GXT 3 - Sorting causes grid to horizontally scroll - gwt

If I try to sort a column that's out of view (I need to scroll on the right to see it)
then the column sorts but the table scrolls back to the left, (and the column i sorted is out of view again)
One can try this in the Basic Gid of the GXT showcase:
Just make the width of the columns larger so that the horizontal scroller shows up and then try to scroll at the end of the table and sort.
How to fix this?

This is how I solved it:
Override onDataChanged of GridView and set preventScrollToTopOnRefresh to true before sorting and then set it back to whatever it was. I wonder why this is not the default behaviour.
final GroupSummaryView<Row> view = new GroupSummaryView<Row>()
protected void onDataChanged(StoreDataChangeEvent<Row> se)
boolean b = preventScrollToTopOnRefresh;
preventScrollToTopOnRefresh = true;
preventScrollToTopOnRefresh = b;

There is no built-in feature to prevent that behavior, so you have to write it yourself. You just need to store the scroll state before sorting and restore it after:
// save scroll state
final int scrollTop = getView().getScroller().getScrollTop();
final int scrollLeft = getView().getScroller().getScrollLeft();
// restore scroll state

#Darek Kay : Thank You very much. I was having an issue of scroll down while changing the option by selecting value from EditorTreeGrid. Your suggesion worked for me. Here's what I did and worked for me :
final int scrollTop = editorTreeGrid.getView().getScroller().getScrollTop();
final int scrollLeft = ditorTreeGrid.getView().getScroller().getScrollLeft();


Gtk (mm) limit width of combobox

Because I use Comboboxes that may contain text entries of very long size,
which leads to the combobox increasing its width far beyond reasonable size,
I am trying to give a maximum width to the combobox.
If I am doing this like this:
class MyCombo : public Gtk::ComboBox {
CellRendererText render;
MyCombo() {
render.property_width_chars() = 10;
render.property_ellipsize() = Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END;
pack_start(render, true);
The result will be an empty cell of the desired width, which seems logical since I did not specify which column to show. But how can I do this with that attempt? Using pack_start will just bypass the renderer...
Another approach is this one:
class MyCombo : public Gtk::ComboBox {
CellRendererText render;
MyCombo() {
pack_start(render, true);
set_cell_data_func(render, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MyCombo::render_iter));
void render_iter(const TreeModel::const_iterator& iter) {
Glib::ustring data = get_string_from_iter(iter);
int desired_width_chars = 10; //for example
render.property_text() = ellipsize_string(data, desired_width_chars);
Using that approach, it works, but the text in the popup (what opens up when u click the combobox) is also shortened which is not what I want (obviously the user should be able to read the whole string and I dont care about the popup widht.)
Can you please help me with this? I would be happy for any advice/alternative solutions.
Regards tagelicht
NOTE: set_wrap_width is a function that wraps the total number of entries in the combo box over a number of columns specified; it does not answer the question.
Using set_wrap_width(1) | Using set_wrap_width(5)
Following Noup's answer as a guide I managed to get the below code; which directly answers the question and its requirements (C++/Gtkmm).
// Get the first cell renderer of the ComboBox.
auto v_cellRenderer = (Gtk::CellRendererText*)v_comboBox.get_first_cell();
// Probably obsolete; Sets character width to 1.
v_cellRenderer->property_width_chars() = 1;
// Sets the ellipses ("...") to be at the end, where text overflows.
// See Pango::ELLIPSIZE enum for other values.
v_cellRenderer->property_ellipsize() = Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END;
// Sets the size of the box, change this to suit your needs.
// -1 sets it to automatic scaling: (width, height).
v_cellRenderer->set_fixed_size(200, -1);
Result (image):
Result of code
BE AWARE: Depending on where you perform the above code; either all the cells will be the same size, or just the box itself (intended).
From experimenting, I've found:
In the parent object constructor: All cell sizes are the same.
In a separate function: Only the first cell (the box) is affected.
I'd recommend you put the code in a function that's connected to the comboBox's changed signal, such as:
v_comboBox.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &YourClass::comboBox_changedFunction));
This may be what you are looking for:
This is for Python, but you get the idea :-)
Unfortunately, the documentation is scarce. I found this by poking around in Anjuta/Glade.
the docs are here. They are not overly helpful, but they do exist.
As an alternative, the following works for me without having to set wrap_width nor to subclass ComboBox (in Gtk#):
ComboBoxText cb = new ComboBoxText();
cb.Hexpand = true; //If there's available space, we use it
CellRendererText renderer = (cb.Cells[0] as CellRendererText); //Get the ComboBoxText only renderer
renderer.WidthChars = 20; //Always show at least 20 chars
renderer.Ellipsize = Pango.EllipsizeMode.End;
Note: I'm using Expand to use space if it's available. If you just want to keep the combo box on a fixed width, just remove that bit.

GWT CellTable rebuilding rows unnecessarily

I have found an interesting issue, and I am wondering if I am misusing or overlooking something. I have a large CellTable that is vertically scrollable. I want to show all the rows at once instead of traditional pagination. So at the bottom of my table I have a row that the user can click to load 50 more rows. I have provided the table with a custom table builder (setTableBuilder(new Builder());). When the user clicks "load more" I query the data, add to the ListDataProvider and call table.setVisibleRange(0, dataProvider.getList().size());.
I put a log statement in the
public void buildRowImpl(Object rowValue, int absRowIndex) {
method to see when it was building rows. I notice that it would build 0-dataProvider.getList().size() (all the rows), then it would build oldLength-dataProvider.getList().size() (the new rows). For instance, if I have 100 rows and then load 50 more it would build 0-150, and then rebuild 100-50. What I want is for it to only build the new rows, obviously.
So I start debugging to see why it is rebuilding the whole table each time. What I found was in com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.HasDataPresenter it would set the "redrawRequired" flag to true at line 1325:
else if (range1 == null && range0 != null && range0.getStart() == pageStart
&& (replaceDiff >= oldRowDataCount || replaceDiff > oldPageSize)) {
// Redraw if the new data completely overlaps the old data.
redrawRequired = true;
So my question is why does it think that the new data completely overlaps the old data?
Am I using something incorrectly, is there a better way? This gets to be quite a slow down when it has to redraw thousands of rows that don't need to be redrawn.
I think that, in this situation, the only way a CellTable can react to the call of the setVisibleRange() method is to redraw all rows.
You have just informed a CellTable that now it has to display new range (0-150 rows) instead of last (0-100 rows). There is no information that rows 0-100 remain unchanged and there is no need to redraw them.
The interesting thing is that you found the new rows are updated (rebuild) twice:
For instance, if I have 100 rows and then load 50 more it would build 0-150, and then rebuild 100-50
I've tried to reproduce this behavior in the smallest example:
public class ListDataProviderTest implements EntryPoint {
private static final int ADD_COUNT = 10;
private int nextVal = 0;
public void onModuleLoad() {
final CellTable<Integer> cellTable = new CellTable<Integer>();
cellTable.addColumn(new TextColumn<Integer>() {
public String getValue(Integer object) {
return object.toString();
final ListDataProvider<Integer> listDataProvider = new ListDataProvider<Integer>();
RootPanel.get().add(new Button("Add more...", new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
List<Integer> list = listDataProvider.getList();
for(int i = 0; i < ADD_COUNT; i++)
cellTable.setVisibleRange(0, list.size());
But I get all the rows updated once.
Can you confirm that this example reproduces the issue or provide one that is more accurate?
AFAIK a CellTable always redraws all cells.
This is how the renderer from the CellTable works. Although it always redraws all cells, it is in most times still faster than using a FlexTable and only updating a few cells.

Eclipse TreeViewer - First column contents not getting aligned

I have an eclipse application wherein I am using a TreeViewer.
There are three columns in the TreeViewer.
On click of a button, I have to align the contents of the all the columns to either right or left.
I tried the following, but I do not see any changes to the FIRST column on the TreeViewer.
The contents of the first column seem to be always left aligned.
rightAlignButton.addListener(SWT.MouseDoubleClick, new Listener() {
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
TreeColumn[] connectionViewerColumns = connectionViewer.getTree().getColumns();
for(int i = 0 ; i < connectionViewerColumns.length ; i++){
Could anyone please let me how it is done, what is my mistake here? It would be very helpful. Thanks in advance
The Javadoc for TreeColumn.setAlignment says:
Note that due to a restriction on some platforms, the first column is
always left aligned.

GWT CellTable keep focus on selected row

When I select a row in a CellTable which contains several columns, the whole row gets colored in yellow. It does not depend on which area of the row I click (which column of the row).
What I try to do is to keep the selected row colored in yellow as long as no other row of this very table is selected. At the moment, as soon as I click somewhere else in the browser, the row gets back its original color.
I tried to use a selection model, but this changed nothing. Do you have any advise or is this simply not possible, since the focus is managed by the browser? The behavior is the same in the Google showcase for the CellTable...
The selection model actually does what you want to do: it paints a row blue and the row does not change color if you click elsewhere in the page. (Only when another row is selected)
There are 2 selection models:
One that lets you select only one row, and another one that lets you select multiple rows.
MultiSelectionModel<Row> selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel<Row>();
SingleSelectionModel<Row> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<Row>();
The solution of user905374 did actually work. I mentioned in my first post that I already tried the solution with a selectionModel and that it did not work. This was partially true. It does work, but only if the table does NOT contain a CheckboxCell.
Following a working and the not working example. I think this might be a bug, but I am not sure if I miss something.
final CellTable<LicenceDto> licenseTable = new CellTable<LicenceDto>();
final SingleSelectionModel<LicenceDto> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<LicenceDto>();
//--- If I add this column, the selection does work.
Column<LicenceDto, String> workingColumn = new Column<LicenceDto, String>(new TextCell()) {
public String getValue(LicenceDto object) {
return "Works";
workingColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<LicenceDto, String>() {
public void update(int index, LicenceDto object, String value) {
//--- If I add this column, the selection does NOT work anymore.
Column<LicenceDto, Boolean> notWorkingColumn = new Column<LicenceDto, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, true)) {
public Boolean getValue(LicenceDto object) {
return object.getEnabled();
notWorkingColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<LicenceDto, Boolean>() {
public void update(int index, LicenceDto object, Boolean value) {
presenter.enableLicense(object, value);
You can even combine multiple cells and add them to the table (e.g. LinkActionCell etc). As long as there is no CheckboxCell, the blue selection with the SingleSelectionModel does work like a charm. Does anyone see what I do wrong with this CheckboxCell or is there a bug?
It was simply a usage error of me. The problem was that I set handlesSelection to true (second parameter of the CheckboxCell constructor) even thought I don't handle anything. Setting it to false solves the problem.
Bottomline: Use a selection model (e.g. SingleSelectionModel) and do not set the handlesSelection parameter to true of the CheckboxCell constructor to true, if you don't handle the selection by yourself.
You should observe the Showcase demo again. This time use the checkbox on the left most column i.e the first column. On selection the row turns blue indicating the row selection is made. This is when you have SelectionModel set up. Click on the page anywhere outside the CellTable/DataGrid the selection is not changed.
Now, instead of choosing the row via checkbox from first column, you click on a row in any other column. The row turns yellow. Click on the page anywhere outside the CellTable/DataGrid the focus/yellow is lost.
"colored in yellow" indicates row is under focus and being edited and not selected.
Note - you can force row selection by using click events per cell.
Try something like this:
CellTable table;
YourDataObject object = new YourDataObject(...);
SingleSelectionModel<YourDataObject> selectionModel =
new SingleSelectionModel<YourDataObject>();
table.setSelected(object, true);
Use MultiSelectionModel if you wish more than one line to be highlighted.
Store the selected row's index. When user selects row, change row's style to some "selected-style" appropriate for your case (defined in your css file) and remove selected style from the previously selected row. Also don't forget to update selected row's index.
If you provide some code from the original version I help you out with some code with pleasure.

Update the particular row of a GWT cellTable

I'm trying to update the particular row of a cellTable without loading the page when clicking a button, which is in the same row.
I just want to update the Column1 which is a TextColumn. I want to Change the text of the particular column.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in Advance,
If you want to redraw the whole row, you can use:
But if you want to update a single cell and performance is important you could do this in a child class of CellTable
public void updateCellContent(int absRowIndex, int cellIndex, String innerHtml) {
TableRowElement tr = getChildElement(absRowIndex);
if (tr != null) {
TableCellElement td = tr.getCells().getItem(cellIndex);
if (td != null) {
I suppose you use a ListDataProvider to store as it is used in the showcase example here.
In that case you just have to up change the data in the ListDataProvider and when its done just call
And don't worry the table doesn't flicker when doing that :)
Take a look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/7109021/787660
When you use the ListDataAdapter and add your row like in the example using the ListWrapper (don't be scared, you use it like a List-Object) the refresh is automatically triggered.