undefined baz (in SBCL):
CL-USER> (defun foo1 ()
; in: DEFUN FOO1
; (BAZ)
; undefined function: BAZ
; compilation unit finished
; Undefined function:
; caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition
Now, let's add a declamation that says that baz is a function of no arguments, and returns something. You could obviously add more type information if you wanted to, but this will at least provide the arity and the knowledge that baz is a function.
CL-USER> (declaim (ftype (function () t) baz))
; No value
Now when you define foo2 that also calls baz, you'll get no warning:
CL-USER> (defun foo2 ()
Declaim is a macro, but if you need to be able to generate some of these things at runtime, you can use proclaim, which is a function. E.g.,
CL-USER> (dolist (f '(square cube))
(proclaim `(ftype (function (number) number) ,f)))
CL-USER> (defun add-square-and-cube (x y)
(+ (square x) (cube y)))
That said, this is not very idiomatic Common Lisp. It's much more common to put the code you need into a file and then to compile that file and load it. If that's not possible for some reason, this will work, but it's worth considering other options of loading your code if they're available.
Muffling warnings
It's also worth noting that while SBCL will take the hint from proclaim or declaim and silence the undefined function warning, the function is still actually undefined. Other implementations (e.g., CLISP) will still issue a warning about the undefined function.
I don't really recommend the following approach, because warnings are around for a reason, but you can choose to muffle warnings when you evaluate code. E.g., in CLISP, we get a warning when we compile with undefined functions:
CL-USER> (compile nil (lambda () (baz)))
WARNING: Function BAZ is not defined
We can bind a handler that will muffle any warnings that occur when the form is evaluated, though:
CL-USER> (handler-bind ((warning
(lambda (x)
(muffle-warning x))))
(compile nil (lambda () (baz))))
This has its ow caveats, too, since the type of warning that you might get for compiling a reference to an undefined function might vary, and what muffling the warning does may vary.
As Rainer pointed out you can ignore this issue if the forward reference is within a single compilation unit. But that won't help if the forward reference crosses compilation units. Usually that's a sign that your code is poorly layered. Low level code makes calls to higher level code? Well, people will say the low level code is providing a hook for the high level code.
That said I certainly have seen and written code that had this problem. Spaghetti code, yum! It can arise when you start breaking huge source files into smaller ones. A compilation unit is usually a single file. But take a look at with-compilation-unit. I don't recall asdf doesn't provide easy access that though.
I don't know if Joshua's solution of using providing a declaration will work across all CL implementations. My memory is that when I had to solve this problem many many years ago we had to implement something more crude, we would give the function a stand in definition, and then hack together a way to suppress the definition warnings.
No doubt cl-launch could be used to see if Joshua's solution works across the spectrum of implementations.
You can define something to be a generic function before you define any of its methods. So, if you write
(defgeneric foo (x y z))
then any function calling FOO will see a defined function (although one without any methods). The body of the function can then be added later as a method
(defmethod foo (x y z)
;; The body of the function

Why is #' (sharp-quote) notation unnecessary in CLISP?

I'm learning Lisp from the book 'Practical Common Lisp'. At one point, I'm supposed to enter the following bit of code:
[1] (remove-if-not #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
(2 4 6 8 10)
I suppose the idea here is of course that remove-if-not wants a function that can return either T or NIL when an argument is provided to it, and this function is then applied to all symbols in the list, returning a list containing only those symbols where it returned NIL.
However, if I now write the following code in CLISP:
[2] (remove-if-not 'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
(2 4 6 8 10)
It still works! So my question is, does it even matter whether I use sharp-quote notation, or is just using the quote sufficient? It now seems like the additional sharp is only there to let the programmer know that "Hey, this is a function, not just some random symbol!" - but if it has any other use, I'd love to know about it.
I use GNU CLISP 2.49 (2010-07-07, sheesh that's actually pretty old).
Sharp-quote and quote do not have the same behaviour in the general case:
(defun test () 'red)
(flet ((test () 'green))
(list (funcall 'test)
(funcall #'test))) => (red green)
Calling a quoted symbol will use the function value of the quoted symbol (ie, the result of symbol-function). Calling a sharp-quoted symbol will use the value established by the lexical binding, if any, of the symbol. In the admittedly common case that there is no lexical binding the behaviour will be the same. That's what you are seeing.
You should get into the habit of using sharp-quote. Ignoring function bindings is probably not what you want, and may be confusing to anybody trying to understand your code.
This is not CLISP specific, it works in every Common Lisp implementation (I use Clozure Common Lisp here).
What happens is that if you give a symbol as a function designator then the implementation will look up the symbol-function (assuming the symbol is available in the global environment) for you:
? #'evenp
#<Compiled-function EVENP #x3000000F2D4F>
? (symbol-function 'evenp)
#<Compiled-function EVENP #x3000000F2D4F>
In general you can use either, but there's an interesting effect if you rebind the called function later. If you specify the function (#' or (function)) then the calls will still call the old function because the lookup has been done at compile time; if you use the symbol then you will call the new function because the lookup is re-done at runtime. Note that this may be implementation-specific.
As you have noticed (or read) funcall et. al. are will make an effort to convert the function argument you provide into something approprate. So as you have noticed they will take a symbol and then fetch the symbol-function of that symbol; if that works out they will then invoke that.
Recall that #'X is converted at readtime into (symbol-function x) and 'x into (quote x). It's good practice to have the symbol-function work done at compile time.
But why? Well two trival reasons it is slightly faster and it signals that you don't intend to redefine F's symbol-function after compile time. Another reason is that in a recent Pew Research study 98.3% of Lisp developers prefer it, and 62.3% will shun those that don't do this.
But there's more.
'(lambda (..) ...) is quite different v.s. #'(lambda (..) ...). The first is very likely to end up using eval, i.e. it will be slow. The first runs in a different scope v.s. the second one, i.e. only the second one can see the lexical scope it appears in.