Install MCR (MATLAB compiler) on EC2 instance - matlab

I have an EC2 instance set up and I am ssh into it through putty. Now I would like to install MCR which is MATLAB compiler runtime on this instance. I downloaded the .exe file on my machine but not sure what exactly is the code I should be running.
I am trying to follow this tutorial:
But the problem is that tutorial is meant for a linux machine and I am working with windows.
Following is the link for MCR:
I have been struggling with this for a long time and any help would be greatly appreciated.


"ship" a program (i.e. a program image) to run in another linux computer

I hope this question makes sense. I have a program that I have compiled in an ubuntu machine that works fine. I cannot do the same in a pc with manjaro. Is it possible somehow "to ship" my working program from the ubunto to the manjaro machine?
Somehow I think that with docker I can do this, but many examples in the web seem pretty involved for my task (which it seems to me it's an easy one... hopefully...).

How to install pybluez in a Python virtual environment?

I'm wondering how to install pybluez library in a Python virtual environment (Linux Ubuntu / Pop! OS).
The problem is simple: there's no bluetooth.h header in the virtual environment, so it fails during installation.
In real environment there's a series of libraries to install to do the work, but I'm unable to do the same in a virtual environment.
You will need to have the bluetooth.h file and the bluez development files available on the system at all (headers and system libraries are never in virtualenvs anyway).
On Ubuntu, apt install libbluetooth-dev should probably do the trick.
I want to ask to myself cause the problem was really singular and I think that someone else could be involved: the problem is that PyCharm IDE was installed through flatpack. So (I don't know the details cause I'm not an expert about this package format) the program run in a sort of vm and it's unable to recognize libraries under the "real" system. Imho this kind of software (ide I mean) should be inatalled directly with a "classic".deb package to avoid problems like this.

v4l2loopback doesn't create the /dev/video/ files

im trying to make v4l2loopback work on my desktop PC (no hardware camera) with mint 19.3, kernel 5.4.0-42-generic x86_64.
I followed the official instructions and compiled from git the v4l2loopback module and everything seem to run correctly, as no error prompted while running the instructions, but when i do ll /dev/v* there's no /dev/videoN entry.
I also tried with the flags exclusive_caps=1 and devices=2 but to no avail.
Any idea what i might be missing or doing wrong?
you need to load the module (e.g. using modprobe) before you can use it.
see also

Exporting planet.osm.pbf into PostgreSql

could someone help with this? I found only this:
and this: but
windows binary was removed, and I never use cygwin or linux bash.
Actually I've installed Postgresql with postgis, and downloaded planet.osm.pbf.
I need some advice how to proceed with Osm2pgsql, wich will be helpful for newbie. Thanks
I would suggest running a an Ubuntu Server (14.04 or 16.04) and following the instructions here:
You can run this on a Virtualbox from your windows machine.
The reason I suggest this is that you will only make things more difficult for yourself trying to install on windows.
I myself was completely new to Linux before I installed my MapServer, and I found it really easy to follow.
Osmosis can also do imports of osm (pbf) file to postgres DB with postgis extension.

Runtime error for MCC compiled program using parfor

I have problems running a program compiled with MCC that uses parfor. The non-compiled .m version works (no bug). When I run the compiled version, I get
"distcomp.remoteparfor" is undefined. I believe I exactly have the error described in
the following link.
However, since MCR is not installed on my machine (got Matlab and MCC),
I am wondering what the pathes $APPNAME_mcr/java/jar/toolbox and
$MCR/MATLAB Component Runtime/v70/java/jar/toolbox correspond to. I found
the distcomp.jar file in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\java\jar\toolbox, but I don't know where to put it since see any path corresponding to $MCR/MATLAB Component Runtime/v70/java/jar/toolbox since MCR is not installed.
Thanks a lot!
No need to install the MCR if you are simply trying to run the application on the same machine that has MATLAB. The question to ask is, HOW are you launching the compiled application? From a DOS command window? From within MATLAB using the SYSTEM command?
If you are launching the application from a DOS / UNIX command line, then the important thing to keep in mind is that the MATLAB binaries need to be on your system path i.e. just make sure:
is on your system path. Where $MATLABROOT is the matlab installation folder, and $ARCH is your system architecture. For example:
on my machine since my installation folder which contains MATLAB is:
and i am on a win64 machine.
The problem is solved. The solution is to make the program
a function instead of a script :