Finding middle point for consecutive number - matlab

Let say I have
A=[1 3 4 5 6 7 9 12 15 16 17 18 20 23 24 25 26];
My interest is how to find the middle value between consecutive numbers using Matlab.
For example, first group of consecutive numbers is
B=[3 4 5 6 7];
so the answer should be is 5. The 2nd group of consecutive numbers (i.e. [15 16 17 18]) should give 16 etc...
At the end, my final answer is
[5 16 24]

Here is a vectorized approach:
d = [diff(A) == 1, 0];
subs = cumsum([diff(d) == 1, 0]).*(d | [0, diff(d) == -1]) + 1
temp = accumarray(subs', A', [], #median)
final = floor(temp(2:end))

Here is some sample code which does what you are looking for. I'll let you play with the different outputs to see what they do exactly, although I wrote some comments to follow:
A=[1 3 4 5 6 7 9 12 15 16 17 18 20 23 24 25 26]
a=diff(A); %// Check the diff array to identify occurences different than 1.
b=find([a inf]>1);
NumElements=diff([0 b]); %//Number of elements in the sequence
LengthConsec = NumElements((NumElements~=1)) %// Get sequences with >1 values
EndConsec = b(NumElements~=1) %// Check end values to deduce starting values
StartConsec = EndConsec-LengthConsec+1;
%// Initialize a cell array containing the sequences (can have ifferent
%lengths, i.e. an array is not recommended) and an array containing the
%median values.
ConsecCell = cell(1,numel(LengthConsec));
MedianValue = zeros(1,numel(LengthConsec));
for k = 1:numel(LengthConsec)
ConsecCell{1,k} = A(StartConsec(k):1:EndConsec(k));
MedianValue(k) = floor(median(ConsecCell{1,k}));
%//Display the result
Giving the following:
MedianValue =
5 16 24

diff + strfind based approach -
loc_consec_nums = diff(A)==1 %// locations of consecutive (cons.) numbers
starts = strfind([0 loc_consec_nums],[0 1]) %// start indices of cons. numbers
ends = strfind([loc_consec_nums 0],[1 0]) %// end indices of cons. numbers
out = A(ceil(sum([starts ; ends],1)./2))%// median of each group of starts and ends
%// and finally index into A with them for the desired output


Rolling-window matrix with different intervals between columns

I have a vector of data for 21 years with daily data and want to create a rolling window of 365 days such as the next period stars one month (30 days) after the previous one. In the question, n_interval defines the difference between the first data point of the next window and the last observation of the previous series.
Let's assume my daily data start from Jan. 1 2000, then the first column would be Jan. 1, 2000 -Jan.1, 2001 and the second column starts from Feb. 1, 2000. and ends on Feb. 1, 2001. and ... the last column will cover Jan. 1, 2017 to Jan. 1, 2018. for example if:
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17]
for a given variable n_interval = 3, with window_size=5, the output matrix should look like:
mat = [[1 4 7 10 13],
[2 5 8 11 14],
[3 6 9 12 15],
[4 7 10 13 16],
[5 8 11 14 17]]
Given your example vector
vec = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17];
we can create an indexing scheme by as follows:
First, we need to determine how many rows there will be in the mat. Assuming we want every element of vec to be expressed in mat at least once then we need to make sure that last index in the last row is greater than or equal to the size of vec. It's fairly easy to see that the index of the last column in mat is described by
last_index = n_interval*(n_rows-1) + n_columns
We want to ensure that last_index >= numel(vec). Substituting in the above expression into the inequality and solving for n_rows gives
n_rows >= (numel(vec) - n_columns)/n_interval + 1
We assign n_rows to be the ceil of this bound so that it is the smallest integer which satisfies the inequality. Now that we know the number of rows we generate the list of starting indices for each row
start_index = 1:n_interval:(n_interval*(n_rows-1)+1);
In the index matrix we want each column to be 1 plus the previous column. In other words we want to offset the column according to the array index_offset = 0:(n_interval-1).
Using bsxfun we generate the index matrix by computing the sums of all pairs between the start_index and index_offset arrays
index = bsxfun(#plus, index_offset, start_index');
The final thing we need to worry about is going out of bounds. To handle this we apply the mod function to wrap the out of bounds indicies:
index_wrapped = mod(index-1, numel(vec))+1;
Then we simply sample the vector according to index_wrapped
mat = vec(index_wrapped);
The complete code is
n_interval = 3;
n_columns = 5;
vec = 1:17;
n_rows = ceil((numel(vec)-n_columns)/n_interval + 1);
start_index = 1:n_interval:(n_interval*(n_rows-1)+1);
index_offset = 0:(n_columns-1);
index = bsxfun(#plus, index_offset, start_index');
index_wrapped = mod(index-1, numel(vec))+1;
mat = vec(index_wrapped);

Repeat row vector as matrix with different offsets in each row

I want to repeat a row vector to create a matrix, in which every row is a slightly modified version of the original vector.
For example, if I have a vector v = [10 20 30 40 50], I want every row of my matrix to be that vector, but with a random number added to every element of the vector to add some fluctuations.
My matrix should look like this:
M = [10+a 20+a 30+a 40+a 50+a;
10+b 20+b 30+b 40+b 50+b;
... ]
Where a, b, ... are random numbers between 0 and 2, for an arbitrary number of matrix rows.
Any ideas?
In Matlab, you can add a column vector to a matrix. This will add the vector elements to each of the row values accordingly.
>> M = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
>> v = [1; 2; 3];
>> v + M
ans =
2 3 4
6 7 8
10 11 12
Note that in your case v is a row vector, so you should transpose it first (using v.').
As Sardar Usama and Wolfie note, this method of adding is only possible since MATLAB version R2016b, for earlier versions you will need to use bsxfun:
>> % instead of `v + M`
>> bsxfun(#plus, v, M)
ans =
2 4 6
5 7 9
8 10 12
If you have a MATLAB version earlier than 2016b (when implicit expansion was introduced, as demonstrated in Daan's answer) then you should use bsxfun.
v = [10 20 30 40 50]; % initial row vector
offsets = rand(3,1); % random values, add one per row (this should be a column vector)
output = bsxfun(#plus,offsets,v);
>> output =
10.643 20.643 30.643 40.643 50.643
10.704 20.704 30.704 40.704 50.704
10.393 20.393 30.393 40.393 50.393
This can be more easily understood with less random inputs!
v = [10 20 30 40 50];
offsets = [1; 2; 3];
output = bsxfun(#plus,offsets,v);
>> output =
11 21 31 41 51
12 22 32 42 52
13 23 33 43 53
Side note: to get an nx1 vector of random numbers between 0 and 2, use
offsets = rand(n,1)*2

Weighted Random number?

How can I randomize and generate numbers from 0-50 in matrix of 5x5 with SUM or each row printed on the right side?
is there any way to give weight to individual numbers before generating the numbers?
Please help
To generate a random matrix of integers between 0 and 50 (sampled with replacement) you could use
M = randint(5,5,[0,50])
To print the matrix with the sum of each row execute the following command
[M sum(M,2)]
To use a different distribution there are a number of techniques but one of the easiest is to use the datasample function from the Statistics and Machine Learning toolbox.
% sample from a truncated Normal distribution. No need to normalize
x = 0:50;
weights = exp(-0.5*(x-25).^2 / 5^2);
M = reshape(datasample(x,25,'Weights',weights),[5,5])
Based on your comment you want to perform random sampling without replacement. You can perform such a random sampling without replacement if the weights are non-negative integers by simulating the classic ball-urn experiment.
First create an array containing the appropriate number of each value.
Example: If we have the values 0,1,2,3,4 with the following weights
w(0) = 2
w(1) = 3
w(2) = 5
w(3) = 4
w(4) = 1
Then we would first create the urn array
>> urn = [0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4];
then, we would shuffle the urn using randperm
>> urn_shuffled = urn(randperm(numel(urn)))
urn_shuffled =
2 0 4 3 0 3 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 1
To pick 5 elements without replacement we would simple select the first 5 elements of urn_shuffled.
Rather than typing out the entire urn array, we can construct it programatically given an array of weights for each value. For example
weight = [2 3 5 4 1];
urn = []
v = 0
for w = weight
urn = [urn repmat(v,1,w)];
v = v + 1;
In your case, the urn will contain many elements. Once you shuffle you would select the first 25 elements and reshape them into a matrix.
>> M = reshape(urn_shuffled(1:25),5,5)
To draw random integer uniformly distributed numbers, you can use the randi function:
>> randi(50,[5,5])
ans =
34 48 13 28 13
33 18 26 7 41
9 30 35 8 13
6 12 45 13 47
25 38 48 43 18
Printing the sum of each row can be done by using the sum function with 2 as the dimension argument:
>> sum(ans,2)
ans =
For weighting the various random numbers, see this question.

How can I select random value that previously selected value are excluded from the selection

I want to select a random value but previously selected value are excluded from the selection. How can make like this??
Create a list of random numbers within the range, and pick one at a time
and sample output is randomNumbers=[7 13 2 15 12 4 16 11 9 5 3 1 14 6 8 10]. You can display each number sequentially using, for example,
for k=1:maximum+1-minimum
This approach is generalized one.. A could have any values, some numbers repeating or non repeating.. also any number of(of course upto numel(A)) could be generated.
A = randi(50,3,3); %// replace this with your own matrix
idx = 1:numel(A); %// generating linear indices
noOfRandNos = 5; %// How many such numbers do you want?
randNos(noOfRandNos,1) = 0; %// pre Allocation
%// This loop is run as many times as the number of such numbers you require.
%// Maximum possible runs will be equal to the numel(A).
for ii = 1:noOfRandNos
randidx = randi(numel(idx)); %// generating a rand Indx within the current size of idx
randNos(ii) = A(idx(randidx)); %// Getting corresponding number in-turn from the indx
idx(randidx) = []; %// removing the particular indx so that it is not repeated
Sample Run:
>> A
A =
12 28 25
23 27 32
49 12 34
>> randNos
randNos =
To pick 5 numbers from the set 1:16 without repetition: use randsample:
result = randsample(1:16, 5);

Finding index of vector from its original matrix

I have a matrix of 2d lets assume the values of the matrix
a =
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
17 24 1 8 15
11 18 25 2 9
This matrix is going to be divided into three different matrices randomly let say
b =
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
c =
4 6 13 20 22
11 18 25 2 9
d =
10 12 19 21 3
17 24 1 8 15
How can i know the index of the vectors in matrix d for example in the original matrix a,note that the values of the matrix can be duplicated.
for example if i want to know the index of {10 12 19 21 3} in matrix a?
or the index of {17 24 1 8 15} in matrix a,but for this one should return only on index value?
I would appreciate it so much if you can help me with this. Thank you in advance
You can use ismember with the 'rows' option. For example:
tf = ismember(a, c, 'rows')
Should produce:
tf =
To get the indices of the rows, you can apply find on the result of ismember (note that it's redundant if you're planning to use this vector for matrix indexing). Here find(tf) return the vector [3; 6].
If you want to know the number of the row in matrix a that matches a single vector, you either use the method explained and apply find, or use the second output parameter of ismember. For example:
[tf, loc] = ismember(a, [10 12 19 21 3], 'rows')
returns loc = 4 for your example. Note that here a is the second parameter, so that the output variable loc would hold a meaningful result.
Handling floating-point numbers
If your data contains floating point numbers, The ismember approach is going to fail because floating-point comparisons are inaccurate. Here's a shorter variant of Amro's solution:
x = reshape(c', size(c, 2), 1, []);
tf = any(all(abs(bsxfun(#minus, a', x)) < eps), 3)';
Essentially this is a one-liner, but I've split it into two commands for clarity:
x is the target rows to be searched, concatenated along the third dimension.
bsxfun subtracts each row in turn from all rows of a, and the magnitude of the result is compared to some small threshold value (e.g eps). If all elements in a row fall below it, mark this row as "1".
It depends on how you build those divided matrices. For example:
a = magic(5);
d = a([2 1 2 3],:);
then the matching rows are obviously: 2 1 2 3
Let me expand on the idea of using ismember shown by #EitanT to handle floating-point comparisons:
tf = any(cell2mat(arrayfun(#(i) all(abs(bsxfun(#minus, a, d(i,:)))<1e-9,2), ...
1:size(d,1), 'UniformOutput',false)), 2)
not pretty but works :) This would be necessary for comparisons such as: 0.1*3 == 0.3
(basically it compares each row of d against all rows of a using an absolute difference)