Link facebook application request to facebook application page. Considered invalid because it is a Facebook url - facebook

I can successfully send app requests by using method: 'apprequests' and the receiver gets the notification properly. I know the page to be shown when the user clicks on the request is the one you put as Canvas URL/Secure Canvas URL.
The thing is I had already set up an App Page for my app, so it makes a lot of sense to lead the user to this page when he/she accepts the request. But I cannot put my app url as Canvas URL because Facebook will not allow it (error: is invalid because it is a Facebook url).
In similar questions, many suggest a redirection but I wonder if there is a more direct/proper way.


Facebook Login link redirects straight back to my application without ever showing login dialog

I am attempting to implement a simple Facebook login flow for a web application using HTTP redirects, as detailed at
For the purposes of making this question generic, let's say the application URL is On the application page, there is a link which directs users to Facebook's OAuth endpoint, where ideally:
they log in to Facebook (if not already logged in) and approve my application permission to access their public profile
they are then redirected back to my application's URL along with some extra parameters appended (e.g. if the login was successful, or if login/app approval was unsuccessful)
The Facebook OAuth endpoint is:
where I have filled in the client_id and redirect_uri parameters with my application's ID and my application's URL respectively.
What actually happens whenever I access the link is that it immediately redirects back to my application's homepage - without ever showing a login dialog of any kind. This happens with Firefox and with Chrome - both when I am logged in to Facebook and when I am not, in normal sessions and in incognito sessions with no plugins enabled. From the browser inspector, I can see that the Facebook OAuth page is definitely requested but is straight away 302 redirecting to my application page with just a code parameter appended.
This also happens when the Facebook OAuth link is accessed from pages other than my application's URL (e.g. if I click the link from
I am unsure what I am doing wrong here; the application URL ( is approved on my app dashboard in as many places as I could find, and changing the request_uri parameter to any other URL results in an error page. I have also tried urlencode()ing my application URL before passing it in the request_uri parameter, but the result remains the same. I don't know what to try next as as far as I can tell I have followed Facebook's manual login guide as closely as possible.

Mobile Web URL and the signed_request

I've set up my FB app so that it has a Mobile Web URL component. I've noted from testing that whenever I navigate to canvas URL of my app on a mobile device, Facebook automatically redirects the mobile to the defined Mobile Web URL.
If I do the same from desktop, the canvas URL is loaded in to the browser. In other words, if FB detects a mobile device when navigating to an app's canvas URL, it will immediately redirect to a defined Mobile Web URL and not load the canvas URL content.
The problem with this is that when the canvas URL loads, FB passes to it a signed_request form parameter. Yet, when it redirects to the Mobile Web URL it does not.
I noticed when checking a network sniffer that when on mobile Facebook redirects the URL to, and thought perhaps the signed_request was getting lost along the way. But when checking the first call to the canvas URL there was no signed_request there either.
It's like Facebook only provides the signed_request when it processes the canvas URL, which in the case of mobile is never.
Has anyone any insight or advice on how to get the signed_request? My only thought at the moment is forcing the user to authorise the app on mobile as soon as they are redirected, but i'd rather not do that if possible (I'm not a fan of gating techniques)
--- EDIT ---
Closing - see my answer.
I've since come to the conclusion that Mobile URLs do not receive the signed_request, and to get the same sort of data requires the users to be put through the FB Auth process. Closing the question.
Your mobile app should be passed a "code" in the query string if the person has authorized your app. Your backend can exchange that code for an access_token and then you can use that to get the current user info by requesting[token retrieved from code exchange]. That will allow you to automatically login the current user.
But yes, you do not receive info like the current user's country, locale, and age if they have not authenticated. That is a limitation of mobile web apps currently.

How to redirect user to login page before using facebook app?

I have created an app(canvas page) on facebook using PHP. I see that users without logging in to facebook can see the canvas page
How to redirect user to facebook login page before using app?
For example, when we open Mashable Social reader, if the user is not logged into facebook he gets redirect to another facebook login page like as shown in image below.
I want exactly like this only.
Since your page is in a canvas app, you should be receiving a signed_request parameter posted to your server. You should decode the request and determine if the user has already authenticated your app. If the user has already allowed your app, just serve up the page they requested. Otherwise you can just serve up a blank page that contains JavaScript call to redirect the user to the login screen.

signed_request is going away inside Facebook App

I just want to ask a question about Facebook "signed_request" thing.
I'm using Zend Framework for my app.
The thing is; when user first authorizes my app OR enters the app from URL, I'm successfully retrieving signed_request.
Actually, I'm retrieving it from (Thanks to this question)
OK, app has been started, I received signed request, stored it in user session. However, when user clicks anywhere in my app, $facebook object is created again but this time, it has no signed_request.
According to this topic on Codeplex, I can expect that signed_request will come in this second request of user:
Instead of using the cookie you should use the signed request value
that Facebook POSTS to your page on each request.
On the other hand, Facebook documentation says:
A signed_request is passed to Apps on when they are
loaded into the Facebook environment
Now, does Facebook sends this request on each call or is there a technical problem on my app? Could it be an IFrame issue? When user click "categories", page is loading in same iframe and URL on address bar does not change.
I think it's basically a difference of definition on what "each request" means. Facebook will POST signed_request to your page only when the containing iframe is first constructed, i.e. when the user goes directly to as their browser location. If the user then follows a "normal" link on your page that results in only a reload of the iframe and not the entire page, no signed_request will be sent. If it helps to think of it this way, signed_request is sent when the user first loads your app, but not on each subsequent request. The reason there is some confusion about this is that many coders have taken a hackish shortcut by making all their links use target=_top and pointing them at rather than Since that results in the entire page being re-constructed each time, it does indeed have the effect of sending signed_request with each page fetch. But in normal (and recommended) operation, you'll need to count on signed_request only being sent once.

Redirect a Fb app request notification to the app requests page

I'm developing a Fb app, and occasionally the app sends user-generated requests to other users. These requests show up as notifications at the top of the Fb homepage. When a user clicks on these, he or she is redirected to the app canvas page on Fb, whereas I would like the user to see the actual text/description of the request (on the App requests page).
How can I redirect a user from a notification to the App requests page, or otherwise show the user the text of the request? I know Farmville does it this way: request notifications redirect to the "Game requests" page. How is this done?
Thanks for your help,
You can display a desired page based on requests_ids argument passed to application canvas URL.
From User Response paragraph of Request Dialog documentation:
If a user clicks 'Accept' on a request, they will be sent to the
canvas URL of the application that sent the request. This URL will
contain an additional parameter, request_ids, which is a comma
delimited list of Request IDs that a user is trying to act upon:[app_name]/?request_ids=[request_ids]