How to read Facebook Comment based on updated time using Graph API - facebook

How to read Facebook comments based on updated time through Graph API?.
I was using FQL to fetch the comments but, FB recently announced that FQL are not part of V2.1. So I need to use Graph API.
Is there any way I can fetch the comments based on updated_time?
My query was like this:
$fqlarray['getPhotoIDComments'] = "
SELECT object_id
FROM comment
WHERE (object_id in (
SELECT object_id FROM photo
WHERE owner='". $fqlvals['owner']."'
AND modified >='" . $fqlvals['modified'] . "'
LIMIT 10000)
LIMIT 10000";
Suresha Posavalike

If you have a Graph API v2.0 app, you can continue to use FQl until August 7th, 2016. Currently, there's no equivalent in the Graph API as far as I know.


FQL get posts from stream on updated_time, need to find equivalen Graph API

FQL will be obsolete in API 2.1. If any user creates a new APP, then the user is forced to use API 2.1 features, as a result, I need to remove all FQL and replaced with Graph API to server the new users who create a new app.
Here is the quesion, We use FQL to fetch all posts on wall based on updated_time, and then we can fetch all newly comments reply to these posts on the page. This is the way we can fetch all the newer comments since last update. the FQL syntax look like this. post_id, comment_info FROM stream WHERE source_id = ' owner ' and updated_time >=' since
Does any one know the equivalent feature in Graph API. I have been looking documents but unable to find it. Please help in coming out an alternate approach to achieve the same functionality, Thanks.
There's unfortunately no equivalent in the Graph API. The since request parameter is relative to the created_time AFAIK.

Objects I liked in facebook using graph api

I want to find which photo, video, status or other objects I liked in facebook.
Earlier I used fql to search in the like table:
SELECT object_id FROM like WHERE user_id=me() LIMIT 5000
But, in facebook api 2.1, fql is no more supported, so I need to use graph api to replace the above fql.
So, how can I use graph api to get my likes in facebook?
And I need to find who posted those objects also. In fql I used:
SELECT uid FROM status WHERE status_id IN (SELECT object_id FROM like WHERE user_id=me() LIMIT 5000) ORDER BY uid LIMIT 5000
I nee Graph api for the above fql also.
Plese help!
Just call the endpoint "<userid>/likes". This will give you the information. You need the proper permission for it though: "user_likes".

facebook api - get likes and number of comments made for a specific period

I am pretty new to Facebook api's and would like to know if it's possible to fetch the number of likes and also the number of comments for any specific page for a given period of time via the api?
Thanks in advance.
you can use FQL:
select comment_count, share_count, like_count from link_stat where url = ""
you can use this api explorer as your reference:

Retrieve ALL Facebook Comments for website/App ID Using Graph API (i.e. get latest comments)

I'm trying to create a feed of latest comments for a website. I don't have any problem getting comments on a per post basis but I don't seem to be able to find any way to get all, or at least the last 10 comments for the entire website.
Obviously I'd like to do this in the simplest way possible and I figured this would be via the Graph API.
Any suggestions appreciated.
I think you might have to enter all the URLs, but it can be done via FQL using the comments and link_stat table.
SELECT xid, text, username, time
FROM comment
object_id IN
(SELECT comments_fbid FROM link_stat WHERE url IN (All_your_URLs))
Can you try the above and see if it works ?
Reference - Comments & Link_Stat

Post new comment to facebook comments using fql

I have successfully retrieved the comments on a specific link using the fql with the following code:
{\"comments\":\"SELECT fromid, text, time, comments FROM comment WHERE object_id IN (SELECT comments_fbid FROM link_stat WHERE url ='http://permalink')\", \"users\":\"SELECT name, id FROM profile WHERE id IN (SELECT fromid FROM #comments)\"}
I want to post new comment and I have the access token of the user, what is the right way to do this using fql?
As far as I'm aware,you can't insert using FQL. FQL is merely a query language used to perform more complex queries than the Graph API endpoints offer allowing you to perform joins etc (Not joins in the traditional sense but using "IN" statements).
You would need to use the graph api and issue a POST request as detailed towards the bottom of this page