Any benchmark for evaluating the reasoning performance of a triple store? - triplestore

Does anyone know of a benchmark to evaluate the reasoning performance of a triple store? I am using Stardog which uses Pellet as its reasoner engine and looking for a benchmark to assess the reasoning performance.
If there is no then any suggestion regarding how to do the evaluation is appreciated.

LUBM is probably the most standard benchmark. The LDBC is doing some work on a reasoning benchmark, but at last look, it was not well thought through and still in its early stages.
As with all benchmarks, be careful in overly relying on benchmark results. All that really tells you is that a particular system is good at that benchmark. It might be indicative of the performance, generally, and it might not. Unless you're trying to build something on the benchmark, you should be considering how you can create a benchmark with your own data and queries to be reflective of your own, actual use cases.
You should also be mindful of the characteristics of the different reasoning implementations, particularly the implications of materialization vs query-rewriting, and take that into account when interpreting your results.


Do cats and scalaz create performance overhead on application?

I know it is totally a nonsense question but due to my illiteracy on programming skill this question came to my mind.
Cats and scalaz are used so that we can code in Scala similar to Haskell/in pure functional programming way. But for achieving this we need to add those libraries additionally with our projects. Eventually for using these we need to wrap our codes with their objects and functions. It is something adding extra codes and dependencies.
I don't know whether these create larger objects in memory.
These is making me think about. So my question: will I face any performance issue like more memory consumption if I use cats/scalaz ?
Or should I avoid these if my application needs performance?
Do cats and scalaz create performance overhead on application?
The same way any line of code adds performance overhead.
So, if that is your concern, then don't write any code (well, actually the world may be simpler if we would have never tried all this).
Now, dick answer outside. The proper question you should be asking is: "Does the overhead of X library is harmful to my software?"; remember this applies to any library, actually to any code you write, to any algorithm you pick, etc.
And, in order to answer that question, we need some things before.
Define the SLAs the software you are writing must hold. Without those, any performance question / observation you made is pointless. It doesn't matter if something is faster / slower if you don't know if that is meaningful for you and your clients.
Once you have SLAs you need to perform stress tests to verify if your current version of the software satisfies those. Because, if your current code is performant enough, then you should worry about other things like maintainability, testing, adding more features, etc.
PS: Remember that those SLAs should not be raw numbers but be expressed in terms of percentiles, the same goes for the results of the tests.
When you found that you are falling your SLAs then you need to do proper benchmarking and debugging to identify the bottlenecks of your project. As you saw, caring about performance must be done on each line of code, but that is a lot of work that usually doesn't produce any relevant output. Thus, instead of evaluating the performance of everything, we find the bottlenecks first, those small pieces of code that have the biggest contributions to the overall performance of your software (remember the Pareto principle).
Remember that in this step, we have to be integral, network matters too. (and you will see this last one is usually the biggest slowdown; thus, usually you would rather search for architectural solutions like using Fibers instead of Threads rather than trying to optimize small functions. Also, sometimes the easier and cheaper solution is better infrastructure).
When you find the bottleneck, then you need to formulate some alternatives, implement those and not only benchmark them but do Statistical hypothesis testing to validate if the proposed changes are worth it or not. And, of course, validate if they were enough to satisfy the SLAs.
Thus, as you can see, performance is an art and a lot of work. So, unless you are committed to doing all this then stop worrying about something you will not measure and optimize properly.
Rather, focus on increasing the maintainability of your code. This actually also helps performance, because when you find that you need to change something you would be grateful that the code is as clean as possible and that the whole architecture of the code allows for an easy change.
And, believe me when I say that, using tools like cats, cats-effect, fs2, etc will help with that regard. Also, they actually pretty optimized on their core so you should be good for a lot of use cases.
Now, the big exception is that if you know that the work you are doing will be very CPU and memory bound then yeah, you pretty much can be sure all those abstractions will be harmful. In those cases, you may even want to stay away from the JVM and rather write pretty low-level code in a language like Rust which will provide you with proper tools for that kind of problem and still be way safer than plain old C.

Any performance gain/loss with having several function calls rather than a single large one?

I am currently making a game for the iPad and iPhone using cocos2d, Box2D and Objective-C.
A lot of stuff is happening every update, and a lot has to be resolved.
I recently refactored a lot of my code to several small methods, instead of having hundreds of lines of code inside the same method.
Is there any performance loss doing this?
Will fewer method calls increase performance?
Each function call results in a constant-time (O(1)) delay because of the stack frame adjustments and branching. However, you won't feel that delay unless the calls are made inside a time-critical loop a million times.
The best approach would be, I think, writing the cleanest code possible and then optimizing it -- with the help of a profiler -- as needed.
You may also want to check out this answer: Inline functions may reduce the aforementioned overhead a bit without compromising the modularity.
I have seen cases where multiple smaller functions resulted in significantly better-performing code, since the compiler was better able to optimize registers. Highly dependent on the compiler and style of programming, though.
But in general, on modern systems (other than really low-level microprocessors) optimizing performance at this level is counter-productive. Better to well-structure the code (which generally implies a fair number of subroutines) so that it's more reliable, easier to maintain, and easier to spot and fix more global performance issues.
Of course there is a performance decline with more method calls. However that is not a reason to use fewer, that would be pre-mature optimization at the expense of cleaner code.
Personally I go for the cleanest most clear code, let the compiler optimize and in the end profile for the real bottlenecks.
I was once hired on the basis of an answer to single question, that was I would profile before optimizing. :-)
After the compiler optimizes your code, you probably won't notice any reliable performance difference, unless you are trying to use method dispatches inside the inner loops of a CPU intensive computation routine, such as DSP or pixel level image processing.

Is Scala faster than Java 7 for number crunching and for heavy string processing?

Assume there are two class of applications:
(1) Intensive number crunching and numerical and mathematical computations
(2) Intensive string regex expression matching, xpath searching, and other string manipulations where strings are mostly stored in collection classes.
In Both cases assume clients access these applications thousands of times per second or even in parallel.
So if I have the choice to implement the applications in the server backends, I can choose either Java 7 or Scala. Which one should I choose to get faster performance and produce more reliable code?
Google did some benchmarks recently that you might find interesting - see paper linked to here:
The paper is surprisingly un-scientific, but you will get a rough feel for what can be done. Of particular interest may be section V.F
Daniel Mahler improved the Scala version by creating a
more functional version, which is kept in the Scala Pro
directories. This version is only 270 lines of code, about 25%
of the C++ version, and not only is it shorter, run-time also
improved by about 3x. It should be noted that this version
performs algorithmic improvements as well, and is therefore
not directly comparable to the other Pro versions.
It's not clear to me whether this version with algorithmic improvements is included in their speed benchmark table (I don't think so), but it does indicate that you may be able to produce performance improvements by adopting algorithmic improvements that are more viable to implement in Scala. It won't do much for simple string processing, however.
A big factor will be how competent you are in programming these languages, and how good you are at optimizing them. Java is obviously more verbose but you're less likely to run into performance "gotchas".
Two points which might enable better performance for numerical computations than in Java:
The practical one: Scala makes it extremely easy to enable parallel computation of "embarrassingly parallel" problems. While the same could be done in Java it would require much more time and expertise, making it likely that it will only be done in rare circumstances.
The technical one: Scala can specialize generic data structures for primitive types, making boxing/unboxing unnecessary. The Java compiler is not able to do that.
Scala uses Java's String so the amount of possible improvements here is quite limited. But there are other data structures like ropes which provide better performance than String in some cases.
Depending on your expertise and effort, I would expect that you can get better results here or there. Normally, with an infinite amount of development time and money, you can improve, improve and improve your code in every language. (Think of bigger and bigger caches, specialised sorters, precomputed defaults and so on).
With a good understanding of both languages and some experience in performance questions of your field, I wouldn't expect much differences, but you could save some time by the more collection friendly scala approach, and the time, saved on normal development, could be spend in performance analysis and improvement.
There is in principle not really a reason why Scala would be faster than Java for number crunching applications.
I would not choose Java or Scala or any other JVM language if I wanted to write a serious high-performance number crunching application.
From my own experience (and ofcourse this is only anecdotal evidence and definitely not proof that this is true in all cases) the JVM is not the best suited platform for heavy number crunching. If raw number crunching speed is important you would probably be better off with something that's more close to the "metal", for example C++, which allows you to for example use Intel SSE instructions and do other low-level optimizations, or use the GPU with CUDA if your algorithm is suitable for that.

Does Perl language aim at producing fast programs at runtime?

I recently had a friend tell me
"see perl was never designed to be fast"
Is that true?
The relevant piece of information I can find is this from Wikipedia:
The language is intended to be practical (easy to use, efficient, complete) rather than beautiful (tiny, elegant, minimal).
But it doesn't directly talk about speed. I think that with all the text processing that it needs to do, speed of execution really matters for a language like Perl. And with all the weird syntax, elegance was never an objective, I agree.
Was high speed of execution one of the design objectives of Perl?
There is one important aspect to be considered : algorithms. Perl secret weapons are the algorithms backing certain language features and the CPAN library.
Good algorithms trump raw execution speed for non trivial problems. It typically takes more effort to select and implement algorithms in C-like languages than in Perl. This means that for half a day coding some little tool the perl version often outperforms a C version because it was easier to make good datastructures with hashes and by using the features provided in the language and libraries.
Once a Perl script starts running (i.e. after loading and compiling everything), it can be very speedy. It's that yucky compile-every-time that's a bit nasty.
However, I find that people don't really have to worry about how fast Perl can be. They waste all of their time by implementing stupid designs that do a lot more work than they need to do, misunderstanding key technologies, or just being boneheaded. It's not uncommon for me to help someone make their stuff go orders of magnitude faster by just tuning in the right places. That's not particular to Perl though. People have that problem with every language.
Perl has always aimed toward practicality, not anything (even close to) some sort of ivory tower purity, where a few goals are given absolute priority, and others are ignored (completely or nearly so).
As such, I think it's reasonable to say that maintaining a reasonable speed of execution has always been seen as important for Perl, but there are other factors (especially things like flexibility and ease of use) that are generally more important, so if a choice has to be made between one of them and speed of execution, the other factor will generally win unless the effect on execution speed is really serious.
I would have said that a language that designed for optimal run time performance would not have constructs that allow compiling while running. So no, perhaps.
It became a design objective as of Perl 5.0. But keep in mind it is still interpreted, so it is fast for an interpreted language.

Do software metrics work both ways

I just started working for a large company. in a recent internal audit, measuring metrics such as Cyclomatic complexity and file sizes it turned out that several modules including the one owned by my team have a very high index. so in the last week we have been all concentrating on lowering these indexes for our code. by removing decision points and splitting files.
maybe I am missing something being the new guy but, how will this make our software better?, I know that software metrics can measure how good your code is, but dose it work the other way around? will our code become better just because for example we are making a 10000 lines file into 4 2500 lines files?
The purpose of metrics is to have more control over your project. They are not a goal on their own, but can help to increase the overall quality and/or to spot design disharmonies. Cyclomatic complexity is just one of them.
Test coverage is another one. It is however well-known that you can get high test coverage and still have a poor test suite, or the opposite, a great test suite that focus on one part of the code. The same happens for cyclomatic complexity. Consider the context of each metrics, and whether there is something to improve.
You should try to avoid accidental complexity, but if the processing has essential complexity, you code will anyway be more complicated. Try then to write mainteanble code with a fair balance between the number of methods and their size.
A great book to look at is "Object-oriented metrics in practice".
It depends how you define "better". Smaller files and less cyclomatic complexity generally makes it easier to maintain. Of course the code itself could still be wrong, and unit tests and other test methods will help with that. It's just a part of making code more maintainable.
Code is easier to understand and manage in smaller chunks.
It is a good idea to group related bits of code in their own functional areas for improved readability and cohesiveness.
Having a whole large program all in a single file will make your project very difficult to debug, extend, and maintain. I think this is quite obvious.
The particular metric is really only a rule of thumb and should not be followed religiously, but it may indicate something is not as nice as it could be.
Whether legacy working code should be touched and refactored is something that needs to be evaluated. If you decide to do so, you should consider writing tests for it first, that way you'll quickly know whether your changes broke any required behavior.
Never ever opened one of your own projects after several months again? The larger and more complex the single components are the more one asks oneself, what genious wrote that code and why the heck he wrote it that way.
And, there's never too much or even enough documentation. So if the components themself are lesser complex and smaller, its easier to re-understand 'em
This is bit Subjective. The idea of assigning a maximim Cyclomatic complexity index is to improve the maintainability and the readability of the code.
As an example in the perspective of the unit testing, it is really convenient to have smaller "units". And avoiding the long codes will help the reader to understand the code. You cannot ensure that the original developer works on the code forever so in the company's perspective it is fair to assign such a criteria to keep the code "simple"
It is easy to write a code that can undertand by a computer. It is more harder to write a code that can understood by a human.
how will this make our software better?
Excerpt from the articles Fighting Fabricated Complexity related to the tool for .NET developers NDepend. NDepend is good at helping team to manage large and complex code base. The idea is that code metrics are good are reducing fabricated complexity in the code implementation:
During my interview on Code Metrics by Scott Hanselman’s on Software Metrics, Scott had a particularly relevant remark.
Basically, while I was explaining that long and complex methods are killing quality and should be split into smaller methods, Scott asked me:
looking at this big too complicated
method and I break it up into smaller
methods, the complexity of the
business problem is still there,
looking at my application I can say,
this is no longer complex from the
method perspective, but the software
itself, the way it is coupled with
other bits of code, may indicate other
Software complexity is a subjective measure relative to the human cognition capacity. Something is complex when it requires effort to be understood by a human. The fact is that software complexity is a 2 dimensional measure. To understand a piece of code one must understand both:
what this piece of code is supposed to do at run-time, the behavior of the code, this is the business problem complexity
how the actual implementation does achieve the business problem, what was the developer mental state while she wrote the code, this is the implementation complexity.
Business problem complexity lies into the specification of the program and reducing it means working on the behavior of the code itself. On the other hand, we are talking of fabricated complexity when it comes to the complexity of the implementation: it is fabricated in the sense that it can be reduced without altering the behavior of the code.
how will this make our software better?
It can be a trigger for a refactoring, but following one metric doesn't guarantee that all other quality metrics stay the same. And tools are only able to follow very few metrics. You can't measure to which degree code is understandable.
Will our code become better just
because for example we are making a
10 000 lines file into 4 2500 lines
Not necessarily. Sometimes the larger one can be more understandable, better structured and have lesser bugs.
Most design patterns for example "improve" your code by making it more general and maintenable, but often with the cost of added source lines.