Why Glassfish Server 4.1 is not Installing in Eclipse (Luna x86)? - eclipse

I have a problem installing/configuring Glassfish Server 4.1 in Eclipse Luna x86 in windows 8. I m working with Java EE 7, and for my projects I need Glassfish Server 4.1, but eclipse shows me the following error:
Image error in GlassFish - Eclipse Luna
How can I solve this error?
I need it for testing my Java EE 7 application.

I had the same problem. I solved it by installing GlassFish Tool available from:
... just follow that article and be aware that the UI uses the generic 'GlassFish 4' version, which encompass 4.1 as well!
After restart of your IDE it should work's fine.


Start GlassFish server with JDK11 in NetBeans IDE

I try to run the Glassfish server 6.2.2 on JDK11 which Officially supports JDK 11 on NetBeans 12.5 which itself should have Jakarta EE 9 GlassFish 6 Support. If I start GlassFish I get a message from NetBeans saying
GlassFish server could not be started with JDK 11 (Default). Pleas select another Java SE Plattform.
If I start GlassFish server via asadmin it works as a charm. So I am guessing it is a NetBeans issue.
Is there a workaround to get this to work or am I missing something?
I have read Problem with Glassfish server on netbeans JDK not which was asked only a couple of days ago and also Does GlassFish server 5.1 can started with JDK15 and also Start Glassfish in Netbeans 10 with JDK11 but they are all about older GlassFish versions prior to version 6.
By the way: if I try to start GlassFish 6.2.2 with JDK8 I get an error message
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occured. Program will exit.
Unrecognized option: --add-opens=jdk.management/com.sun.management/com.sun.management.internal=ALL-UNNAMED
So I have no possibility to start the server at all.
While the Release Notes for NetBeans 12.5 state "Jakarta EE 9 GlassFish 6 Support", the information on the associated GitHub link titled "Jakarta EE 9 GlassFish 6 Support #2902" clarifies the extent of that support:
Adds support for GlassFish 6 automatic registration; Prepares for
Jakarta EE 9.1 and GlassFish 6.1.0, although not yet enabled for
automatic registration.
So NetBeans 12.5 does not support the use of Glassfish 6.2.x. Bear in mind that NetBeans 12.5 was released on September 13, nearly three weeks prior to the release of Glassfish 6.2, so the lack of support is hardly unreasonable.
For more details on why GlassFish 6.2.x won't work with NetBeans 12.5, see these comments from NetBeans issue 5734: JDK-Selection for Glassfish 6.1 is restricted to JDK 1.8
Netbeans expects to have a description of every Glassfish
distribution, and 6.2 has yet to be done. Unfortunately ATM when you
select 6.2.x it defaults to the nearest major version which is 6.0,
and JDK is therefore restricted again, which is correct in that
It looks like support for GlassFish 6.2.x will be included in NetBeans 12.6 which is currently scheduled for release later this month, sometime between November 15th and November 30th.
Updated 12/8/21: The OP has confirmed that this issue is resolved with NetBeans 12.6, which was released on 11/29/21.

Can I deploy to and debug on Glassfish v2 using Eclipse Kepler?

I'm trying to make the switch to Eclipse. I am using the most recent release (Kepler). It looks like the plugins which let me deploy to Glassfish only support versions 3 and 4 on Kepler. Is there any way to deploy and debug on Glassfish version 2 from Kepler?
No. You will need to stay with Juno until you are able to move to a newer version of GlassFish. The last version with GlassFish v2 support is available at the following location:

eclipse jboss 7.1 plugin

I used the http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/indigo/ for new updates but I still cannot find jboss 7.0 in eclipse under window->preferences-->server-->runtime enviroment. I downloaded eclipse Indigo SR2.
The plugin is only to manage JBoss runtime. Plugin does not install JBoss AS 7 itself. You can easily download the app server and setup the runtime.

How to debug on local jboss as 7 using Eclipse 3.7

I am using Eclipse 3.7 and I added JBoss as 7.1 server.
I want to know how to debug a Java EE application deployed on this local server using Eclipse?
What is the needed debug configuration that I should use?
Note that I am using JBoss Tools.
I found the way!
its pretty simple, just install Eclipse indigo 3.7.2
and install jboss web tools 3.3 beta1 (the current newest release)
and add jboss application server 7.1.1 Final.
and right click your application (in eclipse) --> debug as --> server --> choose jboss as 7.1.1 and it will run smoothly in debug mode.
Note: I was unable to debug my application as I used older version for jboss tools.

Eclipse Helios support for WAS 6.1

I am trying to deploy my java web project to websphere application server v6.1 using Eclipse.
But I don't see any Websphere6.1 server in Eclipse - Sever view. I see till websphere 6.0.
Any idea?
Regrettably, there is no support for WebSphere 6.1 under Eclipse. As you noted, WebSphere 6.0 was supported, and now WebSphere 7, 8, and 8.5 are supported, but 6.1 was not (except in the IBM-branded version of Eclipse, Rational Application Developer).