YCombinator not working in Swift - swift

I am trying to create a lambda function as such to get a factorial function but this throws a segmentation fault and errors out. How do I get this working in Swift. Please look at this video for reference on what I am trying to do http://www.confreaks.com/videos/1287-rubyconf2012-y-not-adventures-in-functional-programming
typealias f = () -> ()
typealias g = (Int) -> (Int)
typealias F = Any -> g
let y = { (gen: Any) -> g in
(gen as F)(gen)
let fact = y({ (gen: Any) -> g in
{ (n: Int) -> Int in
if n == 0 {
return 1
} else {
return n * (gen as F)(gen)(n - 1)

There's a great post by xiliangchen that walks through creating a Y-combinator in Swift. (Technically, this isn't a Y-combinator, since it is explicitly recursive, but it largely does what you want.) Here's an example of that Y function (stripped of its generic specification for clarity):
typealias G = Int -> Int
func Y (f: G -> G) -> G {
return {
(i: Int) -> Int in
let factorial = Y { (f: G) -> G in
{ (n: Int) -> Int in
if n == 0 {
return 1
} else {
return n * f(n - 1)
factorial(5) // 120
For more on Y-combinators, you can look at this terrific (long) piece by Mike Vanier.
(Note: Using Any is kind of a mess -- I'd recommend steering clear of it whenever you can, especially since you don't need it in this case.)

You can implement a real (without explicit recursion) Y combinator using a recursive type, without any unsafe tricks (credits to Rosetta Code):
struct RecursiveFunc<F> {
let o : RecursiveFunc<F> -> F
func Y<A, B>(f: (A -> B) -> A -> B) -> A -> B {
let r = RecursiveFunc<A -> B> { w in f { w.o(w)($0) } }
return r.o(r)
let factorial = Y { (f: Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int in
{ $0 <= 1 ? 1 : $0 * f($0-1) }
Any doesn't really help because Any cannot represent function types.
Update: Starting in Xcode 6.1 beta 3, Any can represent function types, and your code compiles and works correctly.

This is an implementation in modern Swift that actually compiles under Swift 5.7. It has the proper modern closure syntax and declares as escaping the escaping closures.
import Foundation
struct RecursiveFunc<T> {
let o : (RecursiveFunc<T>) -> T
func Y<A, B>(f: #escaping (#escaping (A) -> B) -> (A) -> B) -> (A) -> B {
let r = RecursiveFunc<(A) -> B> { w in f { w.o(w)($0) } }
return r.o(r)
let fac = Y { (f: #escaping (Int) -> Int) in
{ $0 <= 1 ? 1 : $0 * f($0-1) }
func fact (_ n: Int) -> Int {
if n == 0 { return 1 }
else { return n * fact (n-1) }
print (fact(19))
print (fac (19))
NB: code pasted from a PlayGround


Defining a generic unfoldr function

func unfoldr<A, B>(_ f: #escaping (B) -> (A, B)?) -> (B) -> UnfoldFirstSequence<A> {
return { b in sequence(
first: b, next: { x in
switch f(x) {
case .some(let(a, b)):
return Optional(a)
return Optional.none
With this definition, I am getting the following error:
Cannot convert value of type 'B' to expected argument type 'A'.
Is there some way of solving this issue and definining this function ?
Your sequence doesn't seem to be a UnfoldFirstSequence. Your sequence seems to have a state B, and f is responsible for producing a new state and an element for the sequence. An UnfoldFirstSequence has no state that you can control. You can only produce the next element from the previous element.
Your sequence can be modelled by the more general UnfoldSequence, which has a State generic parameter. In fact, an UnfoldFirstSequence<T> is just an UnfoldSequence<T, (T?, Bool)>! See why the former is a special case of the latter by reading the source code :)
You can create such a sequence using sequence(state:next:).
func unfoldr<A, B>(_ f: #escaping (B) -> (A, B)?) -> (B) -> UnfoldSequence<A, B> {
return {
sequence(state: $0) { x in
guard let (a, b) = f(x) else {
return nil
x = b
return a
let seq = unfoldr { x -> (String, Int)? in
if x == 10 {
return nil
} else {
return ("\(x)", x + 1)
seq(0).forEach { print($0) }

How to check/predicate function type in Swift?

For example:
func f(x: Int) -> Int {
return x
func h(f: #escaping (Int) -> Any) {
if (f is (Int) -> Int) {
} else {
h(f: f)
I expect it to print out 1 but it actually prints out invalid.
There's a workaround using generics:
func intF(x: Int) -> Int {
return x
func stringF(x: Int) -> String {
return "\(x)"
func h<T>(f: (Int) -> T) {
if (T.self == Int.self) {
} else {
h(f: intF) // prints: 1
h(f: stringF) // prints: invalid
Using Any is almost always a sign of code smell, you should try to rely as much as possible of the type safety that Swift provides. You can achieve this by making h generic, thus verifiable at compile time.
// the overload that does the actual stuff
func h(f: #escaping (Int) -> Int) {
// this maps to all other types
func h<T>(f: #escaping (Int) -> T) {
h { _ in return "15" } // Invalid
h { 2 * $0 } // 2
Heck, you could even give up the generic overload, thus you'll have for free compile checks instead of runtime failures (much, much reliable and predictive)
You can rewrite h into a generic function:
func h<T>(f: #escaping (Int) -> T) {
if T.self == Int.self {
} else {
But the better way to to write type-specific overloads for h and a generic catch-all for the rest (if you need it at all).

overload operator as generic function

i saw an example on "Pro swift" book.
it overloaded the operator, the first parameter "lhs" is a function that takes T -> U.
but "generateRandomNumber" function is Int -> Int
How can it work on >>> operator?
how does it work?
import Foundation
infix operator >>> { associativity left }
func >>> <T, U, V>(lhs: T -> U, rhs: U -> V) -> T -> V {
return { rhs(lhs($0)) }
func generateRandomNumber(max: Int) -> Int {
let number = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(max)))
print("Using number: \(number)")
return number
func calculateFactors(number: Int) -> [Int] {
return (1...number).filter { number % $0 == 0 }
func reduceToString(numbers: [Int]) -> String {
return numbers.reduce("Factors: ") { $0 + String($1) + " " }
let combined = generateRandomNumber >>> calculateFactors >>>
see the documentation about generics.
let combined = generateRandomNumber >>> calculateFactors >>> reduceToString
Int -> Int
Int -> Array<Int>
Array<Int> -> String
Int -> String

How to handle closure recursivity

Here's a very simple recursive function:
func lap (n: Int) -> Int {
if n == 0 { return 0 }
return lap (n - 1)
If I want to convert it as closure:
let lap = {
(n: Int) -> Int in
if n == 0 { return 0 }
return lap (n - 1)
I got a compiler error: "Variable used within its own initial value"
you can workaround it with two step assignment
var lap : (Int) -> Int!
lap = {
(n: Int) -> Int in
if n == 0 { return 0 }
return lap(n - 1)
or you can use Y combinator
func Y<T, R>( f: (T -> R) -> (T -> R) ) -> (T -> R) {
return { t in f(Y(f))(t) }
let lap = Y {
(f : Int -> Int) -> (Int -> Int) in
return { (n : Int) -> Int in return n == 0 ? 0 : f(n - 1) }
// with type inference
let lap2 = Y {
f in { n in n == 0 ? 0 : f(n - 1) }
This is a workaround of the memory leak problem that #zneak found (It doesn't have memory leak but captured the wrong value)
func f(n: Int) {
var f = Foo()
var lap: #objc_block (Int)->Int = { $0 }
var obj: NSObject = reinterpretCast(lap)
lap = {
[weak obj] (n: Int) -> Int in // unowned will cause crush
if n == 0 { return 0 }
var lap2 : #objc_block (Int)->Int = reinterpretCast(obj)
return lap2 (n - 1)
for i in 0..<5 {
class Foo {
init() {
deinit {
EDIT This has been resolved with Swift 2 using nested functions. Apple suggests this code:
func f(n: Int) {
func lap(n: Int) -> Int {
if n == 0 { return 0 }
return lap(n - 1)
for i in 0..<1000000 { f(i) }
Although this is not obvious from the current example, so-called local functions capture the locals of the enclosing scope.
Using a location function does not leak, whereas a closure would. However, clearly, lap can't be reassigned in this case.
I received an email from Apple's Joe Groff stating that they still plan on making it possible to capture closures as weak and mutable variables at a later point. This does confirm, however, that there's no way to do it right now except with a local function.
Your current solution has a memory leak in it: lap's closure has a strong reference to itself, meaning that it cannot ever be released. This can easily be verified by launching the following program with the Leaks instrument attached:
import Foundation
func f(n: Int) {
var lap: (Int)->Int = { $0 }
lap = {
(n: Int) -> Int in
if n == 0 { return 0 }
return lap (n - 1)
for i in 0..<1000000 {
Unfortunately, as the explicit capture syntax cannot be applied to closure types (you get an error that says "'unowned' cannot be applied to non-class type '(Int) -> Int'"), there appears to be no easy way to achieve this without leaking. I filed a bug report about it.
Here's a response to my own question:
var lap: (Int)->Int = { $0 }
lap = {
(n: Int) -> Int in
if n == 0 { return 0 }
return lap (n - 1)
What about this:
let lap = {(Void) -> ((Int) -> Int) in
func f(n: Int) -> Int {
return n == 0 ? 0 : f(n - 1)
return f
It's quite simple, I've just defined a recursive local function inside a closure which returns the function.
However, I have to say that the answer from #Bryan Chen about the Y combinator is awesome.
I had the same problem and was not statisfied with anything that was out there, so I created a library and made it available on GitHub.
Using this library (with Swift 3.0) your code would look like this:
let lap = Recursion<Int, Int> { (n, f) in
n == 0 ? 0 : f(n-1)

Curry Function in Swift

I want to make a function that return a curry function like below
func addTwoNumbers(a: Int)(b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b
addTwoNumbers(4)(b: 6) // Result: 10
var add4 = addTwoNumbers(4)
add4(b: 10) // returns 14
What is the return type of such function and how can I generate a function like this using a function that take Variadic parameters.
func generateCurry(.../*Variadic parameters*/) -> .../*curry function type*/ {
return ...//curry function
I want a generic solution and not take only Int as arguments in the parmeter of the generateCurry function
let curried = curry(func(a, b, c) {
print(a + b + c)
curried(1)(2)(3) //prints 6
You can achieve this pretty easily with closures:
/// Takes a binary function and returns a curried version
func curry<A,B,C>(f: (A, B) -> C) -> A -> B -> C {
return { a in { b in f(a, b) } }
curry(+)(5)(6) // => 11
let add: Int -> Int -> Int = curry(+)
add(5)(6) // => 11
It would be really nice to be able to do the same thing for functions that take 3, 4 or more arguments, but without duplicating the implementation. The signature of such a function might start something like:
/// Take a function accepting N arguments and return a curried version
func curry<T>(args: T...) -> /* ? */
What would the return type be? It would change based on the input to the function. This definitely isn't possible in Swift at the moment, and I don't think it would be possible at all without some kind of macro system. But even with macros I don't think the compiler would be satisfied unless it knew the length of the list at compile-time.
Having said that, it's really straight-forward to manually overload the currying function with a version that accepts 3, 4, 5 or more parameters:
func curry<A,B,C,D>(f: (A, B, C) -> D) -> A -> B -> C -> D {
return { a in { b in { c in f(a,b,c) } } }
func curry<A,B,C,D,E>(f: (A, B, C, D) -> E) -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E {
return { a in { b in { c in { d in f(a,b,c,d) } } } }
// etc.
I'm not sure this is actually going to be possible in the same way it is inside of languages like Python.
The core problem I see to having a single generic solution is the strong typing of the closures/funcs you want to accept.
You could fairly easily create a curry function that worked on a specific or common function signature, but as far as a general purpose curry I don't see a way for it to work. The issue is more than about the types of the arguments (as mentioned in comments) but also with the number of them.
I've written up a simple example of how you could implement a curry function. It works, but I don't see a sane way to have a truly generic one like you can in more loosely typed languages.
func add(a1: Int, a2: Int) -> Int {
return a1 + a2
func curry(argument: Int, block: (Int, Int) -> Int) -> Int -> Int{
func curried(arg: Int) -> Int {
return block(argument, arg)
return curried
curry(5, add)(6)
In case you want to quickly get the curry function for any number of parameters, it's possible to generate it as shown in this gist.
The code is in Swift 2.2 and generates code for Swift 2.2 (at the moment). It uses simple template-based approach (a possible alternative is constructing an AST followed by code-generation):
func genCurry(n: Int, indent: Indent = .fourSpaces, accessLevel: AccessLevel = .Default, verbose: Bool = false) -> String {
// ...
// The bulky park is skipped for clarity.
return accessLevel.asPrefix + "func curry<\(genericParams)>(f: \(fSig)) -> \(curriedSig(n)) {\n"
+ indent.single + "return \(closure)\n"
+ "}\n"
I recently found that currying was removed back in Swift3. I created my own version which is repetitive but does the job.
precedencegroup CurryPrecedence {
associativity: left
higherThan: MultiplicationPrecedence
infix operator <<== :CurryPrecedence
//1 param
func <<==<A,Z>(_ f: #escaping (A) -> (Z), _ p:A) -> () -> (Z) {
{ f(p) }
//2 param
func <<==<A,B,Z>(_ f: #escaping (A, B) -> (Z), _ p:B) -> (A) -> (Z) {
{ (A) in f(A,p) }
//3 param
func <<==<A,B,C,Z>(_ f: #escaping (A, B, C) -> (Z), _ p:C) -> (A, B) -> (Z) {
{ (A, B) in f(A,B,p) }
//4 param
func <<==<A,B,C,D,Z>(_ f: #escaping (A, B, C, D) -> (Z), _ p:D) -> (A, B, C) -> (Z) {
{ (A, B, C) in f(A,B,C,p) }
To use it:
let ten = (addTwoNumbers <<== 6 <<== 4)()
let ten = (addTwoNumbers <<== 6)(4)