how to prevent wrapping of world map in mapbox? - mapbox

I am using mapbox and featureGroup control.
World map is repeating horizontally.How can I prevent horizontal repeating of world map.
I have tried 'no-wrap:true' ,but this seems to work only for tile layer.
For featureGroup,Please suggest some way.
var map =, MapBoxAccess.mapBoxAccess.accessId);
var featureGroup = L.featureGroup().addTo($;
I am adding my polygons and polylines on featureGroup
Please find attached image for better understanding.

That actually is the intended behavior and features cannot repeat across the globe like this. If you wanted to prevent scrolling across the globe, you can set bounds over the map so that someone can't scroll or pan side to side. Also, there is a Leaflet method called WorldCopyJump which will also bounce the view back to the bounds.


How to centralize and change the center of the leaflet map dynamically

I have a map that covers the entire screen and I have a layer that overlays the map. That layer goes from bottom to top.
the user interacts with this layer by clicking on different options and these options draw markers on the map.
When I centralize the map, the markers are hidden behind the layer that superimposes the map, thus eliminating the visibility of the marker.
How could I centralize the map and then move it one third above the layer?
This question is a remake of
How can I change the location center of a map using Leaflet API?
Try doing it this way
var offset = map.getSize().y * 0.15;
map.panBy(new L.Point(0, -offset), {animate: false});
But every time I click on an option in the layer to create a marker, the map moves and I lose the center.
Excuse the example image
The idea is that after the map makes the setView place its center above the blue layer that superimposes the map so as not to hide the markers.

Leaflet height fullscreen fixed

I was trying Leaflet, the display looks like Google Maps, but I find a lot of ways cannot meet my requirements. Is there any way in the web, the phone shows the following?
Bad display:
The first time it is entered, it can be dragged to the outside of the screen.
Good display:
The first time it enters it is highly full-screen and cannot be dragged.
Have a look at the Leaflet documentation for initialising the map. You can pass several options that will do what you want:
var world = new L.LatLngBounds([[90,-180],[-90,180]]);
var map ='map', {
maxBounds: world,
maxBoundsViscosity: 1,
}).setView([0,0], 0);
Setting minZoom stops users being able to zoom out so far that the top and bottom of the map are both visible (and overrides the zoom value passed to setView()). You may need to calculate an appropriate value based on the height of the screen, and how much of the world it is useful to display in your application. On its own, this still lets users pan off the edge of the map.
Setting maxBounds limits the view to a specific set of coordinates (the whole world in the example above). You also have to set maxBoundsViscosity to stop users being able to pan the map beyond these limits.
If you really don't want users to be able to pan the map at all, you can also set dragging: false. This still lets you pan the map using the .panTo() method.

Can leaflet show dynamic arrows aimed at offscreen points of interest?

Using leaflet mobile maps, you can easily get "lost" if you zoom in too far or pan in the wrong direction, so I'd like to display some kind of dynamic hint arrows(?) around the edge of the map which point to those offscreen markers. Something like the illustration below which I stumbled on here while trying to find a solution.
You would probably be interested in Leaflet EdgeMarker plugin (demo):
[…] allows you to indicate Markers, Circles and CircleMarkers that are outside of the current view by displaying [a chosen icon (like an arrow)] at the edges of the map.

Mapbox gl repeat marker

I try to repeat a marker at the same coordinates when I am moving the map to infinity, in the same way that layers.
example :
Has anyone found how to do that please?
If it's not possible, conversely is it possible to not repeat layers when you moving the map ?
Thank you
The Link example you provided is not using Markers to render the shaded area. It is using a feature, in this case a polygon, included in a layer (a layer can have many features).
In MapBox the rendered map is made up of any number of layers (including the tile data) which is rendered whenever you scroll or drag to a particular area of the map. For example as you keep dragging to the right in the map it will just keep rendering in the relevant layers and tiles.
The Marker functionality has a different purpose which is as a one off selected point which is useful for a user click or hover interaction.

Leaflet/Mapbox Markers Don't Repeat After Scrolling Around the Atlas

Screenshot from Mapbox docs:
It seems as though Mapbox won't render given coordinates multiple times on the same map, even if the map is zoomed out far enough to view the same latitude and longitude pairing twice. Is there a way around this?
Use the worldCopyJump option of (
With this option enabled, the map tracks when you pan to another "copy" of the world and seamlessly jumps to the original one so that all overlays like markers and vector layers are still visible.
Working example on Plunker: