Gnuplot reading not locale encoding file - encoding

I want to plot data of an ISO_8859_1 encoded file (two columns of numbers). Those are the first 10 data points of the file:
1 0.8000
2 0.8000
3 0.8000
4 0.8000
5 0.8000
6 0.8000
7 0.8000
8 0.8000
9 0.8000
10 0.8000
The original file has 15000 data points. I create this data with MATLAB, specifically setting ISO_8859_1 encoding, so I am sure that that's the encoding. This is a snippet of the matlab code:
slCharacterEncoding('ISO-8859-1'); %Instruction before writing anything to the file.
fprintf(fileID,' %7d %7.4f',Tempo(i),y(i)); %For loop in this instruction
fprintf(fileID,'\r'); %Closing the file
This is the script that I run. This file is encoded with the default Windows txt files encoding:
set encoding iso_8859_1
set terminal wxt size 1000,551
# Line width of the axes
set border linewidth 1.5
# Line styles
set style line 1 lc rgb '#dd181f' lt 1 lw 1 pt 0 # red
# Axes label
set xlabel 'tiempo'
set ylabel 'valor'
plot 'Pe2.txt' with lines ls 1
This is the output of the gnuplot console when I run the script. After that I input "show encoding":
Version 4.6 patchlevel 5 last modified February 2014
Build System: MS-Windows 32 bit
Copyright (C) 1986-1993, 1998, 2004, 2007-2014
Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
gnuplot home:
faq, bugs, etc: type "help FAQ"
immediate help: type "help" (plot window: hit 'h')
Terminal type set to 'wxt'
gnuplot> cd 'C:\Example'
gnuplot> load 'script.txt'
"script.txt", line 10: warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
gnuplot> plot 'Pe2.txt' with lines ls 1
"script.txt", line 10: x range is invalid
gnuplot> show encoding
nominal character encoding is iso_8859_1
however LC_CTYPE in current locale is Spanish_Spain.1252
If I open the file, make some change undo the change and save the file, gnuplot plots the file. I guess that it's because it saves it with local encoding which is the one gnuplot uses to read files.
How do I plot files with gnuplot which are not with the local encoding format?
I also have what it seems to be a similar problem when I output a file with VS2010Css. If I don't specifically set the culture with:
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
I am not able to save a file wich gnuplot is able to plot. I believe that this last problem is because of the "," and the "."
In Css I save the files with this:
StreamWriter Writer = new StreamWriter(dir + #"\" + + (k+1) + "_" + nombre + extension);
Writer.WriteLine("#" + (k+1) + "_" + nombre);
Writer.WriteLine("{0,32} {1,32}", "#tiempo", "#valor");
for (int i = 0; i < tiempo.GetLength(0); i++)
Writer.WriteLine("{0,32} {1,32}", tiempo[i].ToString(), valor[i, k]);
Thank you.

Your file has only carriage returns (\r 0xd) as line breaks which doesn't work with gnuplot. You must use only line feed (\n 0xa), but \r\n does also work.


Get matrix from one text file

i need get matrix from attached text.
this file:
WrittenBy STK_v11.2.0
BEGIN Attitude
NumberOfAttitudePoints 1441
BlockingFactor 20
InterpolationOrder 1
CentralBody Earth
ScenarioEpoch 1 Sep 2019 07:30:00.000000
Epoch in JDate format: 2458727.81250000000000
Epoch in YYDDD format: 19244.31250000000000
Time of first point: 1 Sep 2019 07:30:00.000000000 UTCG = 2458727.81250000000000 JDate = 19244.31250000000000 YYDDD
CoordinateAxes Fixed
0.00000000000000e+00 -6.31921733422396e-01 -3.17293118154861e-01 -3.46458799928973e-01 6.16414065342263e-01
6.00000000000000e+01 -6.43812442721383e-01 -3.36172942616126e-01 -3.26612615262581e-01 6.04828480481266e-01
1.20000000000000e+02 -6.55079207620880e-01 -3.54631351046725e-01 -3.06354155948717e-01 5.92667670562959e-01
1.80000000000000e+02 -6.65707851270427e-01 -3.72650894083426e-01 -2.85703135087044e-01 5.79946623834615e-01
i need seprate this 4 row of matrix and asset it to one matrix variable...
in fact i have bigger matrix than that (that near 1400 rows) i must extract from text file and store it in one variable of matrix...
Use readmatrix and specify the number of lines to skip to get to the matrix data. If the number is fixed at 25 as in your example, then:
>> a = readmatrix('textfile.txt','NumHeaderLines',25)
a =
0 -0.6319 -0.3173 -0.3465 0.6164
60.0000 -0.6438 -0.3362 -0.3266 0.6048
120.0000 -0.6551 -0.3546 -0.3064 0.5927
180.0000 -0.6657 -0.3727 -0.2857 0.5799

Ghostscript -- convert PS to PNG, rotate, and scale

I have an application that creates very nice data plots rendered in PostScript with letter size and landscape mode. An example of the input file is at [ Note: this image renders properly in a viewer, but the PNG conversion comes out with the image sideways. ] I need to convert these PostScript files into PNG images that are scaled down and rotated 90 degrees for web presentation.
I want to do this with ghostscript and no other external tool, because the conversion program will be used on both Windows and Linux systems and gs seems to be a common denominator. (I'm creating a perl script with a "PS2png" function that will call gs, but I don't think that's relevant to the question.)
I've searched the web and spent a couple of days trying to modify examples I've found, but nothing I have tried does the combination of (a) rotate, (b) resize, (c) maintain the aspect ratio and (d) avoid clipping.
I did find an example that injects a "scale" command into the postscript stream, and that seems to work well to scale the image to the desired size while maintaining the aspect ratio. But I can't find a way to rotate the resized image so that the, e.g., 601 x 792 point (2504 x 3300 pixel) postscript input becomes an 800 x 608 pixel png output.
I'm looking for the ghostscript/postscript fu that I can pass to the gs command line to accomplish this.
I've tried gs command lines with various combinations of -dFIXEDMEDIA, -dFitPage, -dAutoRotatePages=/None, or /All, -c "<> setpagedevice", changing -dDISPLAYWIDTHPOINTS and -dDISPLAYHEIGHTPOINTS, -g[width]x[height], -dUseCropBox with rotated coordinates, and other things I've forgotten. None of those worked, though it wouldn't surprise me if there's a magic combination of some of them that will. I just haven't been able to find it.
Here is the core code that produces the scaled but not rotated output:
## "$molps" is the input ps file read to a variable
## insert the PS "scale" command
$molps = $sf . " " . $sf . " scale\n" . $molps;
$gsopt1 = " -r300 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=$device_width_points";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=$device_height_points";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -sOutputFile=" . $outfile;
$gscmd = "gs -q -sDEVICE=pnggray -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH " . $gsopt1 . " - ";
system("echo \"$molps\" \| $gscmd");
$device_width_points and $device_height_points are calculated by taking the original image size and applying the scaling factor $sf.
I'll be grateful to anyone who can show me the way to accomplish this. Thanks!
Better Answer:
You almost had it with your initial research. Just set orientation in the gs call:
... | gs ... -dAutoRotatePages=/None -c '<</Orientation 3>> setpagedevice' ...
cf. discussion of setpagedevice in the Red Book, and ghostscript docs (just before section 6.2)
Original Answer:
As well as "scale", you need "rotate" and "translate", not necessarily in that order.
Presumably these are single-page PostScript files?
If you know the bounding box of the Postscript, and the dimensions of the png, it is not too arduous to calculate the necessary transformation. It'll be about one line of code. You just need to ensure you inject it in the correct place.
Chapter 6 of the Blue Book has lots of details
A paper provides some illustrated examples (skip to page 4)
Simple PostScript file to play around with. You'll just need the three translate,scale,rotate commands in some order. The rest is for demonstrating what's going on.
% function to define a 400x400 box outline, origin at 0,0 (bottom left)
/box { 0 0 moveto 0 400 lineto 400 400 lineto 400 0 lineto closepath } def
box clip % pretend the box is our bounding box
clippath stroke % draw initial black bounding box
(Helvetica) findfont 50 scalefont setfont % setup a font
% draw box, and show some text # 100,100
box stroke
100 100 moveto (original) show
% try out some transforms
1 0 0 setrgbcolor % red
.5 .5 scale
box stroke
100 100 moveto (+scaled) show
0 1 0 setrgbcolor % green
300 100 translate
box stroke
100 100 moveto (+translated) show
0 0 1 setrgbcolor % blue
45 rotate
box stroke
100 100 moveto (+rotated) show
It may be possible to insert the calculated transformation into the gs commandline like this:
... | gs ... -c '1 2 scale 3 4 translate 5 6 rotate' -# ...
Thanks to JHNC, I think I have it licked now, and for the benefit of posterity, here's what worked. (Please upvote JHNC, not this answer.)
## code to determine original size, scaling factor, rotation goes above
my $device_width_points;
my $device_height_points;
my $orientation;
if ($rotation) {
$orientation = 3;
$device_width_points = $ytotal_png_pt;
$device_height_points = $xtotal_png_pt;
} else {
$orientation = 0;
$device_width_points = $xtotal_png_pt;
$device_height_points = $ytotal_png_pt;
my $orientation_string =
" -dAutoRotatePages=/None -c '<</Orientation " .
$orientation . ">> setpagedevice'";
## $ps = .ps file read into variable
## insert the PS "scale" command
$ps = $sf . " " . $sf . " scale\n" . $ps;
$gsopt1 = " -r300 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=$device_width_points";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=$device_height_points";
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . " -sOutputFile=" . $outfile;
$gsopt1 = $gsopt1 . $orientation_string;
$gscmd = "gs -q -sDEVICE=pnggray -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH " . $gsopt1 . " - ";
system("echo \"$ps\" \| $gscmd");
One of the problems I had was that some options apparently don't play well together -- for example, I tried using the -g option to set the output size in pixels, but in that case the rotation didn't work. Using the DEVICE...POINTS commands instead did work.

how to read from file and display the data in desired rows in Matlab

I am trying to read from a file and display the data in rows 6, 11, 111 and 127 in Matlab. I could not figure out how to do it. I have been searching Matlab forums and this platform for an answer. I used fscanf, textscan and other functions but they did not work as intended. I also used a for loop but again the output was not what I wanted. I can now only read one row and display it. Simply I want to display all of them(data in rows given above) at the same time. How can I do that?
matlab code
n = [0 :1: 127];
%% Problem 1
x1 = cos(0.17*pi*n)
%it creates file and writes content of x1 to the file
fileID = fopen('file.txt','w');
fprintf(fileID,'%d \n',x1);
%line number can be changed in order to obtain wanted values.
fileID = fopen('file.txt');
line = 6;
C = textscan(fileID,'%s',1,'delimiter','\n', 'headerlines',line-1);
and this is the file
Assuming the file is not exceedingly large, the simplest way would probably be read the entire file & index the output to your desired lines.
line = [6 11 111 127];
fileID = fopen('file.txt');
C = textscan(fileID,'%s','delimiter','\n');

How to extract data set from a text file?

Am quite new in the Unix field and I am currently trying to extract data set from a text file. I tried with sed, grep, awk but it seems to only work with extracting lines, but I want to extract an entire dataset... Here is an example of file from which I'd like to extract the 2 data sets (figures after the lines "R.Time Intensity")
Application Name LabSolutions
Version 5.87
Data File Name C:\LabSolutions\Data\Antoine\170921_AC_FluoSpectra\069_WT3a derivatized lignin LiCl 430_GPC_FOREVER_430_049.lcd
Output Date 2017-10-12
Output Time 12:07:32
Instrument Name BOTAN127-Instrument1
Instrument # 1
Line # 1
# of Detectors 3
Detector ID Detector A Detector B PDA
Detector Name Detector A Detector B PDA
# of Channels 1 1 2
[LC Chromatogram(Detector A-Ch1)]
Interval(msec) 500
# of Points 9603
Start Time(min) 0,000
End Time(min) 80,017
Intensity Units mV
Intensity Multiplier 0,001
Ex. Wavelength(nm) 405
Em. Wavelength(nm) 430
R.Time (min) Intensity
0,00000 -709779
0,00833 -709779
0,01667 17
0,02500 3
0,03333 7
0,04167 19
0,05000 9
0,05833 5
0,06667 2
0,07500 24
0,08333 48
[LC Chromatogram(Detector B-Ch1)]
Interval(msec) 500
# of Points 9603
Start Time(min) 0,000
End Time(min) 80,017
Intensity Units mV
Intensity Multiplier 0,001
R.Time (min) Intensity
0,00000 149
0,00833 149
0,01667 -1
I would greatly appreciate any idea. Thanks in advance.
awk '/^[^0-9]/&&d{d=0} /R.Time/{d=1}d' file
Brief explanation,
Set d as a flag to determine print line or not
/^[^0-9]/&&d{d=0}: if regex ^[^0-9] matched && d==1, disabled d
/R.Time/{d=1}: if string "R.Time" searched, enabled d
awk '/R.Time/,/LC/' file|grep -v -E "R.Time|LC"
grep part will remove the R.Time and LC lines that come as a part of the output from awk
I think it's a job for sed.
sed '/R.Time/!d;:A;N;/\n$/!bA' infile

Shell variable name queried from Matlab has additional character

I'm working with the following script, run_test:
cat <<EOF | matlab
[status name] = unix('echo $temp');
% some Matlab code
test_complete = 1;
I want to pass a name to the script, run some code then save a .mat file with the name that was passed. However, there is a curious piece of behavior:
[energon2] ~ $ ./run_test 'run1'
Warning: No display specified. You will not be able to display graphics on the screen.
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
Version (R2011a) 64-bit (glnxa64)
March 18, 2011
To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit
>> >> >> >> run1
>> >> >> >> >>
[energon2] ~ $ ls *.mat
There is a "?" at the end of the file name when it's saved, but not when displayed on command line. This is acceptable for my needs, but a bit irritating to not know why it's occurring. Any explanation would be appreciated.
Edits, solution:
Yuk was correct below in the underlying cause and the use of save('$temp'). I'm now using the following script
cat <<EOF | matlab
% some Matlab code
test_complete = 1;
Thanks for the help.
You name variable has end-of-line as the last character. When you run echo run1 in unix this command display run1 and then "hit enter". In your script all the output of echo are saved to the name variable.
You can confirm it with the following:
>> format compact
>> [status, name] = unix('echo run1')
status =
name =
>> numel(name)
ans =
>> int8(name(end))
ans =
>> int8(sprintf('\n'))
ans =
Apparently this character can be a part of a file name in unix, but shell displays it as ?.
Can't you do save($temp) instead?
EDIT: See my comments below for correction and more explanation.