Pivotal Server not lift in STS 3.6.1 - spring-tool-suite

when I try to lift the server pivotal in STS 3.6.1, I get the following error:
Publishing the configuration...
Error copying file to C:/Spring-Tool-Suite/sts-bundle/pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.0.RELEASE/base-instance/backup\catalina.policy: C:\Spring-Tool-Suite\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.0.RELEASE\base-instance\conf\catalina.policy (El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada)
C:\Spring-Tool-Suite\sts-bundle\pivotal-tc-server-developer-3.0.0.RELEASE\base-instance\conf\catalina.policy (El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada)
and again....
The strange thing is that I started doing when I did a fresh install of STS

I apologize to everyone, but I solved it as follows:
I renamed the workspace STS
I performed a fresh installation of STS
I imported the projects, and the server started smoothly.
Perhaps it was his own mistake of a novice like me.
Thank you very much.


Failed to execute goal org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:0.8:check (default) on project giraph-gora: Too many unapproved licenses: 56

I am new to Giraph and hadoop.I am trying to compile giraph using maven i tried using command mvn -Phadoop_2 -fae -DskipTests clean install on command prompt but i am getting error.Image i attached is from eclipse(i am geting similar error in cmd as well.
GIRAPH version- 1.2.0 RC1
HADOOP version- 2.2.0
MAVEN version- 3.5.3
JAVA version 1.8.0_121
Any help in solving this problem will help me a lot. THANK YOU
I found a workaround for this as I was facing a similar problem.
mvn clean install -PallModules -Drat.numUnapprovedLicenses=200 -DskipTests
-Drat.numUnapprovedLicenses=200 This helps to suppress the error.
Thanks #leftjoin for the comment.
There must be a file created by Apache Rat in the path giraph-gora/target/rat.txt (as this is the failed project). This file will contain details on the files in your projects that do not have a proper licence (as well as the ones that do but these are not of any interest to you).
Most likely, the case is that the files produced by eclipse (.classpath, .project, org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs, org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs,org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs) are creating the problem. If you remove them you will be able to compile giraph properly.

intellij scala create executable jar file

H everybody! I'm trying to create an executable jar file from a scala project in Intellij. At the moment my artifact looks like this:
and the artifact builds fine. When I try to run the artifact on the command line however I get:
[edouard#localhost datagenerator_jar]$ java jar datagenerator.jar
Erreur : impossible de trouver ou charger la classe principale jar
(Error : cannot find or load main class jar)
Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong? As far as I know, the Main Class is defined correctly (It is the one suggested for my project by the Intellij plugin)
You actually issued a wrong launch command.
You should do
java -jar datagenerator.jar
Without "jar" being an option (with "-"), a main class named "jar" were searched (and not found).

Eclipse Neon cannot start a java debug session

I'm using Eclipse Neon from the release date. Yesterday I got some strange errors in Eclipse and after a reboot of the Eclipse instance everything was gone. I installed Eclipse and my plugins again. Everything is working again but when I launch the Java debugger on one of my project I got the error:
An internal error occurred during: "XXXX".
This error occurs on debugging all my projects also in another workspace. Can someone help me with this? The error is not explaining what the exact problem is.
In the logfile of Eclipse I can found the follow error:
at org.eclipse.jdi.Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager(Bootstrap.java:36)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.StandardVMDebugger.getConnector(StandardVMDebugger.java:560)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.StandardVMDebugger.run(StandardVMDebugger.java:246)
at org.eclipse.pde.launching.AbstractPDELaunchConfiguration.launch(AbstractPDELaunchConfiguration.java:79)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:885)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:739)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(DebugUIPlugin.java:1039)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$8.run(DebugUIPlugin.java:1256)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)
I fully removed my previous Eclipse environment. Settings included.
Installed Eclipse environment from a clean install and installed all my plugins again. The problem was fixed.

Error importing SBT project in IntelliJ / no src folder appears

I'm new to working with both IntelliJ and Scala, so I've been trying to set up a basic HelloWorld project using it. However once I try to load the project I'm met with two problems
I get an error saying there was an "Error while importing SBT project"
No 'src' folder appears on the project tree
I've seen similar problems here and here, but I still can't get the project to load properly.
For some reason this site doesn't let you post an image until you have 10 reputation, so here is a link to the error message I'm receiving http://i.imgur.com/vDZB6SA.png.
From the looks of it, it seems like it's unable to download the necessary dependencies, however I was able to download the scala plugin earlier, so I can't see why there would be a problem now.
I tried following the advice here on updating the proxy settings, but that doesn't work either.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem? I'm really stuck here on how to proceed.
Details on IntelliJ
IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.3
Build #IC-162.1812.17, built on August 30, 2016
JRE: 1.8.0_65-b17 amd64
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle Corporation
Setting up the proejct:
I just followed an example and went to New Project > Scala > SBT > name project and finish. Then once it loads I get the error displayed in the picture above. The SBT version is 0.13.8 and the Scala version is 2.11.8

Eclipse Jetty Issue: WARN:oejw.WebAppContext:Failed startup of context o.e.j.w.WebAppContext - java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid code lengths set

Eclipse with run-jetty-run suddenly starts to fail with the message:
2014-05-09 13:31:08.360:WARN:oejw.WebAppContext:Failed startup of context o.e.j.w.WebAppContext{/,[file:~/api-public/src/main/webapp/]}
java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid code lengths set
at java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.read(InflaterInputStream.java:164)
at java.util.zip.ZipInputStream.read(ZipInputStream.java:193)
at java.util.jar.JarInputStream.read(JarInputStream.java:207)
at java.util.zip.ZipInputStream.closeEntry(ZipInputStream.java:139)
at java.util.zip.ZipInputStream.getNextEntry(ZipInputStream.java:117)
at java.util.jar.JarInputStream.getNextEntry(JarInputStream.java:142)
at java.util.jar.JarInputStream.getNextJarEntry(JarInputStream.java:179)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.JarScanner.matched(JarScanner.java:156)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.PatternMatcher.matchPatterns(PatternMatcher.java:82)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.PatternMatcher.match(PatternMatcher.java:64)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.JarScanner.scan(JarScanner.java:78)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.MetaInfConfiguration.preConfigure(MetaInfConfiguration.java:78)
at runjettyrun.webapp.RJRMetaInfoConfiguration.preConfigure(RJRMetaInfoConfiguration.java:14)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.preConfigure(WebAppContext.java:417)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.doStart(WebAppContext.java:453)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(AbstractLifeCycle.java:59)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.doStart(HandlerWrapper.java:90)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.doStart(Server.java:263)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(AbstractLifeCycle.java:59)
at runjettyrun.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:80)
Things done to try to fix:
Delete de workspace and regenerate
Reinstall eclipse
Reimport the maven project
Eclipse Kepler SR2 + run-jetty-run
Quite weird.
I changed the run-jetty server version from 8 to 7 and the error changed to a maven library dependency.
I deleted this library from my local maven repository (.m2/repositories/...), reinstalled and now is working perfectly.