ee: redirect url with trailing forward slash - redirect

How can I redirect to the correct page if somebody adds a trailing forward slash to a url in expression engine?
For example:
A) - is the correct url
B) - has the same content
The problem is I'm using Disqus as a commenting system and it interprets both as different pages. So the simple solution is to redirect to url A when the trailing slash appears.
{if segment_2=="event/"}
This doesn't seem to work. Any ideas that don't involve .htaccess? It's only for one page.

Rewriting my comment as an answer...
Looks like the URL doesn't matter. It's the value of disqus_url that uniquely identifies that page. You should be able to set that reliably.
From the documentation...
Tells the Disqus service the URL of the current page. If undefined,
Disqus will take the window.location.href. This URL is used to look up
or create a thread if disqus_identifier is undefined. In addition,
this URL is always saved when a thread is being created so that Disqus
knows what page a thread belongs to.
While the window.location.href is used in absence of disqus_url, we
highly recommend defining this variable. If a user visits your page at
the URL, Disqus may in fact
load a different thread than if the user came from
To make sure the right thread is always displayed, you should define
on your page, using an absolute URL, var disqus_url =


Facebook Feed Dialog API how to include a redirect_uri containing a #?

How can I specify a redirect_uri containing a #?
Facebook Feed Dialog API parameters reference
redirect_uri - The URL to redirect to after a person clicks a button
on the dialog. Required when using URL redirection.
This works as expected when the redirect_uri in question is a regular URL, however, when it contains a # it stops working.
When redirect_uri is, it redirects to:
Not sure what the trailing #_=_ is for, but it does not cause any issues here.
When redirect_uri is, it redirects to:
Thus it appear that either the parameters after the # are ignored, or overridden with #_=_
Given that I am working with a single page application, whose routes are driven by the hash fragment, this breaks my ability to deep link within my application.
Any help/ suggestions on how to work around this would be much appreciated!
In your application you can handle query strings as if it was a hash tag, or simply do a redirect.
For example, if your route is, make do the same thing or redirect ?hash=foo to #foo
I'm working on a problem like this right now. The URL to go in redirect_uri and link:
The FB dialog gets an error as is. Encoding the full URL fixes that and does output hashes around "HashID", but the equal sign before it is removed. Adding a 2nd equal sign there will output 2 equal signs, but having just one will output none.
This isn't a complete solution but it does look like hash marks are possible.

is a page redirect to most current article bad from an seo perspective?

I have navigation at the top of my site that links to news/
The news is always paginated, one article per page, with the ability to navigate to the next or previous article.
I would like the default article to be the second-to-last most current article. So if there are 10 articles, when the user clicks on news/, they are redirected to news/9 with 302 redirect code.
From an SEO perspective, is it bad to be constantly redirecting like this? Would it be better to change the link in the top navigation to instead link directly to news/9, and keep changing that everytime there is a new article instead?
Search engines expect a given piece of content to have a canonical URL. It's OK to have any number of URLs to a single page but use a canonical URL.
Sop no matter what redirect you have, add a canonical URL and search engine will take care of any mess.
302 redirects are for this. Use it.

How do I get the URL fragment (hash) from a Facebook app URL passed to the app's canvas?

I'm coding a "one page" app inside facebook (using the canvas app approach). While the user moves inside the app I'm changing the location like: and loading stuff via AJAX.
Unfortunetely, when someone loads in their browser, the canvas app doesn't see the url fragment #currrent_page.
How can I get around this limitation?
Although I cannot answer properly your question, (and as I think it's kind of old already) the info below should help other people understand better these # (hash) things. They are called URL Fragments.
Any URL that contains a # character is a fragment URL. The portion of
the URL to the left of the # identifies a resource that can be
downloaded by a browser and the portion on the right, known as the
fragment identifier, specifies a location within the resource:
Fragments Are not Sent in HTTP Request Messages
If you try using fragment URLs in an HTTP sniffer like HttpWatch,
you’ll never see the fragment IDs in the requested URL or Referer
header. The reason is that the fragment identifier is only used by the
browser – it doesn’t affect which resource is returned from the
server.Here’s a screen shot of HttpWatch showing the traffic generated
by refreshing a fragment URL:
The URL fragment is only read on the client-side (users' browsers), so Facebook won't and can't sent that on the POST request it makes to your server.
What you can do is catch all URLs with the same route, regardless of the server-side language of your choice, encode them somehow, and send them to the client to be read by client-side Javascript which would then be responsible for navigating.
Example: the user loads (notice the / instead of the #). You serve your single page, where you'll have something like (ERB):
<script>MyApp.navigate("<%= request.path %>");</script>
Your navigate function could do the following:
function navigate(path) {
window.location.href = "#" + path;
Yeah, the Hash urls are nice to use for navigation within your site, however, not so good when sharing the url. The solution is to create canonical URLs for each of your objects.
So, when someone can access specific information like, you also have a way for your server to serve content from This way someone can share and then get to the correct content within your site.

URL Rewriting and Facebook link information retrieval

I am developing a website and I want to integrate it with Facebook, allowing users to share the pages of my website in their FB walls. My problem is explained in the following lines and my question is at the end.
I am using the following URL rewriting rule in my .htaccess file:
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/?$ index.php?p1=$1&p2=$2
That means it will rewrite anything like: http://address/parameter1/parameter2 as http://address/index.php?p1=parameter1&p2=parameter2.
When I post http://address/parameter1/parameter2 on FB, it will only show the rewritten URL under that URL.
I posted http://address/index.php?p1=parameter1&p2=parameter2 on FB, and it will show the information I want it to show, the ones I have put in the meta tags.
I tried debugging http://address/parameter1/parameter2 on the FB debugger (, I will get the error:
"The page at ... could not be reached because the server returned status code 400."
Is there any way I can correct that? That is, actually making the dynamic link behave like a static link, and making that transparent to anyone who links it?
This change in the rewrite rule should solve the problem:
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9_-]+)/?([a-z0-9_-]+)/?$ index.php?p1$1&p2=$2 [L,NC]
I also changed the redirects in PHP that I was doing.
And that solved my problem.
I have similar issue to yours, except I manage url rewriting with php dynamically.
I am currently a web host that do not allow url rewriting through htaccess (
dynamic standard url is handled properly. But not rewrited url.
How would you get rid of this, considering header status code?
What I could do is doing a redirect instead of include script which produce html output code.
Just have to tell the handler to switch between include and redirect, thanks to a special added param in the url.
But it's not a pretty solution.

How best to setup 301 redirects from an old site that has many duplicate entries indexed on Google?

I am currently working with a client to redevelop their website. One of the final things I need to do before launch, is to make sure that their old website's pages are correctly redirected to the new URL structure of the new website.
Unfortunately, when I check Google to see how their current site is indexed, this relatively small website appears to have over 1500 pages indexed.
When I look at the indexed links on Google, many appear to be duplicates of the same page, but because of the terrible URI structure used on the old website, Google treats them differently.
For example, the 'Map' page is indexed at least twice on Google, under the following 2 URLs:
Only the session name is different in the URL (and I have no idea why it is repeated four times in a single URL, either).
For reference, the replacement URL for this page is:
My question is: How do I setup a redirect for these multiple records on Google? Do I simply set-up the redirect for the old URL minus all of the URI parameters (i.e. or is there another better method to do this?
Thanks for any help you might be able to offer!
It depends on what your goals are. If you don't care about the querystrings then setup a 301 (permanent redirect) that points to just your root page - map.html. To prevent google from indexing querystring params as separate pages use the canonical tag and have it reference the parent. This isn't guaranteed to work, but google takes your canonical into consideration when indexing.
If you care about the querystring values then you will have to setup a redirect for each one. There is a querystring parameter that you can append to your redirects that will tell it to be ignored so you don't have to write a regex that detects it.